

Mind and Body Medicine
Integrative Health
Functional Medicine
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Life Coaching


It's a paradox of modern society—the abundance of food doesn't necessarily equate to nutritional adequacy.

🍟Ultra-processed foods are often low in essential nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which can lead to deficiencies over time. I've seen excessive consumption of processed foods contribute to deficiencies in fiber, calcium, potassium, and certain vitamins like vitamin D, B vitamins, and antioxidants.

Hippocrates famously said, 'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.' 🙌🏻

This truly emphasises the importance of nutrition in maintaining health and preventing disease.


Photos from InterWellness's post 20/02/2024

Simple but effective 🙌🏻

I often have clients that want functional medicine lab tests to work out why they are having digestive difficulties.
While this can be helpful we have got to nail the basics too.

These 4 tips can make the world of difference, not just to digestion but also to energy, blood sugar balance and mood.
The breathwork one is especially effective for busy parents with those stressful mealtimes 🥴😆


I hear the word 'just' in clinic a lot...
It's JUST fatigue
It's JUST joint pain
It's JUST migraines
It's JUST brain fog
It's JUST bloating

Because these symptoms are 'common' clients tend to ignore them, pass them off as 'just' minor issues..until they're not...

Symptoms are your body's way of communicating so listen up and don't ignore them.

Photos from InterWellness's post 13/02/2024

😔If you're grappling with acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, or any other skin ailment, you're all too familiar with the frustration, discomfort, and distress it brings.

As our knowledge of the gut microbiome deepens, it's evident that many skin problems don't originate on the skin's surface but rather have roots in the internal systems, most importantly the gut.

Recent research indicates that conditions like leaky gut, dysbiosis, candida, and H. pylori infections can heighten the likelihood of skin issues. When the gut's functioning is compromised, it can lead to systemic problems often manifesting first in the skin.

The silver lining is that the pathway to enhancing both your skin and overall well-being begins by addressing your gut health first, which in turn can support your liver, hormones and blood sugar 🙌🏻

Want help with your skin issues today? - let's test, not guess - get in touch with Inter Wellness today for your free consultation 📞


Disease doesn't just pop up overnight, it can take years of dysfunction to show up as symptoms and then eventually a diagnosis.

So is the person actually healthy before being symptomatic?
I often hear 'well I've been living like this for years and I'm fine' but truth be told we are measuring that in absence of disease - not on true health.

At least 1 in 4 adults in the UK are metabolically unhealthy and this number is continuing to rise.

🤷🏼‍♀️So what is true health?
According to the World Health Organisation:
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

❤️ To me, it's energy, its enjoyment, its resilience and it is longevity.

What does health mean to you? Comment below ⬇️


Some new followers so allow me to re-introduce myself

Hello 👋
My name is Susannah and I am the founder of Inter Wellness 🌱
I am an integrative and functional health practitioner, as well as being certified in integrative health and functional medicine (at the Institute of Functional Medicine)
I am also a clinical hypnotherapist, life coach and currently studying a post graduate diploma in functional nutrition 🤓

I am incredibly passionate about getting to the root causes of symptoms or a diagnosis, using a combination of modalities including state of the art lab tests 🧪

I offer a free telephone consultation for those wanting to know how I can help - link in bio ⬆️

Photos from InterWellness's post 06/02/2024

The best stool test going 💩

Treating digestive health issues can pose challenges when the precise underlying cause of symptoms remains unclear.
The GI360 Complete offers an in-depth examination allowing us to understand the root cause.

In over 70% of cases, IBS stems from bacterial imbalances or overgrowth, such as small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or dysbiosis, including yeast overgrowth in the gastrointestinal tract.

Early detection of dysbiosis or gut inflammation through testing may prevent the onset of symptoms altogether.

Prioritising optimal health involves addressing digestive function and dietary habits. Exploring your microbiome can be beneficial regardless of whether you experience digestive symptoms.

Get in touch for your free consultation with Inter Wellness today 📞


Hormone balance is crucial for overall health and directly impacts various bodily functions.
Hormonal imbalances can lead to issues like mood swings, weight fluctuations, and disrupted sleep.

