Maria Lobato Intuitive Coach & Medium

Maria Lobato Intuitive Coach & Medium

My mission is to inspire, empower and guide people on their journey to spiritual awareness.


The Galactic Council, a group of 6th Density beings who are protecting and looking after the Ascension process on planet Earth.
When I first started having trance communication with these beings it was disconcerting and even confusing to me. I worked in trance with many different beings before, but never felt quite the same as I did with the Council.
I channelled Gods, Ascended Masters, deceased humans, angels, Archangels, fairies... you name it... and every time there was emotion and warmth in the spoken words. But with the Galactic Council, there is just a very monotone stream of words, devoid of emotion.
If the signal or connection is good, it all happens very fast, words feel accelerated, but if the signal is weaker, the words slow down as well, sometimes quite drastically.
This was all very strange to me, but what I didn't understand at the time was that beings who are still individualised (such as Gods or deceased people), still have the emotional component and what seems to be a personality. The work with these entities is a Soul to Soul connection that can be quite emotional.
But for high vibration beings or for a group of beings such as the Galactic Council, the emotional component is no longer needed or experienced, as there is no one individual, but a group of individuals or a current of energy, vibrating at a very high frequency. In these instances, communication is on a Soul to current of energy connection, and it's not always felt as rich and emotional as individualised communication.
On my book Illusion, Thoth explains the concept of group entities who are of a very high vibration, little did I know I would come to work with such wonderful entities.
At the end of the day, I had to adapt and accept the different kind of communication to be able to fully open and trust the process. The wisdom, the knowledge, the insights into the expansion of consciousness are priceless, and so I keep turning up and surrendering, bringing to the listener exactly what serves him/her the most.
If you are curious about these communications, stay tuned as there will be a lot more coming out for you to dig into.


When I first started working with the Galactic Council, it was a bit of a challenge for me.
I felt it for many months, the pull towards something higher and not so much from this Earth. I often got the urge to watch videos of other channels such as Abraham or Bashar, as the different energy seemed to resonate with my inner being. I felt like my life's mission or purpose, if there is such a thing, was exactly that - to be a channel for something not necessarily from this world.
When contact was finally established during a trance session, it felt like I was coming home. There was so much energy, and it was all so familiar.
But the more I worked with this energy, the more I realised that my own beliefs were strong and getting in the way.
Aliens? Really?
What are people going to thing about me?
I doubted the process, I feared it at times, but it was right for me, it felt like I was fulfilling what I was meant to be doing, it felt absolutely right.
And so, I don't hide it anymore. My Soul knows what is the right thing for me, and when I trust and let go, everything flows in incredible and marvellous ways.

I channel the Galactic Council, a group of 6th density beings who look after and protect the process of Ascension of the planet Earth. They bring guidance and promote the expansion of consciousness and the remembrance of Oneness.
If in some way, this resonates with you and you want to know more... stay tuned because there will be plenty for you to dig into...


Join us for a FREE Trance Mediumship demonstration with Kirstie Lilith and Maria Lobato on the 16th August at 6.30pm.

We will be channelling the Galactic Council and the Ascended Masters so they can share their wisdom and guidance.

To register for the event, simply click on the link below (in the comments).
A zoom link will be emailed out to you prior to the event.

This event will be recorded, so if you can't attend live, a link to to the recording will be emailed after the event.


Communication with Spirit is not always personal or exclusive to me or my clients. Sometimes, words of wisdom come forward and when that happens, it is the medium's responsibility to put it out there.
The following words are an extract of a channelled communication I received.
I hope they resonate and serve you in some way.

"Troubles are not troubles, but opportunities for growth and expansion. Your focus is very important at the moment, you see things happen all around you, but not necessarily to you. (...)
Observe, don't get involved in the stories, you are to observe only and allow what is needed to happen. This is not your reality nor your story, do not focus on it, so it will continue to be around you, not in your personal experience. (...)"

Ask yourself:
- What are you focusing your attention on?
- Does it serve you?
- Does it make you feel contracted or expanded?


