Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred

Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred

This page is the FB profile for www.mythcosmologysacred.com, dedicated to esoteric wisdom in practice.


Sacred Egypt - just a few places left.....some of you may interested in this trip to Egypt that best-selling author, David Furlong, is running this December. David is a highly experienced therapist, teacher and earth healer and the author of 6 books; including 'Working with Earth Energies', 'The Keys to the Temple', and 'Illuminating the Shadow' (books which are incredibly helpful in our Diploma in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred). This 16 day trip will visit the famous pyramid sites in Lower Egypt and the ancient Egyptian temple sites in Upper Egypt. It will culminate in celebrating the solstice sunrise at Queen Hatshepsut's mortuary temple. The trip will include excursions to the tombs in the Valley of the Kings and the magnificent Karnak temple as well as traveling further afield to visit the Abydos temple, which holds the enigmatic Flower of Life symbol. For more information visit: http://www.davidfurlong.co.uk/egypttour.htm


Early bird offer ends on 31st July 2024!
for the Online Diploma in
Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred

We have created a short film for you to hear a little more from our tutors, and more so, from some of our students from cohort one and cohort two. Please click below to watch



The Bard and the Stars:
How Shakespeare uses Astrological Symbolism
to Inspire his Plays

Colin McPhillamy and Priscilla Costello

Tuesday 16th July 2024

6.30 – 8.00 pm UK time via Zoom

Follow this link to find out more https://mythcosmologysacred.com/the-bard-and-the-stars-with-priscilla-costello-and-colin-mcphillamy-tuesday-16th-july-2024-from-630pm-to-800pm-uk-time-via-zoom-10/

Diploma Myth Cosmology Sacred - Meet Students and Tutors 09/07/2024

Don't miss our early bird offer for the Diploma in Myth, Cosmology & and the Sacred which ends on 31st July 2024.

Watch our video to find out more from the tutors and from previous students of the Diploma


and follow this link to find out more https://mythcosmologysacred.com/starting-autumn-2024-myth-cosmology-and-the-sacred-diploma-course-apply-now/

Diploma Myth Cosmology Sacred - Meet Students and Tutors In this video, meet the students and tutors of the Diploma Myth Cosmology and the Sacred. The Diploma is offered through the Centre for Myth, Cosmology and t...


Of Minds and Monsters: An Exploration of Consciousness and the Paranormal
with Dr Jack Hunter
Tuesday 18th June 2024
6.30-8.00pm (UK time) via Zoom

This presentation aims to straddle the liminal space between the philosophy of mind and the science of consciousness studies on the one hand, and the bizarre world of Fortean and paranormal phenomena on the other. The field of consciousness studies has yet to crystallise its own distinctive paradigm. Rather than a single framework for investigating consciousness, the field harbours a pantheon of different approaches and various theoretical positions that are seemingly in constant competition with one another. Different theoretical positions, as well as recent developments in empirical research on the extent of mind in the non-human world (plants and animals), point in the direction of understanding consciousness as much more ubiquitous in nature than is often assumed. This opens up huge scope for considering the wide varieties of encounters with bizarre beings documented in the paranormal and Fortean literature, which have previously been understood as ‘anomalies.’ It is suggested here that an expanded understanding of consciousness – of the development of minds in nature and the varieties they might take – could help to bridge the gap between these fields of study and shed new light on old problems of the paranormal.

For more information follow this link https://mythcosmologysacred.com/of-minds-and-monsters-an-exploration-of-consciousness-and-the-paranormal-dr-jack-hunter-tuesday-18th-june-2024-6-30-8-00pm-uk-time-via-zoom-10/

Diploma Myth Cosmology Sacred - Meet Students and Tutors 11/06/2024

Tonight! You are invited to attend our FREE Q&A session for our
Online Diploma in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred

Tuesday 11th June 2024
6.30 - 7.30 pm UK time via Zoom

This September 2024, we will be entering the third year of our online Diploma in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred. If you would like to ask any questions about the Diploma, or are interested to hear more about what is offered through this course, you are welcome to attend our FREE online Q&A session this evening - Tuesday 11th June, from 6.30 - 7.30pm UK time via Zoom. Register via the link below:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Also, listen to our past students and their experiences of the Diploma in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yx-kyv7Lv0

Diploma Myth Cosmology Sacred - Meet Students and Tutors In this video, meet the students and tutors of the Diploma Myth Cosmology and the Sacred. The Diploma is offered through the Centre for Myth, Cosmology and t...


