Ella Dodd-Former Borough & Community Councillor for Coity

Ella Dodd-Former Borough & Community Councillor for Coity

I am the Borough Councillor, and a Community Councillor, for Coity. Here you will find local government information relating to Coity.


Good morning everybody. I just thought I'd let you know that Amanda Williams is the new Borough Councillor for Coity. I wish her well. I'd also like to say a huge thank you to everybody who voted for me, and supported me, over the past few years, and who have made my job as Borough Councillor such a joy. I really appreciate all that you have done for me. I shall post more in due course, but I was eager to express my gratitude to all my family, friends and supporters. Best wishes to you all, Ella.


Another message that I have just received, which has brought a huge smile to my face. "Best of luck today!! You will forever be the face of Coity........let's hope its what we want and what you deserve!!! Best of luck x"

Photos from Ella Dodd-Former Borough & Community Councillor for Coity's post 04/05/2017

A lovely card that I received this morning. How kind people can be!


Good morning! Just a very brief reminder to you all to go and vote today! Gilead Chapel Hall is open from 7am until 10pm. Use your democratic right, and vote. Don't forget, of course, to VOTE ELLA! Best wishes to you all, Ella.


On Thursday 4 May, polling stations will be open between 7am – 10pm. The count for the local election will take place overnight once polling stations have closed, and the results will be uploaded to the council’s Twitter account live from the event – you can follow this by going to https://twitter.com/BridgendCBC


£5 Notice! Old-style £5 note will no longer be legal tender after Friday 5 May.

BCBC's bankers have agreed that the authority can still accept the old-style notes until Friday 19 May on the provision that they are subsequently banked into one of the council’s bank accounts.

This is in order to limit inconvenience to residents during the period in which the notes are being withdrawn.

From Saturday 20 May, the council will no longer be able to accept the old style £5 notes, and residents should be directed to their local bank, building society or Post Office where they can exchange them.


I became very adept last night at deleting any posts that had absolutely nothing to do with the issues that face our community and borough. I absolutely detest the maliciousness that is generated through Facebook. I'm quite happy to do the same again. Please stick to the issues that councillors will face. Thank you, Ella.


Good morning! I hope you're all enjoying the Bank Holiday. I have been eager to post to you for a while, but have been trying to decide how to express myself to you. I am getting more and more disillusioned with social media, and the trouble that it causes. I have been involved in local politics for over forty years, and I have never experienced such viciousness, and downright, nastiness, as I have over the last few weeks. I have read outrageous lies about myself, things that I have apparently said. For example, I apparently told a resident to "Get lost" when she made an enquiry about the smoke from the recent fire at the wood chip centre. In actual fact, her emails to me were aggressive, and demanded to know why I was not at the meeting called to discuss the smoke. To say that I told her to 'Get lost' is a categorical lie, and I have a copy of the email if anybody would like to come and see me so that I can show it to you. I also, apparently, told somebody in the shop to "Go back to England!" Again, a complete and utter lie. I don't even know this person, and don't understand why she would say this about me. But, it seems, you can say anything you like on social media, and get away with it. I wrote an aggressive letter to the admins of a local page, apparently. In actual fact, I had emailed these admins a few weeks previously, and had not received one single reply from any of them. I was then reported to the Ombudsman, which was a complete nonsense. I am within my rights to use the Electoral Roll for professional purposes. How else do councillors/politicians find out their constituents addresses? I have endured ageist remarks on this same site, and even been told that one of my fellow Borough candidates has been spreading the same message to fellow mothers at the school-that I am too old to stand. I have been told this by a reliable friend. My son's partner was called a liar as she got involved in a Facebook discussion about me, and this straight after she came out of hospital, and was in no condition to be the subject of such cruel remarks. I am disgusted by it all. Incidentally, I write my own posts, regardless of what others might be trying to suggest. I didn't think that it could get any more bizarre, or outrageous, but on Friday Les and I saw a Labour candidate for Pendre (not my son, incidentally) hammering in a 'Change for Bridgend' sign into a property on Pwll Evan Ddu. The world has gone mad. I am completely sick of it all. Coity is better than this. Luckily, I have been heartened by the dozens of messages that I have received, wishing me luck, and telling me not to get too upset by what I have been reading. I was also immensely cheered by what I was told about a resident in the Six Bells on Friday night, who shouted across the Bar, 'I'm voting for Ella. She is Coity through and through.' I couldn't put it better myself: Coity means the world to me. I want to see it thrive, and it is better than any of this nastiness. So, vote for me on Thursday! "Ella: Coity through and through!"


