Change the Record Life Coaching with Tasha

Change the Record Life Coaching with Tasha

Change the record, change your life! Natasha Shaw - Accredited Belief Coding®️ Facilitator


Selemat pagi/ selemat sore from Bali!

Are you feeling stuck and frustrated at being triggered by the same things time and time again?

Have you tried various types of talk therapy but don’t feel like you are getting any kind of resolution?

Do you feel like the time is right to shift some beliefs and start moving forward?

We are now in beautiful Bali until the end of August and I’m taking bookings for anyone in this time zone who would like to receive a Belief Coding or coaching session.

This is your chance to experience transformational healing and start feeling and showing up differently in your life!

Belief Coding helps to eliminate emotional triggers that are holding you back from that goal you have, transforming the energy you are holding, into energy that serves you better.

It helps to lift depression, reduce anxiety, worry and stress. It allows you to peel back the layers of conditioning that have created through your life experiences, so you can really discover and put to use all your magic and unique talents.

I have personally used Belief Coding® to eliminate my fear of talking on camera/sharing on social media, to help with my family relationships, to elevate my self-worth, to help recover from past trauma and a whole host of other issues.

DM me to book a free 15 minute clarity call and discover more about how I can help. xx You can also find out more at


I’ve had this book on my shelf for over a year and just picked it up randomly - talk about synchronicity after I’ve just become so interested in manifesting ! Love ❤️


Lovely testimonial from a beautiful client. Thanks so much for sharing your feedback Rachel xx ❤️❤️


😵‍💫Do you feel like you are constantly plate spinning?
🤹Do you feel responsible for the happiness of everybody else?
✋Do you NEVER ask for help?
💆Do you avoid any self care as feel too guilty?
🧺Are you spending the majority of your time on mundane things?
⏰Do you often say you have no time?
📣Are you afraid to voice feelings or avoid confrontation like the plague?
😬Do you apologise a lot?
😞Try to start things but always quit?

These are all common characteristics of low self-worth.

When you truly feel you are worthy, you naturally begin to put yourself first with no feelings of guilt surrounding you.

You are able to delegate, which leaves you with space to focus on what is really important.

You begin to express yourself fully, feel assertive, exude confidence.

You make time for yourself, because you know you deserve it.

So many woman suffer with the emotional load, baring the brunt of the daily grind. Work, kids, home life, admin.

But it’s because we have been conditioned to do so. Our personal, cultural, family and societal beliefs inform the identities we create for ourselves.

We think that these can’t be changed and it is our external worlds that need to change in order for us to be happy. But by breaking down these beliefs we can create new identities. Ones that serve us better and allow us to create the lives we actually want!

Belief Coding is a fast, safe and effective way of doing this. To experience an introductory session at a massively discounted rate of £50 please do get in contact for a free initial consultation! Only 4 monthly spots available at this price!


What comes up for you when you think about ‘having it all’?

What thoughts and feelings arise? Maybe things like:

‘No that’s being greedy’
‘I don’t need it all so why would l want it all?’
‘I can have this much but it would be at the expense of losing something else.’
‘People like me don’t get to have it all’

As women, sometimes we unconsciously limit ourselves when it comes to asking for what we want - or even knowing what we want.

I was asked by my son the other day - if you could have anything you want, what would you ask for? He listed about 20 things without even taking a breath.

I on the other hand was stumped. And aside from listing all the things I needed, it took me ages to think about what I would choose.

Indecision and the sacrifice mindset kicked in - ‘well if I had that, I wouldn’t be able to have that as well!’

Thoughts of grandeur and expectation of others held me back - what would people think of me if I did have it all? Aren’t we supposed to be humble? (Thankyou Catholic school upbringing!)

Rarely do we give ourselves permission to dream big and take actions to make them happen, as we get held back by our cultural, generational and experiential beliefs before we even get the chance to think it through!

They keep us in a box, they keep us playing small, they keep us from really exploring the big old world out there and everything it has to offer.

So here’s your reminder from me today - you are worthy of having it all! The only thing that is holding you back is your beliefs about who you are, and what you are capable of. But your beliefs shouldn’t have to define you - they can be transformed to serve you better!

