Coach Your Life

Coach Your Life

I'm a qualified Life Coach and designer. I love to help people achieve their goals, find their true purpose and realise their full potential.

I cover areas such as Confidence, Relationships, Careers, Work-Life Balance, Wellbeing and Parenting


We’re 5 months into 2024. Use this bank holiday weekend as a chance to re-set and revive! ✨

👉 Set yourself a goal
Regardless of where you are right now, take a moment to think about what you want to achieve and write it down ✍️ Now even if it scares you a little, dream BIGGER. Imagine how you’d feel and how your life would change if you achieve that big, scary goal. Play it through in your mind 💭 See yourself - where are you? How does it feel? Write it all down 💫

👉 Declutter Your Space
To help you get clarity and engage in working towards that dream, take some time to declutter your space 🧹Clutter leads to distractions and overwhelm and neither of those are conducive with your best life! 🙈Prioritise yourself, your mindset and your goals by having a clear, clean (head)space ✨

👉 Look after your basic needs
You can’t function at your best if you are not looking after your SELF! Get your sleep back on track 💤, eat something nutritious and delicious 🥗, get that body moving 🏃🏽‍♀️(whether outside or at the gym - or both!), keep your brain and body hydrated by keeping a water bottle handy all day 💧

Oh, and finally.. loosen up and have some fun!! 😃 Smile and see the brighter side of life. The sun is finally here and we have all those warmer months still to come🍹😎

Have a great weekend,

Rooting for you, Caroline ✨


Excuse my massive hood but hasn’t April seemed like the longest, coldest, windiest and wettest month ever!?!?! (Possibly since life began 😆)

How are you? Apologies for being so quiet recently. I’ve been busy with the build and getting mum’s granny annexe ready. I took a bit of a break from socials as there weren’t enough hours in the day 💁🏽‍♀️

Only problem is, I always find it quite hard to get back on the insta train, if you know what I mean?🚊

I love to disappear for a while but it’s finding that balance of sharing and showing up again once recharged and reinspired ✨

And there’s nothing like building work and bad weather to drain the life out of you! ☔️🌪️🥶😆

Remember, you can rest but don’t give up 💪 All this will be worth it. All the hours, all the mistakes, all the wrong turns and re-runs 🫣😬 It’s all leading you somewhere. Just keep looking and learning. Just keep trusting and showing up 💫

You don’t have to fake enthusiasm, you can feel the feels and nurture your energy back to feeling half human 🤝 That’s what I’m doing. And some sunshine next week sure would help!! 🤞🌞

And even with the rain along the way there’ll be some rainbows 🌈 and clouds with silver lining ⛅️ Don’t give in.. you’ll get there!!! 💪

Have a great week,
Caroline ✨


Photos from Coach Your Life's post 14/03/2024

I know we are already 2 weeks in but there’s still time to make March work for you. Don’t worry, I’m still catching up myself! 🏃🏽‍♀️

3 ways to make March work for you:

1. Start spending more time outdoors 🌳
As we evolve towards the longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures, being outside is so therapeutic 🌺 I love hearing the birds sing and watching the flowers and trees reawaken. A bit of sunlight will work wonders for you too! Get that Vitamin D up by getting out on the sunny days (they are coming I promise!)🌞

2. Look good. Feel good 💖
Buy a new lippy, face cream or fragrance 💋 I always feel positive change on the inside goes hand in hand with positive change on the outside 😌 When you look & smell good, you feel good too! 🤸🏻‍♀️ (How about instead of Easter eggs, ask for beauty products!?)

3. Invest in supplements 💪
As we age our bodies need more help and fixing any deficiencies keeps us functioning at our best 💫 I take a multibiotic before breakfast plus a collagen supplement with lemon water. I also take zinc, b vits, vit c and a host of other things good for brain health and balancing hormones (yes, I rattle!) Set reminders.. having them in the drawer is one thing but actually taking them is another! 👊

So come out of hibernation - here’s to making the last 2 weeks of March work for you. *sunlight not guaranteed 🤪

Caroline ✨


What if success was loving yourself? What if success was not comparing yourself to others? What if success was accepting your flaws and letting go of your regrets? What if success was just trying to be a little bit better than you were yesterday? 💫