Have just posted this on the Parc Derwen Politics page, but thought I'd post it here too. It is rather long, and I can only apologise for that, but there is a lot to say!!


I welcome this opportunity to outline my aims as a Borough and Community Councillor. I’d also like to say that I think it is a very good idea to have a local Facebook that promotes a mature, political debate.
Before I outline my aims and objectives for the next five years, I’d just like to say what a pleasure it has been to represent you over the past few years, as your Borough and Community Councillor. I have lived in Coity all my life, and, as far as I am concerned, there is no better place on earth. On the whole, I have enjoyed every minute of being able to help the residents of this area. The face to face contact that it allows me with new and old residents of Coity, and helping them with their problems, makes this the very best job there is. So, thank you.
It is important to state, from the outset, that we are in financially challenging times, and it is no good making false promises about grand plans, that can’t be delivered. This is a time when all interested ‘stakeholders’ need to work together, to look at innovative solutions to old and new problems. Community Councils, Town Council, the Borough Council, all need to work together, alongside other organisations including the private sector, to play a part in maintaining and developing the area in which we live.
The issue of traffic flowing through Coity at peak times during the day is a problem that we have always endured, although perhaps not at the same volume as we now experience. The opportunity of building a proper bypass to take traffic away from the village, was lost when the initial plans for the Parc Derwen estate were drawn up, and agreed. There is no money in the Council’s budget for a bypass, or a realignment of roads. And, carrying on from that, councillors from the Garw Valley and Pontycymmer will never vote in full Council, for a redirection of traffic to go passed the prison. I will be honest and say that I really don’t know what, realistically, is the answer to this problem, although we have to keep exploring every option.
A knock on effect of this traffic is the danger to pedestrians on Heol Spencer, and this is something that must be addressed. We need a pavement along this road now more than ever. I have lobbied for a pavement along here for years, and have always been fobbed off with the excuse that it will cost too much. No cost is ever too much for a person’s life, and I promise you, that I will not give up on this.
I am very concerned about the speed of traffic along the by-pass in front of Trem y Castell. Since this by-pass was built, it has always attracted those who saw the road as part of a racing circuit, rather than a public highway. Now, with so many residents at Trem Y Castell, with children playing close to the side of the road, and the entrance to the estate coming directly onto this road, it is crucial that this issue of speeding is addressed. I have proposed that a speed limiting sign be erected at Simonstone, at the entrance to the by-pass, and suggest that another is positioned at the other end, with Repeater signs all along this road. Nor do I understand why there is a third lane on this by-pass, which is used by those who overtake, normally at speed! We need to get rid of this lane, as it is too much of an inducement to those who cannot seem to drive within legal speed limits.
The adoption of the roads in Parc Derwen by the Council is an absolute priority. It is not right that Parc Derwen residents are paying full whack in council tax for a reduced service. I will continue to lobby hard on your behalf, and pursue all avenues available to me, to ensure that this ridiculous situation is resolved, sooner rather than later.
Although I realise expansion in terms of housing is a necessity, I believe that it needs to be responsible. For instance, the proposal for further development at Parc Farm is completely irresponsible in terms of the available space at the site, and the knock on effect on even more traffic flowing onto Heol Spencer. I will continue to do all that I can to oppose the planned expansion in, in the new Council.
We are all up in arms about the new recycling scheme. I can assure you that I voted against the ‘Two Bin Bag’ rule at full Council, and was bitterly disappointed when this appalling scheme was approved. Yes, money needs to be saved, but not at the detriment to sanitation and environmental health, aside from the obvious challenges it poses to residents. I have been monitoring this service with interest, and, I assure you, that I will continue to do so.
