Paula PT Pilates Plus

Paula PT Pilates Plus

I have the best job in Kent. As a qualified Trainer since 1996. I’ve been transforming my clients into fitter, healthier versions of themselves.

Let’s shape up together.

Photos from Paula PT Pilates Plus's post 09/06/2024

Sunday morning 9 am
Next course starts 7th July


Pilates tonight 7 pm

Photos from Paula PT Pilates Plus's post 11/05/2024

Sunday sessions 9 am


Next 6 week course - starts Sunday 12 at 9 am


Who is pikates for


Pilates doesn’t care ………

Photos from Paula PT Pilates Plus's post 13/12/2023

NEXT Pilates six week course . PM me question’s or to book a space or spaces.
Sundays 9 am 12, 19, 26 May & 2,9, 16 June

Photos from Paula PT Pilates Plus's post 11/12/2023

Online studio educational session “SQUATS”
Correct Vs NOT correct


La tête pèse environ 5 kg.
Le cou supporte le poids de la tête qui, selon l'angle de l'inclinaison, augmente. Plus on regarde en bas, plus notre tête pèse. Selon le segment cervical qui prend le poids et le stress, le poids de la tête fluctue à moins de 5 kg, mais si vous le penchez en avant, il pèse de plus en plus. Quand il est plié à 60 degrés, il charge 22-27 kg sur les vertèbres cervicales inférieures et vers le bas dans le thoracique. En effet, toute la colonne vertébrale.
Qui plus est, la pléthore de soutien des tissus mous, des fascias, des muscles, des ligaments et des tendons devient tendue et fatiguée, ce qui accroît la tension sur les articulations et les disques. Si ce n'est pas maintenant, alors en bas de la piste, cela aura un impact sur le cou à mesure qu'il devient plus raide ainsi que sur la probabilité de créer des problèmes ailleurs.
Prenez soin de vous en utilisant des smartphones. Nous sommes totalement absorbés par ce qui se passe et nous ne vérifions pas notre position corporelle et ce que ce petit appareil peut nous faire avec le temps.
Source: health traditions.


Do any of these apply to you ? Pilates may help 😉


Only weekend classes available until Dec OR join me online ☺️
Contact for more info.


What exercise do you do to relieve a stressful day? 


Puppies and PT


The Importance of Being Uncomfortable for Personal Growth and Setting Priorities

There are many situations where we must be uncomfortable in order to grow and learn. For example, if you want to become stronger, you must lift weights that are heavy. If you want to reduce pain you have got to look at exercise, diet, hydration, sleep, breathwork and mindset. If you want to improve your writing skills, you should write more often rather than sit at home all day watching Netflix. If you want to get flat abdominals you have got to look at what you are eating. When the body has dis-ease or de- pression it is a disconnection, something needs to change.

If you always stay in your comfort zone and avoid situations where you might fail or be uncomfortable, then there is no way for you to grow as an individual. I get numerous clients calling me back a year later or years later with the same problem. Teachers call me telling me they want to teach apparatus but then always have an excuse and are unwilling to make the effort to visit the studio.

This is thing being uncomfortable can be a leaver for intense growth and an opportunity to change if you wish. What ever you resist in life will persist. So in other words not exercising, working in a business plan, eating less inflammatory food, looking at other ways to generate income or working on injury, situation or disease will usually get worse. I have learnt this the hard way.

Taking risk in life is the only way that you will find out what could be. You will never know about that new job, moving house, finishing that relationship or starting that new hobby until you try. With regards to the physical body, the body is always a reflection of our mindset and habits. If you want to change your body you have to change your thinking and what you are doing.

We all have a story which we repeat like a parrot over and over again. The challenge is to break that story and reach and leap out. Osho calls it ‘No mind’. Even when you make that leap it is not going to be easy and life will always have ups and downs.

How high our threshold is varies from person to person. The higher your threshold, the more comfortable you are with being uncomfortable. However, there are steps you can take to make stepping outside your comfort zone easier regardless of your natural comfort level.

But this is why I constantly make myself uncomfortable. As how on earth can I expect clients, staff and my family to change and try different things, if I am not changing myself. I have witnessed so many clients give on their bodys, their chronic pain and their weight over the last two years.

You see we all want the best out of life but in many different ways. This may be your body, your garden, your business, your car, your house, your lifestyle, your holidays…..When we make a purchase of anything material or we receive a therapy or eat a meal or drink, we receive instant gratification.

But with your own body, your work, your mindset, your career, your relationships, your business, your children and your sport you have got to be prepared to put in the time, effort and discomfort to achieve the result.

View on Instagram 15/06/2023

View on Instagram From Instagram

Videos (show all)

One love “ the puppyguitar “
Standing twist with leg extension Sunday morning 9 am Next course starts 7th July
Happy new year from PaulaPTPilates
Amazing, mango salmon Peri Peri salad
Pilates training for corkscrew #MeInYourShortVideoEfforts
10/10 mimi workout then repeat ☺️
Pilates Back mobility