On this International Women’s Day, you don’t need to be perfect, or have it all figured out.. You just need to start believing. You just need to start showing up as your most authentic self 🌟 There is only one of you for a reason. (Cos you are so damn special.) 🤷🏽‍♀️🫶

So for every woman that you know. For every woman that you can be. Make today count 👊 Or even better than that.. If you’re in your 40’s like me, make this year count 🔥 You are not too old and it’s not too late. The time is now💥

You knows it 👊
Caroline ✨


We get wounded in relationships.. but we also we heal in relationships. Don’t think that shutting the world out will heal you. It won’t. Letting people in will. Trusting in yourself will. Setting healthy boundaries will. We need experiences that prove our worst fears wrong 👊

Danielle Light said “The beginning of love is at the end of resistance.” So let love in. This applies to loving yourself too 🫶 You CAN 💫

Happy Wednesday,
Caroline ✨



Happy March🌷 The start of new beginnings 🌈 What a rainbow we had here in Norfolk today! ✨ I hope you saw it too?

One of the best routes back to YOU is to connect back to nature 🌿 I always love March as it’s the proper start of Spring, when all the abundance and opportunities of the warmer months is yet to come ☀️

How about you make some plans this weekend? 👉 Book a short break, visit a place of natural beauty 🏞️ Start growing things 🪴 or just go for a walk outside like I just did 🌈 It’s so good for the soul to be immersed in the natural environment 🍃

Happy planning 🙌 Happy dreaming 🌈 Enjoy the rest of your weekend 🫶
Caroline ✨



Love YOU!! 🫵❤️ Here’s me just 3 months after meeting the wonderful man I now call my partner. I was single for a long time (I needed to piece myself back together) so I gave up looking externally for love and started investing in me, loving myself more and doing what made me happy 🥰

Can you see the ‘I❤️U’ picture in the background?! I had taken those words and applied them to me! YOU can love you better, I know you can 👊 And once you do, you’ll find things start falling into place 💫

My ultimate goal is that people love themselves enough to give love, receive love, fall in love, trust love, share love, embody love and BE love. For LOVE makes life worth LIVING. We would be nothing without it!❣️

I’m talking all forms of unconditional love here.. romantic love is wonderful too but there are so many other forms that we thrive off. Give it and you will receive it in equal measure 💞

Trust yourself ✨Love yourself 🫶 Get back to your happiest, bravest, most intuitive self to have the best relationship with yourself and others. You CAN! 🤗

Caroline ✨


Stop waiting for the right time. Time isn’t waiting for you ✨

What do you need to do this week to feel like you’re smashing it? Stop waiting to become the person you want to be. Personal development is a personal journey. You don’t need to be perfect! 👊

For me, I’ve realised success is a lot about feeling good and feeling proud of yourself too 💫 And that’s a lot to do with doing what you need to do and showing up authentically, in whatever way matters to you.. in your different roles, your health, your fitness, your creativity, your passions 🫶

How are you gonna make yourself proud of you this week? 💫

You CAN 🫶
Caroline ✨

Photos from Coach Your Life's post 10/02/2024

Here’s me out for dinner at a posh restaurant wearing a new dress. Feeling more confident since I’ve started gym classes! 💪 I’ve also started sleeping better and getting up earlier ✨ (I’ll tell you how next week)

3 ways to make February work for you:

1. Sort your sleep 😴
Late winter can be a great time to sort your sleep. The nights are still long, dark and cool enough to get some quality shut eye. So why aren’t you?

2. Start a fitness plan 🏃🏽‍♀️
Moving your body more goes hand in hand with better sleep and sends happy hormones and oxygen round the body to stave off those February blues.

3. Set some intentions 📝
What do you need to start, finish, improve or decide on? Are there any loose ends you can tie up now before we enter the busier month of March?

We have Mother’s Day and Easter on the way. Let’s get ahead now peeps. You can! 💫

Don’t forget to nourish your soul and give yourself some treats.

