Sisters Who Gathered

Sisters Who Gathered

Women’s Circles bringing likeminded Women together to help heal one other & the world around them.


Our next womens circle will be on the 20th March 7pm Nelson village community centre.



As we say goodbye to 2023, shedding all that no longer serves us, but being grateful for the lessons we’ve learned from, filling yourselves up with bucket loads of positivity, allowing you to move forward into 2024.

So let’s together bring into 2024;

New Beginnings!!

Lots of Joy!!

May it bring Good Health!!

Even a little wealth!!

Wishing each one of you lots of love, light & many blessings.

Fiona & Annmarie.
💛 🙏 💛


We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude & thanks to you all for coming together to join our Circles, which has allowed us to share our knowledge with you, in the hope it has given you back some solace in your lives.

As we go forwards into next year we are excited to continue to bring our Women’s Circles to you in 2024 in our new venue along with more new & exciting experiences to share with you all.

We would like to extend our warmest Christmas wishes to you, your family & friends, also that 2024 brings you lots of love, luck & your dreams & aspirations come true for you all.

Love & Light

Fiona & Annmarie 🙏 ❤️





