Tottem Healing

Tottem Healing

Reiki Fusion | Treatments | Meditations | Crystals and Gifts | Academy | Retreats

Photos from Tottem Healing's post 14/06/2024
Photos from Tottem Healing's post 11/06/2024

So grateful to be back doing what I love along side watching my little one grow.
Thank you for all the wonderful feedback I’ve been receiving. 💗💗

The first testimonial is from my new Quantum Reiki sessions which I am only currently offering over distance at an introductory rate of £66. This is one of my clients who now lives in Australia. Remember time and distance mean nothing when you are working with energy! This treatment combines the elements of both beautiful relaxing Reiki alongside the powerful more direct healing action of Quantum. The result is a full reset and clear out of your energy and nervous system, making sure your chi is flowing and free.

The second is from an in person Tottem Treatment, which involves 2 hours of deep healing, where I tap into your energy and intuitively use a mix of all the tools I’m trained in to help get to the bottom of any trauma you may be holding onto. Allowing you to process and move forwards with freedom and clarity.
This session can involve: reiki, reiki drum, crystals, sound, quantum healing, inner child healing, meditation, spiritual counseling, oracle card readings depending on what you need on the day.

I am taking limited bookings at the moment, so please come direct to me if you would like to book, rather than through the website.

Don’t worry if you’ve never experienced reiki or energy healing before, I will make sure you feel comfortable and relaxed before, during and after your session so you have nothing to worry about. 🥰🙏

Much love,
Helen x



Those little moments..
Are worth the stress,
Worth the tears and the messy house.
The unwashed hair.
Those little moments
Are worth whatever I had to do to get here
They are worth the cold cup of tea,
The aching muscles in my arms
The clothes on the floor and tantrums
Those little moments…
The ones that make me smile
That make my heart burst
And my soul sing
Those little moments
That remind me to be present
To be grateful
To appreciate how lucky I am
I love the love I feel in those moments.

Those little moments…
Are worth,

Photos from Tottem Healing's post 04/06/2024

NEXT COURSE DATE: 13th - 15th July

Past students have travelled from up and down the country to train with me and others have mentioned how particularly powerful and unique, the energy of this lineage seems to be.

As well as learning how to attune others to the beautiful Reiki energy, you will gain so much more from the weekend with me.
✅Psychic surgery
✅powerful exercises and meditations
✅Grace symbol (which is only taught within this lineage) to name but a few.

The Teacher part can be separated if you would just like to become a Reiki Master.

Get ready for some serious upgrades!

Note: main days of training are Sat/Sun the Mon is just for those wanting to do the teacher part and will only be 3 hours.

Contact me to book on. Deposit is required, but payment plans available for balance.



It’s here!!!

My meditation evenings have been described as:

These special evenings mean as much to me as they do to you and I have missed them sooo much. It finally feels like the right time to create again, to flow and provide that space for you to breathe, heal and grow harnessing that beautiful Summer Solstice energy that will be present around this time.

During the session there will be:
*grounding & welcome
*healing with the reiki drum & crystals
*Quantum Reiki healing
*Connection with your higher self through deep meditation
*special gift & thank you

Please bring:
*notebook & pen/ journal
*plenty of water
*blanket & something comfortable to lie on (yoga mat or duvet etc)
*a mug if you would like to receive a special herbal tea

The investment for this evening is £18
Please contact me to book on. 🙏

Rixton with Glazebrook Community Hall
Rixton, Warrington, WA3 6JZ
Free car park at back.
Note: I ask that you don’t arrive early, as I spend time prepping the space energetically, which is what adds to the power of the evening.

Can’t wait to see you there! H 🥰


I hope everyone has had a beautiful day in the sunshine.
May this time of year bring an end to any storms in your life, as well as a blooming and brightening of the sky and your energy right now, ready for the coming summer 🥰🔥❤️


What a lovely morning we had 💗

💫 At our ‘Babies who brunch’ event this month, one of our gorgeous mums kindly brought her Oracle cards and gave a reading to some of the other mums 💫

If you aren’t familiar with , please check her out and give it a follow 🩷

Photos from Tottem Healing's post 29/04/2024

Yesterday was my first Reiki 1 course back since maternity and it was a beautiful 1-1.
I have unfortunately had to leave my special little Tottem studio recently… which I will post separately about, but I was lucky enough to be able to hold space in stunning new healing cabin.
I initially felt a little lost without my signature cherry blossom tree, but soon felt at home in the warm inviting space. I even made time to meditate and ground by one of the lovely trees in her garden.
I will definitely be resting today, as Hope is only 4 and a half months, so it is still early days and working on no sleep is challenging lol 😴
I will be updating and confirming dates of courses over the next week for later this year, but I am not back full time yet.
I am listening to my body and what I need emotionally and spiritually in order to come back with strength and commitment, whilst supporting myself and others.