On Wednesday 12th June, the Centre's Louise Livingstone is presenting at the Eunoia Summit 2024; the second online summit organised by the MA Spirituality, Ecology & Mental Health at Buckinghamshire New University. Louise will be sharing about how we can connect through our hearts with the Stone Kingdom. You are invited to come along for free (see Zoom link below)!

The program for the week is (time are UK time - BST):
DAY ONE - Mon 10th June: Dr Diane Dreher 6pm-7.15pm
DAY TWO - Tues 11th June: Dr Mick Collins 6pm-7.00pm
DAY THREE - Wed 12th June: Dr Louise Livingstone 5.45pm-6.45pm
DAY FOUR - Thur 13th June: Dr Jack Hunter 6pm-7.00pm
DAY FIVE - Fri 14th June: Dr Leah Rampy 6pm-7.15pm

See joining link here: https://zoom.us/j/96424466875

Hope to see you there! ❤️💚

Patrick Harpur | Bernardo Kastrup: Myth, Imagination & Truth 12/05/2024

This is a must !

Patrick Harpur | Bernardo Kastrup: Myth, Imagination & Truth An excerpt from a 5-week discussion series with Bernardo Kastrup, with guest Patrick Harpur. To join the mailing list for future editions please visit https:...


Rediscovering harmony: how the Ancient Egyptians can help us find balance
Lucy Wyatt
Tuesday 14th May 2024
6.30-8.00pm (UK time) via Zoom
Do we live in a universe ruled by disorder and entropy? Or is all life based on an implicate order that the Ancient Egyptians knew about? Can they help us to find harmony, balance, peace and beauty in the world of today? Drawing on inspiration from the ancient past, this talk will touch on not only what the Egyptians might have known, but also the Gnostics who were living nearly 2,000 years ago and buried their sacred texts at Nag Hammadi in Egypt.
For those who cannot attend live, there will be a recording available after the session has taken place. Simply book a ticket via the button below, and the recording link will be sent with the joining instructions.

Follow this link to book https://mythcosmologysacred.com/rediscovering-harmony-how-the-ancient-egyptians-can-help-us-find-balance-with-lucy-wyatt-evening-talk-tuesday-14th-may-2024-via-zoom-6-30pm-8pm-uk-time-10/

Lucy Wyatt is an author and independent researcher. She started life in the university town of Cambridge where she comes from a long line of academics. In her book ‘Approaching Chaos – could an ancient archetype save C21st civilisation?‘, published in 2010, she explored the notion that cities did not organically evolve after the Ice Age but instead they were a shamanically-accessed blueprint. In other words, the milkable cow didn’t evolve but was a deliberate genetic modification, created to serve cities. Ancient Egypt was perhaps the best example and survived almost unchanged for more than 3,000 years. She believes that there is still much we can learn from the blueprint.
Since 2010 Lucy has given many talks at Breaking Convention and other events, and organised talk spaces herself such as the Voices of Gaia space at Green Gathering festival. She lives in Somerset where she splits her time between Glastonbury where she has a cafe business, the Quantocks and land that she and her family own near Wellington.


Gaia Gatherings – Monthly Earth Healing Circle
Dr Louise Livingstone & Jay Livingstone
Tuesday 30th April 2024
7:30pm – 9pm UK time via Zoom

A monthly online group, to share, reflect and send healing from our hearts to Mother Earth and all beings who live upon her.​
The Earth and all her subjects are currently moving through a great transition, and the wisdom of our heart is playing a major role in relation to how we can navigate this change. In this monthly online group, we come together to reflect, share our experiences of living in these times, and come to rest in the space of our heart – sending healing from our hearts to the Earth and all who live upon her.​
Each session is based on Louise Livingstone’s Heart Sense approach, including one or two contemplations to take us into the sacred space of our heart. As we connect with our own hearts, and connect our hearts with the rest of the group, we use the energy of intention to send healing from our hearts to the Earth and her subjects. In these groups we are guided by the wisdom of our own hearts, in loving relationship with the Earth. The sessions are also loosely informed by Pagan spirituality and Norse spiritual practice.

