Stay Sharpe

Stay Sharpe

Tip of the Spear Thinking

Timeline photos 14/06/2020

Time to take some time off as I have a lot to deal with and people have taken advantage of me losing my grandad and a poem about my children to get a rise out of me, see you all soon thank you

Photos from Stay Sharpe's post 13/06/2020

To Die

I know what it is to die
It's not to leave your body or even just to fly
It is that of nothingness
That empty void in body and your mind with one thing less

Knowing those you love still exist, smile, play and breath
But in your world only pain so great it's something hard to believe
It's not theirs to worry for of that I am surely glad
But for me, it's a never-ending tour only it's all alone and somewhat sad

I wish I could hold them, hear their voices sing
But as time goes on they grow so big
And I know not one tiny thing
Do they love me do they ask if daddy is okay
For every day I miss them and would give my life for a moment of unadulterated play

💔 @ Hereford, Herefordshire

Timeline photos 12/06/2020

It's been more than a week now since I lost my hero, I couldn't bring myself to write this before because that meant it was real.

My grandad was everything to me, my father, my mentor and my absolute hero. I'm not perfect, I'm damaged and a little broken but without this man in my life I wouldn't have had a chance of surviving.

I love you and miss you, Poppa, I will try to be the man you were to me for my children.

Timeline photos 11/05/2020

Yesterday I found out that one of my closest friends passed, we only spoke this week as we did most weeks.
We met at uni and you helped me learn how to write academically at Masters level having never studied for a Bachelor's degree. That time at Buckingham and the time we spent in Madrid and Hereford will live with me until I'm no longer of this world.
I was reminded of your cheeky grin, your love of anything tactical and your talent for intelligence studies. I will always be thankful for our friendship, to your family goes my love and condolences, until Valhalla where we will yet again walk a mile together. Love you brother, rest up now.

Timeline photos 21/04/2020

Happy Birthday your Majesty, you have been the best boss I've ever had and my allegiance to you remains stead fast.

A leader and example to us all of everything that is great in our country and it's Commonwealth

Stay Sharpe and may you reign for many years to come

Prudential Relationship Reconnect in Singapore 07/04/2020

I didn't have a tear in my eye, honest. Reconnecting with those you love can be extremely powerful, take some time with those you're on lockdown with x

Prudential Relationship Reconnect in Singapore Learn more about the campaign at With mounting social stresses like financial insecurity, pervasive te...

Timeline photos 06/04/2020

I thought I'd start putting some of my newer pieces out as I've written quite a bit of poetry since late last year

I hope you're all doing well during this difficult time staying fit, healthy and of course Sharpe to deal with an ever changing situation

Timeline photos 06/04/2020

It doesn't matter the battlefield, Afghanistan 🇦🇫 mental health or COVID19 this still applies

Please use what's between your ears and stay inside

Timeline photos 27/03/2020

Hey everyone, as the days go on and isolation becomes the normal I'm spending more time on here and less time moving forward.

With this in mind, I'm going to take a short break from social media. Things I will be doing while not on here will include exercise, learning a language and finishing my book off.

Do whatever you need to in order to Stay Sharpe guys x

Timeline photos 22/03/2020

When I left the military I spent a great deal of time trying to be someone I wasn't, you see I’d lost my identity, my direction.

Along my journey, I've discovered who I am with the help of some amazing people. Ask yourself WHO AM I!

Timeline photos 21/03/2020

Food for thought, if there's any left on the shelf that is

Timeline photos 21/03/2020

When on operations there is often downtime. Now is the time to educate yourself. It may feel like the world has stopped but, this is an opportunity

you will learn a lot about yourself and those closest to you over the coming weeks so use this time to grow, love and Stay Sharpe

Timeline photos 15/03/2020

My cap and T from learning with to become the best person for my children and to help those in the veteran community with mental health problems.

Op Spartan is the tribe I've needed since leaving the military and I'm looking forward to working with the team on future projects

Stay Sharpe people

Timeline photos 09/03/2020

Taking the first step is often the hardest, the fear of failure of success maybe how people will think of you. The list of excuses not to take that step feels infinite.

