Serenity Mind Body Soul

Serenity Mind Body Soul

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Serenity Mind Body Soul, Alternative & holistic health service, .

Holistic Therapist, Certified Aafiyah Healing Practitioner and Certified Hijama Therapist

Serenity Mind Body Soul, provides a one stop hub for your overall wellbeing, physical and emotional needs.


Our body is a complex system that consists of several organs, tissues, cells and systems working together to maintain overall health and function. Here is a brief overview of how our body functions:

1. Skeletal system: The skeleton provides support to the body and protects internal organs. It also produces blood cells and stores minerals.

2. Muscular system: The muscles produce movement and help maintain posture. They also generate heat necessary for body temperature regulation.

3. Nervous system: The nervous system controls the body through electrical signals, transmitting information to and from the brain.

4. Endocrine system: The endocrine system produces and secretes hormones which regulate metabolism, growth, and development, and regulate other bodily functions.

5. Cardiovascular system: The heart pumps blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs and removing waste products.

6. Respiratory system: The respiratory system enables us to breathe, bringing oxygen into the body and removing carbon dioxide.

7. Digestive system: The digestive system breaks down food into nutrients, which are then absorbed into the body for energy and growth.

8. Urinary system: The urinary system removes waste products from the body and helps maintain fluid balance.

9. Immune system: The immune system is responsible for fighting off infections and other foreign substances that can harm the body.

All of these systems work together to maintain balance and homeostasis in the body. When one system is not functioning correctly, it can affect the functioning of other systems, leading to illness or disease. Overall, our body functions through the coordination and integration of these systems and the organs that carry out their respective functions


At Serenity Mind Body Soul, I address the individual as a whole whilst recognising the various aspects of a person's life can impact their well-being, including physical health, emotions, relationships, lifestyle, environment, and spirituality. Using different body centred techniques, including Aafiyah Healing to tailor treatments to each individual's unique needs.
The goal of holistic therapy is to promote balance, self-awareness, and overall well-being. By addressing the root causes of issues and to support healing on multiple levels—physically, emotionally, mentally, socially and spiritually. Also looking at range of factors such as lifestyle, nutrition, environment, relationships, beliefs, and personal values in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of a situation or an individual's well-being. Emphasis will continually be on the importance of self-care, self-empowerment, and taking an active role in one's own healing process.
Are you ready to start your healing journey, address your needs and be your authentic true self?
Contact me for more details


Apologies I’m changing my website host so therefore cannot access any emails currently
Please wattsapp any homework or queries you may have


With temperatures plummeting to possible -8c amid snow warnings, from Wednesday, how prepared are you? Below is some ideas just to keep you prepared:
-ensure you have household grocery essentials
- your managing your vitamins and minerals intake
- Ensure houses be heated to minimum 18 degrees Celsius
- Wear extra layers of clothing when you go outdoors
-wear appropriate shoes
- in case of mobile phone outages, ensure you have a separate charged battery
-in case of electricity cuts, ensure you have candles
-ensure garden furniture eg trampolines etc... are tied down securely or packed away
- plan travel ahead of journey
- ensure car is checked eg tyre pressures , sufficient water, oil, petrol. Use a screen wash additive to keep your windscreen free of winter road grime caused by road salting
- have a winter car kit - de icer, window ice scraper , warm clothes , blankets, jump lead, shovel , sunglasses for the winter sun glare and food if your going in a long journey
- please keep an eye on elderly or vulnerable neighbours .
- please don't take any risks

The winter season requires us to conserve our energy. It's the Phlegmatic time of year, or the state of Dampness and Depression.  Tissues need stimulation and to dry out. So why not add spices to foods: Turmeric, pepper , cinnamon, cloves etc...

Health wise choose wisely:

-Eat a Healthy Diet of Fruit and Veggies 
- Get Outdoors During the Daytime
-Make Sure You Stay Hydrated 
-Try to Get Better Sleep by sleeping a little earlier perhaps
-get vitamin d during daylight hours
-Start the day with light warming exercise
-start the day with gratitude,

This season will pass so quickly so let's embrace the beauty of nature layered with white perfect snow
Let's prepare for this change consciously. Please add any ideas below


Each person has a unique journey in this world. Some people may just need a little support to guide them along. This is what I love about this work, not only do you support but equip people with their support tools and you can see them going into the right direction in their life with an understanding of their health and emotional wellbeing. With Aafiyah Healing you do not need to talk every aspect out, with a series of techniques you release the emotions, understand your mindset and behaviour and move on to the person you want to be. Thank you to every individual who has allowed me to support them in their healing journey.


How are you feeling today?


Hence why clients can forget huge chunks in their childhood


I was compelled to share this testimonial, my client wrote about “finding the right therapist for you”. Usually people come and see a holistic therapist when life throws major life events our way that may impact our mental , emotional or physical health. It is very vital to trust your gut instincts. Therapist will look at every aspect of your life, so building a rapport and trust is very important and that you feel safe and able to communicate. You can speak with someone who understands you and validates your feelings. Thank you Rachel


Today, I woke up and had an urge to put pen to paper and express a few words of my healing journey. Thank you for listening

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself “ - Rumi


An expectation is what is considered the most likely to happen, a belief that is centered on the future, may or may not be realistic.

