EU Settlement Scheme North West London

EU Settlement Scheme North West London

WLEC's EU Settlement Service is a project funded by Home Office to help vulnerable EU citizens and t


Asesoramiento gratuito 07538 504426

Free legal advice 08000564745


Free support 08000564745
Asesoramiento gratuito 07538 504426


EU Settlement Scheme North West London

If you still did not apply contact the West London Equality Centre for free advice and help
08000564745 Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 16.00

Si aun no has aplicado al EU Settlement Scheme comunicate con Wets London Equality Centre por ayuda gratuita
08000564745 de Lunes a Viernes de 10.00 a 16.00


Nuevo webinar para latinos y ciudadanos de habla hispana sobre EU Settlement Scheme y reagrupación familiar despues del Brexit.
Si tenes dudas sobre como aplicar o necesitas ayuda envia un email a los siguientes emails o por whatsapp para obtener el link y participar via zoom:
[email protected]
[email protected]


Dear all
West London Equality Centre want to wish everybody Mary Christmas and Happy New Year!
We will be in annual leave until the 4th of January 2022.
We will continuo helping vulnerable clients to register to the EU Settlement Scheme and continue working hard to guarantee rights for all, specially for the socially disadvantaged.
Call us on 8000564745 / 02082312550

Queridos amigos
West London Equality Centre quiere desearles a todos una Feliz Navidad y Prospero ano nuevo.
Vamos a continuar ayudando a nuestros vulnerables a registrarse bajo el EU Settlement Scheme y vamos a continuar trabajando duro para garantizar los derechos de todos y mas aun de los mas necesitados.
Por ayuda llamar al 08000564745
Regresamos a las actividades habituales el dia 4 de Enero de 2022

View and prove your immigration status 15/11/2021

View and prove your immigration status Get proof of your immigration status if you have been told you can view your immigration status online, for example if you have settled or pre-settled status.

Photos from EU Settlement Scheme North West London's post 15/11/2021

El ultimo dia para aplicar al EU Settlement Scheme expiro el 30 de Junio de 2021.

Ayuda para aplicaciones tardias.

Todavia se puede hace una Late Application - Aplicacion tardia bajo el EUSS.

Ayuda / Help 08000564745 monday to friday / lunes a viernes de 10 a 16 Spanish/English/Polish/Italian

[email protected]


Anotate y sacate las dudas

EU Settlement Scheme: information for late applicants 09/09/2021

Dear all / Estimados

West London Equality Centre and Ealing Law Centre still helping EU citizens and their Family Members to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme

West London Equality Centre y Ealing Law Centre continuan ayudando a ciudadanos europeos y sus familiares cercanos a aplicar al EU Settlement Scheme

Please contact us if you have any questions or you need help applying / Por favor contactar a los numeros abajo si tienen dudas o necesitan ayuda para aplicar

The scheme for late applications is now open / Hay un registro abierto para aplicaciones tardias

Call / Llamar al 0800 056 4745 / 0208 231 2550 / 07538 504426 (whatsapp)
Email [email protected]

EU Settlement Scheme: information for late applicants We’d like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services.

Photos from EU Settlement Scheme North West London's post 30/06/2021

Today is the deadline to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme.

West London Equality Centre together with the local organizations supporting the vulnerable have been working and making an extraordinary effort since March 2019 to understand, to adapt on a daily basis to the changing rules, following the Home Office guidance to give the right advice and support, find and register as many EU citizens and their families as we could in order to prevent the loss of rights and a second Windrush scandal. There are still thousands more EU citizens to register out there, we were thinking that the end of the process was going to be on 30 of June 2021 but today it is just starting.
We will continue supporting the vulnerable to be registered. Late applications are now allowed by the Home Office, a new chance.
Thank you to all West London Equality Centre, Ealing Law Centre and ECVS!!
Thank you Ricky Singh for giving us the opportunity to get inside the EUSS Project, you will live in our memory as a Human Rights fighter!

Apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (settled and pre-settled status) 06/06/2021

Deadline 30/06/2021 to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme

All EU, EEA and Swiss citizens and their close family members must apply to the EU Settlement Scheme by the deadline to keep their rights to stay in the UK.
If you need help or advice to apply please call the free number 0800 056 4745
Whatsapp 0044 7538 504426
Phone number 0044 208 231 2550
[email protected]

Todos los Europeos, EEA y Suizos y sus familiares cercanos deben aplicar al EUSS antes del 30 de Junio de 2021 para poder seguir residiendo legalmente en UK.
Los numeros e email mas arriba para ayuda a aplicar.

Para ayuda o aseromiento para aplicar llamar a los numeros mas arriba.


Apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (settled and pre-settled status) The EU Settlement Scheme for EU citizens and their families to remain in the UK after it leaves the EU ('Brexit'): who's eligible, how to apply, how much it costs.

Biometric residence permits (BRPs) 20/05/2021

Biometric residence permits (BRPs) Biometric residence permits (BRP) - what they are, personal data, how to report problems.