Follow link to book and find more https://mythcosmologysacred.com/gaia-gatherings-monthly-earth-healing-circle/


We are delighted to welcome Andreas Kornevall back to the Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred for his weekend intensive, The Raven Speaks.
This will run on Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th May 2024
4:00pm-7:00pm (UK time) each day via Zoom.

Please follow this link to find out more. https://mythcosmologysacred.com/the-raven-speaks-a-weekend-with-andreas-kornevall-friday-3rd-saturday-4th-sunday-5th-may-2024-4pm-7pm-each-day-uk-time-120/


We have a number of enriching talks and courses for the rest of April and into May. Have a look at our homepage here https://mythcosmologysacred.com or sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with our schedule here https://mythcosmologysacred.com/subscribe-to-newsletter/

Dr Becca Tarnas, Einstein's Disturbing Realisation and the Rise of Materialism 1920 x 1080 HD 03/04/2024

A clip from Becca Tarnas' wonderful talk. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive regular updates.

Dr Becca Tarnas, Einstein's Disturbing Realisation and the Rise of Materialism 1920 x 1080 HD


Don’t miss our upcoming online day symposium on Myth and Meaning: why we need myth and what it means for us today. This will take place on Saturday 23rd March 2024 from 10am- 5pm Uk time.
With Mary Attwood, Dr Patrick Curry, Andreas Kornevall, Dr Louise Livingstone, and Dr Simon Wilson.

Myth and Meaning
Why we need myth and what it means for us today

Mary Attwood, Dr Patrick Curry, Andreas Kornevall, Dr Louise Livingstone & Dr Simon Wilson

Saturday 23rd March 2024
10am-5pm UK Time
All day online symposium via Zoom


This online symposium, the first of its kind offered by the Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred, will be discovering the potency of Myth – why we need it and what it means for us today. Throughout the day, the presenters will open the possibility to bring myths to life through us; creating space within ourselves to follow where myth may meaning-fully take us; that is, as experiencing beings deeply embedded in life’s, moment-by-moment unfolding dance. This entire online symposium will be recorded. If you live in a different time zone, you are welcome to join later in the day and you can catch up with the recording of the earlier sessions in your own time.

Very different from something not to be believed, as is the contemporary use of the word myth, what Myths really show us is a deeper reality, one that more rational ways of knowing are unable to attain. Throughout this day, we will not be talking about myth in the sense that it can be applied – as distanced, detached observers of life – but instead asking what might we be able to learn from it?

Myth constantly strives to make us more whole. Myths are not concepts but are alive, brought to life and into our lives, in the moment we bring forth the parts of ourselves which are relational, responsible and continually unfolding.

Five areas of myth will be offered as embodied ways of knowing and being, not through a theoretical approach. When myth is realised as a direct encounter, it is then given the possibility of reuniting with its counterpart, the logos, which is expressed through our understanding of the revelations it brings.


Mary Attwood – A Renaissance Painting as a Living Myth

Patrick Curry – Myth, Wonder and the Nature of Spirit

Andreas Kornevall – The Creation Myth of the Eddas and the Birth of Wisdom

Louise Livingstone – Earth Dreaming Us Through Myth

Simon Wilson – The Myth of the Other: Christianity and Transformation

This day is for you if you have an interest in myth, the imagination and what we might be missing today. Have a journal to hand with you to note down any reflections, as well as an open heart, eyes and mind.


10.00 – 10.15am – Opening and welcome

10.20am – Andreas Kornevall

11.05am – tea break

11.25am – Louise Livingstone

12.15pm – lunch

1.15pm – Mary Attwood

2.05pm – tea break

2.25pm – 3.15pm – Patrick Curry

3.20pm – 4.05pm – Simon Wilson

4.10 – 5.00pm – Audience imaginal space – taking this beyond the space and place we have created today.

For those who cannot attend live, there will be a recording available after the session has taken place.

To find out more follow this link https://mythcosmologysacred.com/myth-and-meaning-why-we-need-myth-and-what-it-means-for-us-today-with-mary-attwood-dr-patrick-curry-andreas-kornevall-dr-louise-livingstone-dr-simon-wilson-saturday-23rd-march-2024/


Myth and Meaning
Why we need myth and what it means for us today

Mary Attwood, Dr Patrick Curry, Andreas Kornevall, Dr Louise Livingstone & Dr Simon Wilson

Saturday 23rd March 2024
10am-5pm UK Time
All day online symposium via Zoom


This online symposium, the first of its kind offered by the Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred, will be discovering the potency of Myth – why we need it and what it means for us today. Throughout the day, the presenters will open the possibility to bring myths to life through us; creating space within ourselves to follow where myth may meaning-fully take us; that is, as experiencing beings deeply embedded in life’s, moment-by-moment unfolding dance. This entire online symposium will be recorded. If you live in a different time zone, you are welcome to join later in the day and you can catch up with the recording of the earlier sessions in your own time.