The residents of the Coity area needs to have greater political representation, at both Community and Borough level. We need two/three Borough Councillors representing Coity, Parc Derwen and Trem y Castell in future elections, and between four to six Community Councillors. Coity Ward is completely unrecognisable from what it was five years ago, yet our allocation in terms of political representation has not changed. This makes absolutely no sense to me. As a comparison, Brackla has four Borough Councillors! Why do we only have one?
We all know that BCBC are facing huge financial cuts, on budgets that have already endured huge financial cuts. One wonders what on earth will be ‘cut’ next, and where it will end. I believe very strongly that BCBC needs to be put under thorough scrutiny, across all departments, with an audit of all expenditure. I am constantly told, anecdotally, of money being spent where it makes no sense for it to be spent. BCBC needs to tighten its own belt, if it is to deprive us of services and amenities that we need in our communities.
I am also eager to explore anomalies in nursery provision in our schools. For example, a Nursery class which has to turn away children because their books are full, but who then finds that some of these registered children, do not attend school on a regular basis. Other children should have their place. This is not right, and needs to be addressed.
I also believe that it is important to have a vision for the future in terms of health and fitness for all generations. Therefore, as a Borough Councillor, I shall press for a play area at Trem y Castell. I do not want to see this new estate being forgotten in terms of facilities for children, or anything else, for that matter. Parc Derwen has one play area, with another promised, Coity has a play area, Trem y Castell should have one. The development of this vital resource, needs to be speeded up and I promise that I will do my best to ensure that this happens. As for the second play area at Parc Derwen, it is no good having signs up advertising a ‘Future Play Area’, to entice people to buy, and then not do anything about it. This play area also needs to be completed, and I shall lobby the developers again, to ensure that this does emerge in the very near future.
I’d like to see further integration of Coity ‘Old Village’ with Parc Derwen and Trem y Castell by organising events that bring these three communities together. New residents and new estates affords us all the opportunity to make new friends. We have miles of footpaths, across beautiful countryside all around us. I’d like to encourage guided walks across this countryside that will encourage residents from all parts of Coity to get together.
Following on from which, when is the path that links the new School with Coity village ever going to be finished? I shall do everything that I can to ensure that this is completed sooner rather than later.
The role of a Borough Councillor and Community Councillor is very different, although similar, too, in many ways. The responsibilities of both dovetail with each other, and, in my opinion, it makes sense to stand as a Borough Councillor and Community Councillor in the same area. Many issues are inter-linked, and the Borough Councillor can speak on behalf of the community they live in because they know its issues, inside out. I see no reason to stand as a Community Councillor in one Ward, and a Borough Councillor in another.
Finally, residents will contact their Borough Councillor if they are having problems with street lighting, refuse collection, etc. With my experience in local government, I can deal with these issues very quickly as I know who to contact, or to whom to refer the complaint, so that it is dealt with as speedily and efficiently as possible.
I’d just like to say that I have not only lived in this area all my life, I have raised my family here, and have friends in the village that I have known for over 80 years. It is fantastic to see new faces, and new families settling in to an area that I love, and enjoying the charms of the Castle and the surrounding areas, like I have enjoyed them too, for so long. I am a founding member of the Coity Village Association. I am Chair of Governors at Coety School, and Tremains Junior School. I am a member of the Flower Club, and the Table Tennis Club. I am also a member of the Yoga Club. As far as the BCBC is concerned, I am Chair of the Audit Committee, and a member of the Licensing Committee, and Crematorium Committee. I love my work, and can assure you that I have as much energy for it now, as I always have, despite recent posts to the contrary!