With the Trance Mediumship demonstration approaching, I can feel this build up of energy and momentum.
On the 16th August @ 6.30pm my good friend Kirstie Lilith - Divine Channel & Animal Communicator and I, will be working with the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Council. We will be giving voice to these high vibrational beings who so kindly assist us on our spiritual journeys.
So, who are the Ascended Masters you may ask?
They are a group of spiritual enlightened beings who at some point walked the Earth, just like you and me. They have dedicated their lives to the spiritual journey and the remembrance of the True Self, and after the death of their physical bodies, they become guides and mentors for those who are still walking their spiritual path on Earth.
These beings usually come as a group and don't always introduce themselves as a certain entity, they are here for the energetic connection, names are rarely needed. But in those rare occasions when they introduce themselves personally, you may hear such names as Buddha, Kwan Yin or even Jesus.
They come forward with messages of hope, self empowerment and guidance, and the is energy is often felt very strongly by those observing the trance communication.

To register for the event, simply click on the link below (in the comments).
A zoom link will be emailed out to you prior to the event.

This event will be recorded, so if you can't attend live, a link to to the recording will be emailed after the event.
Join us on the 16th August @ 6.30pm, for this unique experience.


if you've been following my work, you'll know that I'm a spiritual medium since forever. Spirituality has been in my blood ever since I remember existing, but although my spiritual connection and gifts have been there the whole time, my acceptance and understanding of those said gifts wasn't always a smooth process.

My team tried for years to get me to work with them in trance, but I was so scared of it, that I kept refusing over and over again.
You see, I was too scared because I didn't quite understand the process.
I thought that if I went into trance, some other spirit could just take over and control my mind and my body. That is scary, right?
But that it's not what trance is. Trance is a state of deep relaxation where your mind goes mostly quiet and you can observe what is happening without getting involved. In this state, your mind sort of rests on the side and the energy of the spirit you wish to work with, comes close and merges with yours. It's like two minds merge into one and communication takes place.
There is never loss of control, you are always aware of what is happening and can break the connection at any point.
Since I started working with my team in trance several years ago, I noticed how much more I trust my team, and the work we do together. It is a beautiful way of communication that can serve as a vehicle for not just words, but also to healing on many levels.

So come join me on the FREE Trance Mediumship demonstration that will take place on the 16th August @6.30pm This event will be recorded, so if you cannot be present live, you can watch the replay in your own time.

Simply click the link in the comments below to register.
I look forward to see you there. 💖


Are you feeling lost, confused, itching to move forward but without clarity or direction?
In my Trance Mediumship sessions, you receive Divine Guidance directly from Spirit, with the exact message you need in the moment to help you move forward, and for your highest and greatest good.
If you are ready to take the next step forward, book your session with me now.
Drop me a private message, or comment below to book your session.


For those who know me well, this is the next step. Reflect on the experiences, learn what I can and bring it to the light so others can gain something from it too.

Reflecting on the aftermath of my book's " A Journey to Enlightenment - Kundalini Rising" smashing success, showed me parts of myself I had not been aware of before.

As a medium all my life, I went through many phases of trying to hide my true self. I was afraid of being rejected, ridiculed and even hurt because of who I was and what I could do.
I lived a double life for years on end, and it wasn't until my experience with the Kundalini energy, that I started owning my journey and my beautiful gifts.
Gradually I was able to show parts of myself, and learnt to be comfortable with people knowing bits and bobs about me. I thought I was living my truth... I was very mistaken.
My book is very open, raw, talks about parts of my life that are very private, from my inner thoughts to my sexuality. I wrote the book with the intention of serving others, assisting them on their own journeys, and the only way to do that was by being completely open about my experiences.
When people around me started telling me they had bought and read my book I felt happy and so grateful on one hand, but completely naked on the other.
The fear of being rejected cropped up again and showed me how I am still hiding myself, still living a double life in some way.
Of course, this is an opportunity to heal this part of myself, and so I keep putting myself out there and sharing my path, my journey with everyone who is interested in listening.
May this be an opportunity for you to reflect on your own journey.

What are the parts of your self you are hiding?
How can you bring more self-acceptance?
Who are you, really?

