

Handmade Children's Clothing

Handmade bespoke children's clothing, loving made in South East Engla


• B L O O M I N G L O V E L Y •

This weekend I’ll be setting the website up ready for a few orders and dashing the prices of some fabrics to make room for newness! I’m ready to make the most of the end of summer and get ready to move on to AW22 - my favourite time of year!

Say goodbye to Spring Bloom, Strawberry Scatter and a few others I’ve had stashed away - I need the extra room for the Christmas fabrics I’ve got piling up…



• W A R M W E E K E N D S •

Summer is right around the corner, and we’ve been a little quiet here with rounding up loose ends and finishing off custom orders!

I’ve got my heart set on making a high summer collection this year and taking inspiration from all your favourite SS22 pieces so far! This means more double gauze, more florals, and more two pieces! Let’s go!

What SS22 pieces are you bringing out for the warmer weather?



• A D O O D L E O O S F A V E •

It’s no secret that our two pieces are a favourite here at Doodleoos, and it’s tough competition between the White Embroidery and Pansy Petal fabric for first place!

Whether it’s thFlutter Two Piecece above or our Breezy Two Piece with sleeves, they’re the perfect lazy wear for summer!



• W A R M W E A T H E R C A L L I N G •

I feel like it’s taken me all year but I’m finally reaching the end of my ongoing orders! This Sunday will hopefully be the first Sunday in which we’re back to being open and I’m super excited to see all the lovely combos you pick! I’ve been swamped under Martha Blouses and Breezy Two Pieces for as long as I can remember so I hope they’re all tucked away in wardrobes now ready for the first sign of warmer weather.



• T I M E F L I E S •

It feels like forever since I last posted and that’s because it has been! I’ve had lots to do both inside and out of the Doodleoos HQ and I’m learning to find my feet! I’ve stocked up on photos though and I’m ready to tackle all things social media again!

I’m ever so slightly behind on turnaround currently so if you’re due a dispatch email expect those imminently! Otherwise our Sunday openings will have us back to working like clockwork in no time!

Regardless of all this I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend! I’m so grateful to be tagged in all your lovely photos and seeing your little ones wearing their Doodleoos Sunday Best!



• B U S Y F R I D A Y •

In case you missed it our small jersey collection is going up on Friday alongside our premade sale! I had a harder time than I thought not only organising the website for it all but also deciding how to offer fabrics for these makes! Fear not though - leggings, tops and dresses are landing shortly!



• M E M O R Y L A N E •

April marks 3 years since the idea of Doodleoos was first born, and all because of this one dress that I self drafted and made (and my gosh does it show…)
It’s funny to think I ever managed to get a single order and now - hundreds of orders and makes later - I feel incredibly grateful to be where I am!

So much change and development, learning curves and mistakes made, and overall a found love for the passion in what I do. As the months roll in and I get awash with photos popping up as memories, I’ll be looking forward to our 3rd birthday this summer!

I think it’s nice to sometimes sit and reflect and be grateful for where you are. I remember every make, and every person who ordered that make, and even the little people who wear my clothes and the privilege I have of watching them grow through their Doodleoos wardrobe.

In the run up to our birthday this summer I’m making it my mission to give insight to what it means to shop small! There’s no factory, no outlet, no mass production or over consumption - just a pure love for quality clothing and “small business” practice.

Is there much point in this post? Probably not. But as a maker I don’t think I get to say often enough just how much you being a part of this little journey means to me! I’ve been the busiest I’ve been in a long time with orders, and my heart will forever skip a beat when the order notification goes off!

~ Natasha ♥️


• E A S T E R P R E P •

Don’t forget - Our mini Easter sale is booked in for the 8th of April! I’m excited to spend this week getting all our pastel fabrics made up into the most Spring ready outfits!

For now I hope you’re all in for a lovely weekend, and hopefully excited for our jersey drop which will be happening imminently!



• P R E T T Y & F L O R A L •

Very obsessed with the Lana floral jersey which I’m hoping to be able to stock up on ASAP!