Know that you can be in control of that first step and many of the others that come after it too

Stay Sharpe people

Timeline photos 07/03/2020

I got to marry the girl I loved and although it didn't work out Jess gave me 3 beautiful children Kit, Amélie and Radley

I don't get to see them because Jessica has made that decision. Am I angry, no, because she is making decisions based on who I was when I was very ill, not who I am now.

That's not her fault, she's doing the very best she knows how to and I can't ask for a better mother for my children.

Timeline photos 07/03/2020

Something you might not know about me is that I love singing, usually to myself but occasionally I get caught

music is so powerful and can help us express ourselves or are mood.

do you have certain music you listen to at different times?

Timeline photos 07/03/2020

Belief in yourself is king, something I'm learning constantly.

Timeline photos 06/03/2020

Playing with some ideas for templates to put quotes out with.

I love quotes and the history behind them, whether Winston Churchill or Dr Martin Luther King Jr. They can be inspiring, motivating and a great call to arms.

what are your favourite quotes.

60 Seconds To Hypnotise A Special Forces Soldier..... 04/03/2020

2 legends right here, take a look guys and Stay Sharpe

60 Seconds To Hypnotise A Special Forces Soldier..... What happens when a former decorated Special Forces Soldier meets Performance Coach & Hypnotist, Phil Quirk? Watch this amazing video to see a street hypnosi...

Timeline photos 28/02/2020

Moving forward with some changes to our social media, Stay Sharpe now has a logo. I hope you like it and that it will represent what I'm trying to build.

Stay Sharpe guys


you may be aware of some changes currently going on with the page. As we move forward it will all become apparent, we will have some awesome news to share over the coming weeks so keep your eyes peeled people and remember


Timeline photos 20/02/2020

Negative self talk can be sabotaging and dangerous when battling with your Mental Health problems.

If you hate yourself know that it will pass
But hold it too tight it'll splinter like glass
The pain is all yours others will clean up the mess
So take the benefit of my experience for I will confess
Put the glass down right now walk away with no hate
From this moment on you've changed your doomed fate
Talk to yourself as you would those you love dear
For the way you talk now your worst enemy would fear

Timeline photos 06/02/2020

You may be wondering who this is, well, he is Sigmund Freud, the man who developed psychoanalysis among other things.

He provided talking therapies that would take between 100-300 hours to produce a good outcome (wonder why the NHS see huge drop out rates with CBT and the like, not to mention a lack of resources for patients to have much more than 6 hours).

Mr Freud also studied and practised Hypnotherapy but rubbished its effectiveness (even though it's been around since Egyptian times) due to not being able to get patients into trance effectively.

Probably nothing to do with his co***ne habit and lack of teeth or gums while trying to talk to his patients through. If you'd like to find out more about hypnosis and how it might help you please send me an I'm.

Stay Sharpe people

Timeline photos 01/02/2020

13 years ago today the was formed. I was unsure about it all to begin with but what an amazing brotherhood it has become. I'm very proud to call myself a Rifleman and had some of my best times with 1.

To all my brothers and sisters in the Rifles or attached godspeed in your mission and keep attacking, run fast, shoot straight and be the thinking Rifleman that's needed. Finally be safe, love to you all

Timeline photos 30/01/2020

Today is all about Danny, this man was an absolute legend, always smiling, made Crocs look cool and I got to spend some quality time with him on Herrick 9. I was extremely lucky to serve with him over several years and I aspired to be him, theirs not many I look up to (I'm 6ft 5") but I did to him.

His nickname was Dogsh*t, he was made in Cheltenham (as his tatt said), loved a Strongbow and was an amazing soldier. 'Guns for show, jets for a pro' would often be heard when talking about his role as a JTAC on H9.

I love writing but I simply can't find words to tell people what you meant to those around you. We loved you and continue too, never forgotten brother x


Timeline photos 19/01/2020

Hope she's not so thirsty we drop out of the sky

Timeline photos 17/01/2020

Off to the Isle of Man for a couple of days, improve my skills with a hypnosis workshop so that I can start to help others suffering from poor mental health.

