JoJo Yoga Creative

JoJo Yoga Creative

Click link for yoga to nourish & transform wellbeing💫 Anusara Yoga; Menopause Yoga; Studio + Zoom classes; Beach Yoga; Yoga Retreats📍Rye, East Sussex


In a world full of chaos and change, our practice of turning inwards can hold us steady, bring us peace.  Last night’s downpour left my beautiful outdoor venue waterlogged and we pivoted to a live-stream online event to celebrate the launch of ‘s Yoga for Peace movement.  (DM receive a free link to the zoom recording.)
It was incredible to see so many of you embrace this change to this event and be open to a different, more intimate and personal experience.
However we gather as a community, we amplify the power of yoga, bringing a sense of belonging, a mutual desire to spread a message of peace throughout the country. 
All humans share a wish to be free from pain and suffering, to feel safe, happy, to feel love and peacefulness inside. 
Finding peace in challenging times can be hard, especially if we feel a lack of control over the events in our lives. Our intention with this movement, Yoga for Peace, is to raise awareness of how empowering yoga can be in finding peace inside, no matter what chaos and change surrounds us. 
We took the opportunity today to practice some techniques in the yoga toolbox that dissolve mental agitation, dissolve physical tension, and bring ease and contentment to body mind and spirit.  
Practicing peaceful presence is something everyone has access to, you don’t need special equipment, skills or indeed anything beyond your own body and your own breath.  The techniques we practice are free, easy, available to all, and can dramatically improve your quality of life both personally and collectively. 
For those who did not join us live online, I am delighted to share a free recording of the event and you are welcome to forward it to anyone you feel will benefit from the practice.  DM to receive the zoom recording link.  Shanti Shanti Shanti. Peace Peace Peace. 🕊️🕊️🕊️


☀️Bonus Beach Yoga session this weekend! There is a sliver of sunshine Sunday 9am, and I invite you to join me on Camber Sands to move and breathe and celebrate a precious moment of Summer! DM for booking link ☀️


Yvonne’s story is an inspiration to all of us in her class.  She has asked me to share it to give hope to others recovering from trauma, both physical or mental, to show that there is so much they can do to self-heal. 
Here is Yvonne’s story in her words: “l was in a road traffic accident a couple of years ago.   l suffered a traumatic head injury resulting in 2 bleeds on the brain and memory loss.

My recovery has been steadily improving regaining my memory, but my biggest challenge has been my mobility and balance on my right side.   l was unable to swim in a straight line as my strength was so uneven, instead just going round in circles, which I found frustrating.   Last week l went swimming for the first time since starting JoJo’s Beginners Yoga five weeks ago, and was able to swim a length of Rye pool in a straight line. I also feel as though I can breathe freely and fully for the first time since the accident.  Yoga has transformed my body and wellness in ways that my other rehabilitation has not been able to.

I am so grateful to Jojo and her wonderful gift of teaching Yoga in such a gentle caring manner, giving me back my confidence to trust my body again.

l am forever grateful.”
Yvonne’s message is one of hope, and I am honoured to be sharing the transformative benefits yoga with her.  


Summer is a wonderful time to boost to our health and mood by spending more time outdoors, socialising with friends and family, and taking some much needed rest and relaxation.  However these changes to our routine can disrupt the regular rhythm of our yoga practice.   

Continue to cherish your body mind and spirit this Summer with my new, fully flexible class schedule starting 8th July.

Classes can be booked either individually, or with a discounted book of 4 or 6 passes that can be used for any class until 31st August. 

Mondays 10am - Beginners  
Mondays 7pm - Yin 
Tuesdays 9am - Vinyasa Flow 
Fridays 8am - Vinyasa Flow 
Weekends - Beach Yoga!

Switch up your routine, try out a new class, meet other members of our yoga community and above all keep moving and breathing for energy and happiness all Summer long☀️. Class schedule in


Join me for this free event on Saturday 13th July and take part in British Wheel of Yoga’s nationwide event ‘Yoga for Peace’.  From 10am to 12noon simultaneous yoga classes will take place across the country to promote a message of peace for those affected by conflict.
Together we will practice gentle yoga and relax in the tranquil surroundings of the beautifully and recently restored cricket ground at Pelsham Estate, Peasmarsh.
Meet other local yogis over a refreshments afterwards.
All levels so welcome, as are family and friends.
DM ‘peace’ to receive the online booking link.  Advance booking essential so that we can manage the parking requirements.


Happy Summer Solstice and International Yoga Day ☀️. Wishing peace and happiness to all beings. Take a moment to step outside, raise your arms to the sun and breathe in her energy and joy.


