Practical Wisdom

Practical Wisdom

We support neurodivergent parents and those finding things a little bit tricky or maybe your child i


Today, the hardest words to say might be the most important ones.

This , and it is time we changed the conversation around su***de and mental health.

💬 Did you know that only 45% of people feel comfortable talking to loved ones about suicidal thoughts, compared to 74% who are open to discussing mental health? We can change this.

💛 By talking openly about su***de, we can help people express their feelings and get the support they need. It could save a life.

Here are some ways YOU can help:

Look out for signs that someone might be struggling.

Let them know support is available.

Reach out to anyone you’re concerned about.

Break the stigma – let’s normalize talking about suicidal thoughts.

We know it’s hard to find the right words…. but your support can make all the difference.

You can download this great resource here (we have also added this link to our bio on Insta so you can find it there easily too)

"Finding a way to say it," for tips on how to help someone open up:

Lets make a world where fewer lives are lost to su***de. Let’s keep the conversation going, today and every day. 💚

If you or someone you know needs support, call 116 123 to speak to a Samaritan anytime.

Back to School Parent Toolkit | Widgit 05/09/2024

We thought we would share this - it is a great resource to help kids who are starting school or making a change between schools especially this coming term

Back to School Parent Toolkit | Widgit This free toolkit includes symbol materials to help parents support their children returning to school after the summer break.


Good luck to everyone who's kids are back to school or starting school this week! It can feel very odd and nerve wracking for parents and children alike!


I am delighted to say that I am part of the advisory board of Joyfully Different, a ground breaking community that's redefining the business world for neurodivergent entrepreneurs and freelancers alike. 🎉

Joyfully Different believe that doing business should be a joyful and affirming experience, especially for those of us who think differently. As a non-profit organization, their mission is to create a supportive space where neurodivergent business owners can thrive, connect, and learn from each other.

Joyfully Different have created a community that understands the unique challenges and strengths of neurodivergent entrepreneurs. Much more than a business network— actually a place where you can truly belong, grow, and succeed on your own terms.

If you're a neurodivergent entrepreneur looking for a community that 'gets you' you can sign up now and enjoy your first month FREE but get in quick as memberships close at the end of September until early 2025!

Photos from Practical Wisdom's post 30/08/2024

Feedback Friday!

Yet more great feedback from last week during our live video workshops in collaboration with NHS Kent as part of their Waiting Well Programme.


Continuing our conversation on and anger, mood swings and stress are additional elements that can exacerbate feelings of rage. It's not uncommon for those with ADHD to experience a whirlwind of emotions - from joy to despair to anger - all in the span of a few hours. Moreover, the inherent challenges of living with ADHD often lead to heightened stress, which can amplify feelings of anger and frustration.

Top Tip: Regular physical activity can be a natural mood stabilizer, helping to alleviate symptoms of both stress and mood swings. Whether it's a short walk or a vigorous workout, find an activity that you enjoy and make it part of your routine.


Feeling a surge of extreme anger and don't understand why? If you're living with , you're not alone. One key aspect of ADHD is impulsivity, which means that feelings of anger are often expressed immediately, with little room for calm reflection.

This, coupled with a lower threshold for frustration, can make it seem like even the smallest inconvenience can set off a torrent of emotion. It can be disconcerting, as these intense reactions can often feel out of character and even embarrassing.

Top Tip: One effective strategy to manage impulsive anger is deep breathing. Practicing mindful breathing can help you create a pause, allowing for a more considered response.


As you kick back (if you can!) this summer, it is a great time to also take stock where things are at.... Is you life panning out how you hoped?

You can't really know if you don’t know what it looks like, so what is in what is in your ‘Life Jar’!!

These are the key things you want in your life, things you want to really have and focus on, as a friend once said 'the big kahunas'.

Sometimes we get so caught up in day to day life we can get pre occupied with that, so this and other small stuff fills all the jar. But, then things get so full the big things in life don't end up happening.

Whereas, if you do this the other way round and make sure you aim for the big stuff, these sands of day to day things happen any way but just fit round those key life goals.

We all get some of those day to day tasks can feel pretty full on which is why remembering some strategies to make life easier!

There are also significant 'pebbles' that life throw along the way too and sometimes we need to dig deep to get past those challenges, recover from loss, deal with a divorce etc. Our past can be tricky! Getting therapy can help to get past complex trauma and it may for you as well. Sometimes it is a case of getting help to overcome the 'pebbles' whatever they are.

What are your big life goals that matter to you? What would this look like and how would you know when you have succeeded?


Feedback Friday!

Great to get such positive feedback from last week during our live video workshops in collaboration with NHS Kent as part of their Waiting Well Programme.


