Mani Sleep Nanny

Mani Sleep Nanny

Hey, my name is Mani and I am a Qualified Children's Sleep Coach (Babies to 6 Years).


Heyy guys, let me introduce to you the new little addition to our family! Harvin Singh Bhogal 💙
He is the reason why I've been ever so quiet on here as my pregnancy was harder the last few months and he also came 3 weeks earlier than expected!
I'll be back to full speed with Mani Sleep Nanny soon but for now I'm really enjoying the cuddles with my two boys! 💙💙


On Sunday my little man turned two!

These little one's grow up so fast! The last two years seem to have gone in a blink! Cannot wait to make more memories and to see you become a big brother in August 💙

Photos from Mani Sleep Nanny's post 11/04/2023

I love helping families with their little one's sleep and hearing how much their lives have improved is what gives me my job satisfaction!


Daya's Success Story ✨️

This little one was being rocked to sleep aswell as only contact napping to sleep more than 20-30 mins!
I worked with this family for three weeks and by using gentle microsteps and the right plan for her temperament we now have a little girl who self settles, sleeps in her cot and sleeps through the night!


My little one has been unwell for a few weeks but is finally feeling better so I wanted to share some tips with you!

1. Let your little one sleep as much as they need to! Sleep is honestly the best way to recover from any illness and their little bodies will appreciate all that rest!

2. Contact naps are so good for your little one to get a restorative and deep sleep when they're not well. The closeness helps them relax and if they're congested, being slightly upright helps them settle to sleep better and stay asleep longer! Don't worry about them 'getting used to contact naps' - you won't be doing this for the forseeable, its only for a day or two when theyre really struggling.

3. Keep your little one as hydrated as possible. Mine would barely eat (and is still fighting food since he was ill) but keeping them topped up with water will really help! Make sure their nappies are wet too! Offer food in small amounts and let them have as much or as little as they want. They will start eating properly again, it will just take some time.. in the case of my son, we are slowly but surely getting back to eating three meals a day again..

4. So we love our schedules and routines but we have to throw these out the window while our little one is unwell and we just need to be flexible and go with the flow. Try not to stress about your little one missing a nap or sleeping for too long - it will eventually go back to normal again once they are starting to feel better. Just reintroduce their routines and schedule and stay consistent with it and your response. You'll see that within a few days everything is back to normal again.

5. A humidifier really helps improve cold symptoms and reduce congestion in babies. Having one will really help your little one get better quicker.

Let me know what you do that helps your little one feel better when they're not well below in the comments!


⭐️Harper's Success Story⭐️

Harper was waking multiple times a night and mum and dad were really struggling with it all! Mum was due to go back to work soon and really needed to be able to get some good sleep herself too! Sleep is so important for everyone!

Three weeks later and Harper is successfully self settling; taking her two naps a day and sleeping through the night. Her progress has been amazing and mum and dad are so proud of her!

It was lovely working with you and your family! Im so glad you're all sleeping so much better!


Hey Guys, if you are Bedfordshire based and would like some help with your little one's sleep then I have an Infant Sleep Workshop for you!
Over the hour session I will be covering everything from naps to wake windows to babies self settling as well as a q&a session where you can ask me questions about your own babies sleep!
If you would like to book then please follow the link here or scan the QR Code.
I look forward to seeing you there!


Our support plan is coming to an end and little Harper is sleeping like a dream! Its made all the difference to the whole family and they are all so much happier and rested!


is so excited to welcome this terms special guest.
The lovely Mani from .sleepnanny.

Mani is a qualified childrens sleep coach and will be here to answer any of your questions at our Thursday session this week (1st December).

Mani will be there to support all parents with children ranging from new born to 6years old.

Session will run as normal, let your little ones enjoy some free play while you seek advice over a warm drink & 🍰

Mixed ages / siblings welcome

Tickets -

Photos from Mani Sleep Nanny's post 22/11/2022

⭐️ Sleep Packages below! Contact me to book in your free 15 minute discovery call to see which package would be best for you to get your little one sleeping so much better ⭐️

Timeline photos 16/10/2022

Can you believe it's already October! 🎃
It's that time of year we hate - you know, when the clocks go back by one hour and those early risers become, well, extra early risers!
The clock goes back at 2am on Sunday 30th October by one hour! This means if your little one is an early riser waking up at 5am, they'll be up by 4am.. not great right?!
But this isn't an issue for just our early risers, it's for all our little one's as their routines get a little messy!

But FEAR NOT! I have three options that can help you tackle this clock change! ⏰️

1. Put your little one to bed 30 minutes later on Friday night and then 30 minutes later again on Saturday night. They would have moved their schedule by an hour and should wake up on Sunday morning close to their normal waking hour! Follow their sleep cues as you don't want to be putting your little one to bed if they are under tired - try and either move their nap slightly earlier or cut it slightly shorter depending on timings. If you're unsure, drop me a message and we can figure it out!

2. For the four days prior to the clock change slowly move your babies/toddlers entire sleep schedule (this includes both naps and bedtime) 15 minutes earlier. This will help your little one adjust to the new sleep schedule without having too much of an impact. This is great for babies/toddlers in a really good routine. You may need to adjust their eating schedule too.

​​​​​​​​3. You can just go cold turkey! Pop your little one to bed at their normal time and then help them adjust to the clock change once it's happened!

