

Holistic pregnancy and postnatal care for expectant mothers with previous perinatal trauma


๐ŸŒžWhat a lovely morning! ๐ŸŒž

I received flowers from my sons ๐Ÿ’ and a self-made miracle from Agรณcs Ruben with Eileithyia, the Greek goddess of childbirth and protection of the newborn on it.

Being born, giving birth or supporting women at birth - they are all just stages of a woman's life cycle.

Just live the stage where you are right now to the fullest: it's great to be a woman! ๐Ÿ‘ญ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’


perineal pain
back and shoulder pain
lack of sleep
emotional roller coaster

SO EXCITED!! It is coming soon!... so that you keep up your exercise in those early days and weeks after giving birth, and your recovery is gentle, safe and steady.

For details, send a message to: hello @


What an amazing kick off to start 2024!
Thank you I and T for having me today at the home birth of your beautiful baby boy.

"I believe that every single person in the world is important. Every single person is a small piece of peace on Earth. (...) if we take care of the smallest citizens of our world, the newborn babies, if we provide a gentle and undisturbed birth experience, safe, unharmed, full of trust we ensure their arrival on this earth, then they can immediately live their optimal potential. Then they will feel one with their mother and one with Mother Earth. These are the children who will grow up to be the stewards of our air, earth, fire, water and spirit. They will be the protectors, the wonderful environmental healers of the Earth."
Robin Lim

Well, I wish such a peaceful new year to all of us :)


*** 5 tips on how to enjoy Christmas during pregnancy ***

1. Eat less, but more often
Many delicacies around Christmas are very tempting, but our stomachs are not bigger at this time either :). Frequent meals with small portions put less strain on your body, especially if the menu is very different from what you usually eat.

2. Spend time outdoors
Spending time outdoors cannot be overemphasized. The bare winter trees, the mixture of gray and brown colours, (if there is no snow) the mud has a special charm. Play with your senses: how does your skin perceive the touch of cold air, which smells surround you, how do you see the winter landscape and what sounds do you hear around yourself? While walking, be aware of the complexity of the experience, which helps you tune in and trust your senses during pregnancy and childbirth.

3. Rest
Maybe you feel that you are slower and more tired. Take the signs seriously and take time to rest. Maybe you can sleep longer in the morning or lie down for half an hour in the afternoon, or at least a few quiet evenings at home with your feet up, without work, these all can help you regain your much needed energy.

4. Surround yourself with positive minded people
You might have experienced that since your pregnancy is visible, EVERYONE wants to talk to you about pregnancy and childbirth. If you're bored with all this, you can cut the topic short with a few funny panel sentences before diverting the topic in another direction. At the same time, you can learn stories about others that they may not have shared with you before. Surrounding yourself with experienced but positive-minded mothers can give you mental strength, because their example can bring ease and comfort: you are not alone, so rely on the, sometimes invisible, circle of women!

5. Think about next Christmas
Just think ... this time next year, you'll be preparing to celebrate your baby's first Christmas!
Awww ...



Join us for a lovely flow:


*** Pregnancy after a preterm birth ***
World Prematurity Day - 17th of November

A pregnancy after premature birth will never be as easy as the first one. As if the trust and innocence of being a new mum has been broken and the reality of what could go wrong came rushing through the crack.

How can you have an anxiety-free pregnancy after a preterm birth?


- Healthy eating habits
- Sport adapted to pregnancy
- Going to your midwife appointment
- Plan your support team


- Having a baby shower
- Decorating your babyโ€™s room
- Taking maternity photos
Everything what you might have missed last time


Grief and anxiety are very person-specific just as the experience of previous NICU stay. A new pregnancy can trigger all those feelings of uncertainty

Would you like to experience your recent pregnancy without fear and anxiety but at the same time staying well informed about your options and how to possibly prevent NICU stay with your recent baby?

Our mentoring program is created for mothers who are expecting after a preterm birth and want to enjoy a calm pregnancy and birth.

Contact me if you are interested in it:

MamaLuna | Holistic Pregnancy and Postnatal Care, Greater London 13/11/2023

8 benefits of pregnancy yoga:

- Reduce stress and anxiety.
- Increase the strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth.
- Decrease lower back pain, nausea, headaches and shortness of breath.
- Stabilize your moods.
- Lower your blood pressure
- Cut your risk of preterm labor and other complications.
- Manage your weight
- Improve your delivery experience.

Join us on Tuesdays for a recharging PREGNANCY YOGA CLASS:

MamaLuna | Holistic Pregnancy and Postnatal Care, Greater London MamaLuna is supporting women through this special rite of passage into motherhood as a birth and postnatal doula, hypnobirthing instructor, pre- and postnatal yoga teacher, breastfeeding supporter and perinatal trauma specialist from Fulham, West London.


Thank you for the lovely feedback, Chelsea โค๏ธ

Join us tonight:


MamaLuna has turned 5 today!

I remember the moment when, on my youngest son's first birthday, I pressed the button with trembling hands and my website got published for the very first time!

Wow, so much has happened since then!

You can be sure of one thing: I have been present with all my heart and soul ever since and everything I teach has flowed through me before as a lived experience.

I am grateful for every baby, mum and dad who shared this special chapter of life with me.



Yippee! I have a brand new email address.
You can contact me directly at: [email protected]


I am in the local news!

