Wimbledon Notary

Wimbledon Notary

Notary public working in south west London



It has come to our notice that someone has incorporated a company called FJF Notarry Limited with its registered office address at 3 Alma Terrace, London SW18 3HT. The incorporation of FJF Notarry Limited using the address at 3 Alma Terrace was not authorised and we are concerned that the individual has set up the company FJF Notarry Limited in order to fraudulently secure an unlawful gain on behalf of FJF Notary Limited (our legitimate business).

If you are contacted by anyone purporting to act on behalf of FJF Notarry Limited please let us know. You can contact Fiona at [email protected] or on +44(0)771 2186871.

If you are contacted by anyone telling you that our bank account details have been changed please contact [email protected] or call +44(0)771 2186871 urgently to confirm the bank account details and certainly do so before sending any money.

many thanks