Don't be afraid to ask these questions, you are worth it, don't be afraid of being yourself.


Don't give up on your dreams...


Are you in need of some guidance? My Divine Guidance sessions are now available. Contact me for details.


Who is in charge? You or everything else?

Need help to self-confidence and empowerment? Send me a private message and let's see you shine your light.


I had an interesting trance session this afternoon, I was asked to share the content with the public, as some of you need to hear this. Don't listen with your mind, dissecting every word, listen with your heart and your Soul. Let the words sink in.

I was asked to remind you all of how beautiful and precious you all are. We seem to forget that we are Divine and that our nature is simply perfect. The more we are reminded, the easier it gets to actually remember and live from that recognition.
The world doesn't need any more fear, it needs love and magic. So, let's start remembering our true nature and bringing the love forward. Not just the love for our partners or our children, but the love for ourselves, nature, the world. Let love be freely expressed, offered and received.
I ask with an open heart that you can see in yourself what I see when I look at you. I see a being so perfect and complete, worthy of love and an abundance of goodness. Don't let your past define you, start right now a new chapter, a chapter where you can shine your light and truly express your divinity.

With much love ❤


It's all about where you put all your focus and energy. If you are distracted or focusing on your shortcomings and fears instead of focusing on the goodness that can come your way, you will miss the opportunities of spectacular growth and happiness.


The real question though, is are you learning from your experiences? Are you learning the lessons and reacting differently or are you still stuck in old patterns?

I can help you break away from old patterns and start fresh with new ways of being and acting. You are not alone, send me a private message and I can guide you to a more fulfilling and happier life.


What if what you want was aligned with your true purpose? Can you imagine how much happiness could flow through you?

I can help you understand and align with your true purpose, do you want to see how that looks like?
Send me a private message and let's bring your dreams into fruition.


True success has nothing to do with being better or superior to others. It's about being kind to yourself and those around you. Spread love and kindness and the change within and around you will be truly successful.


On Valentine's let's take a moment to appreciate the love the universe has for us.
We think we know better, our minds have these expectations and needs and we think that only we know what will make us happy. But in all fairness, we rarely feel happy when we listen to our little self's demands.
On my new book "A Journey to Enlightenment - Kundalini Rising", I talk about how I learnt to trust the Universe, it's wisdom and all encompassing Love.
The moment I let go of control, life started flowing, miracles started happening and for the first time I discovered what it truly means to be happy.
So, I say, today we celebrate the Love, the Love the Universe has for us, we just have to surrender to it and see the magic enter our lives.
Happy Valentines ❤❤❤


I am speechless!
Woke up this morning to see that my book reached #1 Best Seller
So grateful to all of those who made this possible. A big thank you ❤️❤️❤️


You have to initiate the process. The Universe wants you to succeed, but if you don't take the first step, it cannot bring you all the goodness that is in store just waiting for you to receive.


My new book is finally here! It's available in both Kindle and Paperback and it's a must have for all spiritual seekers.
Help me get this book out there, where it can help those in need of guidance on their own journey, buy getting a copy today and sharing it with all your spiritual friends.
Your support is very much appreciated 💖💖💖

Get your copy right here
UK -



My new book is finally here! It's available in both Kindle and Paperback and it's a must have for all spiritual seekers.
Help me get this book out there, where it can help those in need of guidance on their own journey, buy getting a copy today and sharing it with all your spiritual friends.
Your support is very much appreciated 💖💖💖

Get your copy right here
UK -



My new book is finally here! It's available in both Kindle and Paperback and it's a must have for all spiritual seekers.
Help me get this book out there, where it can help those in need of guidance on their own journey, buy getting a copy today and sharing it with all your spiritual friends.
Your support is very much appreciated 💖💖💖

Get your copy right here
UK -



I am so very grateful for everyone's support. My book has reached #2 Best Seller in Inspirational Spirituality , I could not have done it without your help.

The day is still young, let's give it one more push to see if it gets to #1

Videos (show all)

Do you have a problem?
Felling lost? I can help you
Had the privilege to be interviewed by Hanna Olivas and Adriana Luna Carlos from She Rises Studios the other day. It was...