A proud Fulhalmita โค๏ธ


Join us tomorrow for a recharging PREGNANCY YOGA class:


5 tips about how to enjoy your summer pregnancy

5. Relax and walk!

It can be really hot in the summer, but it is very important that you do not forget about your daily walk. Choose the morning or late afternoon hours for your stroll, go to shadowy places and bring a bottle of water with you, so you are always well hydrated.

You can prevent swollen ankles and varicose veins when you are wearing comfortable sandals, put your legs frequently up or against the wall and make daily ankle rotations.

Summer is also about slowing down, stepping out of your daily routine which is a perfect preparation for your mummy life ๐Ÿ™‚. Take your time, enjoy the slowness, speak to your baby, day dream, sing and listen to positive birth affirmations and relaxations.

Share your tips in comment ๐Ÿ™‚


5 tips to enjoy your pregnancy

4. Cooling with drink, food and yoga breathing

You can not tell enough how important it is to drink plenty of water even during pregnancy. Your body needs daily appr. 2,5-3 liter fluid! Drinking coconut water, mint tea (cold or hot) or a cool mocktail is refreshing and nourishing for your body.

Enjoy all seasonal fruits and vegetables- they not only hydrate your body but are the best source of vitamins.

Eat cooling food like yoghurt, carrot, cucumber, sesame, almond, coconut, dates, nuts, rice and milk. Do not be too strict to yourself: enjoy an ice cream Homemade, sugar free ice creams are the best!

Have you ever thought about scents as cooling essence? Have a drop of mandarine or neroli oil on your ankle or pillow- it is a refreshing miracle!

India is a hot country, people know for sure how to keep their body cool There are two lovely cooling yoga breathing techniques which help to keep you fresh:

1. Sitali breath
Curl the sides of your tongue inward so that it looks like a straw. Breath in through your mouth and breath out through your nose.

2. Sitkari
Breath in through your clenched teeth and breath out through your nose!

Try these breathing techniques, they really work!

Share your tips in comment


5 tips to enjoy your summer pregnancy

3. Clothing

This is your season! You can wear anything. There is one rule only: it must be comfy!

Choose carefully the material: 100% cotton or linen is the best. Even for your knickers ๐Ÿ˜‰. If your thighs are rubbing together when you walk, put some face powder or coconut oil on your skin. Eventually you can put on a cycling short.

Enjoy wearing coloured dresses! Hooray for maxi dresses ๐Ÿ™‚

Do not forget about your legs: wear comfy, light shoes or sandals. In the summer your ankles get swollen easily, that is why choosing comfortable footwear is essential.

Walk a lot barfoot in nature: it moves all muscles of your sole, increases blood flow and gives a nice massage.

Share your tips in comment ๐Ÿ™‚


5 tips to enjoy your summer pregnancy

2. Sunbathing

Sunbathing during pregnancy is a debatable topic. Vitamin D from morning and late afternoon sun is very much needed, on the other hand overheating might have serious effects on the baby.

What are the signs of overheating?
Hot skin, head ache, dizziness, cramp, nausea, rashes on neck and breast area.
If you notice any of these signs, chill yourself and stay in shade.

Estrogen levels increase steadily during pregnancy that is why sunbathing can cause darker spots on the skin, called melasma.

Protect your skin and go outdoors only in the moring and afternoon hours, stay in shade and use factor 50 sun cream. Have your sun cream, skin moisturizer in the fridge to keep your skin nice and coolish.

Share your tips in comment ๐Ÿ™‚


5 tips to enjoy summer pregnancy

1. Swimming

Frequent question is if it is fine to swim in the sea or swimming pool during pregnancy.

Good news Ladies, swimming is one of the best sports to do during pregnancy. It reduces back and pelvic floor pain and it cools you down. If you can, go for natural waters in the summertime.

If you can not go to the seaside, take a shower one (two, threeโ€ฆ) times a day or put wet cloths on your forehead, wrists or back of your neck.

Share your tips in comment:)


Hooray for Summer!
5 tips to enjoy your summer pregnancy

(Re-sharing my post from three years ago as it is actual again)

In the next days I will share some tips how to stay safe with your bump in the hot summer days and enjoy your holiday.

1. Swimming
2. Sunbathing
3. Clothing
4. Cooling with food, drink + yoga breath
5. Relaxation and walking


It is on tonight!!


Calling all expectant mothers!

I'm very excited to announce that I will be starting a New Pregnancy Yoga Class in Parsons Green, SW6 on Tuesday evenings

Click for more details and share it with your friends


This is how it looks when local professionals are supporting local mums.

I truly believe in the power of teamwork and community work:โค๏ธ Babies and mums are supported on their journey of breastfeeding by midwife & lactation consultants and osteopaths.

It feels lovely to be mentored by such passionate and experienced specialists.

If you need any help or have questions regarding breastfeeding, join our Breastfeeding Drop-in sessions on Tuesdays from 10am, in Joe & Juice, 809 Fulham Rd, London


Happy World Doula Week โค

I am happy to support you on your own path of becoming a family. Contact me and let's speak about your needs! I have free availability for May and June.


Lovely weekend workshop on continuous womanly self care: hey ho pelvis muscles!

muscle recovery


I am excited and proud to be on board for expectant mothers with previous perinatal trauma!


What can be a better start of Valentine's day than having a baby!

Thank you for having me at your amazing birth!. C.A- you are a super strong woman and very lucky to have H. as a supportive partner!