Let me show you how! Book a discovery call today to see how I can help to to really see and feel your worth! See link in bio for details! # # #


Do you find yourself over-analysing every little thing? 🙉

We have been conditioned to make sense of things by thinking, interpreting and judging what’s happening to us. So it’s no wonder that we believe that this is the best way to find solutions.

But often when we do this we can enter a thought spiral, where we are just going round in circles and not getting anywhere at all! 😵‍💫

Talking about our problems can be helpful to some extent, but really the key to working through our problems is to understand and start feeling our emotions. 🥰

When we start moving from our heads 🧠🧐to our hearts. ♥️
we discover that the emotions surrounding our problems become the gateway to understanding what is going on.

When you process these emotions and the connected memories, you can lessen the emotional charge around stressful situations, see things from new perspectives and transform the way you perceive your life events and relationships. 😊

Come and experience a belief coding session with me and I will guide you into a beautiful relaxed state, wherein lies your wisdom, your knowing and your creativity.

From this place you start naturally feeling like things you previously felt were impossible are now possible!

If you are interested in how I can help please see link in bio or DM to find out more. X


But what are you really doing to change it?

You KNOW that change is possible. You KNOW that there are ways to help yourself feel better. You may have even invested in some of them and got really excited about the idea of them, only to begin and then suddenly lose all that drive. I know. I’ve been there. And I’ve made the same excuses.

“I’ve no time”
“It’s too expensive”
“It’s too overwhelming”
“I just don’t think it’s going to help”
“It’s another thing for me to have to do”

We convince ourselves that these are the real reasons…but the truth is that facing our demons is not easy. It takes courage to look at the things we are avoiding and see them for what they are. And so we come up with reasons to leave them untouched.

But all we are doing is staying in the place we no longer want to be in. Stuck in a pattern, continuing the cycle and perpetuating our own victimhood.

But if we make the decision to be brave, to have courage and push through the uncomfortable feelings, what appears on the other side is just priceless. An up-levelling. A new found freedom to be who you actually want to be. A renewed sense of purpose and passion. A natural feeling of “Oh, I can do this!”

If you really are ready to see change in your life, I am here to hold that safe space for you - to be there by your side and be your cheerleader. To help you discover that it CAN be done. And it doesn’t have to be hard. It can be quick and transformational and yes also FUN!

Reply with I’M READY! in the comments or head to the link in bio to discover more about my 1:1 and group coaching packages, so you can really step into this Spring with a SPRING IN YOUR STEP! # #


Lovely words from a male client of mine.

I love the fact that more and more men are taking an active role in looking after their mental health.
It’s so refreshing to see!

Finally the tide is starting to turn and I’m grateful to the men who are leading the way for other men - showing them that vulnerability can be your superpower!

Kudos to you Mr. L!


Showing love and gratitude to the people in our lives is a wonderful thing, but how often do you show yourself that love?

If you are one of the people pleasers out there who devote most of their time and energy to making sure everyone else is happy and don’t like to make a fuss of yourself, it may be because you have an underlying belief that you are not worthy of receiving love, help, support or attention.

If you find that you are always having to do things for yourself because you can’t rely on other people, or you feel that other people never acknowledge the hard work you put in - that same belief could be the reason.

We always attract the energy that we are giving out, so if you don’t believe (at a core level) that you are worthy of all the things you want, your energy will reflect that and you will attract people, situations that re-enforce that belief.

Being able to love and accept yourself for who you are, is one of the first steps to being able to overcome many of life’s blocks.

By discovering and changing your subconscious beliefs around your self-worth (the ones you might not even realise you have!) you will naturally begin to make different decisions about the actions you take. You might buy yourself a coffee or flowers and find yourself feeling completely guilt-free about it. That’s when you will know that you believe you are worthy of love.

When that happens, other people will take notice and treat you as you believe you deserve to be treated. So give yourself some love and attention this Valentines day.

For the next month, I am offering 20% discount to anyone wishing to experience a Belief Coding® or Belief Coding with Mind Navigation session with me.