If you would like to begin your reiki journey with me, please get in touch and email [email protected]
It was so lovely to see all Kirsty’s certificates on the wall from where she’s trained with me all the way up to Reiki Master Teacher.
So grateful for all my students. It was an honour this weekend to attune and initiate another wonderful soul to the powerful Reiki healing light 🙏


So today my hubby was off work and I was able to take a minute for me.
I have struggled to meditate properly for a while, even though this is a practice I have used for years and I have been in a bit of a funk due to lots of different reasons.

I had nowhere to ‘go’ with an altar or anything fancy and our house is pretty much in chaos at the moment with baby stuff everywhere and toys belonging to my eldest.
We are currently trying to sort through the nursery, so I decided to just find calm in amongst the chaos and create a space.
I surrounded myself with crystals, lit my Avalon candle from Glastonbury, burnt incense, palo Santo and put some binaural beats on, shutting out the world (including squawks from Hope) with my AirPods.
I was only there for 10 minutes, but the space, connection and peace it brought me lasted for ages. I had multiple downloads and was taken to the stars, it was beautiful.

So to all the mums or dads, thinking that you need a nice calm environment in order to have your ‘you’ time, to meditate or find some peace…. You don’t!
We have to remember, the peace is already within us! We just need to find the time and space to access it….. even if that space is in the middle of Barbie dolls, our generation camper vans, nappies and baby clothes.

Let’s not make excuses for not putting our mindset and well-being at the forefront, enabling us to then be more present for our little ones when they need us.


Time to embrace the change and focus on whatever it is you need to grow.

Many people in the spiritual community seem to have been experiencing challenging times, especially this last month… myself included.
As hard as it is when you’re in the thick of it, remember you are supported and loved always and trust in the divine timing.

The last few days have truly felt like the start of spring for me and sitting with the energy of this beautiful spring equinox, I believe that change is in the air… for all of us.
So, look forwards, breathe and smile, knowing that good things are just around the corner.💗

Ostara blessings 🙏

Photos from Tottem Healing's post 08/03/2024


Celebrating all women everywhere.
I thought about filtering these images down to ‘appease’ the masses, but thought better of it.
I experienced just how amazing it is to be a woman in December when I surrendered to the beauty of birth with my daughter, Hope.
It is something I will never forget. The rawness, the transitioning, the breathing life into the world. I have never been more proud of myself, my body and had more respect for what a female body is capable of.

A woman is strength, beauty, power, vulnerability, water, fire, earth…. All of it. We are magick.
We are connected and individual all at the same time.

So to all who identify as women. I see you, I feel you, I honour you and I honour myself, my journey, my ancestors and every part of me that has made me who I am.



The Spirit of the Forest calls:
Come closer. Please, come in.

Let me restore you,
heal your heart-bones,
and your blood.

Even the children know that nature is a playground-hospital for the weary of spirit, for the emotional-body broken on the spindles of time and space: Masters of illusion and loss.

You are a wild creature
and this is a wild place.

On the edges of the trail there is tameness, there is order, but if you go in deeper you will see it: an entanglement of vines and hair, the altars of the winged-ones and the wild secrets of fairies, elves and nymphs.

And secrets, like all things, have a nature all their own. And
the secret of the secret is always revelation.

This land is full of love, folded meticulously into rose buds
rushing through the veins of leaves, pulsing in the roots reaching into the dark, rich soil. Ecstatically.

Come deeper, she says. I want to hold you. I have been waiting to reveal to you the foundations of New Life.
Look at the old ones who came to me just acorns, merely seeds at the mercy of the wind. Look! How tall, how proud I have grown them.

Look! At their communion,their abundance, their long, quiet wisdom.

There is no temple holier.
There is no truer place.

Come in.
Go deeper.

I am Eden
and I will show you how.

Author~ Alison Nappi Author


Take a breath, hold it for 5 seconds whilst you become present and look around.
Then let it out slowly. Do this a few times as you take in everything around you that you can be grateful for.
The earth under your feet, the roof over your head, the food you have to eat, the loved ones you can reach out and touch.
There is always something. Treasure it, this moment, right here. 🙏

Share or save for when you need the reminder 💗

Your Life's About to Enter a New Chapter! 🌈 Abraham Hicks 2024 27/02/2024

Love a bit of Abraham!

