Jenny Dougall Funnel Focused Business Strategy

Jenny Dougall Funnel Focused Business Strategy

Funnel focused business strategist.

I help hectic and overwhelmed entrepreneurs go from chaos to calm, free up their time and scale their business to 6 figures and beyond


My business wouldn't run without this one thing... 28/08/2024

Where are my action takers? 💁‍♀
Want a funnel and want it fast? 💨
Something is coming - you're gonna love it!! 😍
Join the waitlist to be the first to find out more here


What an honour to receive this!

I absolutely love helping my clients and seeing the transformation from when they first come on a call with me feeling a bit fed up and stuck, not sure what steps to take, to leaving with a huge smile and renewed motivation and excitement for their business with some clear action steps.

This call with Sharon was no exception!

I've loved watching Sharon's journey since our call, she's going from strength to strength!

What we actually did on the call:-

>looked at her ideal client and how to speak to them - she already had a great insight into this as she was already working with them

>looked at her lead magnet and offer and mapped out what the journey could look like from one to the other.

>brainstormed visibility options to get sign ups to her lead magnet.

If you're a coach or service provider and you know you need to get started with funnels and would like this kind of transformation for yourself...

Book a Simplify Strategy Session with me for just £149!

I only offer a handful of these 1:1 sessions a month, September is already starting to book up so grab one while you can!

Just click the link below to book


Created yourself a lead magnet but not sure how to get people to sign up to it?

Watch this 👇🏼


Are you a good sport?

The Olympics have brought out another side to my girls this morning.

They are too young to understand the rules of all the sports, but they've seen the badminton 🏸 and they've picked a team depending on the colour they're wearing.

My girls don't even really know who's winning a point when someone wins one but they're picking between themselves.

I've seen dances of celebration from them, singing little songs "I win , I win, reds/blues are the best" type thing. Teasing of the other who didn't win a point, "na na na na na you're the loser" sulking when the other wins a point.

Often they are so supportive of each other, telling each other it's ok just try again, cheering each other on, but today the competition is definitely on! 💪🏼

With funnels, everyone wants to compete, everyone wants to shout about the big results they've had with their launches, how much advice income they've created through their funnel.

The truth is every funnel is different. a different set up, a different offer, a different audience. The only person you can really be in competition with is yourself.

Set goals and improve on previous results.

I am here, like an athletic coach, but for your funnels, giving guidance, motivation, teaching techniques, tweaking little things to improve results.

No Olympian would win without a coach, why would your funnels be any different?

I have just 1 place available in August to help guide you through creating your funnel.

working 1:1 we work together to transform your business from frantic and chaotic to structured, simple and growing with ease.

step away from exhaustion and the track to burnout, move towards a business and systems that do the heavy lifting work for you, so you can take your business to the next level, helping more clients and gain the time freedom you dream of - you can have it all!

You'll go from zero to hero with funnels.

amplify your impact by reaching more clients
amplify your results by adding structure
amplify your time by automation

want more details? comment amplify below 👇🏼


Are you a coach trying to build your business online, wanting to find the time flexibility and freedom you dream of and you're experiencing one of these problems...

🚦You’ve heard you need an email list, but you don’t know where to start

🚦It takes you forever to create social media content as you’re not sure what you should be talking about

🚦You spend a lot of time nurturing potential leads in DM’s for them to ghost you after they’ve had some free tips

You're likely doing one of these to try to fix the problem

🚧 You’ve asked your business bestie how to start an email list, leaving you more confused than ever!?
🚧 You panic post on your socials, with some really random content, because you feel you need to stay visible and anything is better than nothing right?
🚧 You give ridiculously low offers to people in your DM’s just to get some clients, but that doesn’t always get them in either?

If this sounds like you, you have a bad case of list launch lag.
DM me to fix it

Photos from Jenny Dougall Funnel Focused Business Strategy's post 29/07/2024

3 signs you need a sales funnel in your coaching business.

You have leads coming in but nowhere to put them other than manually adding to a spreadsheet, and you're really not a fan of spreadsheets.