You deserve the best 🫶
Caroline ✨


My little one is off on a school residential today. I won’t see her til Friday 🥺 Up until fairly recently she would have had wobbles about going. She would have worried about the “what ifs” and the “I cants”. She would have worried about missing home and not liking the food and everything else under the sun she could possibly think to worry about 🤯

But every time she tries something new, she gets a bit braver. Everytime I tell her to think “I can” instead of “I can’t”, she gets a bit braver. Every time she sees the evidence of her own action-taking, she gets a bit braver 💪

She was so sure of herself she didn’t even want to take her teddy!! Said she didn’t ‘need’ it.. (I did a little cry inside 😆 She’s growing up 🥹)

Anyway, I saw something a couple of days ago which resonated.. A question to ask yourself each day.. “Who are you being??”

You see - how you behave in every moment becomes who you are. To start with it takes thought and effort but the good news is - the more you practice being the person you want to become, the easier it gets 💫

So live with intention ✨ Be brave 🙌 You don’t need your teddy 🫶

Caroline ✨
PS. She even came up on the scaffolding with me at the weekend to take photos of the sunset 😃


Burns Night ✨
This photo was taken with my bestie at a Burns Night supper five years ago.

I deleted it from my grid a few years back as I thought it was too glam, too ‘showy’ 🌟 I thought people would get the wrong idea and think me vain or unprofessional ! It made me feel really uncomfortable 😳 Odd really 🤷🏽‍♀️

5 years on and I’m proud of this photo! Not only is it a flattering photo of us both, it also sings of our friendship 💖 This girl has helped me through some seriously tough times 🙏

I wasn’t sure it ‘sat well’ with how I wanted to present myself as a life coach. But now I realise what people need is permission to be themselves 💫 On good days and bad. Don’t pigeon hole yourself!

And never apologise for being you 👊 You are fabulous. Some photos are good, some photos are bad.. Own yourself and strive to be the best you can be. There is only one of you in and this world and the world needs what you have!! 🤍

So that’s what I’ll leave you with in this last week of January. There is more for you. And all you need to do is be brave and show up 🌟

This is your time 🫶
Caroline ✨



In this life people may try to undermine and break you. Stay safe in the knowledge that every time they put their s**t on you, it hurts them more than it hurts you 👊

Know that no matter what anyone is trying to make you into or out to be, only YOU have the power to decide who you are 💪

Stay warm. Stay brave people 🔥

(This photo was taken January 2022.. we’ve had a few flakes here today but not enough to make a snowball yet! ❄️)


I’m not really feeling the Halloween vibes this year, but found this photo from a couple of years back 🎃 It reminded me that SMALL is often best. Starting small - something I teach my clients by giving them actionable mini goals towards their dream life ✨

Because if we start with small expectations and low pressure on ourselves, there is less chance of fear and failure. Small behaviour changes, mindset shifts, and healthier habits have the power to transform your life 💫

Don’t forget that every mountain was climbed by taking many small steps, not one giant leap! 💥

Happy Halloween 🎃
Caroline ✨


🕰️ The hour change throws me at the best of times. But arriving back from a Greek holiday at midnight when it’s cold & wet really did it! ☔️

The main problem was that I went to bed at 2am which would have been 4am over there 😵‍💫 Perhaps that’s why, when my youngest woke me at 6, it felt like I could still sleep for days 🙈

Not to worry I thought - I’ll get up.. and went outside to empty some waterlogged pot plants 🪴 It had stopped raining and the birds were singing as if they were glad I’d returned ☺️

It’s now 9.30 and I am quietly smug it’s still earlyish (thank you hour change) Only downside will be the sudden 5pm darkness later 🙈 Oh well. To each change in the seasons there are pros and cons that we know all too well! 😐

Certainly feels like Autumn has properly taken hold while we’ve been away 🍂 ☔️ (basking in 27 degrees heat seems hard to imagine even one day later!)

I feel like any change (good or bad) gives us the opportunity to reset, restart and put little building blocks in place for the life we want to live 💫 When we work with the seasons, not against it, life gets easier 🙌

Look for all the things you love about Autumn and do those. Rise with the sun and use the darkness as your cue for rest and nourishment 🕯️ Snuggle with warm jumpers, read in front of the fire, stomp through (not so) crunchy leaves. That’s what I’m hoping to do anyway. Shame I can’t show my tan off hey 🤷🏽‍♀️😆

Take the rough with the smooth and you’ll be just fine. Nothing is permanent. Life is ever changing and so are we 🤗