I think for now our jersey fabrics will be forever changing as I won’t be buying in bulk nor at wholesale quantities, I’ll be grabbing several meters here and there of the fabrics that catch my eye! I’m super excited to just enjoy playing around with this range, jersey sews up a lot quicker than our ordinary poplins and I love how fun and child friendly all the prints are!

Above is a matching set consisting of a peplum top and full length leggings, and it looks super comfy if I do say so myself!

What kind of prints would you like to see in our first jersey drop?



• C O M F O R T I S C O M I N G •

Exciting news that our jersey range will drop at the end of this week! For the last two years I’ve been quite apprehensive to dip my toes into this market, but I’m so pleased I have because it’s honestly been a joy to sew!

I’ve decided to start our range with simple designs including leggings, bummies and blouses, and if there’s an increase in demand for it I will extend the range imminently! I mostly wanted to be able to create more layering options for our existing products (think leggings, Martha blouses and chunky cardis!) so for now that’s what this is!

A huge thank you to both and for giving me the prettiest prints and fabrics to get started with!



• S A V E T H E D A T E S •

I’ve been super busy trying to keep up with my workload and targets! From new ranges, to Easter makes, and even a Mother’s Day surprise in between! Turn those post notifications on and keep an eye out for our upcoming events:

• Mother’s Day is tomorrow and to celebrate I’ll be hosting a little giveaway here on Instagram!

• Our super exciting Jersey range drops next week! Say hello to beautiful prints, wardrobe staples and comfy outfits!

• A mini Easter themed ready-made sale will be held on the 8th of April! I’ll be using up our rainbow stripe cottons, exclusive easter prints and maybe an embroidered piece or two!

And when all the dust settles from this busy upcoming month, I’ll be releasing our Doodleoos Dollies! 2022 really is turning out to be a good one!



• T G I F •

Who doesn’t love a Friday? In the spirit of good weekends we currently have a £5 discount code available on the website, just pop TGIF5 into checkout! There’s no minimum spend (and as a result you can grab yourself a bargain pair of bloomers!)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend whatever you end up doing - I’ll be off making flower girl dresses if anyone needs me!



• T H E B U S I E S T •

So much happening behind the scenes here at Doodleoos! I’ve got a little post run to make tomorrow and also a huge heap of orders still to get through! I’m so grateful to have such a busy order book again so thank you!

I always seem to let social media slip when I’m at my busiest, and I’m desperate to get back into the swing of things and try my hand at making reels again (oh how I hate those!) but for now I’ll start my week with another picture of our Breezy Two Piece!

What content would you like to see more of - behind the scenes, certain products, how things are made, or even me the maker? What’s your favourite way to engage with a small businesses on social media?



• S N O O Z Y T U E S D A Y •

Time doesn’t seem to be making much sense for me this week, one minute it’s flying and the next it’s dragging - and yet it’s only Tuesday? I’ve already made a little start on Fridays orders though so I’m glad productivity is at least taking shape here!

Lots of white embroidery fabric, two piece sets and dresses on the to do list! The first spring makes are always the most exciting!



• S L O W S U N D A Y •

Sunday walks, roast dinners, films on the sofa, and if you’re a bit like me, sometimes a bit of retail therapy! If you’re browsing the internet today why not have a little look at our SS22 collection on the website now!

I’ve had some lovely orders over the weekend, and there’s a clear favourite being found with our Breezy Two Piece!

On Monday I might update our Dinky Doodles range with a few more tiny makes, I’m quite fond of this little romper shown here! What do you think, have we got more tiny Doodleoos wearers on the way?



• F R I Y A Y •

Happy Friday - which means only one thing, happy Doodleoos shopping! I’ve spent all night on the website, and my goodness did I underestimate my ability to edit photos, create listings, and organise a website all in the space of a few hours! Today I have to photograph ruffle bloomers and a high body dress, as well as fabrics to let you know what each fabric name is on the listings! If this affects your order in any way please do pop me a message but I’m planning to have this sorted by mid day - just need a bit of good daylight to get going!