Lifestyle plays a huge role in hormonal balance. Women are more sensitive to stress than men and oestrogen dominance is often a by-product of unmanaged cortisol levels.

This is why I always test cortisol levels when I'm testing hormones, the DUTCH test is a great option and I offer this in clinic.

Get your hormones tested and balanced with Inter Wellness 💫
Book in for your free consultation- link in bio

Photos from InterWellness's post 30/01/2024

Infertility is on the rise.
It's now 1 in 7 in the UK and 1 in 6 worldwide.
Research also shows that this statistic is set to rise, with male s***m count also on the decline.

While some fertility issues are not caused by environmental factors, some clients have 'unexplained fertility' and there are environmental and lifestyle factors that definitely make a difference. Plus genetic testing to help the body function at its best 🙌🏻

These 4 tips (amongst others) can help prepare your body for healthy hormones, but also a healthy future pregnancy.

I also run specific fertility programmes to help clients, using functional medicine and integrative health.
It can work well alongside IVF or as a stand alone option.

Get in touch for your free consultation today 📞


In a world often seeking quick fixes, genuine health unveils itself as a tapestry woven from the threads of everyday choices. It is the symphony of habits that compose our well-being.

Health is found in the vibrant colours of fresh produce, the rhythm of heart-pumping exercise, deep rest and the warmth of meaningful connections. The body and mind thrive not on isolated interventions but on the cumulative impact of consistent, wholesome choices.

Health isn't a destination; it's continuous.

Let's trade the conditioning of instant gratification for the beauty of sustainable, holistic living.

Photos from InterWellness's post 25/01/2024

I always prioritise clients gut health because it plays a foundational role in overall wellbeing.

🔗 The gut is not just responsible for digestion and absorption, it's linked to every bodily system, known as the gut-organ axis.
An unhealthy gut leads to an unhealthy body.

🦠 The gut microbiota (a collection of bacteria, fungi, yeast and other species) interacts with the central nervous system, modulating our immune system, production of neurotransmitters, and also vagus nerve activation.

❗️ We are still learning about the importance of the gut microbiome, but what is clear is that it plays a vital role in our health and wellbeing.

📞 If you want to optimise your gut health, get in touch today for a FREE consultation - link in bio


The amount of clients that have come to me after seeing a health professional that has advised them to eliminate so many foods after sensitivity testing 🫣

😔 Their diet is so restrictive, they're miserable and they are actually NOT symptom free.

⬇️Here's why:

Majority of sudden onset food sensitivities are due to issues within the gut.
Most common food sensitivities are dairy, eggs and gluten (not demonising these food groups, just the facts).

Anything outside of these 3 - needs proper investigative work.

Sensitivity tests can also be unpredictable, but say a lot of different foods come back positive on the test, we eliminate them...then what?🤷🏼‍♀️
You are either on this restrictive diet forever or you reintroduce them and have the same issues because root cause work hasn't been carried out.
🤦🏼‍♀️It's lazy nutrition work.

We need to find out WHY you are suddenly sensitive to these foods, what's going on within the gut, 99% of the time is intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut).

Yes we can carry out the test, temporarily eliminate the foods to reduce inflammation ...but the difference here is that we heal and seal that gut lining, ensure the gut microbiome is diverse enough to then handle these foods when we reintroduce them.

Please don't fall for these food sensitivity test adverts I see popping up everywhere - get to the root cause and then you can enjoy foods without restriction 🙌🏻


Not something I want to happen but unfortunately it is out of my control 😞

From 1st Feb I have to increase the cost of my programmes and specialist packages to reflect the lab test increase.
My consultation prices have remained the same 🙌🏻

If you have had a recent consultation with me (or you are thinking of having one) you can still book in before February and secure the current prices.
Just fill in the enquiry form on my website (link in bio) ⬆️


😴 As a society sometimes lack of sleep is championed, managing an all nighter with work, or socialising until the early hours is almost a badge of honour.