81-year-old attacks trolls who called her too senile to be elected 25/04/2017

81-year-old attacks trolls who called her too senile to be elected Ella Dodd, 81, has served her community for decades


Just to let you know that the travellers near the by-pass in Coity, have been issued with a warrant and will, in all probability be moving from the site tomorrow, Monday. Thank you, Ella.


I am really shocked by a thread on yesterday's Parc Derwen Residents page regarding my standing as a Borough and Community Councillor. I have highlighted for years my incomprehension at not being allowed to post on the above page, and the Coity Village and Friends page, as I can't represent myself when posts are written about me. This is a perfect example of what I mean.

On this thread, I was called 'senile', an 'old biddy', and told that I should 'stand aside and let younger people do the job'. If these comments were racist or ethnic in tone, the police would be involved. As it is, I am going to make legal inquiries as to where such blatantly offensive 'ageist' posts stand in today's apparently more tolerant society.

Once again, I am amazed by the Admins of this page, who have turned a blind eye, and allowed these ageist comments to remain. This is hardly responsible administrating. How can you build a harmonious community, when those who CAN do something about it, turn a blind eye, and allow posts like this to remain? It is nothing short of scandalous, and I'd be ashamed of those Admins if I lived in Parc Derwen, and that page was supposed to represent me!

These Admins have still not given a satisfactory answer as to why I am banned from this page, and why the Community Council were not allowed a representative on this page, apart from Martin Williams (who is/was one of the administrators).

If you have an issue with anything that I have done, or haven't done, direct them to me, either at my email address, or by telephone, on here, or come and see me. I am always around. Have the guts to say to my face, what you have written publicly.

it seems to me, that people get some kick out of being 'keyboard warriors' and vent to make themselves feel 'big', without having the guts to approach the person concerned. It's far easier to post disgusting comments on an open forum, when there is no right of reply, rather than directing any issues to me directly.

I am shocked and ashamed by these people (some of whom I have never even heard of before, nor ever had any dealings with), who are, thankfully, not indicative of true Coity/Parc Derwen folk.


Good evening all,

On Tuesday night, I attended a meeting regarding the Parc Farc Development, off Heol Spencer. I spoke to residents, and listened to their concerns, of which were, understandably, many.

Mr. Ralph Hughes, Operations Manager at Morganstone, the firm carrying out the demolition of Parc Farm, outlined in detail the way in which the demolition will take place, starting today.

The team representing Morganstone answered residents questions. We will now have to monitor the work closely.

Please get in touch if you have any further comments or questions about this development.

Kindest regards,



I asked you last week for any comments with regards to the new waste collection scheme. Thank you to those who replied. I've supplied below a full account of how this system will work. Any further comments, or suggestions, please send them to me.

Recycling collections will remain weekly and new sacks and containers will be delivered. Residents will no longer need the two black boxes that are used for paper, cardboard and glass. These are the containers you will be using.

* new orange bag - cardboard
* new white bag - paper
* current blue bag - plastics and metal
* new black caddy - glass
* existing small and large brown caddies - food and
waste . You can request extra containers (there is no limit on how much can be put on the kerbside for collection).

How waste collections will work.
For non-recyclable waste, black bags will no longer be in use. Instead households will be issued with specially coloured and branded waste bags to be used for only non-recyclable waste such as black plastic, film sleeves or polystyrene. For homes containing up to five residents, this will mean a maximum of two bags per fortnight can be placed on the kerb for collection. Properties with 6 or 7 residents will be able to apply for an additional bag and properties with 8 residents or more will be able to apply for 2 extra bags per fortnight.

Full details on the new recycling and waste collection procedures will be issued to all households along with a complete set of sacks, bags and containers before the new scheme begins early in June 2017. There will also be a full publicity programme including community roadshows advertising and a dedicated website.


Bridgend Borough are desperately looking for new foster carers. If you think you may be suitable, please have a look at this link.

Thank you,


Bridgend Foster Care | The Fostering Network Bridgend Foster Care is a local authority fostering service. Through our well established service we are able to provide high quality placements for children and young people on a short and longer term basis.


If you're interested in applying for a Council Tax Reduction, then this link may be of interest to you.


19 01 2017 Council Tax Reduction scheme amended following public consultation - Bridgend County Borough Council Following public consultation, Bridgend County Borough Council has confirmed details of its 2017-18 Council Tax Reduction scheme which will once again help thousands of households on low incomes to meet the cost of their council tax bills.


Just to let you know that, as your Borough Councillor, I have a meeting on February 6th which will allow me to find out more about the new waste collection service.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this issue, that you would like me to put to the officers, please contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,


Here is a great opportunity to nominate somebody who you may consider to be a 'hero' in our community. But be quick as deadlines close on Friday, January 27th!