Your Life's About to Enter a New Chapter! 🌈 Abraham Hicks 2024 Thank you so much for tuning in to watch this video! 😊 If you enjoyed it and are interested in more content like this, please consider subscribing to our ch...

Photos from Tottem Healing's post 25/02/2024

Another intense full moon period bringing up all sorts of stuff for me to deal with 🫣
However last night I opened the blind, allowed the energy to cleanse me, meditated and breastfed my baby girl with the light pouring in through the window.
Who else has found unexpected challenges arriving or obstacles building at this time?
I hope you are filled with calm during this waning phase 🙏💗
H x


Happy Full Moon!

Full Moon in Virgo.

On the 24th February we have the last Full Moon of the astrological year, in the Earth sign Virgo. Known as the Snow Moon.

This Full Moon will be the furthest from the earth all year and appear the smallest in the night sky. (A micro moon - the exact opposite to a super moon).

If you want to check it out the moon will rise at 5:30pm (or 5:27pm to be precise) tomorrow evening.

A perfect opportunity to cleanse and clear away any old and outdated energy from the last 12 months of the Zodiac calendar.

A Virgo full moon always holds a beautiful deep healing frequency.

An invitation perhaps to place your crystals on the windowsill so they can absorb the powerful lunar rays.

To smudge with sage around your home and auric field.

Crystals to keep close: Rose Quartz, Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz.

Affirmation: I release that which no longer serves my highest path. I let go of old patterns, behaviours and limitations that are keeping me stuck. The past is a wise memory, the future holds endless possibilities. Yet in this moment I am fully present and rooted to the Earth. I choose to make healthy choices both emotionally and physically. I allow only good and loving energy to enter my field. The rest I release with love.

Happy Full Moon xx

Photos from Tottem Healing's post 15/02/2024

A day late I know, but letting your loved ones know how much they mean to you should be a daily occurrence anyway and not just on Valentine’s Day.

The strength and support this man showed me through both our girls pregnancies, births and postpartum has been incredible and what every woman should experience from their partner. Hope’s birth wouldn’t have been as Magickal as it was if I didn’t have the husband that I do. I feel very lucky and grateful for the love and support he shows me every day.
Life can be hard, marriage can be hard, all relationships are hard, but having someone by your side who always has your back makes things a hell of a lot easier.
Mike, I love you and any storm we can weather, together.


Photos from Tottem Healing's post 01/02/2024

Imbolc Blessings to you all.

Let this time between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox be a time of stirring desires, excitement, deep diving, discovering and creation, so that the seeds of spring bring you peace, new beginnings, growth and joy.

Much love,
Helen 💗


You are nature 💗


There is a reason why walking amongst nature is most people’s best advice when depression strikes.
Because walking in nature is a return to ‘home’.
You are not a lover of nature, or a fan of nature, you ARE nature.
You are as much nature as the trees in your garden and the bees on your picnic.
You were designed to live your days out in the wild with your fellow creatures and plants but progress, humanity, had different plans for us all.
And so we exist day-to-day, in our homes, but never ‘home’.
The quickest route back to self, to inner peace, is bare feet on grass, arms around trees, head in the clouds and heart in a forest.
Put your weary bones in water, whenever you can, smell each flower you see and crumble dirt between your tired-of-typing fingers.
You are nature, go home once in a while.
It will bring you much you didn’t even know you were missing.

Donna Ashworth
This poem is from my newest book ‘Wild Hope’ (currently on its 6th week in the Sunday Times Bestsellers list, thank you all so very kindly)


Art by the fabulously talented Demelsa Haughton Illustration.



Shout out to all the mums and new parents doing their thang. Nothing can prepare you for a new baby, even if you have done it before!
I’m still on the sleep deprivation train, which is hardcore, but the little smiles and snuggles with my beautiful girl make it all worth it.
5 weeks of you already Hope Theia Totton! 😍


Wow what a journey this year has been!
Full of achievements, surprises, friendships, lessons, growth and love.
I am so grateful for every moment, the good and the bad. Grateful also to each one of you for being a part of my journey, followers, students, clients, friends, for trusting me to help guide you…which I will be doing much more of in 2024 once I am back from maternity leave.
For now, here are a few journaling prompts I will be using myself tonight. This is also the perfect time of year to redo or create a vision board. Find, or print images of all the amazing things you want to achieve and manifest this year. Stick them all on a board and keep where you can see often. You can place crystals by it and sent good vibes everytime you pass.

Journal prompts for the new year:
🎉What were my biggest 3 achievements in 2023?
🎉How do I feel about them now and how are they going to help me moving into this next year?
🎉What am I ready to leave behind in 2023? What layer needs to peel away?
🎉Who do I want to take with me into the new year?…. Is there anyone I need to allow to drop away?
🎉If there were no limitations placed on me by society, others or myself…. What would I see myself achieving in 2024?

