Hermes Readings

Hermes Readings

Tarot, Astrology, and EFT for life purpose, personality overview, clarity, and healing.
30 Years ex A Tarot Reading is based around a deck of 78 cards.

Tarot: For insight and understanding into issues where you would like clarity and direction. These cards are used to receive clear, intelligent, real life information to help you make sense of your life and your world. A Tarot reading can prompt alternative solutions, or new life directions, but it always leaves you free to make your own choices. A reading should not be taken as "fated" but only a


A Cut Gem

Life is like a cut gem. We only tend to see the surface, and then only one or two facets at a time. Our ordinary mind is heavily dependant on seeing "this" and not "that" in order to differentiate and make sense of the world. We even define "this" as being "not that" as part of the recognition process.

In order to see more deeply, it helps to accept that differing points of view, like different facets on a cut gem, can be completely true, even if they seem to disagree with what we know is true. Some call it "finding a different perspective", and psychologists call it "reframing", but if we can hold many varied and opposed views about one thing, without insisting that our most cherished view is the truth, then slowly, over time, our minds blend all the views together, allowing us to see into the heart of the gem - and that's when we actually begin to get close to the truth.

In learning the Tarot, this approach helps us to see deeper meanings in our readings, so I urge this be taken up as a daily playful practice. Make it a part of your lifestyle and see the results grow over time.


I'm hoping to take a journey through the Tarot, and explain why it can be useful, not just for divination, but more importantly, for self improvement, which leads inevitably to the life success that we all seek.

To gain an understanding of Tarot one must understand how it is structured, and why. The deck is usually visualised as split into two groups called Arcana.

Arcana means "a deep secret or a mystery"

One group is called the Major Arcana, and the other group is called the Minor Arcana.

There are 22 cards in the Major Arcana each representing what could be called Soul Principles - the highest values in life. These values act as milestones along the way, letting you know when they come up in a reading that these are significant evolutionary times for you, and your Soul.

The Minor Arcana made up of 56 cards, speaks to more elementary personal skills you learn in life, and how those skills once learned, can help you to take the next step in the evolution of your Soul - provided you can learn how add them to your Soul, and not to your Ego.

The Minor Arcana is split into four suits which represent the four elements - Fire, Air, Water, and Earth, each suit representing a different aspect of yourself.

The suit of Wands represents the element of Fire, the suit of Swords represents the element of Air, the suit of Cups represents the element of Water, and the suit of Pentacles represents the element of Earth.

In Western traditions the four elements were associated with the corresponding directions of South, East, West, and North, and are often also associated with the seasons. The directions are usually reversed in the earth's southern hemisphere.


When weseek to understand the great mystery of life.

Harvest moons and worm moons: How a dubious moon calendar entered pop culture 18/11/2021

Hopefully this will be my last reference to all of these "Special" moons that have increasingly featured in social media. Sadly, many of these moon events only affect part of the world, so it's hard suggest that there is any ultimate meaning in them, however, even cultural beliefs can spur people to action. That said, I am also aware that moon phases, and the moon's relationship with the planets and sun, do affect the body, mind, and emotions in subtle ways.

Harvest moons and worm moons: How a dubious moon calendar entered pop culture 'These named moons are a cultural invention - each full moon of each month has a special name that refers to the time of year,' explained researcher Sara Russell

The longest lunar eclipse this century will happen in 2 weeks. Here's how to see it. 06/11/2021

Another Bood Moon!

The longest lunar eclipse this century will happen in 2 weeks. Here's how to see it. All but 3% of the moon will be obscured by Earth's shadow in the early morning of November 19. It's the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century.


A Short History of Tarot

The directly traceable history of Tarot goes back as far as the late fourteenth century when European artists created playing cards that are basically the same as the modern Tarot cards. Older connections are not as obvious, but hints can be found through parallels mentioned in ancient writings. It was discovered by the west through Spain via the Mamluk deck of 52 cards and its predecessors in Arabia.

A French Freemason, Antoine Court de Gebelin posited in 1781, that the symbolism in the Tarot was in fact derived from the esoteric tradition of Egypt. The Tarot uses an ancient 22+(10x4)+(4x4) structure system, the Egyptian myth the Book of Thoth includes mention of a game with 52 cards, and ancient Hinduism shares many icons compatible with Tarot, all suggesting it originating from an ancient system.

Political and religious persecutions from at least the 1400's forced most non-christian esoteric traditions, including the Tarot to retreat underground into secret societies only accessible by the elite.

Today, courtesy of the internet, we all have this wonderful resource that allows us to examine our lives, and make the best choices, including some we didn't realise we had.


What to expect

If you haven't been to a tarot reader before, you may be expecting something dramatic as seen in the movies, but the reality is usually more mundane.

It's a bit like a confidential visit with a friend who listens openly and gives you advice. Often, they will highlight something you have suspected, and a good reader will often tell you more about yourself and your situation than you were prepared for. If you go in with an open mind, and a willingness to learn, it can help create a breakthrough in your life.

If you go in for a frivolous reading, the outcome is not likely to be useful.

You should be able to relate to your reading, but sometimes it will be completely off base. This can be due to influences from family, friends, or even from a healer or psychic, if you have seen one recently. If you are particularly sceptical, or unprepared to have uncomfortable issues revealed, your mental state can block a reading.

A good reader will check in with you and clear these obstacles if possible. Sometimes, it's not possible, so the reading should be deferred to a later date.

You can record your session or request that a recording be made if it's a remote reading.


I have been reading Tarot cards and Astrology charts for a very long time.

In my readings, I receive insight from both the cards or chart, and also intuitively.

My readings are not "fame and fortune" types, but rather more psychological in style, looking at life events, patterns, and personality character and how these inform the choices we all make. The reading illuminates the wider circumstances, and often provides new or different approaches that can be taken to resolve difficult situations.

Some people like to use readings as mentoring sessions, helping them to see areas where they can profitably gain extra skills, or what strategies for success might better serve their future growth.

You can call 07765301542 or email [email protected], or message me here, to set up a session locally or remotely by zoom (or any other video service). Payment for remote sessions will be via Paypal.


On Wednesday 26th of May, Some of us will be able to see a blood super moon - Weather permitting.

We hear a lot about these amazingly named moons, but what do they signify for us?

A blood moon occurs when there is a full lunar eclipse. The moon is in the earth's shadow, and takes on the red colours in the same way we get our sunsets. It can only be seen in some parts of the world, so doesn't affect everybody. It also happens about every 2.5 years.

Given that it happens so often, is only visible by some people, and changes location frequently, one would have incredible difficulty basing a realistic prediction on this phenomenon. You can however, use a telephoto lens, or photoshop, plus some amazing fonts, and generate wonderfully imaginative internet content instead.

A super moon occurs 3 to 4 times a year when the moon is full, and is at one of its closest points to the earth. I believe they can intensify your experience of the full moon as they can be up to 30% brighter.

The moon is in Sagittarius, a generally pleasant time, and there is likely to be an increased be a feeling of optimistic curiosity around possessions (including money) coupled with some practical ideas - perhaps finding something you have been looking to buy for some time now. The influence will pass quickly though, with the moon moving on to stimulate the next set of emotions in its monthly cycle.

(Image credit: NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio- where the eclipse can be seen)


Welcome to Hermes Readings

In Ancient Greek myth, Hermes was a messenger of the gods and a "soul guide" which is why he's a perfect icon for the Divinatory arts.

In these readings, I bring messages from a deeper place than our normal consciousness, to help you find answers and provide clarity in your life.

Don't forget to like or follow us so you can stay up to date on happenings.

Thanks for visiting Hermes Readings and we hope to see you soon!