Thank you,


11 01 2017 Deadline approaching for Mayor’s Citizenship Awards - Bridgend County Borough Council Do you know an unsung hero who would be a worthy winner of a Mayor’s Citizenship Award? The Mayor of Bridgend County Borough, Councillor Reg Jenkins, is inviting local residents to put forward the names of the special individuals, groups or businesses who deserve recognition. It could be a volunteer...


I met with residents at Llys y Fedwen in Parc Derwen last week, to discuss the houses that are being built at Parc Farm, Heol Spencer.

Planning permission has been given for 14 units at this site; however, the new proposal seeks to build 24 units at this site, which is completely unacceptable.

There are justified concerns of the increase of the volume of traffic onto Heol Spencer, and the knock on effect to highway safety.

There is also a lack of parking at the site to satisfy the demand that will be placed on it. And, the additional houses will mean that the properties will be sited very close to the boundary of other properties on Parc Derwen.

I have organised a petition to protest against this increase, as it will affect our village immensely, with more traffic than ever coming through Coity. I have left a petition at the shop for people to sign, but you may also contact me if you would like to add your name to it.

Thank you,



Just to let you know that the next meeting of Coity Higher Community Council will be held at the Community Centre, Heol West Plas, Litchard Cross this Thursday, September 8th, starting at 7pm.

Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings of the council, but are not permitted to speak whilst council is in session.

This Thursday, Mr Andy Baker-Edwards, Technical Director or Persimmon Homes, will be in attendance to update councillors on the Parc Derwen development and to answer questions from councillors.

If there is anything that you would like me to ask on your behalf, please get in touch using the contact details provided in the pinned post.

Thank you,




Following the commissioned study to assess the risks and methods of re-introducing traffic to Queen Street, Dunraven Place and Market Street in Bridgend town centre, Bridgend County Borough Council have launched a consultation regarding the impact of reintroducing traffic into the town centre and the perceived impact on the wider economy.

The questionnaire seeks to understand how the individual feels about how agreeable the proposal is, the duration of time access should be permitted, potential parking bay time limitations and an open question for you to share your views more specifically.

To access the questionnaire, please either go to www.bridgend.gov.uk/consultation, visit a local library, or by contacting the consultation and engagement team directly for alternative ways of responding.

To find out more please visit: http://www1.bridgend.gov.uk/services/consultation/hub/bridgend-town-centre-access-survey.aspx

I would encourage as many of you as possible to complete the questionnaire, so that BCBC have a better understanding of your thoughts regarding this proposal.

Thank you all, in advance,


Timeline photos 28/07/2016

I have just received confirmation of the amended timetable for the Service 81 bus route, that will now incorporate the new houses at Parc Derwen.

It will begin on Monday August 8th.


Please forgive me for writing a post that covers the last two weeks in one, but here is an account of what I have been doing recently. As always, if there is anything in this post that you would wish to seek clarification on, please get in touch using the details provided in the pinned post at the top of the page.

As Chair of Governors at Coety School, I have attended a number of meetings in recent weeks to appoint new teachers for September. It is highly gratifying to see the school attracting such a high calibre of candidates.

I’ve arranged for a number of local footpaths to be cleared, so that they will remain accessible throughout the summer months. If you are aware of a path that is overgrown in the area, please let me know so that they too can be cut back.

Meetings that I’ve attended recently, include a meeting of the Coychurch Crematorium Joint Committee (where I was elected Vice Chair for the year) and an Audit Committee meeting at BCBC (where I was re-elected as Chairperson). I also attended a Partnership and Governance Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting. Items on the agenda included Wales Extremism and Counter Terrorism Unit and Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015, with Martin Thomas WECTU representative. Last Wednesday, a full Council meeting was held at BCBC. Among items discussed was the implications of the Referendum Vote to leave the European Union, and Council unanimously agreed that abusive behaviour and discrimination will not be tolerated in the wake of the EU referendum.

Tomorrow, Thursday, Mr. Huw Llewellyn, Managing Director of Persimmon Homes is attending our Community Council meeting to discuss the Parc Derwen development.

Like I said, please get in touch with me if you have any issues that I can help with.

