Shipshape Homes UK

Shipshape Homes UK

Decluttering isn't about cleaning or just tidying up. It is about the way you manage your storage and belongings to create a stress free environment.




As we have an abundance of time at the moment we spent a bit of time yesterday sorting through all of the barbie dolls and the mountain of accessories. Our girls have collected so many over the years and it was a little out of control!
The girls got stuck right in as they loved the idea of putting all of the outfits back together and not having so many naked barbies 😂

This morning our youngest conducted her first barbie yoga class! Yep!! .. She has really rediscovered her love for all of these dolls after we got them all shipshape again.
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Decluttering your life also includes letting go of those bad / toxic relationships ... Keep only those that bring you joy.

❤️ It’s ok to let go ❤️
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... And this is how my 8 year old set up her bedside drawer and organised her books 🥰
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This is my daughter. She is 8 years old.

Last week she decided to declutter her bedroom and set up her things the way she wanted them. When I asked her why, she told me that it was taking her lots of time to look for things in her bedside table and it was ‘a bit of a mess’. She also felt that a few items in her room were now too young for her.
She started clearing out one area and moved on to other areas of her room. She didn’t ask for help and was happily going through her books when I checked in on her.
As I watched her going through her items it became clear to me that she has been paying close attention to what I’ve been doing for years without me even realising it ...

I would never expect someone so young to do this without being asked (and without assistance!). However, here is my daughter at 8 years of age telling me how good she felt after organising her bedroom and having everything in it’s place ... “Mummy, now I know where everything is and I don’t have to spend my time looking for things”.

Kids really do as we do!

Proud mummy moment! 🥰
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To stack or not to stack? That is the question!

I’ve had these () for over 15 years and I love them. You can use them for more than just jewellery. I always recommend them to my clients as I think they are a great solution.
Two things I forgot to mention in the video:
1. You can use the single trays inside of drawers if you have the space.
2. My green box definitely looks a little bit worn on the lid due to many moves (including international ones!), daily use and kids! Not bad for being so old. I can definitely vouch for the durability of this product 👍🏽

... and more
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To stack or not to stack? That is the question!

Check out my other video explaining what these are and how I like to use them 😊. Love these boxes -
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With two kids, homeschooling, and a house to run, this is definitely a little bit true for me 🤣

Not enough hours in the day to stay on top of everything at the moment!

How’s it going for all of you?


Thought, patience and planning.

Decluttering a space is fantastic. It truly lightens our load, both physically and mentally. It definitely makes us feel like we have achieved something!

Decluttering and organising your space to make the most efficient use of every inch and not having to revisit it needs thought, patience and planning.

Think about what bothers you the most and start there.
Don’t just *shift* stuff around.
Start small - don’t bite off more than you can chew in the time you have.
Make sure everything has a home.
More storage is rarely the answer.
Will the result allow you to reset & relax quickly each day?

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Cleaner reorganises library books in size order

Love this 😆 The well-meaning cleaner gave librarians a giggle when they discovered the neatly rearranged tomes.


Make your bed.

Make making your bed the first achievement of the day. It may seem like a small thing but completing this task first thing means you will set the right tone for the day. It also makes the bedroom look neater which makes a big difference on our state of mind.
If you have children who are old enough, ask them to do the same. Give them a little helping hand if they need it.
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Pantry goals.

I’ve always wanted a proper walk-in pantry. One day that dream will become reality 🤞🏽...
In the meantime, whether you have a full on walk-in cold store pantry, a pantry cupboard, drawers or just a shelf, it is really useful to spend a couple of extra minutes when unpacking your groceries and get rid of all that extra packaging!
Not only does it make the space look better, it means you can see everything! If you have kids, organising their snacks in baskets (or ‘bins’ as I like to call them) is a good way to easily keep track of what they are are consuming and also enable them to help themselves easily. A win win 🙌🏽.

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Don’t strive for perfection. Strive for balance.

We are in a place that we never imagined and I’m sure this brings some level of stress and anxiety for most people. I have to say that I have my WT* moments when I sit down and think about what is actually going on in the world around us.

Wondering what these pictures are about???

Our girls built a den. A massive den! It has taken over a big space in our house! At first I thought ‘there is no way that thing is staying up for weeks!’. Then I saw how happy they are with their creation. It looks like a hot mess but they are so happy I’m rolling with it. What I do ensure, for my own mental health, is that we have a bit of tidy up time at the end of most (not all) days to reset ourselves. The key is to put (most) things back in the right place - a place for everything and (almost) everything in it’s place - so it doesn’t get out of control...

In this weird moment in time we have to strive for balance - for me it’s taking a path that is kind to my own mental health without wrecking the fun my kids are having.

If anyone needs help with managing their spaces I am more than happy to assist as much as I can remotely. Free of charge of course ❤️

I am going to try to post some tips over the coming days and weeks which I hope some of you will find useful 😊

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Shipshape Homes | Decluttering | Professional Organising

Week 4 of lockdown. How are you feeling?

I’m hoping that most people have found some sort of rhythm to their daily lives in this strange new world we find ourselves in.