Have a great week ahead and let’s hope for blue skies 🙏

Caroline ✨


Today is World Mental Health Day 🌻 My daughter adored this giant yellow sunflower we found on a recent walk. Very fitting for day ☀️

Search for the little things on days which feel like a struggle. One of my clients earlier commented how much she enjoys seeing the geese fly over where she lives 🕊️

Some days are absolute carnage.. other days aren’t. How do we cope? Take life one day at a time and recognise that things get better 🙌

And be thankful we aren’t living in a war zone.. I was going to grumble about the gridlocked traffic today but realised how pathetic that sounded considering what’s going on in the world 🤷🏽‍♀️😔

Keep things in perspective by remembering all that you have to be grateful for. It’s all around us. And if not, get outside and you’ll see 🌻

If you’d like help falling in love with life again, just get in touch 🙏 I now coach teenagers too. Follow me on Insta to see my Reels 🎬

Rooting for you,
Caroline ✨


Well it’s been a while.. how’s everybody doing? Nice that summer finally made an appearance eh?! ☀️ And brought with it the sunsets that I love so much 🌅

I’ve been busy doing my group coaching which is going really well but has taken me away from the gram a bit. Also it’s the school hols, plus mum has been round a LOT 🙈 There’s just not enough hours in the day! This is the first Friday eve on my own for a long time 🙏

I joined Threads a couple of hours ago but no idea what to write yet 😆 I could just duplicate what I do here but feel it needs to serve a different purpose for me 🤔 💭 A window into my often random thoughts perhaps.. a kind of ‘Dear Diary’ 📔 but more concise !?

I might use it to document my journey with mum and Alzheimer’s… Or me becoming so middle aged... Hmm, plenty of content there! 😅

Anyway, I hope you are well on this eve of the weekend, and that you allow yourself some downtime and maybe a treat or two. That’s where I’m heading 😛

Have a great weekend! Caroline ✨


Stay close to people who feel like sunshine 🌞

You know the ones 😌💛

Got back from my first holiday abroad in 4 years! I’m so blessed to have found a wonderful man I can feel safe to truly be myself around. Keep believing in better. You deserve it ✨


Whether you watched the or not, there’s something about big events like this which make us think about the passing of time and our place within it 🧐 (Here I am 20 years ago in London celebrating the Queen’s jubilee 🇬🇧)

They are like bookmarks in history. A dividing line between what’s gone before and what will come after 👑 There’s a real sense of people coming together again, in the way they did for the Queen, respecting each other and being kind 🤝

It’s as if life slows down just for one day (or maybe one long weekend) and people remember how to behave, how to live, how to love 🥰 How to be happy for what they have and to look towards the future with hope ✨

It’s a great time for making space for gratitude and recognising what you are thankful for in your life 🙏 and how you can keep maximising these things over the years 💫

Is there anything you want to strive for? 💪There’s nothing like a new monarch to encourage you on the path to new beginnings! 👉 In 20 years time, what would you like to have achieved? Write it down. Make some plans 📝

Enjoy the rest of your , I hope it is filled with joy, freedom from your own struggles and a sense of hope for the future 🙏 And if you need help actioning it, you know where I am 🤗

You deserve the best!
Caroline ✨



So today is Good Friday, but what if we started every day with the intention of it being GOOD? It’s something I’ve been experimenting with recently, especially as I’ve been reading a book on manifesting ✨

I have started using a positive mantra as I wake in the morning ⏰ I tell myself “Today is going to be a good day” ☀️ It’s really helping to start the day off on a positive note..

Try it while you are in that sleepy state between waking and rising, 🥱 it’s when we are still tuned into our alpha brain waves which feed directly into our subconscious ✨ In fact it’s great time to have any positive thoughts at all! 💭🧚‍♂️

They re-wire your subconscious mind to look for abundance not lack, joy not fear 💪 When we turn on our radar that today is going to be a good one, we naturally notice the good more than the bad, and we naturally make it so 🙏 Stay away from the news, stay away from comparison .. just focus on you and your day. It’s going to be a good one 😎

Caroline ✨


Hello friends 👋 So this photo was taken when I was a little fresher-faced, say around 4 years ago! Yes BC (before Corona 🙈) Speaking to others it seems that mentally and physically the last few years have taken their toll 😞