The session does not need to be taken in this time, you can book for anytime you wish as long as the booking is made between 14th Feb - 14th March.

Please see link in bio to book a discovery call today!


❓Did you know that working on your problems can be enjoyable 😊and can also even be fun?! 😀

Yes we are working with blocks,
yes we’re working with emotions that can feel uncomfortable,
yes we are working with things that are bringing you down…

🙋‍♀️but…..what I love about the process of clearing them is that it is all about unleashing your creativity 🎨and using it to fill the space with love ❤️ and compassion 🥰 and happiness.

Every session is different and I am always blown away by the creative ways clients come up with to help themselves feel better.

I try to make my sessions as informal and comfortable for the client as possible - We even have a laugh 😆 together - and let’s face it laughter is the best medicine! Book in for your discovery call now to learn more about how Belief Coding can help you xx



😀Excited to say that I PASSED my assessments in Belief Coding®️ with Mind Navigation AAANNNDD Inner freedom Coaching!!! What a great way to wrap up this amazing year of study and self discovery. I am so grateful to have found these amazing modalities and I can’t wait to put them into practice properly with clients starting next year!!

For anyone interested in kicking off their New Year 2024 with a bang by smashing some limiting beliefs and and gaining a new, calmer, clearer perspective on life - please do DM me on how I can help - I’m living proof that if you commit to doing the work it works!
And if you’re finding it hard to commit - there’ll be a limiting belief or two behind that aswell so let’s clear it together!

To celebrate 🥳 I am offering my sessions with Introductory discounts for new clients - only for the month of January - get in contact for more info.

Roll on 2024!

Photos from Change the Record Life Coaching with Tasha's post 15/12/2023


🥳Celebrating me!

I was just sitting at my desk in a mild panic about my lengthy to-do list and negative stuff thoughts started spiralling… why haven’t I accomplished X Y & Z yet? Why am I so slow? Why haven’t I reached this or that goal yet?

And then I looked over at all these files ⬆️ that I have been meticulously compiling this year and realised - bloody hell I’ve accomplished SO much! I need to recognise this! 🤯

I started this year feeling like a failure with no career and no idea about what I wanted in life.

Fast forward to today I can now say I have found my passion learning all about the mind body connection, mental health and healing. I am now an:
❤️accredited Belief Coding faciliator,
❤️Inner Freedom Coach
❤️Reiki practictioner
❤️Certified trauma-informed coach
❤️Nearly accredited in Belief Coding with Mind Navigation
❤️just about to finish an amazing course in Tarot
❤️half way though an NLP coaching course!!

And I really have not stopped to acknowledge how much I have done at all until this morning!

All too often we neglect to celebrate our little wins as we are so focussed on ‘what’s next’.

Learning to stay present and have gratitude for the things we already have and being able to acknowledge and give ourselves a pat on the back for the things we HAVE done (no-matter how small) is SO important for halting those negative thought spirals, which often lead to anxiety and overwhelm.

If you can nip those thoughts in the bud with a quick check in of what you have accomplished, this morning, today, this week, this month this year you will see that you are achieving EVERY day, and that is worth celebrating. 🥳

Take some time out today to make a list of things you can celebrate about yourself. Even if it’s something you feel is tiny, like unloading the dishwasher or taking 5 mins for yourself to have a cuppa.

The more you do this the more you are telling your subconscious ‘I can achieve!’ ‘I am capable!’ And the better you will start feel about your self. ❤️


Always grateful 🥰 for a lovely


I’m always so grateful to receive lovely comments from my clients. Seeing their transformation 🚀is such a wonderful thing to witness 🥰

Are you wondering what all the fuss is about? Come and try it for yourself! Smash the blocks that are holding you back from moving forward in life, one limiting belief at a time! We can use Belief Coding to work on:

And so much more ….


Matthew Perry’s book ‘Friends, Lovers & the Big terrible thing’ was a tough read. And to hear that he wasn’t able to break through his struggles and find peace whilst still living is heart breaking - as it is with the many others who have endured similar emotional turmoil.