You're constantly on social media 24/7 or at least thats what it feels like to you and your family. You’re afraid to switch off in case you miss a DM from a prospect, and you need those consistent clients coming in, so you can’t, right?

You’re spending more time trying to convert leads to paying clients than actually helping paying clients

First step, attracting your ideal client leads on autopilot, so you have a constant stream coming in.

You'd do that with a freebie/lead magnet.
It can't just be any old freebie though, it has to be the right one to attract the right people that then leads to your offer.

Sounds like hard work where do I even start? Take the first steps with ease, with my free training and find your ultimate lead magnet in less than 10mins!
Message the word LEAD MAGNET for access


What the F*!K is a funnel?

I bet you hear this word all the time, I’ve heard business coaches use it, sales coaches use it, marketers use it. But what even is it?

Hi I’m Jenny Dougall and i’m a funnels strategist, here to make things simple so you can easily understand and implement so you can both grow your business and have the time freedom you desire.

A funnel is simply the customer journey your potential leads go on to turn them from leads into paying customers, They go through 3 main stages, attract, desire and purchase.

And yes it is shaped like a kitchen funnel - wider at the top narrower at the bottom.

Why? because when you open a shop front on a prime spot on the high street, you’re going to attract alot of attention. Many people will walk past and want to come look at your fancy window display (attract stage). But not all of those people will come inside the shop. So this number is smaller (desire). Then not all of the people that come inside the shop will buy, some are there for just browsing, this narrows the number down again when it comes to sales (purchase stage)

If it’s set up correctly a digital sales funnel can do a lot of the heavy lifting work of nurturing for you, perhaps when you’re busy doing other things like picking the kids up from school. But don’t worry you’re not being replaced by a robot, there can be as much or as little human interaction as you like, though I do recommend some, because people buy from people not chat bots!

I truly believe that every business can benefit from having a sales funnel.
If you don’t have one yet don’t worry. I’m here to help. It all normally starts with a lead magnet.

You guessed it, a lead magnet is something you use to attract leads to your business, more specifically your funnel. Rather than going round the houses trying to figure out what yours should be, just comment LEAD MAGNET below and I'll send you the link to find yours in less than 10 minutes!

See you there!

hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag


3 signs you need a sales funnel in your coaching business.

You have leads coming in but nowhere to put them other than manually adding to a spreadsheet - and you're really not a fan of spreadsheets.

You're constantly on social media 24/7 or at least thats what it feels like to you and your family. You’re afraid to switch off in case you miss a DM from a prospect, and you need those consistent clients coming in, so you can’t, right?

You’re spending more time trying to convert leads to paying clients than actually helping paying clients

First step, attracting your ideal client leads on autopilot, so you have a constant stream coming in.

You'd do that with a freebie/lead magnet.

It can't just be any old freebie though, it has to be the right one to attract the right people that then leads to your offer.

Sounds like hard work where do I even start? Take the first steps with ease, with my free training and find your ultimate lead magnet in less than 10mins!

Comment or DM the word LEAD MAGNET for access


Empowering my clients to take their business to the next level is what I love doing most!

When it's not just realising what's possible but actually implementing it too!

Removing the chaos and replacing it with a clear simple system to give your business focus, direction and free up time.

If you're interested in getting help like this for your business, prices start at £149 for a one off session to Simplify your Strategy for implementing your first, next or improving your funnel.

Dm me the word SIMPLIFY to book your session.

Share this with a chaotic coach you know who needs help with setting up automations and funnels to grow their business and free up time


Clear up the confusion about what tech you need


Want more leads and more calls - But without the awkward messaging and back and forth agreeing times?
You need a discovery call funnel - steal my blueprint and i’ll even walk you through it! For less than the price of Saturday nights takeaway.
Wednesday 10th July 10am!
DM me BLUEPRINT to grab your place


funnel fumble to business boom masterclass


Think your business is too small for funnels?

Think funnels are just for big businesses with big budgets?

Not at all!

Let me show you how funnels can help small solo run businesses like yours.