But what is it really doing to our health?
Lack of sleep (and this is quality not just quantity) can result in:

- Low mood and mental health issues
- Difficulty concentrating
- Disruption of the hunger hormones grehlin and leptin, leading to increased cravings for sugar
- Lack of motivation and increased stress
- Increased risk of heart disease

🧍‍♀️ Not only that but when we sleep our body's natural detoxification systems kick in, removing toxins and repairing at a cellular level.

🧠 This includes in our brain, sleep plays a crucial role in various cognitive functions, including memory consolidation, learning, and strengthens neural connections.

Take away: If you're trying a January health kick, focus on sleep, all the positive changes you're making will feel a lot easier.

Photos from InterWellness's post 17/01/2024

Antibiotics can save lives, they've saved my husband's life. BUT...(there's always a but 😆) we can't just take them and not support our body in the process.

Antibiotics are exactly what they say they are, anti the biotic (bacteria) in your gut.
They can't distinguish between good and bad bacteria and while killing off the bad guys in your gut they unfortunately wipe out the good ones too.

In order to support your gut, and therefore your immune system (and future health) these are the key steps to take.

Share with someone you know who needs to support their body while on antibiotics ❤️

Photos from InterWellness's post 15/01/2024

💓Self love is usually something every single person needs to work on.

🤯Negative self talk is incredibly common.
Research estimates that we think about 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day – and that about 80% of those thoughts are negative.

Social media and constant comparison can also fuel these thoughts of inadequacy.

🤷🏼‍♀️Why does it matter?

Your thoughts can impact your mental health, but also your physical health.

🥺Negative thoughts and stress can contribute to various health issues, including increased cortisol levels, weakened immune function, and cardiovascular problems.

🤗Positive thoughts and an optimistic mindset, on the other hand, may promote better overall well-being and resilience against stressors. The mind-body connection plays a crucial role in influencing our physical health.

➡️So next time you are talking negatively to yourself, pause, breathe...and ask yourself if this is how you would speak to a loved one...I bet the answer is no.

Photos from InterWellness's post 15/01/2024
Photos from InterWellness's post 19/12/2023

Tiny daily shifts pave the path to monumental success 🌟

Life coaching and clinical hypnotherapy can be great tools to help you reach your short and long term goals.

✍️ I also am a strong believer of writing down your goals, or make a vision board.

📄 A study conducted by Dr. Gail Matthews at Dominican University found that participants who wrote down their goals, shared them with a friend, and provided regular updates were 33% more successful in accomplishing their goals compared to those who formulated goals but did not write them down.

Crafting the person you aspire to be starts with the choices you make every day. Embrace intentional actions 🫶🏻

Photos from InterWellness's post 29/11/2023

The HTMA - one of the tests that's included in my silver programme 🥈

It's amazing how minerals are never routinely checked but deficiencies can be the root cause of symptoms in so many.
Just a magnesium deficiency can present in many different ways, low mood, brain fog, migraines to name a few.

Why do we test hair?
Because it can show a 3-4 month picture of mineral status INSIDE the cells.

🩸Blood tests don't always provide a complete or accurate picture of mineral status.
This is due to:
* Short term fluctuations - the body tightly regulates the concentration of minerals in the blood. They are stored in tissues like the bones, therefore blood does not accurately reflect the mineral status within cells or tissues.
* Dietary intake - blood levels of certain minerals can be influenced by recent foods. A recent high meal in calcium can temporarily raise calcium levels- it doesn't necessarily indicate long term deficiency or excess.
* Homeostasis - the body prioritises maintaining stable blood mineral levels for proper physiological functioning. There can be a deficiency within the tissues (that won't show in the blood) as the body will draw these out to maintain normal blood levels.

Want to know more? Drop me a message or book in for your free consultation (link in bio)

Photos from InterWellness's post 27/11/2023

This is why in healthcare it's important to address the mind and the body TOGETHER.
Knowing what you need to do and actually doing it are 2 different things.