I'm learning a number of techniques both to help myself and others and I'm very fortunate to have met who makes Yoda look like the new boy. If you want to know more about NLP, Hypnosis or coaching then please check out I will also be catching up with the man and the legend.

When I get together with these guys I feel part of a tribe again, I feel very privileged to be involved with too.

Stay Sharpe guys and keep attacking

Timeline photos 14/01/2020

I realise that today, in our world, to get the message out to as many people as possible, regardless of what that actually is you need to be social media savvy. Honestly, I'm not. So I know I need to up my game and learn as much as possible about how I speak to you guys, which platforms, videos, books even carrier pigeon.

I also need to define what Stay Sharpe is as it has gone from a place to put my poetry out into the world, the occasional video about my journey, some of my thoughts and now its morphing into more. Ultimately I would like it to be a place where I can pass my experiences on to those at the beginning of their journey to improving their mental health. I will always share my poetry with you and my own journey as it continues.

Thanks for your time when reading through my posts and for your messages and comments, Stay Sharpe people

Timeline photos 11/01/2020

Some of you may know that I'm currently writing a book, this evening I thought id drop a page on here for you to read. Your thoughts and critiques are welcomed.

In 2008 I found myself on my second tour of Afghanistan. 1Rifles were tasked with mentoring an Afghan National Army Kandakor Battalion as we know it. Our first cycle was to conduct training with our Kandak, getting to know them and build a rapport that would serve us well when we flew further south into Helmand Province.

During this time a young soldier, Carl, offered up a book to anyone interested. I answered up and he passed it over. I looked at the cover, Seven Troop by Andy Mcnab an author most military guyshave heard of, famously for his exploits during the first gulf war with his patrol, Bravo Two Zero. As I began to turn the pages and read, to my surprise it wasn’t the type of book I’d thought it to be, yes there were stories of daring-do, the very motto of the SAS is ‘who dares wins’ but this book not only delved into various members of seven troop, B squadron but also focused on those individuals struggles with mental health and the far-reaching consequences of a life led at the cutting edge of conflict.

Within the pages of the book, there was mention of a psychiatric unit in Hereford where several of seven troop had spent time convalescing after periods of poor mental health. This unit was Stonebow, never did it occur to me that within a decade I would spend no fewer than five separate occasions there.

Timeline photos 11/01/2020

This is a bit of a throwback pic to 2001, 20 years old and loving every minute of my time in the army. This was a time when I had a great mentor in my platoon sergeant Mark Morgans-Hurley and was making friends with guys I would go on to call my brothers.

I now find myself full circle doing the same again and its an amazing feeling. My friend has changed my life recently by teaching me techniques that are allowing me to move forwards with my life in the most positive way.

It's important to realise that I wouldn't of even been here if it wasn't for he's literally saved my life and constantly encouraged me to be better and LIVE. Thank you brother I love you so much ❤

Throughout your lives you will be tested, remember keep attacking and most importantly Stay Sharpe.

Timeline photos 06/01/2020

Hey everyone, I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and new year. I'm not a fan of resolutions(because im terrible at keeping to them) but I realise that these ideas we have to make positive changes are powerful

I've bought myself a diary today and started planning out what im up to this month, lots of positive stuff going on and im pretty busy which is good. At the bottom of each page, I have some space so I have decided to do something I learned while on an amazing course with

Daily grateful's is a great way to take some positives out of your day and reflect on them, in fact, you can do this with negatives turning it on its head too. It's been shown in studies that writing one thing you are grateful for every day for 21 days can have a positive impact on your mood, so what are you grateful for today

Stay Sharpe guys ❤

Timeline photos 25/12/2019

I'd like to wish you a very merry Christmas, may you all have a great day eating, drinking and being merry x

Stay Sharpe you amazing people ❤

Timeline photos 23/12/2019

I'd like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year. This year I have been extremely lucky to meet some amazing people who have helped me to develop myself as a person and my poetry for the better. This is a poem I wrote for , may this year be everything you hoped for and if not then look forward to next