I’ve got a couple of products that didn’t quite make the cut, which I will sort out in the coming days and hopefully release at a later date, but for now I’m happy with our classics and the freshen up the website has gone under!

I hope you enjoy a good browse today, and if you place your order over the weekend it should be with you for that first day of Spring! How exciting!

Thank you for enjoying this mini launch day with us, they’re always my favourite!

~ Natasha ♥️



• S S 2 2 O N I T S W A Y •

24 hours to go! A little post just to say the website will be going down, or at least looking upside down, for the next few hours whilst I sort out the drop for tomorrow! I’m hoping I can get pictures together in time and sort out all the listings, but despite being a spring/summer launch, the weather and its natural lighting has other ideas!

Did you know though - there’s 8 new dress styles? Seems I got a bit carried away with the idea of summer dresses and our new products are predominantly of this nature… oops! Regardless, I love them, and I hope you do too!

I’d love to know what you’ll be buying first!



• E A S T E R G O O D N E S S •

So here’s the the thing - I don’t normally make special collections for events outside of Christmas, but between an extremely long winter and my obsession for all things Spring at the minute, I’m quite inclined to whip up a few easter themed outfits this year! There’s a few really lovely fabrics floating about in stores and it’s sparked a bit of excitement in me, but I’m very aware of the big jobs I’ve got beforehand!

First up, our SS22 collection launches next week! New fabrics, several new designs and overall just a good freshen up! Then, I’ve got a mini collection launching which I haven’t said much about til now (any guesses?) but I’m super excited to dabble in this field a bit more! And finally, I’ll be setting a date for our Doodleoos Dollies! So with this super busy timeline in place, would it be beneficial to show you some Easter ideas I have in mind?

What are your thoughts?


Photos from Doodleoos's post 21/02/2022

• S P R I N G C O U N T D O W N •

Don’t let the weather fool you - spring is only 27 days away! The temptation to get back out the velvet and teddy fleece fabric is real but I’m powering through and imagining all the lovely adventures these spring makes will go on!

For now the only important date to remember is the 4th of March - I CANNOT wait to know what those first orders will contain!



• F R E S H S T A R T S •

Ta dah, the newest logo of Doodleoos! Nearly 3 years on from when this idea was first born and I’ve finally decided to overhaul the simple logo I’d originally put together as a stop gap!

I’ve really defined this small business over the last year or so, focusing in on my love of dainty prints, florals, and overall gentle style that I think correlates with childhood! I’ve used the sprigs of gypsophila that go in your parcels, and a simple bunny mascot like the jellycat teddies that keep creeping their way into my photos! I wanted this branding to not only capture the heart of Doodleoos in being handmade, but also the simplicity that comes with childhood! Fine line drawings, florals, hand finished touches - my logo is in most way representative of all things Doodleoos! And I love it! I hope you do too!



• S P R I N G W I S H I N G •

The weather may be grim but I’m counting down the 33 days until Spring to get me through! Imagine it - the warming sunshine, easter galore, blooming flowers, swapping coats for suitable knitwear, dreamy right?

So with a bit of forward planning, I’m launching our SS22 collection on the 4th of March! This means our turnaround will allow those first orders to arrive in time for the first day of spring!

For the meantime our website is still open for orders with our basic collections! Our new fabrics will be available in every style and I’ll be popping these up a bit earlier for our older stock, so if you can’t wait to get your hands on a strawberry or bunny print then you won’t have to wait too long!

What are you most excited to see in our SS22 collection?



• N E U T R A L & F L O R A L •

Just an appreciation post for this fabric! I popped this two piece up on my story yesterday and was blown away by the response for it! I bought this fabric specifically for this make and I love how it’s turned out! Super soft organic double gauze, a delicate floral, fully lined bloomers and floaty blouse - I love it!

I’m now a little stuck on what else to make this fabric in! I tend to only use double gauze for blouses and shirts, but of course it’s perfect for almost everything!