Join me in celebrating ☀️Summer Solstice☀️ with a radiant beach yoga flow this Friday 21st June, 9am, Camber Sands!   Weather looking spectacular – don’t miss this chance to have a boost of energy and happiness! online advance booking essential.  DM for booking link. All welcome!

Photos from JoJo Yoga Creative's post 17/06/2024

Which of these new classes is for you?  
Wake up and Flow Fridays 8am: end the week with energy and happiness with this intelligently sequenced class including powerful breathwork, restoratives and blissful relaxation.
Slow flow to Yin Mondays 7pm: Cultivate a sense of peaceful presence as you explore gentle passive poses that offer self-awareness and relaxation whilst accessing deeper layers of the body and mind.
Beach Yoga Bliss Summer weekends am: super-charge yoga’s benefits with a boost of energy, peace and joy on our magnificent Camber Sands beach!
For details of these, and all my weekly classes, see details.  Online booking essential. All levels of experience so welcome.

Photos from JoJo Yoga Creative's post 16/06/2024

An awesome day filming with the exceptional team at FlogoTV and Stranded Media for their first episode of upcoming TV series of short films and interviews exploring the art and science of flow.   We explored how yoga can benefit mental health and wellness, and top tips for present moment awareness, body-mind connection, and self-compassion, key ingredients to stay in the ‘flow zone’ during your practice.  Huge shout out to my yoga community for agreeing to take part in the filmed class, thank you for your enthusiasm and support of this brilliant project. 📷 📷. To learn more follow  


Refresh and reset before the weekend with my NEW ‘Wake Up and Flow’ 8am class starting Friday 28th June. Intelligently sequenced to flow through different peak poses each week, this class includes powerful breathwork, a light touch of yoga philosophy, soothing restorative poses and a blissful guided relaxation to calm your nervous system and awaken happiness in your heart. Advance booking essential. See bio for details.

Photos from JoJo Yoga Creative's post 08/06/2024

I recently came across some research that suggests 90% of the things we worry about don’t happen. 

Anxiously arriving at the beach this morning to overcast skies and wind, I reflected on the Buddhist ‘golden rule for lasting happiness’ being equanimity.  Equanimity is an evenness of mind, this is yoga in action.  It is the skill of receiving the dark and light sides of life and being easy with both.  By accepting the weather in that moment just as it was, I was able to let go of the anxiety about teaching in challenging conditions, and be easy.  I would simply adjust the sequence to keep people moving and stay warm.
In our practice all was well as we moved at pace through the chilly moments, savoured the sunshine moments, and laughed when the mats blew around!  As it happened, the weather cleared and we had a blissful savasana bathed in soft sunlight and the sound of the waves.
Equanimity can be life-changing.  Balanced thoughts, actions, and feelings are the key.  It doesn’t diminish life’s joys, but it does diminish the fear of loss.
To quote Buddha in the search for everlasting happiness, “Equanimity is the greatest jewel of all”…. along with .landing coffee of course!

Photos from JoJo Yoga Creative's post 07/06/2024

Calling all food lovers… come RETREAT with me in Kenya!  24 – 30th November.

There is more to a yoga retreat than yoga…

Our retreat in Kenya is a rare opportunity to be nourished from the inside out … Introducing LouLou, our exceptional Executive Chef at   

Kenya born and Swiss trained, LouLou’s first steps into a professional kitchen were in the Maasai Mara aged 19 where she ignited her passion for making delicious food with fresh, vibrant, local ingredients.  What followed was intensive training in some of London’s top hotels and culinary establishments, working with incredibly talented chefs such as Ottelenghi (scroll right!)

From big city law firm catering to vintage afternoon tea country weddings, via raising her family in Kent, LouLou’s career culminated in opening a Cafe Patisserie and getting her food products retailed in Selfridges, London.

The powerful pull of her Kenyan roots and serendipitous encounter with a great friend are leading to this exciting new adventure on home soil.

When asked why Kenya, LouLou says  “because of the blue of the sky, the red of the soil, the green of the trees, the yellow of the sun, the warmth of its welcome, the roar of its wildlife, the songs of its people, and of course the vibrancy of its food.”

Join us to awaken your senses and nourish your body and soul with meals prepared with expertise and love by LouLou and the Casa Moja team.

(Oh, and you get to practice yoga, breathwork and mindfulness with me twice every day!)

This retreat is special.  This retreat is different.   
We have just two rooms left 24 – 30 November.  
Will you join us? DM for details.



