Linda Harrington - Chinese Acupuncture Treatments

Linda Harrington - Chinese Acupuncture Treatments

I’m Linda Harrington. AIl treatments are from a certified clinic in my home. What is traditional acupuncture?

In 2011 I gained a BSc (Hons) in Chinese Acupuncture Treatments, I’m trained at Levels 1 and 2 in Reiki and I’m a retired NHS theatre practitioner. Linda completed a three year British Honours Science degree in Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture treatments in June 2011. She is also an operating department practitioner and epiduralist working at Nottingham City hospital, with over 20 years of


I haven't advertised my accupuncture clinic for some time. I retired five years ago from Nottingham City hospital and mostly work the odd days when theatres are short at qmc treatment center or King's mill theatres; some days helping look after my granchildren; so life is busy even in early retirement LOL.
I have started running my accupuncture and alternative treatments in my clinic room on saturdays. I provide home visits during the week for very ill clients that are house bound and live in hucknall. This service is only available in exceptional circumstances.
Because of covid I ask clients to bring their own pillow to reduce infection risk. I charge just £35 for up to an hours treatment in my clinic room, and £50 for home visits. Each hour booked is tailored to the individual needs, this could be a range of treatment, such as acupuncture and tuina treatment massage, heat treatments using moxa or heat lamp. If you would like to book a treatment or have a chat with no pressure to book, give me a call or send a text to the number above. Kind regards Linda Harrington


This is interesting that only ear acupuncture was used

A randomised clinical trial which was approved by the Hospital das Clínicas ethics committee, the University of São Paulo, and the University of Southern Santa Catarina in Brazil, had tested the efficacy of ear acupuncture for depression.

All of the main test group had the Shenmen, subcortex, heart, lung, liver, and kidney points inserted, and the control group had superficial needling at nonpoints or irrelevant true points, with the aim of activating other nerves.

The use of acupuncture in treating depression is supported by these encouraging results. The primary group exhibited a total 58 percent decrease in the PHQ-9 score. The rates of recovery (58%) and remission (46%) from depression in the current study are comparable to those seen in pharmaceutical treatments. They put this down to the delayed effects of the vagus nerve manipulation, as there were no notable differences between the groups until three months into the trial. .


Sorry but no treatments this week. After 2 years being OK I've now got covid. Hopefully gone as fast as it came!


Well after 2 years of covid my clinic is up and running again. Message if you want a treatment


Please only contact me if you require professional acupuncture, treatment massage with heat therapy or reiki, I am an NHS professional not a masseuse! Please give respect to my profession.


I gained my first Reiki attunement about 18 months ago and have been using it alongside acupuncture treatments since then, clients at first said my hands felt warm and they felt very relaxed at the end of a treatment; After receiving my second attunement last year, i've been practicing qigong breathing and meditation, I find now that clients seem far more relaxed and calm and often comment about how warm my hands are, the qi energy with the acupuncture activates the treatment and leaves my hands glowing at the end of a treatment, I'm so grateful to Wendy Liles for passing on such a wonderful attunement and purification process to me. If anyone would like to have a treatment but are really weary, you can always come and have a chat and choose to come for a treatment at a later date, no pressure, I'm here to help , just message me for information.


I would like to make it quite clear I am a professional with many years of NHS experience, I offer therapeutic treatments run from a certified clinic at my home.


Have you ever tried Reiki?

The effects can be slight or quite profound,
Giving your body inner peace, and calms the soul.

This calmness can assist to lower blood pressure, helping blood circulation around the body.

Reiki Calms the mind, and reduces tension so you can concentrate better.

I run a clinic for accupuncture, reiki and Tuina treatment massage from my home clinic setting, this helps to keep the cost down and make treatments more affordable, message if you want more information.


For years acupuncture has been shown to help with sciatica and lower back pain, the NHS has now stoped funding for it on the NHS, call if you are interested in trying a treatment of acupuncture


I'm holding a stall with short treatments of Tuina massage and Reiki at Hucknall leisure center tomorrow Friday 9th August - 10-2pm cost £2:50 with free pen and £5 off any appointments booked.
Come and have a chat about acupuncture treatments.