What would you have it made into?



• S S 2 2 I N C O M I N G •

The January blues tend to hang around long after January ends, but there’s something in the air at the minute that has me feeling that little bit more spring like!

I’ve felt a bit beaten with bringing the new collection to life and what direction to take it in, but I’ve settled on simplicity, breathing life into old designs, and focusing on the delicate nature that comes with childhood - let them be little, right?

Above is our new style Martha Blouse for all our cotton prints! It’s now more of a statement piece for a standalone outfit whilst still being perfect for layering under dresses, jumpers, etc! Meanwhile, the original Dobby Dot Martha Blouse will remain untouched to continue being a wardrobe staple!

I’ve done my best to have a “spring clean” with our products, finding the balance of bringing in enough newness that everything is fresh and exciting, whilst still holding on to well loved Doodleoos originals!

Date TBC but I hope you’re ready to fill your little ones spring wardrobe at the end of this month!



• S U M M E R D R E A M I N G •

I popped this fabric on my story today and it’s definitely been a favourite with all of you! When I see these strawberries all I can picture is sandals, frilly socks, floppy sun hats and wicker baskets! I can’t wait to see all the strawberry picking and picnic adventures these makes go on!

In the meantime I’m getting closer to setting a date for our SS22 launch, and it won’t be long now!


Photos from Doodleoos's post 23/01/2022

• H A P P Y S U N D A Y •

I hope you’re all having a lovely end to the weekend! I’ve made it my mission to tie up loose threads today and get everything sorted for a new week! I’ve got orders to pack and send on their way, product testing pieces to finish and send out, and new products to bring to life for a (fingers crossed!) February drop!

I couldn’t help taking 5 minutes out to make up and photograph our two new double gauze fabrics! Utterly in love with how soft this floral is and so excited to use it for absolutely everything!

Over on my Instagram stories today I’ll be talking more about the brand rep search, and also the products that will be removed from the website the end of this month! So if you’re planning on becoming a rep for Doodleoos, or wanting to get an order in with the last of the winter designs, don’t miss out!



• S P R I N G B U N N I E S •

They say there are two types of craft hobbyists - those who actually do the craft, and those who collect mass supplies just to admire its prettiness, and let me tell you, there’s some kind of addiction in hoarding pretty fabrics! Since using a smaller collection of prints for our products I’ve made sure that every fabric we’ve stocked is one I love, but every now and then a new one comes along that just steals my heart! This fabric hasn’t been used here since 2020, and gosh have I missed it!

Perfect for spring, hidden pops of pastel colours, and cute little bunnies throughout, what’s not to love?

What are your favourite themes and colours for spring time?


Photos from Doodleoos's post 11/01/2022

• B A B Y L O V E •

I’ve had the pleasure of making clothes for your tiny humans for a couple of years now, and in that time I’ve watched your orders grow from tiny sizes all the way up to 3-4 years! Majority of my orders used to be in size 6-9 months and now I’m lucky if I get to make anything smaller than 18-24 months!

Recently though I’ve been fortunate enough to have more mini makes on the table and it’s sparked many designs for the SS22 range! I’m excited for all the bloomer combos, rompers and little onesies to come this spring!

What are you looking forward to the most?



• S P R I N G C A L L I N G •

Despite the bitterly cold weather I’m well and truly on a roll for SS22! I’ve had a lot of fun this time around designing my own sewing patterns, using new techniques, and attempting to tackle all the things I never got round to doing in 2021!

I can’t wait for the new fabrics to arrive and get finished up on all the newness! For now though it’s time to say goodbye to the AW21 range. At the end of this month a large proportion of the items on the website will be gone for the summer and will return for early Autumn again (how far away does that sound!)

January sales are so hard to do with made-to-order items so in my best attempt to do so I’ve popped a 25% discount code on the website this weekend! Gradually I’ll be removing items ahead of time such at the teddy jackets as once the fabric is gone I won’t be ordering in more!

Use code “WINTERSALE” at checkout!


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00