Though anger can be a common experience for those with ADHD, it's essential to remember that everyone's experiences are unique. For instance, many women with ADHD have been conditioned from a young age to internalize their anger, leading to a quiet internal rage that can be just as damaging.

Recognizing and understanding your emotional patterns is the first step towards managing them effectively.

Top Tip: Journaling can be a powerful tool to gain insight into your emotional landscape. Regularly recording your feelings can help identify triggers and patterns, enabling more proactive anger management.

Photos from Practical Wisdom's post 18/08/2024

Guess who failed exams, got low grades, yep me.

I had remedial classes (as they were called back in the day) in primary school and knew early on my mind was wired differently.

School grades record one type of learning and fair play if you got good grades. To those where it didn't quite pan out (and those worried parents) there is more than one route in life....

The game changer is finding what unlocks your way of working/being that is for you. You don't have to be or do stuff how everyone else does.

I remember that moment when my dyslexic coach at uni 'gave me permission' to learn/study my own way. I never looked back!!

I tested out different approaches and hacks, they didn't all work out lol but with time I learned how I learned, what should go in my tool box. Every so often they get updated to, as I grow and evolve.

I also learned one important lesson .... I was 'different, not broken!'

Find your way...

Love Helen - Founder of Practical Wisdom


Though anger can be a common experience for those with ADHD, it's essential to remember that everyone's experiences are unique. For instance, many women with ADHD have been conditioned from a young age to internalize their anger, leading to a quiet internal rage that can be just as damaging.

Seeing and understanding your emotional patterns is the first step towards managing them effectively.

Top Tip: Journaling can be a powerful tool to gain insight into your emotional landscape. Regularly recording your feelings can help identify triggers and patterns, enabling more proactive anger management.


The Relationship Between PDA, ADHD, and Autism

🧩 PDA, ADHD, and autism share overlapping traits, making their connection intricate. People with PDA may resist demands to extreme levels, and it often co-occurs with ADHD and autism. While some studies suggest ADHD might have a stronger connection with PDA than autism, more research is needed.

Both ADHD and PDA can cause executive dysfunction but may differ in avoidance patterns.


Pathological Demand Avoidance - have you heard of it?

🧠 PDA is often linked with autism and ADHD, manifesting as a struggle to comply with demands, even personal ones.

Coined by Professor Elizabeth Newson in the 1980s, PDA can appear in adults and children and may lead to high levels of anxiety.

It's not a recognized condition in major diagnostic manuals but is considered a profile on the autism spectrum.

Remember, PDA isn't a choice! it's a unique challenge for those experiencing it.


Our very own Helen Davies has been on the fabulous Inclusion Bites podcast, talking to Joanne Lockwood about the convergence of Q***r Identities and Neurodiversity.

Please listen to it wherever you get your podcasts!

And remember, sharing is caring!


Summer in the UK seems to finally have arrived, and that means it is a fantastic time to engage in activities that boost your dopamine levels, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure and reward.

We have put together some super summery and joyful activities to help you make the most of your summer while it lasts while also enhancing your mental well-being - click the link below to read on!


An important reminder for carers with non-verbal children.

Just because a person can’t speak doesn’t mean they have nothing to say.

Communication is a basic need for humans, it helps people to connect with others, helps them make decisions and express feelings, it is needed to enable people to feel part of the community and communication can come in many forms.

What do you do to communicate with a non verbal child in your life? Let us know in the comments below.



In this funny old thing we call life we have years (and days and weeks) with ups and downs, twists and turns and mental health can really fluctuate a lot. It's high time we chat about mental health with the same ease as we do about the latest telly drama or the weather forecast.

Come with us on a little walk through the landscape of mental health, armed with strategies for nurturing our well-being and sprinkled with a little touch of humour because, after all, laughter is a fabulous medicine - read on in our latest article linked here below!


Today, we celebrate Ade Adepitan, Paralympic athlete and television presenter who has championed disability awareness and sports.

From winning a bronze medal in wheelchair basketball to presenting major TV shows, his impact is profound.

Here's to promoting inclusivity and breaking down barriers for people with disabilities. 🌟👏


Living with ADHD can be challenging sure! BUT….it doesn't define who you are!

Embracing neurodiversity, celebrating differences, and supporting individuals with ADHD to thrive is what we are all about.

Together we want to break the stigma surrounding ADHD and create a world where neurodiversity is celebrated and accommodated by everyone!