If you too are feeling a little dishevelled, you are not alone. But know that you can take steps to get back to that version of you that flows more freely, glows more brightly and feels more deeply 🫶

Feeling like you are not enough will lead you into a downward spiral of Avoidance, Anger and Apathy (three uncomfortable A’s that will keep you trapped) 😣 👉 If you want to break free you need to welcome in Awareness, Acceptance and Action 🤝

Get Aware of your current situation and Accept how you got here.. then realise that only Action will lead you out 💪 These are the A's that will lead you back to AWESOME 🤩 Get on your ‘A’ game 🚀 It’s less painful there. DM me to start feeling like you again 🙏 I’d love to help you, Caroline ✨


Give yourself permission to love yourself, permission to treat yourself right and feel proud of yourself too.. This is how you raise your vibration as you start to level up! 💖 And while you’re at it, it gives others permission to treat you right too! 🫶 👊 Have a great Saturday night all 🍸Caroline ✨


We are all on our own paths of discovery 💡 About ourselves, about the world, about life. But one thing I’ve realised is, if we don’t ever give ourselves a fair try we’ll never know our true purpose or potential 💫 So drop every fear. Drop every doubt. Drop anything negative that anyone’s ever said about you (it’s more a reflection on them). Stand in your own true-ness.. (Or perhaps I mean truth) 🙏 There will be ups and downs but trust the process of becoming 🦋 When you surrender to doing it anyway, without knowing the outcome, that’s when the magic comes in. That’s when you are truly living. That’s when you become the real YOU 🫶 You CAN!

Rooting for you, Caroline ✨

Ps. DM me if you’d like to find out about life coaching 🙌


Today is Spring Equinox which marks the beginning of Spring 🌱 Did you know it’s also International Day of Happiness? 😊 At the equinox, both of Earth's hemispheres receive equal sunlight, which means day & night are the same length 🌗 The word equinox comes from the Latin for equal and nox (night)🌛

Isn’t it lovely to be shifting from shorter nights to longer days?! ⏳ One of my intentions this month was to improve productivity by waking up earlier (which obvs requires getting to bed earlier 😴). I have to say I’ve been struggling a little there 🥴 BUT.. the ’official’ beginning of Spring has given me fresh motivation! 💪

Rising early makes me feel happier and healthier in the long run 🧘🏽‍♀️ And much more able to tackle the challenges of the day! 🙌 There’s nothing better than hearing the birds, seeing the morning mist clear, and cracking on with some jobs before the distractions roll in.. 🎲

So I’m empowering myself with the knowledge that if I can crack this thing, I can pretty much crack anything!! Something to feel happy about hey! 😃 Who’s with me!?!

You can,
Caroline ✨


Happy Mother’s Day! 💐 Being a mother is hard. We all know there are good days and bad days. Celebrate your own mother if you can, it’s not an easy job and none of us are perfect. As I tell my own children.. patience is one of the best life skills you can learn.. a skill that now tests me almost daily with my own mum. Grateful for all those years she looked after me and how she brought me up.. so kudos to you mum and I look forward to cooking you a roast later 👩‍🍳❤️ Keep going, we got this ✨


There can be many things that weigh us down, from people to bad habits and what we put in our body 👀 What I’m talking about here is how our own opinion of ourself plays a massive role in how light or heavy we feel 😞/😃

(It was really fascinating to experience a breakthrough with my daughter today and I’ll write more about it soon 🦋)

In the meantime, have a think about what thoughts or behaviours have lowered your opinion of yourself recently, and therefore been keeping you down? 😞 What would you like to change or improve or raise your opinion of yourself? 😃

Every time we transcend something that was previously holding us back we get a glimpse of our true selves ✨ a glimpse of freedom 🕊️ and a glimpse of our future 💫

Raise your opinion of yourself to set yourself free! 🙌 In life you can either have reasons to fall or reasons to fly 🙏 Which do you choose?