Very different from something not to be believed, as is the contemporary use of the word myth, what Myths really show us is a deeper reality, one that more rational ways of knowing are unable to attain. Throughout this day, we will not be talking about myth in the sense that it can be applied – as distanced, detached observers of life – but instead asking what might we be able to learn from it?

Myth constantly strives to make us more whole. Myths are not concepts but are alive, brought to life and into our lives, in the moment we bring forth the parts of ourselves which are relational, responsible and continually unfolding.

Five areas of myth will be offered as embodied ways of knowing and being, not through a theoretical approach. When myth is realised as a direct encounter, it is then given the possibility of reuniting with its counterpart, the logos, which is expressed through our understanding of the revelations it brings.


Mary Attwood – A Renaissance Painting as a Living Myth

Patrick Curry – Myth, Wonder and the Nature of Spirit

Andreas Kornevall – The Creation Myth of the Eddas and the Birth of Wisdom

Louise Livingstone – Earth Dreaming Us Through Myth

Simon Wilson – The Myth of the Other: Christianity and Transformation

This day is for you if you have an interest in myth, the imagination and what we might be missing today. Have a journal to hand with you to note down any reflections, as well as an open heart, eyes and mind.


10.00 – 10.15am – Opening and welcome

10.20am – Andreas Kornevall

11.05am – tea break

11.25am – Louise Livingstone

12.15pm – lunch

1.15pm – Mary Attwood

2.05pm – tea break

2.25pm – 3.15pm – Patrick Curry

3.20pm – 4.05pm – Simon Wilson

4.10 – 5.00pm – Audience imaginal space – taking this beyond the space and place we have created today.

For those who cannot attend live, there will be a recording available after the session has taken place.

To find out more follow this link https://mythcosmologysacred.com/myth-and-meaning-why-we-need-myth-and-what-it-means-for-us-today-with-mary-attwood-dr-patrick-curry-andreas-kornevall-dr-louise-livingstone-dr-simon-wilson-saturday-23rd-march-2024/


The Ancient Stones are Speaking: Connecting Through Our Hearts to the Wisdom of the Earth
with Dr Louise Livingstone

Tuesday 19th March 2024
6.30-8.00pm (UK time) via Zoom

The natural world is always inviting us into conversation. In these rapidly changing times, how can we better engage with the wisdom of the more-than-human world that has so much to teach us? In this talk, we will consider how our heart can guide us into deeper relationship with the world, and our Stone Elders in particular.
For those who cannot attend live, there will be a recording available after the session has taken place. Simply book a ticket via the button below, and the recording link will be sent with the joining instructions.



To wake the soul by tender strokes of art

Philip Marvin, who gave a talk to CMCS members last year, is offering the opportunity to join his seventh annual Shakespeare retreat in Puglia, Italy which takes place from June 11 to June 20 this year - nine nights. He is offering a £50 discount for CMCS subscribers if they book before the end of February.

This year the stupendous King Lear is being explored in depth- which very much includes it’s spiritual dimension. The actual study sessions are held outside in the shade each morning run from 9 a.m. through to lunchtime with a coffee break in between. They start on the 12th and finish on the 17th. The final two days are free to allow participants to taste the delights of the local region. There is plenty of space for contemplation and reflection in a most conducive environment.

For those travelling from the UK Easyjet flights to either Brindisi or Bari from Gatwick are recommended. People are coming from the US, Europe, Australia and India and Philip is happy to help with any special travel arrangements required. Taxis or lifts will be organised on arrival. Lunch (vegetarian) is provided on all the study days and there are three delicious evening dinners with wine also included in the cost of £640 if you are staying in the main house or £420 if in the nearby Hotel Lo Smeraldo. Anyone single has their own room in the house and couples obviously share a double.

