Better Buses for North Yorkshire

Better Buses for North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire's buses aren't working. Let's win a world-class bus network for our region. Run in support of the area's passenger-led campaign.


York buses: “Heartbreaking” cuts to bus services will save £200,000 in city 26/02/2024

These cuts are heartbreaking.

Our bus network has been run into the ground by a for-profit, Wild West mindset.

Labour Mayor's and Ministers across the country are calling it out and fighting for local control. Why not in York?

York buses: “Heartbreaking” cuts to bus services will save £200,000 in city “Heartbreaking” cuts to bus services will save the City of York Council £200,000.

Rishi Sunak avoids saying when he last caught a bus in Yorkshire 12/02/2024

This says it all. In London, MPs, Lords, and City Bosses all ride the locally controlled buses.

In North Yorkshire, our MPs won't even say if they've used one. Franchising now!

Rishi Sunak avoids saying when he last caught a bus in Yorkshire Rishi Sunak was asked about his use of busses in Yorkshire during a visit to Harrogate on Monday.

Unreliable journeys, poor connections - we need transport revolution, says expert 09/02/2024

North Yorkshire desperately needs a proper public transport system.

But we can only achieve this level of service if our buses are under local control.

Unreliable journeys, poor connections - we need transport revolution, says expert We need a regional transport revolution, says York expert Jonathan Tyler.


A campaign win 👇👇👇 Now let's make sure this happens.


🚨 North Yorkshire is getting left behind! 🚍 Devolution gives us new powers over our bus services.

✅ Nearly every other devolved area is using its powers to look into taking buses into local control. So should we!


Local control is the commonsense thing to do. Let's do it here too.


Bus drivers know when routes are badly planned.

We should take buses into local control to make sure that timetables work for the public, not just to look good on paper to managers.


🙄 Some local leaders want you to think that being a rural area means we can't take buses into local control. ❌ But that's not true!

🌽 In Cambridgeshire, an independent commission found that public control is essential for market towns.

⏩ Let’s be ambitious for our people.


The current system of private control doesn't keep costs down: it leaves the public paying through subsidies, through fares, and through lost opportunities.

If the public is paying, we should be in charge.


📈 67% of people in the North think our buses will improve if they come into London-style local control. Only 8% disagree! 🤯 It's a no-brainer: our new Mayor must make the change.


⏰ Are you sick of your bus just disappearing off the app or ‘live’ display?

🤝 So are we! Turns out that when buses were under local control we had more ways to make sure they turned up.

✅ Every other European country does public control. Let’s do it here.


😠 Since North Yorkshire's buses were handed over to an uncoordinated patchwork of bus companies mostly owned overseas, your fares have DOUBLED in real terms. Let's put them back under local control.


😠 One of the outrageous reasons why your buses are becoming less frequent.

🔍 An investigation into the UK's buses found that they are no longer run to build up ridership but to maximise short-term profits. 👇👇👇

Whatever Happened To Sorting Out Bus Regulation? 04/08/2023

"Bus franchising could be pretty transformative."

"The current arrangement in which regions are split between several monopolies makes it hard to get across on a single ticket."

"That slows things because drivers have to sell, check, and print tickets."

Whatever Happened To Sorting Out Bus Regulation? “A man who, beyond the age of 26, finds himself on a bus can count himself as a failure,” Margaret Thatcher is reputed to have once said.

Bus service cut is like an area of York ‘doesn’t exist’, claims resident 03/08/2023

🤔 “I truly think that First thinks no one exists that needs a bus at this end of York after 7pm.”

🤑 The problem with handing control of an essential service to shareholders mainly based overseas.

💪 We need a bus network accountable to local people's needs!

Bus service cut is like an area of York ‘doesn’t exist’, claims resident A York resident has hit out at service changes by First Bus after the number 11's evening route was axed.

'Are First as good at buses as they were at trains?’ 02/08/2023

‘Are First as good at buses as they were at trains?’

❌ It's worth remembering that First ran TransPennine into a crisis. The public had to step in: we're still cleaning up their mess.

🚍 Don't let them drive our buses into the wall. Let's take control NOW.

'Are First as good at buses as they were at trains?’ First Bus’s fare increases, especially for cash-paying passengers, are causing consternation (Unfare!, The Press, July 8).

Child fares to increase on First York buses 01/08/2023

Outrageous that fares are going UP! No wonder young people in Yorkshire feel they need to get out to get on.

❌ It doesn't have to be this way.

🚍 From September, Manchester's child singles will go DOWN to £1 as their buses come into public control. We can too!

Child fares to increase on First York buses  

First Bus fares are increasing: Here's everything you need to know 24/07/2023

Story in The Tab York about how students will face yet higher costs, now from local buses! Private operators will always try to protect their profit margins when costs are rising. We need local control to ensure we protect people's pockets instead.

First Bus fares are increasing: Here's everything you need to know The popular 10 trips for £10 bundle will cost students £13 from 24th July.

Scrapping YorBus will leave thousands without a bus service, councillor warns - The Stray Ferret 20/06/2023

Why do North Yorkshire folks have to choose between half-measures: a failed YorBus trial or patchy community provision?

Like CPRE we know that councils providing a guiding-mind means buses for every village, every hour in Switzerland/Germany. Just get on and do it!