But I’m grateful for his honesty, for speaking out about his mental suffering and for educating people on the possibilities for why addictions and self abuse exist.

His book told the tale of how his being given barbituates as a baby to help with his ‘colic’, may have amongst other things, inadvertently contributed to his life time of substance misuse.

For many people, toxic substances are often a welcome numbing of uncomfortable emotion - a quick fix to gain some calm and unfortunately short-lived/ unsustainable feelings of safety .

Having his own feelings and emotions numbed from the beginning of his life must have made it incredibility hard for him to connect in with himself emotionally and have those natural feelings of psychological safety that emotional intelligence provides.

People never do terrible things to themselves and others for no reason. There is always pain, suffering, fear and confusion behind it all.

The more we understand about the ‘whys’ - what drives people to do these things to themselves and to other people, the easier it is to find compassion for them and ourselves but also to discover how positive change can be made possible.

Compassion, love and understanding is really the only way forward 💜



Time for !


WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY With mental health issues at an all time high, it’s more important now than ever for us to starting learning more about WHY we have got here and HOW we are able to start feeling better. Why are we all so stressed, tired, overwhelmed and why have we all lost hope in ourselves?

Technology has a huge part to play in the way we think and feel. The spread of the internet has given us access to truckloads of information which we are bombarded with on a daily basis.
A lot of that information is negative or sensationalist. It breeds fear and resentment and is loaded with opinion which influences how we think and make decisions.

The sheer amount of information is overwhelming in itself, but it is also incredibly disempowering. Our dependence on external news, opinion and information has meant that we have lost the ability to turn inwards and TRUST IN OUR INNATE abilities to do what is right for ourselves.

We try to keep up with with what we are told is good for us but when we can’t, it’s not because we are failures -it is because some of those things are not really in alignment with what we actually need.

It’s more important than ever now to focus in on ourselves, to really take the time to feel into what it is we actually need to feel better. Because we already have all the answers -we just need to know how to tap into them.

In a Belief Coding or Belief Coding with Mind navigation session you can experience the empowerment of being able to change your thoughts and feelings YOURSELF. Through these guided sessions you will discover that you are able to reframe negative past experiences and start feeling more positive about your life going forward. You will feel more empowered, more capable and you will start being able to make decisions without second-guessing yourself.

Please get in contact if you would like to learn more!


💪Time to level up!👆

Thankyou to all the lovely ladies who have already signed up to my ’12 weeks to Inner Freedom’ coaching course!

I’m so excited to share all the amazing techniques I am learning to help create more awareness of the negativity surrounding us and to learn tools we can use to promote more positivity in our lives!🌟😊

If you are feeling held back from the life you really want, see this course as the gateway to you getting back on track!

You will be part of a small, supportive group of like-minded people and we will have lots of fun along the way! 🤪

I will be offering 50% off a Belief Coding® session to anyone who signs up to the course!

I have just 2 more spaces left so please do email me on [email protected] for further info.
Registration closes this Friday PM!

As Moloko once sung:
“Give up yourself unto the moment - the time is NOW!” 🎶😀⚡️



So I’ve got the folder! The kids are back to school! Now I’m looking for some lovely ladies and gents who would like to join me on my ’12 weeks to Inner Freedom Coaching’ course!

😩Are you having a hard time navigating life at the moment?
🧊Are you feeling trapped in your day-to-day existence?
🚷Are you feeling lost and not sure you are on the right path?
😓❓Do you suffer from daily anxiety or find you constantly question yourself and your decisions?
😬Do you feel unsatisfied - like whatever you do is never enough?
😡Do you feel resentful of others around you who you feel are doing better than you?

This was me just 6 months ago before I decided that I couldn’t go on like that anymore and I needed to kick myself up the arse and do something about it!

I wanted to understand why I felt like this and after much soul searching I realised that it was because I felt powerless. I was stuck in victim mode. I felt like negative things just happened to me and that’s just the way things were.

I didn’t know that I had the power to change things for myself.
But everyone does! It’s just a matter of finding ways to invoke that 💥power💥and then use it to turn our lives around.