Further study opportunities, including a Shakespeare film session, and another philosophically -related study session are also on offer. There will be an outdoor musical evening (plus pizza and prosecco) with some wonderful local musicians playing live and a communal visit to a brilliant local restaurant on another evening. Other visits are possible. The weather in June is always lovely. A large swimming pool and tennis court are available and there are wonderful local walks to be enjoyed in the stunning countryside. The sea is 20 minutes away by car and the local town Cisternino, with its medieval centre, only five minutes away. Photo from last year attached. Afternoons are left free to relax, sunbathe, swim, read, go for a stroll, fall asleep under an ancient olive tree etc. Yoga classes may also be offered as an extra. There are only a few places left so anyone interested is advised to respond speedily.

For booking details contact Philip direct: [email protected]


Victoria Field, Imaginary Gardens and Real Toads 28/02/2024

Victoria Field, Imaginary Gardens and Real Toads

This talk was recorded at the Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred on 2nd November 2021. Victoria Field has recently (2024) received her doctorate in Arts and Humanities from Canterbury Christ Church University on the research theme of 'The Pilgrim Writer'. For more information, please see the links below:

Victoria Field, Imaginary Gardens and Real Toads This talk was recorded at the Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred on 2nd November 2021. Victoria Field has recently (2024) received her doctorate in Ar...


I am looking forward to teaching on the 'The World Is Speaking' course with my colleague Mary Attwood, starting tomorrow evening at the Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred.

This course explores the question; in the unprecedented times that we are living in, is it possible to discover deeper ways of engaging with the world? In this course, art, Nature and deep listening come together to offer us a reminder of something more, a different perception. How is the world speaking to us – and how do we reply?

Over six sessions, we explore how expanded ways of seeing and knowing carry the potential to alter our way of perceiving and consequently engaging with the world. Through the Renaissance eye as window to the soul, Heart Sense and Goethean enquiry, we explore the starved version of normality that many of us live in today in contemporary society; opening our eyes, hearts and minds to ancient ways of knowing that honour our intuitive senses, and our imaginal consciousness. This will be participatory and will include a combination of lectures, group discussions and practical exercises. In this course, we take seriously the image, experience and feelings, using them to lead us into more subtler realms of our reality. If you have a nagging sense that all is not well with the world and our current worldview, and do not know how to speak about what is arising for you, then this course is for you!

You will engage in meditative and contemplative exercises including reflective writing and meaning- making through personal story and images of art and Nature.

You can find out more here: https://mythcosmologysacred.com/world-speaking-to-us/

Image: Unsplash

Photos from Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred's post 24/02/2024


With Mary Attwood and Dr Louise Livingstone

A 6-module online course running fortnightly from February to May 2024 (Via Zoom)

Tuesdays, 6.30pm – 8.30pm UK time
27th February, 12th & 26th March, 9th & 23rd April, 7th May 2024

“The modern quest for security and certainty…has closed the door on the great mystery that actually shines everywhere, and which does not need to be mastered, but rather received as a gift of grace.”
Dr Joseph Milne

In the unprecedented times that we are living in, is it possible to discover deeper ways of engaging with the world? In this course, art, Nature and deep listening come together to offer us a reminder of something more, a different perception. How is the world speaking to us – and how do we reply?
Over six sessions, join Mary Attwood and Dr Louise Livingstone as they explore how expanded ways of seeing and knowing carry the potential to alter our way of perceiving and consequently engaging with the world. Through the Renaissance eye as window to the soul, Heart Sense and Goethean enquiry, Mary and Louise will explore the starved version of normality that many of us live in today in contemporary society; opening our eyes, hearts and minds to ancient ways of knowing that honour our intuitive senses, and our imaginal consciousness. This will be participatory and will include a combination of lectures, group discussions and practical exercises. In this course, we take seriously the image, experience and feelings, using them to lead us into more subtler realms of our reality. If you have a nagging sense that all is not well with the world and our current worldview, and do not know how to speak about what is arising for you, then this course is for you!
You will engage in meditative and contemplative exercises including reflective writing and meaning- making through personal story and images of art and Nature.
Week one: Noticing, Now (seeing, listening, feeling) part 1
Week two: Noticing, Looking Back (seeing, listening, feeling) part 2
Week three: Opening (creating space)
Week four: Reclaiming (the push-pull, bringing something else into alignment)
Week five: Acting (rebirth)
Week six: Re-visioning (closing the spiral)

Follow this link for find out more https://mythcosmologysacred.com/world-speaking-to-us/

Photos from Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred's post 17/02/2024

Do support the wonderful Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred and my colleagues Mary and Louise in this free event. For those Glastonbury (and other) friends who are new, we co-founded the Centre in 2020 and it hosts a huge archive of talks, papers, podcasts, as well as live online events. Alas I cannot participate now in the online events but my writing, interviews and podcasts are there for posterity. There is also an archive of some of the impressive projects and essays by students of the former MA programme in Kent. This programme changed peoples’ lives, and Mary and Louise are keeping the flame alive with an online Diploma course.