Acupuncture boosts effectiveness of standard medical care for chronic pain, depression 03/08/2019

Acupuncture is a really good therapy for stress , anxiety and pain often suggested as an alternative to medication; but clients have to be carefull stopping medication as it can lead to serious withdrawal effects. This piece of research demonstrates the effectiveness of acupuncture as an addition to medication, a far safer option untill symptoms subside and then medication stopped under GP instruction

Acupuncture boosts effectiveness of standard medical care for chronic pain, depression Acupuncture treatment can boost the effectiveness of standard medical care, lessening the severity of chronic pain and depression, health specialists have found.


It's good to find evidence of research demonstrating how effective acupuncture can be for pain relief.


I had 2 identical pages with the same name so I merged them both and now realised acupuncture isn't spelt correctly in the title does anyone know how I can edit this?
It doesn't seem as easy as it should be!


I researched this as part of my dissertation in 2011, obstetrics is my speciality in theatres as an operating department practitioner so really interested in the effects of acupuncture for pain relief while completing my British honours degree in Chinese acupuncture (TCM); Its a difficult trial as lots of women react differently to labour pain, many managing to cope with pain using gas and air or diamorphine and others finding it so painfull they need an epidural, so it's difficult to demonstrate how well acupuncture can help as pain symptoms are rather unpredictable in labour.

Systematic review finds acupuncture to be highly effective at treating anxiety disorders 16/05/2019

good to see some research done to show how effective acupuncture can be on anxiety and stress

Systematic review finds acupuncture to be highly effective at treating anxiety disorders Acupuncture and electroacupuncture have seen considerable testing and use in amending various kinds of anxiety disorders. A recent systematic review conducted by Portuguese researchers winnowed through these many clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of these modalities. Anxiety-related

Acupuncture: An Overview of Scientific Evidence 16/12/2018

Acupuncture: An Overview of Scientific Evidence Research into acupuncture as a medical treatment has grown exponentially in the past 20 years, with over 13,000 studies conducted in 60 countries.


Ashfield district council have been today and checked out my new acupuncture clinic room giving the go ahead to practice. Treatments last 40/45 minutes for acupuncture, incorporating heat therapy gua sha and tuina treatment to the affected area for just £25, working from home means I can fit people in around my NHS theatre shifts to suit each individual so just message me with any questions or to book an appointment.


I am only able to offer chinese acupuncture treatments for the next month as I am moving house and need to set up my clinic room again. For anyone wanting acupuncture for exam stress after this time, I could do house calls in the hucknall area only.


please review if you have ever been treated by me please, so others can be confident in my abilities


Someone who has never been treated by me has left a terrible 2 out of 5 review, can I ask anyone who has ever been treated by me to leave a review of my treatment please


I normally charge £35 per single treatment lasting 45 - 60 minutes. Four treatments can be booked for £100. Fertility treatments are done as a couple, both being treated together over 12 weeks for £500, this is for a total of 2 x 14 = 28 treatments, so a substantial saving.


The BAC have reviewed research in acupuncture for infertility and said acupuncture may help in the treatment of infertility by:

regulating fertility hormones - stress and other factors can disrupt the function of the hypothalamic pituitary-ovarian axis (HPOA). Acupuncture promotes the release of beta-endorphin in the brain, which regulates gonadatrophin releasing hormone from the hypothalamus, follicle stimulating hormone from the pituitary gland, and oestrogen and progesterone levels from the o***y (Anderson 2007).
increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs (Ho 2009, Anderson 2007), which can improve the thickness of the endometrial lining, so increasing the chances of embryo implantation.
increasing egg production (Jin 2009) and improving oocyte quality (Chen 2009), which could increase the chance of fertilisation.
enhancing luteal function (Huang 2009)
regulating follicle stimulation hormone-receptor expression (Jin 2009).
normalising cortisol and prolactin levels on IVF medication days (Magarelli 2008); reducing stress (Anderson 2007)
promoting embryo implantation (Liu 2008).

