Hambro Road Baptist Church

Hambro Road Baptist Church

Evangelical and Reformed
A Bible Centred Church in Streatham, London


'Let us repose our souls confidently on our Lord Jesus Christ. He is one who is "mighty to save." As many and as weighty as our sins are — Christ can bear them all. As difficult as the work of our salvation is — Christ is able to accomplish it.' J C Ryle, Luke chapter 10, expository thoughts.


'Humanity's rebellious "let us make for ourselves a name" by ascending to God's abode (Gen.11.4) will give way to God's "let them make for Me a sanctuary" (Exodus 25.8) as He descends to make His dwelling among Israel.' L.M.Morales, Who Shall Ascend to the Hill of the Lord? P.68


"Eschatology is more important than Soteriology." Sinclair Ferguson. That is because the work of Salvation leads to the end goal. The redeemed standing before the Throne of God.


'Prayer is one of the best and most powerful means of helping forward the cause of Christ in the world! It is the means within reach of all who have the Spirit of adoption. Not all believers have the money to give to missions. Very few have great intellectual gifts, or extensive influence among men. But all believers can pray for the success of the gospel.' J C Ryle, Luke, chapter 9


The women leave the grave quickly as the angel told them to, there is no point mourning, for He is not there. There is no point lingering, for He is not there. There is no place for tears at the empty tomb, for He is not there!

They leave with fear and great joy, their sorrow is dead for their king is alive.

New missionary in Israel: from 'communist pharisee' to jewish missionary — International Mission to Jewish People 22/03/2024

Coming to Share with us on Sunday both his testimony and his work.

New missionary in Israel: from 'communist pharisee' to jewish missionary — International Mission to Jewish People At the beginning of May, it was a joy to welcome experienced Jewish missionary Misha Vayshengolts to the CWI family. Read Misha's story in his own words…


We have recently started an evangelism partnership with LCM.

'I love the London City Mission because it takes the glorious Gospel direct to the people. Thank God for all faithful preaching in churches and chapels, but the multitude are outside. Oh! Support this Mission because it takes Jesus and His salvation to the perishing. It is a grand personal ministry. God bless and prosper it, more and more.' C H Spurgeon, as cited in, Streets Paved With Gold, p.67


Opening Hours

Thursday 19:30 - 21:00
Sunday 11:00 - 12:30
18:30 - 20:00