From that last question create some powerful affirmations and place them with your vision board… because you CAN achieve them. The only real limitations in life are those we place upon ourselves.
You can do anything and I believe in you!

I wish you a year filled with joy, peace, empowerment, strength and love…especially for yourself.

Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉


Photos from Tottem Healing's post 25/12/2023

Merry Christmas to all our wonderful clients, friends and kindred souls, from my family to yours.
Sending love and light to all.
Extra hugs to those who are struggling today, as Christmas isn’t an easy time for everyone.
Be kind to each other and live each moment from a space of gratitude.
Wishing you peace, joy and happiness today and always 🙏💗🎄
Helen, Mike, Emilia and Hope


Winter Solstice Blessings to you all.

Let today be about the nurturing darkness, being held in the womb of Gaia.
Don’t be afraid to sit within it.
Reflecting on what you have allowed yourself to ‘grow’ through recently, or this year.
Let it be about welcoming the light back into that place of darkness, allowing it to thaw away any unwanted energy, bringing a stillness, hope and magick for the future.

Much love
Helen 💗

Photos from Tottem Healing's post 17/12/2023

BABY BLUES! Today is Hope’s due date & we’ve already had her in our arms for 5 days!
Thanks to the amazing physiological birth I was able to have, my physical healing has been extremely quick & relatively painless, but there is the other side which isn’t talked about enough.
Around 3 days in, hormones peak, adrenaline has worn off from the birth & the milk starts to come in. This concoction causes what people call the ‘baby blues’. Now to me, that actually sounds like a cute name for what is most definitely NOT a ‘cute’ time. For most, this time of extreme ups & downs, anxiety, dark/ sad thoughts, only lasts a few days, but for others…. It doesn’t go away.
As someone who has suffered from depression several times in my life, the last time I gave birth 8 yrs ago, I recognized I was stuck in that horrible deep dark space & I realised I needed help. The trauma of the birth & following days of infection, swelling, mastitis, very quickly spiraled into ptsd & pnd. This time even though it has been a completely different experience, those ‘baby blues’ still came a knocking & oh my gosh I had forgotten the intensity of the emotions. A couple of these pictures were taken literally 30 mins apart. One minute I was crying & feeling so down, the next I was smiling & in awe of the little miracle I had produced. Add in the sleep deprivation which I had forgotten just quite how debilitating & intense & it’s no wonder that women struggle with this time. With help from my husband, beautiful friends sending me healing, & utilizing my own healing methods, I felt the heaviness lift just yesterday. BUT… this period is still not talked enough about. Women often feel (certainly those who have been trying for ages, or had IVF etc) that they don’t have the ‘right’ to feel down or confused or find/ complain about how hard it is, but we must! We must share & be open & help one another. Any women who says those days after birth are easy, is lying. So feel the feels ladies, share the fears & the doubts, let’s talk about those feelings without judgement. I know it helps me. X

Photos from Tottem Healing's post 14/12/2023

‘Hope Theia Totton’ arrived yesterday morning at 8:14am, 12/12/23 weighing 7lbs 12 (the number 12 seems to be very relevant!) the most perfect Christmas present for us all.
My waters broke at 11:15pm the night before (not long after my previous post & drumming for myself) & things progressed quite quickly. I was calm, having done all the research & preparation. I was ready for my home water birth, which happened exactly the way I’d visualized.
I somehow managed with no pain relief (not even paracetamol), using the water, along with rose quartz crystals in my hands, drumming from Mike through surges & later on my beautiful friend Antheia. A completely physiological birth with the home midwife team just observing, letting me do my thing.

I cannot tell you how incomparable this experience was to the one I had 8 years ago with Emilia.
Today, I trust my body. Today I am empowered, a birthing warrior. Today I am grateful for all the hard work I have done this year, the research & knowledge I have acquired, for the healing modalities that guided me, for the support from my amazing husband, sister circle, my friends, family & those who I could not see but feel present in the room. I am grateful for Emilia for being brave & the most wonderful big sister already & my beautiful new baby girl for working with me to create this most incredible labour & birth experience which I will never forget.
I have a new found respect for the female body & what it is capable of. I am making it my mission to empower & help others moving forward, especially those who have experienced a traumatic birth in the past.

Hope - meaning….. ‘to candle…. Be the source of light’ which she has been for us on this journey.
Theia - the Goddess of divine light & vision.

I am enjoying this newborn love bubble & know that the healing will be quick & easy 🙏🥰 . Thank you for all your well wishes 💗 Business wise, please bear with us as we navigate this time.

