Emanation - Reiki Master Teacher

Emanation - Reiki Master Teacher

The universe had other ideas though, completely derailing me and rendering me too ill to leave the house, never mind go to work.

Hi, I'm Nicola,

I was an English teacher for over 25 years; assistant leader for the last 10 years of that, and despite the fact that the demands of the job were making work/life balance harder and harder - higher targets and conveyor belt deadlines, I probably would have carried on until I retired because I loved teaching and loved the students. I was led to Reiki to support my healing and afte


For every drug you can take, there is something natural to try instead. Please share any natural remedies you regularly use.


Another one that was always in my Grandma's 'medicine' cupboard. Did anyone else have a relative who knew how to use nature to heal?


This is a ,'good to know,' thing if you already incorporate black pepper in your cooking on a regular basis. If not, you can buy supplements.


I add turmeric to my food but many people drink turmeric shots daily. Everybody should try this as a preventative, but if you regularly take anti inflammatory prescription drugs, definitely give it a go.


Yes...more about those mushroom things. They have incredible healing potential. If you are suffering from chronic conditions, you have nothing to lose. Just give them a go and let me know how you got on..


I'm guessing it helps to have a cuddle cat rather than a head bump and back out again one :)


It's a shining today here :)


Whatever your condition, you'll be able to find a mushroom to micro-dose that will work its magic on you.. If you give this one a try, let me know how it goes please.


Whatever your health issue, there will be a crystal which can support your healing. If you already include crystals in your daily health routines or regularly make use of them for other reasons, Id love to hear about it.


They are everywhere and usually end up in green waste bins. Rocket is also a w**d and many of us regularly buy that. Why not make use of dandelions in our salads instead?


Sunlight has been given such a bad press and we all know the dangers attached to over exposing ourselves but because of that some of us never spend any time outdoors without wearing skin blocks. This means we miss out on more than vitamin D. Just 15 minutes a day can make a huge difference to our health and well-being.


There are so many benefits to keeping hydrated and so many of us just don't drink enough. If you've ever consciously made an effort to drink the recommended daily amount and noticed surprising changes to your health and well-being, please share your stories.


Horses can become your healers too when you spend time and share a space with them this way. Please feel free to add your own experiences.


Focus in on the sound of the bees in your garden when meditating. You can feel the sound move through you and its healing effect. Let me know what your experiences are.


so many simple things can help us become self regulatory health wise, Can you add any more?


Why not become Reiki 1 attuned so that you channel universal life-force energy and treat yourself every single day for the rest of your life? You'd also be able to treat your family, friends and companion animals. Plants also respond well to this beautiful energy. If you have any questions about it, ask away.


I cook with ginger a lot. It's fabulous with carrots and adds a delicious kick to many Asian dishes. Ooh ginger beer too. How do you include ginger in your diet?


We need to preserve the natural habitats of these mushrooms - ancient forests and woodlands are essential to a healthy planet. as well as our own good health. Do you notice particular types of mushrooms in the woods you walk in?


Because we know of the dangers of too much sunlight, some of us block sunlight from ever reaching our skin. Just 15 minutes a day can support good health.


Do you make use of any nutritious garden w**ds?


Being allergic to PEG (polyethylene glycol) has led me to look for any and all alternative products. It's really difficult to find shampoos and conditioners which don't contain some form of PEG or other other glycols. If any body has other natural solutions to this, please share.


I would highly recommend using crystals to support your healing journey. Please comment if you already do and have good advice to share.


The more I learn about mushrooms, the more in awe I am of them. Please continue to share your healing journeys with any varieties.


Cant think of a more pleasant way to heal :) Mine keeps me fit for those purrs though..not a cuddle cat..more a follow me around the house and up the stairs..stopping every third step to head bump kind of guy.


My son's uncle first introduced me to the idea of micro-dosing mushrooms after he reduced a large tumour on his dog's jaw. It had been the size of a small apple and was gone in just 5 weeks. Do any of you have any stories to share about the benefits of different kinds of mushrooms?


Any personal experience of this?


Many of us think we can't and don't meditate but anything which places us in the flow of the present moment is a form of meditation. Please share what you do.


Many of us don't drink anywhere near the recommended amount and then take prescribed drugs to deal with the fall-out from that. Have any of you noticed the difference when trying up your water intake?


We throw so many w**ds away when many are not only edible but more nutrient dense than food we choose to eat. Do you include any w**ds in your diet?