Tips to help your little one with the changes:
- Have a lot of wind down time prior to them going to sleep.
-Try and get them out during the day on Sunday for lots of exercise. Their bodies will adjust to the change making it easier in the nights to follow.

If you have any questions then drop a comment or send me a DM and I'll be happy to help you! If you already have a not so great sleeper and want some help then reach out to me and we can chat!
Like, comment and Share!
Mani x


Heyy! Hope you are all doing well!
Hows your summer been? I've had a crazy busy one and finally things are settling down.
I've been MIA from my page but i'm ready to get back on it and help any struggling parents get a better nights sleep!
This is a pic of me and my little one a few weeks ago when we were in Canada. He tried ice cream and was in love with it.. when it finished he cried and screamed 'I Ceamm' at me several times. Was pretty funny for everyone who was looking at us haha.
How have your summers been? # # #




Nap Success for Baby Nell ⭐️⭐️⭐️


Sleep is so important for our little ones (and us ofcourse). Here's a few of the reasons why it's so important our little one's get enough sleep through the day and night!

How is your little one sleeping?

Photos from Mani Sleep Nanny's post 22/06/2022

Causes of Early Rising and some tips on how you can get your little one to sleep for an extra couple of hours!

My little one used to wake up before 5.30am every morning and overtime I have managed to get him to stay asleep till atleast 6-6.30am! (Hooray!) This took abit of time but we are finally there! We do get the odd early rising but remember your little ones are humans and not robots - they cant be perfect all the time!

If you have any questions about your little one's early rising, pop them below or send me a DM and I'll be happy to answer them for you!


Goodmorning everyone! How was your night with your little one?
Avraj had his 1 year jabs yesterday so he was very restless last night and there were lots of cuddles, calpol and co-sleeping so we could all get some sleep!
He's up this morning at 7am and has no desire to play! We are sitting on the sofa watching nursery rhymes while he chews on his toy 🤣

There's nothing wrong with giving your little one extra attention when theyre not well - you're not teaching them bad habits or heading off track.. when you have sleep trained you worry about 'overcompensating' - once they're better you may have to do a little more to get them back to where they were but it won't take long!

Let me know if you guys have any questions!

Mani # # #


A good bedtime routine creates rhythmicity and acts as a sleep cue for your little one. By doing the same steps every night your little one knows exactly what to expect giving them both security and stability.
The routine at bedtime should be no longer than 30-40 mins (shorter for younger babies).
Do a shortened verision for naps, around 5-15 mins.

What does your routine include?


3-6 Months Sleep Guide ⭐️


0 to 3 month Sleep Guide!

This time is also known as the fourth trimester! Don't worry about forming any 'bad' habits by rocking, cuddling to sleep etc - do what you need to do and it! Enjoy these precious early months and get all the cuddles - I also really recommend ! Its amazing 💙

Your little one is going to be sleeping alot during their first few months and this is completely normal!

As a newborn their wake window will be around the 45 minute mark and as they get to 3 months this will increase to around 60 to 90 minutes. Every little baby is different so always keep one eye on the clock and one eye on your baby!

They will be having around 4 to 5 naps a day which can really vary in length! Their night time sleep will be around 8.5 to 10 hours in total - expect them to wake and need their feeds during the night. They may also rely on cuddles and contact so try and get your rest in while they get theirs!

- can't always be done but getting some rest even if its laying on the couch and having a cup of tea is really going to benefit you.

Go with the flow and give yourself the permission to not worry about anything except bonding with your new little human ❤


⭐️ Charlie's Success Story ⭐️


Hey guys, I have made a little tweak to the packages to ensure I can provide the best support possible!
I'm also offering 30% off to my next 5 clients! Please do get in touch and we can schedule in a call to see how I can help!
Mani x


Arabella's Success Story! 🧡

Serina and Arun contacted me to help them with Arabella's sleep. The little one would rarely sleep through the night and would only settle with night feeds. We looked at Arabella's sleep as a whole and we implemented a bespoke plan! It worked and now Arabella is sleeping through the night without any feeds ❤

So happy that now all the family are getting a good nights rest! # # #


Jacob's Success Story! 💙

Amy and Charlie really struggled with Jacob's sleep and were left exhausted. I created a bespoke plan for Jacob to ensure that regardless of where he was during the week, he had consistency and routine with his sleeping. With everyone being onboard Jacob has really thrived and is doing so well with his sleep journey.
So proud of you Jacob!


Louis' success story! 💙

Contact napping, co sleeping and multiple night wakings meant that Emily and Brett were exhausted and had very little time to themselves! I worked with this amazing family and created a bespoke plan tailored to Louis and now he is sleeping so much better and in his own cot.
Super proud of this little man!


Heyyy everyone! I wanted to introduce myself again on my page! My name is Mani and I am a mummy to my beautiful 1 year old son! His name is Avraj and he's pictured above!

I am also now a qualified sleep coach!I chose this career path so I could help parents who feel exactly how I felt when my little guy wasn't sleeping well - low and exhausted!
Once he began sleeping better, not only did he become a happier baby but I have so much more energy also!

Since beginning this new career, I've had such wonderful feedback from parents telling me how much happier they are as a family! It's why I do what I do - to make a difference to their lives ❤️

Sleep really does impact so much on our lives but there are things we can do to improve it!

I am terrible with social media but I will get better at this stuff and share my best tips and tricks with you all!

If you do want help with your little ones sleep, then please reach out to me and I'll be happy to help! ⭐️