Join us on Monday evening to ease you into the week, melting away deep-seated tensions, cultivating a sense of open, peaceful presence within.
This nurturing class is particularly good for improving range of motion and circulation in joints.  Perfect if you are desk-bound or do a lot of repetitive action such as running, cycling, golf or tennis.
Whether you are new to yoga, or a seasoned practitioner, I invite you to join me on the Yin Side for a journey of yielding, allowing and nourishing your deeper self for optimal health and vitality. All levels of experience so welcome.
St Mary’s Hall, Udimore.  Mondays 7pm.  Advance booking essential – see for details.

Photos from JoJo Yoga Creative's post 04/06/2024

In a world that glorifies being constantly ‘on’ it’s important to remember that embracing rest is an act of vital self-care, a commitment to nurturing your body, mind and spirit.
We underestimate the healing power of rest at our peril.  With the best intentions of showing up for our families, communities, and work, many of us charge through our waking lives like a hamster on a wheel, unable to stop, at a pace that is unsustainable, feeling as though we don’t even have time to breathe fully… and then wonder why we can’t sleep well, why we feel a frazzled mess, lacking in energy, focus, patience, or the ability to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.
Like sleep, rest is a biological need, but unlike sleep, rest is an active process that helps create rhythm in our lives, and plays a vital role in revitalizing our physical, mental, emotional, sensory, spiritual, social and creative health and wellbeing.
Join us on retreat in the serene surroundings of set on the peaceful Indian Ocean, to explore the essential role rest plays as part of a balanced and healthy life.   Establish new rituals to replenish adrenal fatigue, regulate the nervous system, reduce the toxic effects of chronic stress and inspire a refreshed sense of awakening into the pleasures of life.
What type of rest do you need the most?   

See bio for full details of this retreat or DM to learn more. #

Photos from JoJo Yoga Creative's post 04/06/2024

In a world that glorifies being constantly ‘on’ it’s important to remember that embracing rest is an act of vital self-care, a commitment to nurturing your body, mind and spirit.
We underestimate the healing power of rest at our peril.  With the best intentions of showing up for our families, communities, and work, many of us charge through our waking lives like a hamster on a wheel, unable to stop, at a pace that is unsustainable, feeling as though we don’t even have time to breathe fully… and then wonder why we can’t sleep well, why we feel a frazzled mess, lacking in energy, focus, patience, or the ability to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.
Like sleep, rest is a biological need, but unlike sleep, rest is an active process that helps create rhythm in our lives, and plays a vital role in revitalizing our physical, mental, emotional, sensory, spiritual, social and creative health and wellbeing.
Join us on retreat in the serene surroundings of set on the peaceful Indian Ocean, to explore the essential role rest plays as part of a balanced and healthy life.   Establish new rituals to replenish adrenal fatigue, regulate the nervous system, reduce the toxic effects of chronic stress and inspire a refreshed sense of awakening into the pleasures of life.
What type of rest do you need the most?   

See bio for full details of this retreat or DM to learn more. #


☀️Join me this weekend to connect body and mind to the beauty of the beach☀️Sunday, 9am. See for class booking and to join the WhatsApp group for alerts and updates through the Summer.

Photos from JoJo Yoga Creative's post 29/05/2024

As a yoga professional, I have the extraordinary honour of holding safe space for others as they learn to feel their breath, recognize sensation, take up space and seek inner peace and quiet.
My yoga classes are not just about producing a sequence of yoga postures.  They are about sharing something deeper: creating space for people to initiate a gentle, curious, non-judgemental dialogue with their body and mind; awakening a kinder relationship with oneself; creating space for each person to explore, connect, grow and enjoy a sense of peaceful presence.  
Through the yoga journey I invite them to discover the beautiful truth that they are complete and whole, exactly as they are. 
Thank you to all my yogis who trust me to guide them on this journey.  I learn from you daily as we together navigate the mysteries and joy of yoga.


If you do ‘just one thing’ this Summer according to scientist and presenter Dr Michael Mosley, it should be YOGA.

Mosley’s latest episode of the podcast ‘Just One Thing’ reveals recent research that shows how yoga boosts brain power, lowers stress, reduces the signs of ageing, and increases serotonin - your ‘sunshine’ hormone!

Yoga has an instant effect in boosting your mood, and a cumulative effect over time on overall health and wellbeing. Do just one thing this Summer and join a local yoga class. My new Summer schedule is now available for booking online - all details in bio. Every level of fitness and experience welcome. If you are unsure if yoga is for you, or wish to discuss which class is appropriate please DM, I’m always happy to help. ☀️☀️☀️


“Love our early morning beach yoga sessions! I wish I could start each day feeling like this: clear-headed, energised and relaxed!” Beach Yogi Vickie

We are excited to launch 5 x June weekend dates for Beach Yoga Bliss, all conveniently available now to book online (pay on the day). The class booking link is in bio. Join us - it’s quite simply the BEST way to start your day ☀️☀️☀️

View on Instagram 22/05/2024

View on Instagram From Instagram


I’m creating new vibrant sequences for my June Summer classes including core and glute strengthening with active spinal twists, balanced with some delicious stretches and restorative poses. Join a ‘half term special’ class next week for a sneak preview!