Over the last 5 years I have treated lots of men and women for infertility, using acupuncture and moxa treatments and pre/ post IVF. One lady returned after two years for a second course of treatment after her first success, and now has two beautiful children.
Two of the women unfortunately were not successful and I hope in the future this will change for them.
I offer a twelve week treatment plan for couples ( both treated together ) for £500.

Acupuncture Reduces Migraines According To Duke University - Jennifer Dubowsky, DIPL.Ac. 24/08/2015

Acupuncture Reduces Migraines According To Duke University - Jennifer Dubowsky, DIPL.Ac. In 2008 Duke University sent out a press release that stated, “Acupuncture is more effective than medication in reducing the severity and frequency of chronic headaches, according to a new analysis conducted by Duke University Medical Center researchers.” That is a pretty unequivocal statement from…


Well two clients have come to me over the last few weeks with back pain so severe that they could hardly move, one has almost completely recovered after three treatments, the other has some pain but able to carry on as normal with reduced medication. Its great to be able to treat people with Chinese acupuncture and tuina massage with no side effects and see such improvements.


Linda harrington is looking to expand her work providing acupuncture treatments from her clinic based in hucknall.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be successful in the treatment of a veriety of conditions including back, neck, knee and shoulder pain, infertility in men and women. Irregular menstration, headaches to name a few.

August offer £35 or 4 treatments for £100.

Get in touch if you would like more information

My Story

I completed a three year British Honours Science degree in Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture treatments in June 2011.
I worked as an operating department practitioner and epiduralist at Nottingham City hospital, with over 20 years of NHS experience. Appointments can be made around availability that changes week to week, working from home means I can fit you in at some time each week, to suit needs.
I have a fully equipped and licensed clinic in my home allowing flexibility for appointment times.

Treatments offered include:
Traditional Chinese acupuncture (TCM) treats the individual not just the ailment they present with. Therefore when a client comes to the clinic a full medical history will be taken and a treatment given that should help restore the person’s equilibrium and not just their ailment.
• Treatment incorporates Tuina and Guasha massage techniques to the affected area; this Chinese therapeutic massage relieves muscle tension and stimulates acupressure points.
• Moxibustion - Heat is applied to an acupuncture point or meridian using moxa (a therapeutic herb) and /or a heat lamp to relax muscles and stimulate Qi and blood circulation.
• Cupping - Cups with a vacuum seal are placed on the skin on an acupuncture point, to stimulate blood flow and clear stagnant Qi.

I have completed levels 1 and 2 of Usui shiki ryoho Reiki training and now I use Reiki as part of the treatments plan or it can be a stand alone treatment. We can discuss breathing meditation techniques to complement the treatment.

Each treatment costs £25 per treatment lasting 45minutes - 1 hour (more time is allocated for a full assessment on the first visit).

Couples booking treatment for fertility issues pay only for one treatment when treated together as a pose to each having to pay £25.

What is traditional acupuncture?
Traditional acupuncture is a healthcare system based on ancient principles which go back nearly two thousand years. It has a very positive model of good health and function, and looks at pain and illness as signs that the body is out of balance. The overall aim of acupuncture treatment, then, is to restore the body's equilibrium. What makes this system so uniquely suited to modern life is that physical, emotional and mental are seen as interdependent, and reflect what many people perceive as the connection between the different aspects their lives.

Based on traditional belief, acupuncturists are trained to use subtle diagnostic techniques that have been developed and refined for centuries. The focus is on the individual, not their illness, and all the symptoms are seen in relation to each other. Each patient is unique; two people with the same western diagnosis may well receive different acupuncture treatments.

Traditional acupuncturists believe that the underlying principle of treatment is that illness and pain occur when the body's Qi, or vital energy, cannot flow freely. There can be many reasons for this; emotional and physical stress, poor nutrition, infection or injuries are among the most common. By inserting ultra-fine sterile needles into specific acupuncture points, a traditional acupuncturist seeks to re-establish the free flow of Qi to restore balance and trigger the body's natural healing response.


Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00 - 13:00