Finally, what a great result for the Wales football team, to get to the semi-finals of the Euro 16 tournament. The evenings don’t quite seem the same without any football (or tennis) to watch on catch-up TV!

Best wishes to you all,



Hello, I hope you have all had a good week and weekend. What a disappointing result for Welsh rugby, but a momentous one for Welsh football. A safe journey home to all travelling Welsh fans, of all sport!

I thought I'd let you know what I have been doing this week. As Chair of Governors at Coety Primary School, I attended a shortlisting meeting at the school on Monday, for the appointment of teachers for September.

In my effort to learn new skills, especially social media skills, I toook part in social media training on Tuesday. I am so new to Facebook, and learning new 'tricks' and 'tips' all the time. But, I am determined to master this way of communication, as it is so immediate and interactive.

The monthly full Council meeting was held in the Civic Offices in Bridgend on Wednesday. Before the meeting we received a fascinating and thought provoking presentation on "Bullying in Schools". Among matters discussed in the meeting itself was 'The Local Housing Strategy 2016 - 2018'.

On Wednesday night, I paid a visit to local residents who had approached me for help with issues relating to housing. I am confident that we can resolve their concerns at the very earliest opportunity.

I was back at Coety School for a staffing meeting on Thursday morning. On Thursday evening, I attended the Community Council meeting. Amongst other issues, we discussed the approach of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of The Somme (6th July). It was agreed to nominate the playing field at Coity as a recreational space in honour of the memory of the millions of people who lost their lives in the Battle.

If there is anything you would like further clarification on, please get in touch. In the meantime, have a good week.


Following the annual meeting of Bridgend Borough Council, some changes have been made to the Cabinet portfolios.

· Leader: Councillor Mel Nott
· Deputy Leader: Councillor Huw David
· Resources: Councillor Hywel Williams
· Communities: Councillor Ceri Reeves
· Regeneration and Economic Development: Councillor Charles Smith
· Adult Social Care, Health and Well Being: Councillor Phil White
· Children’s Social Services and Equalities: Councillor Hailey Townsend

The Mayor for 2016-17 will be Councillor Reg Jenkins and the Deputy Mayor will be Councillor Cherie Jones.


Potholes on Spencer Road.

I've been in touch with the Highways Department regarding the potholes on Spencer Road. They have just emailed me back to say that, following my referral, "that an inspection of the area has been carried out and an order has been issued to have the actionable defects repaired."

Let's hope that this doesn't take too long to remedy.

I hope you all have a good weekend.




Just to make absolutely clear, both gates at the playing field will remain locked until the stile is installed: the kissing gate, and the larger "farm" gate.

This was the Coity Higher Community Council's Committee decision in last Thursday night's meeting. Once the stile is installed, the large "farm" gate will remain locked.


The Annual General Meeting of Coity Higher Community Council was held on Thursday, 12th May. Hopcyn Thomas and I were re-elected as Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively.

Before the ordinary meeting took place the Chairman mentioned that all councillors should be very careful when posting items on Facebook concerning the Council. He also mentioned that in future meetings, if there is not a unanimous agreement concerning an item which has been discussed, the names of the objectors will be recorded. Declarations of interest will also be recorded if a member has a personal or prejudicial interest in the matter discussed. Requests for charitable donations was also discussed.

A lengthy discussion took place concerning the playing field behind the church as I had received requests for the gate (which is locked at present, due to dog fouling), to be opened. It was agreed that a stile would be installed, replacing the existing kissing gate which would make the field more accessible. Until the stile is installed, the gate would continue to be LOCKED. It was also agreed (a) that a ‘No Dogs Allowed’ sign be erected and, (b) that I agreed to hold a key so that the groundsman can access the field for cutting the grass and maintenance.

We also discussed an application from BCBC concerning the er****on of 252 Units, Public Open Space, Landscaping, Pedestrian and Cycle Link and Associated Works. It was agreed that (a) we request that monies be made available for a footpath to be made for residents of Simonston so they can safely walk to the village and (b) before houses are built, a play area for children be installed.

If there is anything that you are not sure about, or if you have any comments about the above, please get in touch.

