Maths with a Mouse

Maths with a Mouse

Maths should the easy, fun and FREE for all. At, we do just that!

Satsy McSatsface (Forever We Own) Official music video 25/04/2024

Just created a special video for the run-up to Satsy McSatsface!

Satsy McSatsface (Forever We Own) Official music video

Brie-Anna’s Guide to Satsy Angles (SATs) 11/02/2024 is my great Guide to Satsy Angles. With top tips, great ideas and links to many fun activities, it should meet all your angle needs.

Brie-Anna’s Guide to Satsy Angles (SATs)

Brie-Anna’s Guide to Satsy Area and Perimeter (SATs) 04/02/2024

Area and Perimeter can be confusing for some mousematicians but not with my great Satsy Area & Perimeter section. Check out my guide to the fun that is in store!

Brie-Anna’s Guide to Satsy Area and Perimeter (SATs)

Brie-Anna’s Guide to Satsy Algebra (SATs) 28/01/2024

For anyone thinking ahead to Satsy McSatsface or simply wanting to improve their understanding of algebra, check out my guide to Satsy Algebra
Of course, you might want to go straight to the action at

Brie-Anna’s Guide to Satsy Algebra (SATs)


Even though I launched this section a few weeks ago, I have added some extra ideas since then. I have heard that the Christmouse Time! has been lots of fun but I’d love more mousematicians to enjoy it in the next couple of weeks! Perhaps you could help out by sharing this post for where I have even shared a few great versions of some well-known Christmas classics!


I can’t wait any longer! I tried!

It's Christmouse time,
There's no need to be afraid,
At Christmouse time,
we let in light and we banish shade...
Welcome to my first Christmouse!


So, so, so close! I can’t wait any longer!


It’s getting so close! Can I contain myself? I feel like I am about to burst!


Almost single digits! I am getting more and more excited!


Not long now!


I got a bit carried away recently. All across my website, you will find new and exciting content and links. Hope you enjoy them when you find them! Thinks of them as extra treats!


Been having a little sort on the website and felt another section was needed. is the place to go for all sorts of stuff! I have a feeling that this section might end up growing!

Maths with a Mouse - Quizzy Whizzy Mental Maths 07/10/2023

BREAKING NEWS: A new section has been added to Maths with a Mouse - QUIZZY WHIZZY MENTAL MATHS! With six levels of challenge, there is something for everyone but, most importantly of all, you get to see me - Brie-Anna de Mouse, the star of Maths with a Mouse!
Izzy Whizzy, let’s get Quizzy!

Maths with a Mouse - Quizzy Whizzy Mental Maths Who doesn't love a fun quiz? Stinky potatoes, that’s who! What’s better than a fun quiz? A fun quiz all about maths hosted by the Star of Maths with a Mouse - your truly, the one and only, Brie-Anna de Mouse! If you are ready, find the challenge that best suits your mathematical knowledge. There


I believe that surprise gifts are the best type and I have a present just for you. On my website, search Quizzy Whizzy and you will find many of my yet-to-published videos. Hope you enjoy and feel free to let know what you think! Oh, and if you don’t like them, you’re obviously a stinky potato!


Presenting maths in new ways is my favourite skill to use. Print off, add to a working wall and BIDMAS will be the order of the day!

Maths with a Mouse - Calculation Methods 24/09/2023

When I first created my YouTube channel, it was to support teachers, parents and pupils with calculation methods so that there was consistency. Perhaps these are just what you need right now!

Maths with a Mouse - Calculation Methods The methods used for written calculations are not always the same and are definitely different in many ways now than in the past. This section of Maths with a Mouse shares some of my favourite methods for calculating formally. My videos will be a great tool for children learning and consolidating


Thought you might like to know that a new section is currently in development! I think you will like it!

Maths with a Mouse outtakes 17/09/2023
Filming for Maths with a Mouse doesn’t always go according plan!

Maths with a Mouse outtakes


Always worth sharing this with developing mousematicians

Maths with a Mouse Multiplying by tens 13/09/2023

To bridge the gap between formal multiplication by a single digit to long multiplication, don’t forget this important stage - formal multiplication by TENS!

Maths with a Mouse Multiplying by tens

Maths with a Mouse - Fractions 12/09/2023

I love fractions and want you to love them too! They’re not scary! Follow my link to develop your skills calculating with fractions!

Maths with a Mouse - Fractions Things that scare me: running out of yummy traditional pink and white marshmallows - Arghhhh! children not enjoying or having fun with maths - this make me sad! bats that fly directly towards me


Teaching the early stages of 3 and 4 times stages? Did you know that Jingle Bells can do this for you! Your pupils will certainly be ready for Christmas!

Maths with a Mouse - Calculation Methods 10/09/2023

Using consistent language regarding formal calculation methods and place value is invaluable when maths is taught by a range of teachers. If only this could be possible! Well it is? My use of mathematical language for these methods really is useful for pupils and to enable consistency. You’d be a stinky potato to not use them!

Maths with a Mouse - Calculation Methods The methods used for written calculations are not always the same and are definitely different in many ways now than in the past. This section of Maths with a Mouse shares some of my favourite methods for calculating formally. My videos will be a great tool for children learning and consolidating


Shout-out to all the mousematicians at Higham Primary School who are clever enough to have Maths with a Mouse on their school website! Hope I am able to help you lots during the new school year!


Shout-out to all the mousematicians at Balliol Primary School who are clever enough to have Maths with a Mouse on their school website! Hope I am able to help you lots during the new school year!


Shout-out to all the mousematicians at Pevensey & Westham C of E Primary School School who are clever enough to have Maths with a Mouse on their school website! Hope I am able to help you lots during the new school year!


Shout-out to all the mousematicians at Cross Lane Primary School who are clever enough to have Maths with a Mouse on their school website! Hope I am able to help you lots during the new school year!

Maths with a Mouse - Ordering Numbers 09/09/2023

I love ordering!
I love ordering marshmallows online and waiting for them to be delivered; I love ordering my siblings around; I even love ordering numbers! With games and great explanations this might be just what you need!

Maths with a Mouse - Ordering Numbers I love ordering! I love ordering marshmallows online and waiting for them to be delivered; I love ordering my siblings around; I even love ordering numbers! Brie-Anna de Mouse, Future Star of Maths with a Mouse


I can round to anything! I can even round to the nearest hippopotamus. If you want to be as good as me go to