UK residence cards 20/05/2021

Informacion sobre reemplazo de Biometric Residence Cards (BRC)

Para aquellos familiares de Europeos que
poseen una BRC obtenida bajo aplicaciones EEA antes de Marzo de 2019 (fecha en la cual comenzo a correr la nueva legislacion post Brexit, EU Settlement Scheme) y todavia esta vigente, "no es necesario reeemplazarla" hasta su vencimiento. Esa BRC esta ligada a sus aplicaciones de EU Settlement Scheme.

Por favor encuentren mas abajo la informacion oficial en el link o el parrafo que menciona la actualizacion relacionada a este tema.

Por cualquier duda llamar al 08000564745 (Polish/English/Spanish) o whatsapp 0044 7538 504426 desde el exterior y ayuda en espanol.

If you already have a residence card and have EU settled status
If you have EU settled or pre-settled status you can continue to use your residence card until it expires. You do not need to apply for a new one.

If you need to replace your card when it expires, you can apply for a replacement.

UK residence cards If you have a UK residence card, find out what you can do with it and how long it lasts for.


Quedan menos de 100 dias para registrarse al EU Settlement Scheme.

Todos los Europeos que ingresaron a UK antes del 31 de Diciembre de 2020 y sus familiares deben registrarse antes del 30/06/2021.

Si tienes pre settled y hace o va a hacer 6 meses que no estas en UK deberia retornar antes de los 6 meses o consultar en la pagina oficial del gobierno en contact UK visas and immigration si podes renovar tu pre settled.

Llama a visas and immigration al 004403007906268 o al EU Settlement Scheme Resolution Centre 00442030800010 desde el exterior para informarte sobre la renovacion del pre settled en caso de no poder volver antes de que se cumplan los seis meses.

Si estas mas de 6 meses fuera de UK en el periodo de un ano durante tu Pre settled y no tenes evidencia para justificar porque estuviste mas de 6 meses fuera perderas la oportunidad de aplicar al Settled Status, ILR, en 5 anos.

Si tu tarjeta biometrica (familiares de Europeos) no llega, comunicate con el resolution centre 03001237379 y verifica si esta actualizado tu domicilio en tu aplicacion.

Si necesitas ayuda para aplicar o tenes alguna duda llama gratis al 08000564745 (ingles, polaco, espanol) o 07538504426 (ayuda en espanol) o desde afuera del pais al 00447538504426 (podes usas whatsapp con este numero).

Conultas via email a [email protected] o [email protected].

Every EU/EEA/Swiss citizen living in the UK needs to register with the free EU Settlement scheme, and their family members too. Even if you have a permanent residence card. Call us for free help and advice.


Si eres Europeo o familiar de Europeo y aun no aplicaste al EU Settlement Scheme debes hacerlo cuanto antes.
Si necesitas ayuda o asesoramiento sin cargo y confidencial no dudes en contactarnos.
Whatsapp en Español 00447538504426
Ingles, Polish, Esopañol 08000564745

If you are a European or a Family member of a European and you did not apply to the EU Settlement Scheme yet, you must apply as soon as possible.
If you need advice or confidentially help please contact us on Whatsapp 07538504426
Free line 08000564745

Biometric residence permits (BRPs) 29/03/2021

Para aquellos familiares de europeos a quienes no les ha llegado la tarjeta biometrica ingresen a este link y reporten que no la han recibido, si se han mudado a otro domicilio deben repoprtarlo tambien.
If did not received your biometric card go to the link below and report that you did not receive it yet. Find the way to provide information regarding your actual address if you have moved home.

Biometric residence permits (BRPs) Biometric residence permits (BRP) - what they are, personal data, how to report problems.


Nuevo Webinar sobre EU Settlement Scheme y Universal Credit con la colaboracion de West London Equality Centre y La Casa Latinoamericana.
Envia un email para obtener el link y participar!!
Jueves 18 de Marzo de 2021 a las 12.00 UK.

Photos from EU Settlement Scheme North West London's post 27/02/2021

EU Settlement Scheme Service

The deadline to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme is 30/06/2021
Please contact us for free legal advice
Free number 0800 056 4745

La fecha limite para aplicar al EU Settlement Scheme es el 30/06/2021
Por favor contactenos por asesoramiento gratuito
Ayuda en español Whatsapp 07538504426

Photos from EU Settlement Scheme North West London's post 10/02/2021

El período de gracia para el registro de Europeos y Familiares en el EU Settlement Scheme finaliza el 30/06/2021.
The deadline to register under the EU Settlement Scheme for Euporeans and their families ends on 30/06/2021.
Important information / Información importante
The Home Office Visas & Immigration
From the UK / Desde UK 0300 123 2241
EU Settlement Scheme Resolution Centre
From the UK / Desde UK 0300 123 7379
From abroad / Desde el exterior 0044 2030 800 010
Para Ayuda en español contactar a Casa Latina
[email protected] / [email protected]
Whatsapp 07403039780
Para el area de West London contactar a West London Equality Centre 08000564745 whatsapp 00447538504426 (español)
Ver flyer para ayuda digital
See flyer for digital assistance


Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday 10:00 - 16:00
Friday 10:00 - 16:00