Reboot - New Beginnings
Restorative Therapy/Personal & Spiritual Development Mentoring
Healing & Growth in Mind Body & Spirit
Whether you feel yourself shifting in life and awareness and are not sure how to move forwards, or whether you’ve started out on a spiritual path and want to deepen your understanding and clarify your direction, it’s so often helpful to work with someone who can help you to recognise and work with the right energy so that you can develop and trust your intuition and path.
Welcome to Pathfinders - a 1-to-1 spiritual mentoring programme - designed just for you.
For info just click on the Whatsapp button below and chat with Sue @ Reboot - New Beginnings
Today I've been reflecting with a client on moving forwards into a new part of your life - a new space, a new energy. Having started to release and to let go of old and toxic energy and beliefs, he was starting to feel troubled and unsettled rather than feeling better.
We figured out the importance, as you start to heal (in whatever way is working for you), of anchoring yourself in the new space before you head out on the new adventure.
He needs to learn to visualise himself in the new, open and, for him at the moment, scary space, to drop anchor and to learn to be - to learn to be ok, to feel safe and to know that this is the right place for now. Moving on in the new space will come when the time is right.
If you're on a journey of healing and tranisition, then maybe this will resonate with you today ... just learning to be in your new space for now.
Follow me: Reboot - New Beginnings
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In this busy world it's often really hard to find even a few moments for yourself and your wellbeing. Most of us rarely prioritise our own mental, emotional and spiritual health - and we don't even recognise the signs of that mistake. We spiral slowly downwards - getting more tired, more irritated with those around us, more easily flustered and triggered. We find it harder to be motivated, harder to make progress - and worse case scenario - we feel that everything is out of our control.
And yet, it's relatively easy to restore our health and wellbeing, our sense of worth and purpose and our inner peace.
Taking time for yourself, - to fill your bucket - is NEVER a waste of time and should ALWAYS be high up on our priority list.
So make today the first day that you start to restore yourself to ... yourself - pinky promise!!!!!
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Reboot - New Beginnings
Visit Sue at Reboot - New Beginnings for:
~ Intuitive Osteopathy & Healing
~ Healing the Words You Use With Hypnotherapy (12.15 talk & demo)
~ Restorative Therapy with RTT®
An osteopath focuses on the whole body using deep, soft tissue massage, articulation (gentle rhythmic joint movements) and manipulation of:
soft tissues (joints, muscles,
ligaments, tendons
the spine
the nervous system
As an intuitive osteopath my guides help me to scan your body and channel our combined energy to identify where your pain originates, then to relax and release the pain. (*You will feel a benefit in one session but often a course of treatment is needed as in clinical osteopathy)
Often, I am guided to other energy and spiritual healing too and can be directed to suggest natural remedies to assist your healing.
There are just a few tickets left for this event 7pm 14th March
If you wonder what hypnotherapy is all about, if you wonder IF it works, if you wonder if it's for you, then this event could be for you.
Discover how hypnosis with Restorative Therapy could help you to heal your life.
Follow the Eventbrite link below to book your space
Restorative Therapy uses a unique blend of RTT® and intuitive healing to bring about lasting change.
To find out more, please click the links below!AvkYPS5Wzk7-oxzfvwWuQnS7BIxY?e=eh5QaQ!AvkYPS5Wzk7-nwWi8sO2Kvi1Z75T?e=nAsBZc
or call or message Sue on 07790 681985
…empowering you to work with your subconscious mind, your emotions and energy/spirit.
I use a unique blend of RTT® therapy, intuitive healing and guided personal growth exercises and practice to facilitate first, a powerful release of the limiting thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are creating blockages, emotional and physical pain, anxieties and insecurities.
Once you have experienced this release, we work together to re-set your life the way you truly want to live it.
Every thought we think about ourselves is shaped by our past ... BUT every thought we think also shapes our present and our future - and sometimes that leaves us locked in a vicious cycle of negative thoughts.
Stepping out of that cycle and learning to think positively about ourselves is not always easy - but it IS worth it.
Learning to let go of the negative thoughts can free you from the past and allow you to recreate your present and your future.