Being at home nearly 100% of the time means all of those areas of the house that you haven’t managed to sort out become more and more obvious - the loft, garage or even that one kitchen drawer.

It can be hard to get into the right mindset and have a view on how an area can be transformed.
If you find yourself stuck on how to tackle an area that you’d like to declutter and/or organise or, if you would like some guidance on products that may help you, I am more than happy to offer my services remotely, free of charge!

Just send a message via my website, page, or send me a comment on Insta.
fb: Shipshape Homes UK Transform your spaces & declutter your home using a sustainable approach guided by a professional.


A sneak peak into one of my current projects - total transformation of a gorgeous dressing room. We have a few final areas to organise and then I will share all of the ‘before and after’ pictures.
I am in love with this space! It looks like a high end store now 👗👠👢👛
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I was recently invited back by the lovely Harris family to tackle another area of their home - this time their pre-teen daughter’s room.
We had a great day going through everything and setting up her room in a way that supported how she wanted to use it. We sorted though all of her clothing, books, games etc and set up the wardrobes and drawers in a way that she could easily manage. We also discussed how simple changes in her routine could make it easier for her to maintain what we had created...
It was so great to see her embrace it all, especially with her being so young.

An organised environment has so many benefits but I think the most important, no matter what your age, is feeling more relaxed in the space which can lead to a healthier state of mind 🧘🏽‍♀️.
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If you are Asian you probably know someone who has saris galore and more blouses and outfits than they know what to do with. I spent a few hours sorting out my mum’s ‘sari and Indian outfit’ cupboard recently...
We had so much fun reminiscing as almost every beautiful piece had a story that went with it. As we went through we decided to keep only the items that had a special meaning or that my mum really enjoyed wearing. The rest she was happy to let go of so we packed up the ‘donate to a new home’ pile and now her ‘sari cupboard’ is beautifully organised and much more manageable.
A wonderful side benefit of going through this process with my mum was that I now know which saris are of great significance and irreplaceable e.g. those given by her father & mother, by loved ones (some who are no longer with us), when she got married etc.

Take some time out to explore the treasures that are in your / your parent’s cupboards as it can actually turn out to be a wonderfully rewarding experience 😊 ... Or, call Shipshape Homes in to help you!
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This desk puts such a smile on my face! It was piled high with paperwork (and more!) and was not useable. We sorted out the room, organised the paperwork, created a system for keeping up with it AND created a whole load of *new* space.
My lovely client just messaged to say that he sat at his desk this morning to do some work for the first time in forever! 🙌🏽

Transforming spaces. Transforming everyday life.
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Here are the rest of the pictures of my older daughter’s dollhouse after she ‘decluttered’ it 😀
If only they would keep their bedrooms this shipshape... pipe dreams! 🤞🏽😂

I do love that my work is rubbing off on them, slowly but surely.👌🏽

Happy Sunday all!
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Sunrise last week!
Doesn’t get much better than this!
Definitely set the the tone for the day!
Had to share!

(No filters on this!)


Spent a couple of hours with the Turner family last night and we rejigged their beautiful new kitchen. When we started to discuss how the family function in the room and what the key concerns were, the main thing highlighted was that there was not enough space! ... Well, after a couple of hours of reorganising we created a LOAD of extra space and made the kitchen way more functional.

I forgot to take ‘before’ pictures (occupational hazard!) but did take a couple along the way 🙃
We remedied a bunch of clutter and created the beginnings of a spice drawer which has the space for building a great collection of spices! Everyone needs spice in their life ... maybe not 4 bottles of chilli powder & crushed chillis though!! 😀
On a serious note, if we can’t see all of our items we often end up going out and buying again because it’s easier!

Love a bit of kitchen reorganisation!
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My girls told me they were decluttering their dolls houses after dinner last night! 😀

Makes me proud!


Does anyone else find it extremely satisfying to organise Lego???

Love Lego.

Lego is for all ages!


Is it too late to wish you all a happy new year?
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday full of food, rest & relaxation! 😀

My home looked like a tornado had been through it 🌪 after the holidays but thankfully it’s all reset now with everything back in its place 👌🏽. It doesn’t take very long when you have a place for everything (I promise!).

A new year and a WHOLE new decade ahead! What goals have you set yourself?


Is it too late to wish you all a happy new year?
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday full of food, rest & relaxation! 😀

My home looked like a tornado had been through it 🌪 after the holidays but thankfully it’s all reset now with everything back in its place 👌🏽. It doesn’t take very long when you have a place for everything (I promise!).

A new year and a WHOLE new decade ahead! What goals have you set yourself?


Declutter your mail - I have just spent a few minutes unsubscribing from 5 companies that have suddenly started sending me catalogues in the post.

No one wants MORE paper in their lives.

As we approach Christmas I am sure many of you will be getting unwanted mailings. Spend a few minutes this week and declutter the mail coming through your door.
Trust me. You will feel better for it!

Videos (show all)

To stack or not to stack? That is the question!Check out my other video explaining what these are and how I like to use ...

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