We proudly spotlight Dr. Maggie Aderin-Pocock, a renowned space scientist and science communicator who despite the challenges of dyslexia has excelled in her field and become an inspirational advocate for science education - She has been a researcher and presenter of BBC's "The Sky at Night", promotes STEM education and is an big advocate for inspiring young people with disabilities!

Join us in celebrating her contributions to creating a more inclusive and understanding world. 🌍💜


What are your anchor points ?

Many ND folk (myself included) are a world of contradictions, I love new adventures, yet love home too. New challenges are my dopamine fix! But…I need something to touch base on a place of familiarity.

You know I spent most of my life not feeling good enough, this isn't uncommon.... not fitting and knowing I'm different. But, it also drove me forward, and still does. It turned into supporting and reassuring my patients over the decades as a nurse. Increased empathy, combined with my hyper-vigilance means I also have intuition and ‘spider sense’ when talking to people.... Many empaths developed these skill as they didn't feel safe when young....

I had one place throughout life where I touched base, a place that is diverse, where there is so much to do I can always have a project or a mission to chase for my dopamine hit! A place where I have laughed, cried, grew up. A place that distracted me (and many others who work in it) and a place that I call home. This place for me is the NHS. There's nothing like it! We can be a bunch of oddballs at times, lots of mini tribes but a shared vision and dream to make a difference.

My entrepreneur world has required a whole heap of self-reflection and learning to see the rhythm that works for me as a neurodivergent adult. Before this, becoming a new parent was the same! When I lost my parents in recent years, the NHS was a much-needed distraction, with support on tap should I need it.

I'm so grateful for my part-time NHS work as it provides an anchor of familiarity, comfort, and reassurance that I'm not completely crap as I learn new fields! You see, I still don't feel good enough! It's a lot better than before, but I also use this part of me to drive me to do better too.

I, you, we…. are perfectly imperfect. 🥰 Work against and it feels hard and drains you, work with it and you can move from surviving to thriving. Find your anchor, your tribe and own your weird!

Photos from Practical Wisdom's post 19/07/2024

Feedback Friday!

Great to get such positive feedback from last week during our live video workshops in collaboration with NHS Kent as part of their Waiting Well Programme.


Remembering the brilliant Stephen Hawking, whose ground breaking work in theoretical physics and cosmology revolutionized our understanding of the universe. Despite his ALS diagnosis, he broke barriers and inspired countless individuals with disabilities to pursue their passions.

Let’s remember his legacy by supporting and promoting disability rights and inclusion. 🌟💙


Navigating our way through the digital era comes with its fair share of challenges.

One of the biggest is the constant battle for our time and attention, fuelled by the interplay between dopamine release and our smartphone use.

Dopamine, released when we experience something enjoyable (like the buzz of a new notification), prompts us to seek out the same pleasurable experience, often leading us to excessive screen time. It's important to remember, though, that we can take control.

By setting boundaries, dedicating specific times for digital detox, and making conscious efforts to engage in offline activities, we can foster a healthier relationship with technology.


Come on! Which do you prefer? The PW team are divided!


Sharing Trailblazers this disability pride!

Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson

Today we honour Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson, a Paralympic champion and a crossbench peer in the House of Lords. With 16 Paralympic medals and over 30 world records, she has been a formidable advocate for disability rights and inclusivity. Her tireless work continues to inspire millions.

🏅 Achievements: 11 gold, 4 silver, and 1 bronze Paralympic medals
📢 Advocacy: Active voice in transport accessibility and welfare reforms

Here's to a more inclusive society! 💪🌟


Ever wonder why it's so hard to put your phone down, even when you know you should?

The answer lies in dopamine, a neurotransmitter in our brains linked to pleasure and reward. Each time we receive a new notification or message, it triggers a release of dopamine, creating a sense of enjoyment and a desire to repeat the action.

This repeated cycle can eventually lead to a sort of 'digital dependency'. By understanding this, we can take active steps to manage our screen time and re-establish a healthy balance between our online and offline lives.


This month is , here at Practical wisdom we are paying tribute to every individual living with a disability - seen or unseen.

Those of you who saw posts in June for Pride month will remember we mentioned some of the trailblazer who helped promote inclusivity for gay and trans people through history, this month we thought we would share some of the trailblazers who have significantly contributed to the disability rights movement in celebration of disability pride month. Keep an eye out for the posts this month for some inspiring stories!

We recognize the strength it takes to face the world with hidden challenges, like ADHD. Often misunderstood, ADHD is a neurodiverse condition that affects millions worldwide. We with ADHD have unique perspectives and capabilities, but we see it that what makes us different, truly makes us extraordinary!

As we continue to advocate for inclusivity, let's ensure that no one's experiences, including those with hidden disabilities, are invalidated or overlooked.

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