Join me for more Beach Yoga Bliss and awaken a peaceful presence within ☀️. Sunday 26th May 9am at the glorious Camber Sands. DM for details.


Why does child’s pose feel so good?
I often refer to Child’s Pose as the ‘Pose of Wisdom’ and offer an invitation to take child’s pose whenever you feel the need to rest or reset during a class.  I’m always thrilled when someone takes this option rather than a more challenging pose – it means they are noticing and prioritizing their body’s needs!
Gently draping the body over bent legs offers a gentle stretch for your spine, hips, thighs, and ankles.  My classes are fully equipped with props such as bolsters, blankets, and blocks to personalise this restorative pose for maximum comfort.
Child’s pose reconnects you with your breath and softly quietens your mind. Benefits can include alleviating back shoulder and neck pain, and relieving anxiety, stress, fatigue, and headaches.
Next time you take child’s pose, close your eyes, take slow deep breaths, and surrender yourself to each exhalation, feeling tension dissolve with every breath.  
To book a class please see details in bio.

Photos from JoJo Yoga Creative's post 14/05/2024

Beach + Yoga = Joy ☀️☀️☀️ make Friday a good day and join me on the sands for a boost of energy, peace and I can’t guarantee blue skies but I can guarantee good vibes 😎 Weather forecast is excellent so far! Friday 17th May at 9am: Camber Sands Point F. DM for location and parking details. All friends and family welcome 💛

Photos from Olli Hopkins's post 08/05/2024
Photos from JoJo Yoga Creative's post 08/05/2024

All yoga sessions planned, playlists made, props packed, gift bags ready… I am so excited to welcome my yogi guests back to the beauty and peace of this weekend for my Nourish and Nurture Retreat. … see you soon my friends 🤍


BEACH + YOGA = JOY ☀️☀️☀️ Sunday’s forecast is now looking promising with a south westerly gentle breeze and balmy ‘feels like 14 degrees’ . Join me on the sands for a boost of energy, peace and joy! Sunday 5th May at 9am: Camber Sands Point F. See you on the beach! DM for location and parking details. All friends and family welcome 💛


A gentle invitation to go outside today, somewhere you can be quiet, alone with the heavens, with the earth, with nature.  The simple beauty of nature brings solace to all troubles.  Take a moment to breath out stress, loneliness, disquiet, and breath in ease, peace, happiness.  Gently smile your gratitude to this Earth for nourishing and sustaining us.  Happy Earth Day my friends.


Whether you are a beginner, wish to advance your practice, or are looking for a friendly new community, my Summer schedule has something for everyone.  New to the schedule is Sunset Yin, and Beach Bliss!  For ultimate flexibility I am now offering a limited number of single class tickets, as well as my usual discounted block bookings.   Start your yoga journey now for energy, peace and joy this Summer.  All bookings except Beach available online  DM for details of Beach☀️

Photos from JoJo Yoga Creative's post 16/04/2024

Thank you to all who joined our first ‘Slow Flow to Yin’. We were bathed in this glowing evening light as we yielded to releasing long-held tensions in our bodies and minds. I’ve had many reports this morning of ‘the BEST nights sleep’, a nourishing after-effect of this powerful practice 💫

Videos (show all)

Just a few spaces left for free event on Saturday 13th July partnering with British Wheel of Yoga’s nationwide event ‘Yo...
Join me in this tranquil, light-filled studio for a new class:  Wake up and Flow Fridays 8am.  St Mary’s Hall, Udimore. ...
Fondest memories of our Balinese Retreat this time last year, June 2023.  We shared practices to rest, reset, and restor...
Moment of pure peace this morning as the mist lifted to reveal the day.  More Beach Yoga Bliss: Sunday 26th May 9am ☀️☀️...
Beach Yoga is Back… and it’s Bliss!  These classes are all about bringing together a friendly wellbeing community at Cam...
Beach Yoga is Back… and it’s Bliss!  These classes are all about bringing together a friendly wellbeing community at Cam...
We had a beautiful practice with these lovely ladies as part of their pre-wedding celebrations this weekend.  Thank you ...
A moment of final healing on my local beach after a week of recuperation.  I practiced my new energy flow sequence and a...
“JoJo, I’m so grumpy without your yoga classes” said one of my lovely regulars today … well, we can’t have that so - alt...
Have you ever found your mind wandering during a yoga sequence you are very familiar with, such as sun salutations?  Whe...