Scrapping YorBus will leave thousands without a bus service, councillor warns - The Stray Ferret Scrapping an on-demand bus service will leave thousands of passengers a month without a service, a councillor has warned.

Letters: 'Axing last bus of day a huge blow to night-time economy' 19/06/2023

People in rural communities aren't second-class citizens. We deserve access to the night-time economy too.

North Yorkshire should unlock its biggest devolved power: to take charge of the bus network to maximise benefits to local businesses and passengers.

Letters: 'Axing last bus of day a huge blow to night-time economy' Economy impact: Arriva’s plans to withdraw the X26 22:24 service between Colburn and Darlington are concerning. Axing the last bus of the day will…


Fantastic to have the support of Scarborough and Whitby CLP! Read more here 👇👇👇

Scarborough & Whitby CLP is seeking your support for the ‘Better Buses for North Yorkshire’ campaign by signing and sharing the petition to “Take North Yorkshire’s Buses Back Under Public Control”:


In its meeting this month, the CLP considered a motion from Scarborough Labour Party asking it to give its support to the ‘Better Buses for North Yorkshire’ campaign.

The campaign has the support of the TUC, the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England, the campaign group ‘We Own It’, the Archbishop of York, and York Central MP Rachael Maskell.


Members considered the poor quality of local buses, especially since this month’s revision of services, and how very necessary a good and reliable bus service is for rural areas. It then unanimously passed the following motion:

"This CLP resolves to:
● support the Better Buses for North Yorkshire campaign;
● email all members of Scarborough & Whitby Branch/Constituency Labour Party asking them to sign and share the petition to “Take North Yorkshire’s Buses Back Under Public Control”;
● urge the Labour Candidate for North Yorkshire Mayor to commit to bring buses into public support;
● encourage members to follow the Better Buses for North Yorkshire campaign on Twitter using the handle and on Facebook:;
● request that the Better Buses for North Yorkshire campaign demand better information about any changes to services;
● Organise Labour-run events and other Labour Party campaign activities to boost public support for public control."

Asking you to sign the petition in the first step in this support:

Letter: Drastic reduction in bus service will mean social isolation 16/04/2023

Cuts to our bus services mean isolation. We all know it. So why can't we start running buses as a proper public service, under local control?

Letter: Drastic reduction in bus service will mean social isolation IT was ironic to read on page 2 of the Craven Herald of March 30 that the 64 Bus service between Skipton and Ilkley is to be decimated, and then see…

840 Coastliner: Withdrawal of bus from Leeds and York would 'take Whitby back to the Middle Ages' 12/04/2023

Taking buses into local control unlocks new powers to protect and expand routes.

We can't let this essential service fall away.

840 Coastliner: Withdrawal of bus from Leeds and York would 'take Whitby back to the Middle Ages' Campaigners have called on councillors to prevent the 840 Coastliner bus between Whitby and Leeds from being scrapped following a public petition.

First Bus appoints senior leaders in North and West Yorkshire 07/04/2023

“I’m joining First at an exciting time for the business. There are opportunities to grow in North Yorkshire."

Our buses aren't a business opportunity to be exploited: they're an essential public service. Let's have local control to put the public first.

First Bus appoints senior leaders in North and West Yorkshire First Bus has appointed two new members to its senior leadership team for the North and West Yorkshire part of its business.

Cuts to bus services 'short-sighted' and 'spiteful' 05/04/2023

We need to protect and grow our network: not make heartless cuts.

Running buses through local control is more efficient and delivers a better level of service.

Cuts to bus services 'short-sighted' and 'spiteful' AN organisation that campaigns for improved public transport has condemned 'drastic' cuts to bus services in Skipton and the Dales.

Yorkshire Dales: 'Significant increase' in bus services needed to cut car usage, leaders say 03/04/2023

"We need those bodies who are responsible to bring about a situation where people use cars less and public transport more."

Only taking buses into local control can deliver the change the National Park Authority is calling for!

Yorkshire Dales: 'Significant increase' in bus services needed to cut car usage, leaders say The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority says public transport is limited and 'poorly integrated'.


"We're putting the public back in public transport and giving our residents the 21st-century bus network that they deserve."

🔥 Nearly every other Mayoral region is using its powers to take buses into local control. 🚍 North Yorkshire should do it too!

FirstGroup upgrades profit targets as bus and train travel rebounds 14/03/2023

Our communities can't rely on First Bus. But their shareholders sure rely on their profits. Time to take back control so services work for us. Time for local control.

FirstGroup upgrades profit targets as bus and train travel rebounds The company reported increased passenger volumes on its buses since September, as it has also seen driver staffing pressure ease.


"No other country in the developed world gives private operators the kind of power they enjoy here." Louise agrees: it's time for public control.

Last-minute ‘sticking plaster’ saves 47 bus services from the axe in South Yorkshire 26/02/2023

“We will hand power and control back to communities so they control the routes, fares and services that run in their communities.” 🔥🔥🔥 Louise Haigh MP

We need buses in local, public control ASAP.

Last-minute ‘sticking plaster’ saves 47 bus services from the axe in South Yorkshire The government has stepped in at the last minute to extend a grant to bus operators, saving 47 services in South Yorkshire.

Videos (show all)

Better Buses for North Yorkshire Campaign Launch
Let's Win Better Buses for North Yorkshire!
