Lifting the Veil

Lifting the Veil

"Forgiveness lets the veil be lifted up that hides the Face of Christ from those who look with unfor

Be My Valentine 14/02/2024

God is the Mind with which I think

Such a key lesson in the Course in Miracles and also today is Valentine´s day and It remind me of one of my favorite Master Teacher Talks “Be my Valentine”

I share with you Clare Lamanna episode and “Be my Valentine” talk by Master Teacher

Be My Valentine The Return of the Heretic Series


Such a beautiful prayer circle last night, with everyone who joined bringing a prayer. Here is one which touched me deeply and I wanted to share:

Although I'm often uncertain of the way and see only clouds blocking the light in my mind, I trust completely that You are by my side shining so brightly that I cannot fail to see that clouds of fear and uncertainty are no more than illusions and without substance, powerless when I choose You as my Guide.
I am the Light of the World and Salvation is my only function here.
Amen. 🙏🏻🤍

Thank you Gary MacGregor 🙏✨

Timeline photos 24/04/2022

“It is like everyone is praying with their violins”

What is the resurrection? 09/03/2022

A 4-day Easter Weekend Event & Celebration

What is the resurrection? A 4-day Easter Weekend Event & Celebration We are gathering for the joyful re-discovery of the singularity of resurrected mind and to explore the

The Bare Necessities 🐻✔️ Lofi Hip Hop Remix 23/03/2021

What walking the way to innocence feels like?! Or you can always dance if you like! Thanks to everyone who joined tonight! Nothing beats the sheer joy of the TRUTH! 💙✨🥳

The Bare Necessities 🐻✔️ Lofi Hip Hop Remix Akira The Don - The Bare Necessities (Lofi Hip Hop Remix)🔽DOWNLOAD:🙏 PATREO...


Thought of the Day
from A Spiritual Teachers Notebook

Strange as it may seem, it is necessary that I make my message complicated in some regards, or the fractured imagery you call self - in your dream - could not hear me at all. Since you are devious by your own conception we must lead you to the light of truth by your own devious route.

Because of the manner in which you think, you are inevitably perplexed by simplicity. The simpler it becomes the more perplexing. You end up trying to express the simple truth in very complicated fashions.

Total truth is incomprehensible to you by the very nature of its simplicity. Nothing is more difficult for your self-constructed identity than the idea of a complete wholeness or singularity that includes your thoughts about it. Truth is True and nothing else is True. When you awaken from this dream you’ll laugh out loud at the idea of separate or relative truths.

Come then and reason with me. I awaken you now as you instructed me to do, long ago, when time began and ended.

A Spiritual Teachers Notebook - Page 15
The Master Teacher of A Course In Miracles


What a beautiful experience it was teaching with Allan Oneson this evening and being joined in truth with everyone.... thank you so much, I feel so grateful to every single one of you who showed up. And thanks Adriana Pastor Granell for doing the music and technical stuff!
Here’s a recording of the song I sang, recorded earlier today.... Amazing Grace/Broken Vessels 🎶🙏💙

Love knows no bodies.... I have invented the world I see.... do not believe the body’s eyes! ✨