Comment BOOM to register

hashtag hashtag


Hey Coach! I get it!

You feel like you want to scream! Aaargh!

It constantly feels like you’re spinning all the plates in your business, spending your time chasing your tail going back and forth in DM’s just to get calls booked in the diary.

That’s not to mention all the following up, making offers, onboarding clients, getting feedback and testimonials…. the list goes on!

How would it feel to have clients automatically joining your mailing list and booking calls while you’re busy spending quality time with the family? At the kids sports day or just having a family dinner?

You need a funnel.

Heard of one, but not sure what that would look like for you? Sounds complicated?

I’m currently offering £50 off my Simplified Strategy Sessions.

Gain clarity from the chaos of your offers and how to sell them.
Ditch the back and forth of booking calls
Have a funnel that does all the heavylifting work for you.

Comment **Simplify** below for more details



The sunshine has decided to make an appearance this week and it just makes everything feel better doesn't it?

It's helped me to take a look at other things going well this week...

I've done some work on my business plan and forecast so I'm really clear on what I'm aiming for and offering.

I've done some networking to get myself more visible, I've booked more events too. I met a lovely lady just getting set up and was able to get her a couple of tips.

I've sorted out some business admin stuff including getting almost a 50% reduction on previous insurance premium

I've done so much school admin for the eldests end of term activities, a transition up to school and a transition to nursery

I've sorted car insurance and hospital appointment follow ups

AND I've spent time with the kids!

In my book, that is a pretty successful week! Not every week is sunshine and roses, but this week it is so I'm

How is your week going? What successes have you had?


Do you ever feel like you're spending ALL your time begging social media algorithms to let you talk to your audience?

Been there, scrolled that.

But guess what EVERY successful business owner knows? Your email list is your golden ticket to freedom! (Seriously, James Wedmore just said it on his podcast, and trust me, the guy knows his stuff.)

Here's why:

🎉It's YOURS. No more platform changes or disappearing reach. You OWN this relationship.

🎉It CONVERTS like crazy. Like, way better than that lukewarm latte you just drank. (Sorry, not sorry.) ☕️

🎉It FREES UP YOUR TIME. No more desperate sales calls. Just happy customers (and more family time!) ‍‍‍

Ready to ditch the chasing game and build a loyal following that actually WANTS to hear from you?

Here's your secret weapon: Your Ultimate Lead Magnet.

It's a freebie SO good, people will practically BEG to join your email list.

(Don't know where to start? Don't worry, I got you!)

Get my FREE training on how to create your Ultimate Lead Magnet and watch your list (and sales!) explode.

Link in bio & comments! ⬇️


P.S. Still scrolling? You must REALLY want to escape the lead-chasing hamster wheel! Click the link already!


Recently I started working with a coach, not only did she want a funnel to build her list, nurture her leads and convert to calls, she wanted to come away from attracting product based business and focus a little more on service based. So of course we needed to look at her messaging to her new target audience too.

Her starting point on our journey working together was getting on average 2 calls booked in a month, probably converting one of those to sales. She wanted to turn that into 3 sales in the month - totally achievable.

We made a plan to help her achieve her goals of the new clients, more sales and freeing up some of her time so she would spend more time serving clients than working incredibly hard to find them, and identified some wins we could grab to get the ball rolling straight away.

The first thing was to start getting more of the right people the service based businesses she wanted to serve in her audience. So our first session focused on that.

My client left our first session and implemented straight away keeping me updated of the results. She was just amazed at the results from just 1 session! This coach went from getting 2 enquiries a month to getting 7 calls booked in a week! That's right just one week! Not only that, but 75% of which were her new target audience of service based businesses, almost exactly fitting the profile of the person we talked about, making her calls flow much easier and which then put her in a much better position when it came to sales too.

This is already a huge client success story and our journey together has just begun! We’re both very much excited to be progressing onto the next steps and seeing further results! Of course I will keep you updated!

If you’re wanting help with attracting more clients with ease, having a funnel doing the heavy lifting of nurturing so you can spend more time serving clients than hunting for them, book a free 30 strategy call and let’s chat about how I can help you.


