

Hi, I’m Fiona, founder of GLOW. Looking forward to connecting with you, let's GLOW!

For over 25 years I've been helping people from all walks of life to revitalise their wellbeing and activate their soul purpose, as a holistic coach, mentor and healer.


Beautiful words of wisdom 🥰 fromDonna Ashworth


Too many Sundays have been darkened by the dreaded presence of Monday, looming in like a storm cloud of fear. Sunday is your gift, your day to recharge, your freedom. Be protective of that time. Monday has its space enough, do not let it overstep its mark. Make your plans, prepare, then push Monday back into its box and let Sunday shine forth like the jewel it is. You deserve this day of soul rest. Life is not a chore to be dealt with, it’s to be lived my friend. You’re here to live. And Sunday is a day, gifted to us, for doing whatever your little heart desires.

Donna Ashworth
Wild Hope: https://amzn.eu/d/eDGFsCs

Art by the stunning Bettina Baldassari.


Struggling with daily stresses and anxiety… regain control and learn simple self-care practices so you can enjoy confidently showing up as your best self - visit www.withfiona.com for holistic coaching ✨


Today, together with a group of generous friends, we're giving away our time, products, and services for an incredible charity project led by Alisoun Mackenzie sponsoring the world’s 2nd earthquake resistant school made of recycled plastic blocks for children in Lombok. Personally, I'm giving away a GLOW one-on-one session that you can bid for at a fraction of what I usually charge, which will help you regain your glow, while also feeling that inner glow from knowing you're supporting a wonderful cause.
Find out more here - https://app.galabid.com/lombokschool22/items


Experience this powerful, GLOW coaching programme with personalised one-to-one wellbeing support - special offers for this month at https://www.withfiona.com/glow Discover a whole new level of contentment and vitality when you reconnect with your soul purpose and regain glowing wellbeing.
Let's GLOW! Contact me if you'd like a free discovery call to explore if this is for you at this time, Fiona


Discover a whole new level of contentment and vitality when you reconnect with your soul purpose. As you come into alignment with who you truly are and what matters to you, you gain a deep sense of certainty and clarity, that brings direction and power, things begin to flow more effortlessly and you experience less resistance, long-held limitations clear and you're able to express who you truly are to enjoy living your life with more heart, health and happiness.


Let's GLOW... contact me if you'd like a free discovery call to see how I can help you whether you're looking to regain glowing wellbeing or reconnect with your soul purpose to start living your best life.