FIND OUT HOW with Restorative Therapy
For more information call or message me on 07790 681985
Our subconscious mind holds a memory of every encounter, every event, every conversation - and every belief and feeling that they created. All of these stored memories and perceptions impact subtly on how we feel today, how we respond to situations today.
If, like so many people, you've learned to hide away, to shrink back from success, to believe that you can't be successful, to be constantly crippled by seeking perfection - whether that's in your career or in relationships - then underlying everything it's likely that you have the belief that you're not good enough.
Imagine the freedom of being able to say - you know what? I am good enough - I always was and I certainly am now!
OK - so maybe you can't turn yourself into Arnie overnight! But it IS true that our thoughts can affect our physical as well as our mental wellbeing.
A negative thought pattern creates negative energy that affects how we feel about ourselves and as a result, our actions. If we believe we can't then we probably won't.
But have you ever felt sick with worry? Ever found yourself paralysed by fear? Ever had a stress rash?
There's a long list of physical ailments that could be influenced by a negative thought pattern: headaches, chest pain, back and joint pain, skin reactions, stomach problems, inflammation - and many more.
So how about finding a long lasting solution to thinking better thoughts.
watch RTT® creator Marisa Peer as she talks about this amazing therapy
What Is Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️)? | Marisa Peer To find out more about training with us to become a phenomenal therapist, click the link here - you heard of Rapid Tran...
When you think about yourself, what do you see?
What words do you use?
Do you see someone who is happy in their own skin? Calm & confident? In control of their feelings and destiny? Someone you like?
Are the words you use about yourself in your inner dialogue complimentary - or do you so often put yourself down with negative words?
I can support you to change those inner pictures and to empower yourself and your self image with positive words.
The difference it will make to your life will blow your mind!!
Sometimes we have lived for so long without what we want that we come to believe that THIS is what we deserve and all that we can have.
And THAT is just not true.
You can learn to believe that you are worthy of everything you would wish for yourself
and then the rest is a blank page
RTT is a fast, effective and long-lasting solution issues including:
Fears, phobias & panic attacks
Compulsive behaviours
Addiction & weight management
Fertility problems
Anxiety & depression
Sleep problems
Trust, commitment and connection issues
Self-esteem and self-confidence
Self-sabotage, procrastination & motivation
Life purpose and achieving goals
With all the hype of Christmas and New Year over you might be thinking 'what now?'
You wake up in the morning and there's no excitement, nothing to look forward to .... except more anxiety, more worry.
You know it goes deeper than the current cost of living worries and you fear that you can never be happy.
Somewhere in your life you've learned to believe something about yourself that isn't true but is buried so deep in your subconscious that it holds you back from the life you want.
Rooting out that belief IS possible and, once it's gone, you will be free to create a life that you love living.
(original image by valeria_aksakova on Freepik)
On a day when you feel lost, a day when you feel as though the inner you is fading away, a day when you wonder who you are and what happened to the real you..... reach out.
Sometimes it feels as though being anxious and unhappy is just the way it is: the way it always has been - the way it always will be. Finding a way out feels impossible.
What we don't realise is that we are being held back by events and experiences that our conscious mind has forgotten - but which are holding us prisoner from our subconscious and controlling our current thoughts and actions.
RTT® is an effective way to find release and freedom - to find peace and to live an upgraded life. To live the life you thought you could never have.
(original image by on Freepik)
Rapid Transformational Therapy® works with the subconscious mind to uncover deeply buried thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are affecting our behaviour and holding us back from the life we truly want. Through a process of gentle and safe hypnotherapy we are able to unlock, re-programme and upgrade. RTT® works quickly and effectively typically in 1-3 sessions.
(original image by kjpargeter on Freepik)
Imagine feeling in control
Imagine feeling that you deserve to have the life you want - and that you can have the life you want
Imagine feeling empowered in situations that have been causing stress, hurt and pain Imagine being able to see and use your potential
By assisting you to explore your subconscious memories in hypnosis - quickly, easily and safely I can transform your life NOW by unlocking and unblocking the past and transforming your future.
(image by on Freepik)