Being a mum, having 3 young children, the eldest being 8, inevitably means lots of juggling, needing to be in two places at once and always needing an extra set of hands. And all that is before I even think about running my business!

However there are a few ways that being a mum has helped me in setting up and running my own business, let’s see if you can relate to any….

Preparation is key - the more I prepare beforehand for whatever event it is, the smoother it seems to run. Preparing means I can take the time I need to double check things over, make sure everything is checked off and more importantly be present in the moment of the actual event, relax and enjoy it more

Ask for Help - You know that saying they use when you have a baby ‘it takes a village', well it really is true, things are so much easier when you’re not alone. Whether it’s roping the kids into helping with the washing, asking my dad to babysit, or getting some help in my business in an area that just simply isn’t my thing. In business you need to start getting help much earlier than you think you do, especially when you think the budget won’t allow. None of the big names in business got there on their own, there’s always a team behind them.

We say this so much now it’s almost a cliche, but make sure you take time for you. We're not robots, not meant to switched on 24/7 we're meant to have downtime, us time, time to rest and reset. Just as I can't be the best mum running on empty, I can't be the best for my clients either

Are you a mum running a service business like me? Let me know if you can relate to any of these?

Pic of my tribe in a rare moment they’re all looking the right way!


You set up your business for it to work for you, not for you to work for it 24/7.

You need to be automating your lead generation and sales so that you can actually achieve the time freedom you dreamed of when you first started.
Utilising sales funnels, automations and email sequences will help you to scale your business and achieve your goals.

The best time to get started with this was yesterday, the next best time is today.
I can help you create a strategy so that you are building your audience, nurturing them and converting them to paying clients without you spending every waking minute making calls and sending emails.

I help from start to finish with determining what kind of funnel to use, mapping out the customer journey and a detailed launch plan of how to get traffic into the top of your funnel, holding your hand and keeping you accountable on taking action every step of the way too so you reach your goals faster.
And if the tech scares you, don't worry, my team can help with that too!
Book a free 15min call and let's get started, just lick the link and choose a time to suit you


I absolutely LOVE getting clients results and getting feedback like this!!

I've been working with a client, helping with her funnels and launch. Her landing page wasn't converting as well as she'd hoped, so we just made a couple of little tweaks...

This is my message checking in a day or two after we made the changes.

You don't always need a huge overhaul if something's not working, sometimes all it takes is a couple of little tweaks to start seeing results.

If you want to know how to tweak your funnel to improve performance, book a power hour and let's see what a difference we can make ☺️
click the link to book


Bank Holiday Special offer on Power Hours!

Power Hours are for strategy with your funnels -
⚡ need to figure out the what type of funnel you need,
⚡Not sure if the sequence of landing pages and emails you should send
⚡Want help creating a plan to get traffic into your funnel
⚡ Funnel not performing, let's look at making some tweaks to improve it

Usually £99, 25% discount Bank Holiday Weekend only £75!

(Session must be booked and paid for this weekend but can be taken any time up to 1 month)

Book yours here


When collecting email addresses and growing your list, don't forget to collect the person's name too!
Otherwise you've no idea how to address them and your personalisation on your emails won't work.


When you check in on a client that you helped with their lead funnel and freebie and this is what they say about their sign ups ☺️👏🏻... it's working!!

If you want some help with your funnel whether it's building one from scratch or troubleshooting an existing one, let's have a chat and see how I can help, just click the link and pick a time to suit you


Imagine having an offer that really magnetizes your ideal clients and propels your business to new heights

Imagine a list of hot leads eagerly waiting to hear about your offers and bag themselves a spot on your latest program.

Imagine all this on autopilot so you can spend more time coaching and making money than looking for new clients.

It all starts with a lead magnet, but it has to be the right one if it's going to transform your list..

How do I know what that is I hear you say?

Watch my free training to take you through the exact the steps you need to work out your perfect lead magnet in less than 10mins!

What are you waiting for, click the link to get started...

Create your Perfect Lead Magnet 07/07/2023

Brand new free mini training!!