The 12 weeks to Inner Freedom course will give you all the tools you need to start feeling into and using that power.

Through 6 online coaching sessions delivered over the course of 12 weeks, I will be showing you proven techniques that will re-wire your neural pathways, helping you to feel more positive, more capable and clearer about how to align yourself with what you want out of life.

As you will be coming on as a case study I’ll also only be charging a small fraction of the value of the course, in return for feedback on our sessions.

Please DM for more info. Spaces are limited and I plan to start in the next couple of weeks, so if you are fed up of life as it is and feel called to change, do it NOW and we’ll have you standing in your power and shooting for the stars before Christmas! 🤩🌟🎄

Photos from Change the Record Life Coaching with Tasha's post 30/08/2023

🤪Be more silly!😜

Sillyness is a much under-rated sport. A lot of adults see being silly as only for children or as a sign of low intellect. As grown ups we are often berated for being silly. But sillyness is actually very important for mental health! 🤪🧠😁

At the beginning of this year when I was feeling so lost, so low, so trapped in the humdrum of day-to-day life, I picked up a book called 👩‍🎨🖌️🎨
- a book for blocked creatives who had lost their spark. This book invited me to reflect on my childhood and the things I enjoyed doing ‘just for fun’ - things that lit me up and made me happy. I was surprised at how many of those things I’d forgotten about and wondered how I’d lost the urge to do them along the way.

Work responsibilities and becoming a parent brought out my serious side, the worry of being responsible for o group of small humans 😩😱😫took over from my desire to just be with them and be part of their silly-ness.

But when I started doing things ‘just for fun’ again, I noticed that spark ⚡️ returning. A new love of life and what it had to offer. Doing things ‘just because’ was actually helping me to narrow down what was important to me.

The pleasure I took in doing those things regularly again just changed my whole energy. I started attracting things that put me be back on the path I’d meandered away from.

It lead me to a new purpose, new people and opened up many possibilities for me, all of which have given me a great sense of fulfilment and happiness.

So if you are at the point where you feel you don’t know where to turn, where everything feels hard, pointless or boring - be more silly! It’s amazing how such a simple thing can be the starting point to turning your life around. 😁


🤔What are our emotions for?🤔

It’s amazing that growing up we are not really taught what our emotions are for, because they are actually really important messages which give us insight into why we think the way we think and do the things we do.

Rather than being encouraged to listen to them, many of us were actively taught to dismiss them, we learned that showing them was a sign of weakness or disrespect our elders. We may have been told, “stop crying, stop being a baby”or if we were angry or lashed out we were told off for being naughty.

So it’s no wonder that when we feel negative emotions, we tend to feel scared of them or don’t know what to do with them because we don’t understand what they are for.
Instead of showing them, we ignore them, we hide from them, we push them down.

But there’s no where for them to go when we push them down so they just stay there eating away at us until we sit up and listen. And if we don’t listen, it can lead to anxiety and overwhelm or start manifesting in a physical form such as chronic pain or illness.

What what we don’t understand is that emotions are our loyal friends! 😊They stick with us no-matter what and what they are trying to do is guide us though life. 😇

When we acknowledge emotions, we acknowledge the messages our bodies are trying to tell us. And when we listen to those messages and take action, then can we free ourselves of these emotions. 🦋

When we don’t take action, that’s when our emotions become trapped, causing us to re-experience them over and over ogain in different scenarios throughout our lives.

With Belief Coding® we can release these trapped emotions once and for all by finding out what they are trying to tell us. And once we know what they are trying to tell us, we get to the root of our problems and can resolve them within the session. 😃💫

If you are sick of feeling bad about, yourself, feeling anxious and overwhelmed I encourage you to try a Belief Coding® Mind Navigation session with me just so can experience just how amazing it is!
[email protected]


Thankyou Kerry for this lovely feedback from our session. It amazes me every day how quick transformation can be with Belief Coding® 💫

Having experienced various types of therapy myself, I’ve not come across a single modality than can deliver such swift results and I’m so glad to have finally found that in Belief Coding® and knowing that I can now share this with others. 🤩🎉🥰

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