Instead of looking for that quick fix, like that one supplement that may help, or that one food that will balance your hormones (this doesn't exist by the way).
Why not implement what you already know?

I noticed that working with clients without working on their motivation and implementation is a short lived fix. Giving them the tools to help actually make healthier lifestyle choices is a game changer.

Want to know how you can get your health back in 2024? Let's have a chat. Book in for your FREE consultation.

Photos from InterWellness's post 22/11/2023

The gut is the FIRST place I look at when I help a client. Around 80% of our immune system lives in our gut and an unhealthy gut can lead to so many other health conditions.

A compromised gut barrier (aka leaky gut) allows toxins and undigested particles to enter the bloodstream, triggering inflammation and potentially contributing to various health issues. Maintaining gut health is crucial

At Inter Wellness we use Integrative health and functional medicine to rebalance the interconnectedness of bodily systems.
We address the root causes of gut issues, such as, stress, and imbalances in the microbiome, and then follow a specific Functional Medicine protocol to restore and optimise gut function.

We follow the 5 R's:
1️⃣Remove (bad bacteria, any gut irritants)
2️⃣Replace (with whole foods and specific supplements
3️⃣Reinoculate (replenish with good bacteria)
4️⃣&5️⃣Repair and Rebalance (eat mindfully, practice lifestyle medicine)
This then promotes a healthier immune system, improved digestion, and a more balanced overall state of health.

Want to know more about leaky gut?
Get in touch today and book in for your FREE consultation


Let's test, not guess!

Health cannot be one size fits all, our bodies are all individual and therefore needs a personalised approach.

Let's test to see which vitamins and minerals your body needs?
Let's check your microbiome and make sure your gut is balanced?
Let's check those hormones and make sure you're not oestrogen dominant?
Could your genetics need a little support in the right direction?

Not one nutrition plan suits everyone.
And those supplements that work for your friend, may not work for you.

Functional Medicine Lab testing takes the guess work out and allows a bio individual health plan for YOU.

Book in for your FREE consultation with Inter Wellness to get your personalised health programme ready for 2024 💫

Link in bio ⬆️

Photos from InterWellness's post 17/11/2023

Mind and Body Medicine

At Inter Wellness we address the whole person, working with the connected nature of our bodies. This is what sets us apart from other practitioners.

Our bodies are amazing and have an incredible way of self healing.

At Inter Wellness we use a variety of techniques to ReBalalance the body and ReCenter the mind, therefore allowing it to work its own magic to self heal and ReNew.

Get in touch to see how we can help you today

27 October

Photos from InterWellness's post 17/11/2023

One of the best labs I run in clinic is the Organic Acids test.

It gives a great overview of general health and is amazing for identifying the root cause of unexplained symptoms, especially where conventional medicine can't give answers.
treaty back at he lab and then interpretand analyse the results.

Book in for your 2024 health journey with Inter Wellness today, a FREE 15 minute consultation can provide you with an overview of labs and what we can do to help.

Link in bio ⬆️

Videos (show all)

🥺Around 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year and depression affects around 1 in 6 a...
Zinc is involved in the synthesis, storage, and release of dopamine in the brain. Additionally, it helps maintain the pr...
Gut health is vital, our body is systemic and to be in good health we need our gut to be working optimally.Please note t...
Firstly, I am not criticising GP's here, they are part of a greater system and are also incredibly stretched for time an...
😴 Sleep allows the body to repair and rejuvenate tissues, consolidate memories, regulate mood, and support immune functi...
Let's not blame fat for what sugar has done 🙃Healthy fats are great for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and can p...
Ok, so fasting (or time restricted eating) isn't for everyone, and women especially need to be careful to do it at appro...
Pesky little parasites 🪱 If we all have them why are some people symptomatic and some have no symptoms at all?Well some ...
While this reel talks about an approach to cancer treatment - and I whole heartedly believe in an integrative approach, ...
With these 3 functional lab tests we eliminate the guess work. We will then know how to fully optimise the functioning o...
Leaky gut, intestinal dysbiosis, intestinal permeability- all the same thing, just different terminology.There can be a ...