You know you need to build a list, but....

You've no clue where to start with what lead magnet you should create.
Should it be a pdf, an audio, a webinar, a quiz?
How do you make sure it's a hit with your ideal client?
You've spent hours mulling it over already and the thought of more just sends you into a spin.

I have put together a Free training just for you!

In less than 10minutes...

You will have your perfect lead magnet idea!!
It will help you achieve your goals of more warm leads,
You'll know what the lead magnet will be,
You'll know what format to deliver it in.

No more struggling, no more delays. Just easy, simple, step by step help.
What are you waiting for!?
Click the link and start now

Create your Perfect Lead Magnet Your Perfect Lead Magnet Idea training will cover everything you need to consider when creating a lead magnet and help you decide on the right choices


Its been a big week....

completing a client project and handing over

starting another client project

starting to set up a new software system for my business

self development - working on my ideal client and further funnels training (always more to be learnt)

transition week for my eldest up to year 3 (big thing as he doesn't handle change well)

prom for my god-daughter

I'm emotionally exhausted this week.

looking forward to a quiet weekend, might have to go for a peaceful walk to recharge.

what's your weekend looking like?

Photos from Jenny Dougall Launch and Funnel Strategy's post 19/06/2023

This Thursday at 10am I am the guest speaker at the More Than Just Mum Cuppa and Connect Networking Session hosted by the lovely Heather Palfreyman Coaching - More Than Just Mum !

I will be sharing 5 ways funnels can free your time and grow your business.

As always I'll be taking something complex and confusing to many and laying out in a simple and easy to understand an implementable way.

Want to find out more?

Come join us at 10am this Thursday

Grab your ticket here


I had an enquiry yesterday.

The client wanted to grow an email list.
she had made a good start in creating a lead magnet and creating a pop up on her website from which she'd had 4 sign ups in a year.
The client desperately wanted more sign ups but not a clue where to start.

We had a chat, I asked some questions to figure out exactly where she was at, understood where she was at and what it was she needed help with, I gave a couple of pointers and she signed up to one of my services during our conversation!

If this sounds familiar, having the beginnings of your list but never really getting it off the starting blocks,
you need my List Launch Accelerator Bootcamp!

starting on 5th June
a 3 session bootcamp to give you everything you need to get your list launched - and fast!

the sessions include:-

Details on how a funnel works and will do the heavy lifting for you to build your list and everything you need to build one.

We will deep dive into creating your perfect lead magnet that will attract lots of your ideal client to you instead of you chasing them!

A placement strategy to get that lead magnet seen!

Bonus - a tech walk through so you see how to set it up

Along with a dedicated Facebook group for support, workbooks to help through the process!

Sessions are split over 2 weeks giving implementation time AND accountability to complete the project

The List Launch Accelerator has been valued at £421 but I'm running it at just £198!

It all starts on Monday 5th June so not long to grab your place!

More details and booking here

Videos (show all)

My business wouldn't run without this one thing... #FunnelStrategy #funnelhelp #smallbusinessownersupport #coaches
Created yourself a lead magnet but not sure how to get people to sign up to it? Watch this 👇🏼#funnelhelp #FunnelStrategy...
What the Tech!?
Funnel Fumble to Business Boom!
Are you a coach trying to build your business online, wanting to find the time flexibility and freedom you dream of and ...
Bank Holiday Special offer on Power Hours!Power Hours are for strategy with your funnels -⚡ need to figure out the what ...
Want to be spending more time enjoying your summer with your kids than trying to work around them, but REALLY want to be...
Segmenting...Splitting your audience into smaller groups based on something such as buying activity.Why?To deliver the r...
The question came up today - what do i do?Thank you for asking - Here it is!#smallbusinesssupport #process #organization...
Email marketing jargon busterLanding page - a single page website for one purpose, for example to collect email addresse...
Email marketing jargon busterLead magnet - a piece of content that is valuable to your ideal client that attracts them i...
Recently a client of mine got in touch, she'd been told she needed to be using Canva, she'd no clue what it even was! Sh...