Photos from Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred's post 16/02/2024

The World is Speaking - How do we reply?

with Mary Attwood and Dr Louise Livingstone
free online event

Tuesday 20th February 2024 (Via Zoom)
6.30pm – 8.00pm UK time

“How did our modern age become alienated from Nature? … We do not really see it. We suffer it, but do not really grasp the nature of our situation – even though Nature is the great mirror reflecting us back to ourselves.”
Dr Joseph Milne

In this free Tuesday evening talk, we will explore the ways in which Nature has been, and can still be, experienced as a living expression of life; of which we are an integral part. The world is abundant with possibilities which can guide us to deeper, more meaningful encounters – if only we have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the heart to know. Mary and Louise will each take one image from Art and from Nature to enter into a dialogue. Audience participation is also encouraged.

This session is free but you will need to register in order to receive a Zoom link. Please follow the link at the of this post to do so.

For those who cannot attend live, there will be a recording available after the session has taken place. Simply book a ticket via the link below, and the recording link will be sent following the session.



Six week personal development course via Zoom

Mondays 7:30pm – 9pm (UK Time)
12th & 26th February, 11th & 25th March, 8th & 22nd April 2024

Learn to connect with the infinite wisdom and guidance of your heart

This journey will support you to:

Uncover a lost heart, hidden in the past
Discover different layers of the heart – each with its own wisdom and guidance
Develop a way of engaging with these different hearts from within a contemporary framework to enable deep personal transformation
Reveal each heart as a portal/key; enabling the possibility to be present to what is speaking to you – helping you to deepen your understanding of yourself, and yourself in living relationship with the world.

Louise defines Heart Sense as insightful perception and considered discernment regarding daily life developed through the wisdom of, and benevolent qualities associated with, the heart. Framed around Louise’s doctoral research, drawing on depth psychology, esoteric wisdom, religious/spiritual philosophy, holistic science and cultural history, these sessions will open you to the many layers of your own heart and offer a platform for your heart to speak its wisdom. Returning to heart is one of the most important actions that any human being can now take to engage wisely and purposefully in the turbulent world that we live in.

Week one: overview, context creation, heart as vessel
Week two: meeting the physical heart
Week three: meeting the emotional/feeling heart
Week four: meeting the symbolic heart
Week five: meeting the spiralling heart
Week six: re-turning to heart, looking back over our journey

Sessions comprise heart-focussed contemplation, personal reflections, theory and contemplative exercises. To gain the most from the course, and learn within the personal sharing spaces, it is preferable that you are available to attend each session in real-time.
NOTE: Please be aware that places on this course are limited (due to this being a personal development group), and so fill up very quickly. To avoid disappointment, it is advised to book early. A waiting list is kept so that should the course become full, you will be offered the first available slot on the next cohort.

Follow this link to find out more and to book https://mythcosmologysacred.com/heart-sense-groups-with-louise-livingstone/

Hellenic Ta**ra: The Hidden Wisdom of Platonic Philosophy with Religious Studies Professor Gregory Shaw, Beginning February 20 — Morbid Anatomy 07/02/2024


Hellenic Ta**ra: The Hidden Wisdom of Platonic Philosophy with Religious Studies Professor Gregory Shaw, Beginning February 20 — Morbid Anatomy 5 week online class via Zoom Dates: Tuesdays, February 20 - March 19, 2024 Time: 7-9 pm Eastern (NYC) time Admission $175.00 ( Patreon Members ) / $190.00 (Regular Admission) * PDFs of readings will be sent to enrolled students before class. PLEASE NOTE: All classes will be recorded for th

Videos (show all)

Visit the magic portal to our MA where you can find an archive of creative projects, essays and dissertations by past an...