Special thanks .dragonguy


Drumming during pregnancy! 🥁

I have spent some time over the last few days using both my reiki drum and my shamanic medicine drum to take myself and baby into a deep state of relaxation in preparation for what’s to come.

She will have experienced drumming all throughout this pregnancy as I use the drum during healing sessions and I know she loves it!

There are so many benefits, to this ancient modality. The drum has been measured and scientifically shown to alter brain waves, to send us into an alpha and even deep theta state, helping with anxiety and stress. Drumming can help to relieve physical pain, bring calm, focus and a feeling of empowerment, which is also why it is a perfect accompaniment to labour and birth.

Many cultures still use the drum as a sacred tool in this way, but it seems to have been lost in many parts of the western world.

I am planning for the drum to be instrumental during my upcoming labour and I can’t wait to hopefully offer this as a tool for other women moving forwards.
Those of you who have been for a session with me, or trained in the reiki drum technique, will already know the power of the drum. The echo of mother earths heart beat, merging with the beautiful healing power of reiki, so I’m sure you can only imagine the advantages it will have during pregnancy, labour and birth.

I immediately feel a sense of calm and connection everytime I use it and I will be continuing until this little soul is earth-side with me. ❤️

So grateful for all I’ve learnt these past years and all the tools I now have to aid in these huge life transitions 🙏


Good morning beautiful souls!

We have some beautiful crystal bracelets available in our shop and they make a really thoughtful gift at Christmas time!

We have bracelets and anklets all covering areas such as;

✨Angelic Connection
✨Mother Earth
✨New Beginnings

Prices start at just £13! Collection or delivery available!

DM us for more details or to order 🙏🏻✨

Photos from Tottem Healing's post 10/12/2023

We enjoyed a beautiful last dinner as a three tonight in Warrington. Just gorgeous food and service and a really special evening.

At 39 weeks, I am now spending most days resting and building up the oxytocin ready for whenever labour happens. (Oxytocin is the feel good hormone we need in order for labour to progress)
I am being very careful to try and avoid anything that puts me in a stress related environment, which to me also means having as little interaction with the hospital system/ consultants etc. I am not saying it doesn’t have its place, however, I have realized how much I didn’t know last time and how easy it is to be swayed by the fear mongering and ‘worst case scenario’ outlook, which is…. I feel…. Very much pushed onto expectant mothers and their partners.

It’s amazing just how aware you become once you do the research.
I would recommend any expectant mother and partners, or anyone trying for a baby to read and by . 2 books I am extremely grateful for this time around.

I have much more to say on this subject, but for now, I am just sitting in my oxytocin bubble after a lovely evening with my little family.

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend ❤️


Feeling into the Goddess energy today, after a beautiful drumming session from
Feeling so blessed being able to receive today and sit more in my feminine, which I know is needed right now.

The float tank with the choice of sensory deprivation mimics the womb and as I connected to my womb and the energy of my baby, I also felt connected back to when I was in the womb which felt very special.
This is the first time I have been for a float since the start of my pregnancy and I immediately was reminded of and felt the benefits.
The oxytocin bubble it provided for me was exactly what I needed and what I will be trying now to stay in until baby arrives.

Today I was able to completely relax my nervous system, let go and surrender and it felt super amazing 💗🙏

Videos (show all)

Hope is pretty good during nappy changes, but if she’s ever grouchy, I dig into my toolbox. She loves all the sound heal...
It’s taken me a few days to process my feelings since my spiritual Blessing Way on Monday evening. The connection, the g...
Grateful everyday to do what I do
CALLING ALL MAMA’S! (Or share with anyone you know who may need this) Are you wanting to bond more with your baby whilst...
Another beautiful private Womb Rites ceremony for two lovely sisters yesterday. Womb healing is so important and I am go...
This weekend we were supposed to be on our stunning luxury retreat in the Yorkshire Dales. A few weeks ago, we made the ...
What a wonderful first day Womanifest today! Thank you to everyone who came into the spirituality tent for the Reiki Dru...
I cant believe the Metamorphosis Retreat 2023 is just 1 month away!! Theres only 2 spots left and I cant wait to experie...
💥URGENT!💥Time is running out for you to secure your spot on this years life changing, transformative, luxury retreat in ...
Enjoying time out at Center Parcs. Much needed. Msg’s will be responded to at the weekend. Don’t forget to get booked on...
A few of the things I would tell my younger self….✨There is beauty everywhere, if you are present enough to see it ✨Take...


Opening Hours

Monday 10:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:30 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 12:30 - 14:00