Unrealistic expectations assume a level of control that we don't have in a situation. We repeatedly feel disappointed that the expectation hasn't been met. This can make us feel low, depressed and start chipping away at our self confidence
(For example
• You think, “Everyone must like me.” The reality is we can’t make everyone like us, no matter how hard we try.
• You think, “The world should be fair.” This is also unrealistic because many aspects of the world are outside our control.
• You think “My golden years were supposed to just be golden.” But there are many transitions and challenges as we age.
• You think “My marriage should be easy.” Then, when problems arise, you assume the relationship is hopeless and avoid working on it.)
-excerpt taken from psychcentral

Sometimes I get clients who expect their spouses to just understand how they are feeling, or parents who expect their kids to listen and be on attention, or feel they cannot fail in life.
These are unfair expectations and detrimental to oneself and any relationships and can cause more conflicts.
A good idea is to write down daily one unrealistic expectation you hold,
Reflect on it
And then see
If the expectation is working against you, see if you can release that control or expectation
Change the narrative, soften your words to yourself , show compassion with patience, openness, and gentleness to oneself.
Start being flexible in your thoughts and expectations. Allow flexibility to your changing circumstances .
Seasons change, weather changes why should we stand still and stagnate in life with our thought.

Let's get in tune with our bodies our thoughts and behaviours


When was the last time you spoke so gently to yourself to reflect?

Many of us struggle with the voice inside our own heads ( the thoughts which are automatic ) to support oneself yet find it easy to praise others in a softer kinder approach.

"Our self-talk reflects the relationship that we’ve formed with ourselves, as a consequence of the experiences that we’ve had with others – and our perception of these events."

Next time you hear your negative self talk
** PAUSE **
Now ask yourself this question
"What can I do now, to help myself in this situation? "

Self-talk opens up the possibility of positive change, shifting your mind to a resolve . So gift yourself compassion and sit with this phrase

"You’re allowed to feel ..." describe your emotion, sit with it , and then decide on one step forward .


Love this simple reflective supporting questioning style. Sometimes it easier to dictate to people what they should or shouldn't be doing. When in fact we should simply support them and guide them gently to reflect for themselves and decide what's right for them! Something to ponder on 🤔


National Bereaved Parents Day will take place on Sunday 3rd July to raise awareness for all parents who have lost a child of any age, and from any circumstance.
Inna lillahi wa Inna ilayhi rajioun For today just be gentle with yourself and if you are struggling you just need to reach out.


*Healing the Emptiness*

A guide to emotional and spiritual well-being. Join us with Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed (USA) for an Exclusive Book Launch!*

*Glasgow - Sunday 3 July, 2.30pm to 6.30pm*

A New Seminar based on her NEW Book written after 10 years!

The Seminar will address contents of the New Book which includes:

-Emptiness: The Origin and filling the Emptiness
-The Purpose of Trials
-Trauma in the Qur’an
-Diagnosing the Suffering
-The Root of our Suffering
-Toxic myths of Sabr
-Negative Thinking
-And more

*The Seminar will also include:*

-Book signing of the New Book with Ustadha Yasmin Mogahed (USA)
-Live Interview Session
-Exclusive Q and A Session
And more

*Book your seat now via:*

Sisters only event.


Mental Health Awareness week 2022 is all about Loneliness!
Apologies I waffled, I wanted to keep it short and simple however it ended up being a 15 minute chat
I discuss my journey with Loneliness especially in regards to a son that suffers seizures and being diagnosed at the start of the pandemic and steps I had taken to change our lives. Hope it helps .mind.body.soul


Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 is all about Loneliness this year.
For me loneliness hit hard when my son first got diagnosed with absent seizures, During the pandemic. What was more difficult was the restrictions, family dynamics had changed and getting the right support and healing for my son, myself and my family. Apologies I rambled on a bit, it’s something I feel I do not need to share but after speaking to some amazing people this week and how their loneliness stories , I felt someone may relate and benefit. Hope it helps xx


Just stop everything and reflecting on nature is so powerful. Connect from today. Next time your out and about, place your phone on silent. Just stop the chattering in your head and look around and see what thoughts come to you. Look at the purpose why something is created Eg, trees created to provide oxygen for us, look at the colours that make it up , feel the texture and just breathe and be grateful for having this opportunity to focus on something that is nourishing you. Try it and let me know what you feel .mind.body.soul


Self care comes in many forms. Just paying attention to your mind, body and soul, and what it actually needs at that time is so important.


The theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is LONELINESS. It is something that has impacted all of us in some way or another especially through the pandemic. For some people it’s the loved ones they have lost, the jobs or social life they no longer have, even loneliness of not knowing who they are. Loneliness is the state of being alone and feeling sad about it. But there are many steps you can take to overcome it. 1. Connect to yourself and Practice self care 2. Connect to Now - Being present 3. Connect to people sharing same hobbies or phone your friend or get to know the people in your street 4. Connect to nature
5. Create a vision board 6. Make 1 change daily to connect .mind.body.soul


Asalaam Alaikum. We have been given a fantastic opportunity to be part of Radio Ramadan, Evening Drive Time with Umran, Monday - Friday 5pm. Rafet, Usman and I have been taking in turns to record short recorded wellness bites. Please Tune in and let us know your thoughts Thanking you in advance


Yes yes yes!!!!!
These guys are absolutely amazing !
One of those desserts that’s aesthetically appealing and so tasty. Literally one tantalising mouthful and oh the flavours, the texture everything was just perfect. Best Artisan Dessert I have tasted in Glasgow!
Must book for all events
They needed a dedicated post 🙏 in love ❤️


What a fab day Glasgow People are truly amazing ❤️. , Usman and I are truly humbled. Had a fab time at The Ramadan Fair Today and great connections made. Well organised .mind.body.soul


SCOTLAND CROWD!!!!! Happy to announce Rafet @ Heal, and myself will be at this bazaar this Saturday from 12-4:30. Discover what Aafiyah Healing is about! Come to our table and say Hi 👋 and get to know what we do. .mind.body.soul


Hi, just a short introduction, My name is Sobia Khan Ahmad. I am a Holistic Therapist, Certified Aafiyah Healing Practitioner and Certified Hijama Therapist

An effective healing modality that assists in management of:
& all other skin, stomach & chronic conditions

Completely natural & client focused with one to one support, granting life long tools to assist in helping oneself throughout life.
Suitable for any age & most conditions treated

“Indeed in Cupping (Hijama) there is a cure “ (Sahih Muslim)
Benefits Include:
Boosts the circulatory and immune systems
Cleanses and detoxifies the body
Balances Hormones
Useful for treating many muscular, skeletal, neurological, immune, cardio-vascular, respiratory, metabolism, digestive and urinary issues.

Serenity Mind Body Soul, provides a one stop hub for your overall wellbeing, physical and emotional needs.

CALL NOW: 07827 526 665
[email protected]


F for Finding Love. Following our A-Z series, join us this Wednesday 23rd March 2022 @ 12:30 pm. Insta Live
Building human connections are so vital in our lives, but first we need to build a relationship with our true self.



E for Enrich your life through coaching. Join in to our A-Z Healing and coaching session where we talk everything health, mindset and moving forward. Invest this time to yourself and let’s make 2022 a year of change, a different perspective and productive goals. Join us Wednesday 16th March 2022 @ 12:30pm insta live .mind.body.soul

Photos from Serenity Mind Body Soul's post 11/03/2022

This pandemic really brought Grief, loss to the forefront. I do not remember ever losing so many close relations and people in a 2 year period. This is such a huge topic to talk upon.
However if we look at the word GRIEF, what does it even mean ?
It means intense sorrow, deep and poignant distress caused by bereavement.

It affects everyone from losing a person to death or letting them go out of your life, loss of a pet, or a part of your body such as miscarriage, still born or part of your body eg Mastectomy.
There is no time limit you can place on grieving and healing, so don’t set the expectations up yourself.

Today a year ago we lost a beautiful uncle, and as we grieve with their family, I find the rawness of the huge void they left in our life, the loneliness that comes along with grief and understanding all these emotions, of reliving the grief for my own father ten folds even though he passed away 4 years prior.

However, I can assure you a time will come when you will get through the emotional rollercoaster of Grief, bereavement and loss. You will learn to heal and grieve without pain, you will learn to accept the loss and navigate forward through your life with more love for them and compassion towards yourself. You will also be able to support others who are dealing with their grief in an empathetic manner.

You will learn to get through these dark and difficult times, and a time will come when you will say Alhamdu Lillah, for their presence in this world, their time spent in this world, and even for the right time they were taken. Our peace and contentment will come with sabr and strength when we realise Allah is the best of planners and we place our full trust in Allah’s plan.

Till then if anyone would like any support or services that I offer to support you with Grief, please feel free to contact me.

Videos (show all)

Thank you to all those attendees who could make it today.  A fantastic beneficial talk by Zuhair Girach, founder of Aafi...
Some tips for parenting children may include:1. Show love and affection: Express love to your children through words and...
Facing your true self can be a challenging but rewarding process that can help you grow and develop as a person. Here ar...
Trauma refers to an emotional response to a distressing or disturbing event, which is beyond the individual’s ability to...
Breathing techniques are important for several reasons:1. Stress reduction: Breathing techniques can help to reduce stre...
Why can’t we let go?We can’t let go because sometimes, letting go means accepting the reality of a situation that we wis...
There can be many reasons why people feel stuck in life. Here are some common factors that can contribute to this:1. Lac...
Life throws us curve balls which pushes us to change directions, ourselves, or our life.  But being open to change can b...
When was the last time we spoke with Kindness?  I was overhearing a conversation today between 3 generations and my hear...
Grounding or “Earthing” on grass involves walking barefoot on the grass with your feet in direct contact with the earth....
A healing journey is a process of overcoming physical, emotional, or spiritual pain or trauma, aimed at restoring balanc...
The mind is a complex system that enables us to perceive, understand, and interact with the world around us. Here are so...