Treat yourself with more respect 👊 You are more than good enough. You always have been 🤗

Caroline ✨


Here I am looking smug because I managed to arrive at school 2 minutes early 😆 I often don’t help myself because I’m usually running a few minutes late (well at least I’m consistent!😂) But I’ve realised I feel a lot less stressed when I’m on time 🙌

A friend recently asked me for some tips on coping with stress & anxiety. I thought I would share it here too in the hope that it can help somebody else 🙏

Anxiety is a lot to do with the thoughts you are thinking 💭 and sometimes we start to focus too much on worse case scenarios 🤯

Try to identify what specifically you are worried about and if that thought is true 🧐 Challenge the thought and turn it around.. So if you are thinking "I can't do this" then try thinking, “I CAN do this" 💪 Remind yourself of all the times you have been brave 😃✨

A powerful trick is to focus on your breathing.. inhale slowly & deeply so that your stomach rises ⬆️ Place a hand on your stomach to feel it rising and falling as you breathe in and out. This type of breathing lets your body know that it is safe 🙌 which quickly tells your mind that it is also safe 💫 (double whammy!) You can try breathing out through a straw which will slow your breathing right down 🌬

Distract yourself by doing something different like talking to a friend or going for a walk outside 🌳 Maybe try naming 4 things you can see, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can hear, and 1 thing you can smell 👃 This kind of mindful walking is great for getting back into the present moment. (It works well for kids too!) 🙌

Finally, stress can put your body into "flight or fight mode’’ (🏃‍♀️ or 🥊 ) when you feel threatened. So another really helpful thing is to reassure yourself that you are safe 🙏 You can literally say "I am safe, all is well", or tell your inner self “You are fine, everything is ok“ 🤝 (keep repeating until you feel calmer)

Hope this helps 🙏✨

Caroline x ✨

Photos from Coach Your Life's post 13/03/2023

Hi! 👋 Time to re-introduce myself. I’m Caroline, a life coach and self-confessed personal development ju**ie 📚🤓 I have 3 children, all drastically different, all drastically wonderful 😝 I grew up in leafy Surrey 🌳 and moved to Norfolk in my mid 20’s. I can often be found chasing sunsets 🌅 or making tea 🫖, listening to audiobooks in the bath or dancing round the kitchen to my favourite playlists 📻🎶

I LIKE: peace, wine, nature, Spring, the planet, slippers, face creams, light interiors, quirky accessories, dangly earrings, live music… (should I be worried that wine came 2nd? 🤣) Ooh, I like Antique’s Roadshow too (takes me back to my childhood) ☺️ and growing things happy place 🌱

I DON’T LIKE: passwords, cookie alerts, rudeness (no excuse!), winter, Putin, bland food, Narcissists, being early, procrastinating, any kind of conflict 🙈

That was just a quick list I came up with.. Keep following to get to know me better! And swipe to see a lovely review from one of my clients 🧐 If you’re feeling lost and need help getting back to the real you, just send me a dm for a free 20 minute chat 🙌 You can 💪

Have a great week,
Caroline ✨

Photos from Coach Your Life's post 08/03/2023

I’d like to give a shout out to my youngest daughter.. She is one big-hearted, animal-loving, tiny pocket-rocket joy of a human 🥳 It was her birthday recently (mum-fail for not posting on 18th Feb!) She likes sunsets almost as much as me 🌅 In fact, some say she is a mini me! ✨

She may be the youngest but has empathy beyond her years 🥹 Animals just adore her, as do humans. She is incredibly patient with my mother who has Alzheimer’s and they can often be found playing games together 🥰

She resonates on such a frequency that others can’t help but be lifted by her for life (her middle name!) 🦄 I hope she has the courage to stay open, stay brave and follow her heart. Don’t let anyone bring you down baby girl ⚔️ Stay kind. Stay brave. Stay you 💖

On International Women’s Day, let’s keep supporting our girls to be whatever they want to be, and not afraid of the divine gifts mother nature has given them 🦋 May they support and be supported by wonderful men. We work best as a team! 🙌 And may the girls of less developed countries find the support and strength they need 🙏

I have noticed this is more about ‘equity’ (fairness) than equality. It’s not always about treating everyone the same (because we’re not!); it is about ensuring that access to opportunities are available to all 🤗 Every individual regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation should be afforded the same respect and opportunities 💫 This I truly believe 🙏

Happy halfway-through-the week day 🙌

Caroline ✨


It’s ok to say ‘No’ to something so you can say ‘Yes’ to something else. It’s all about finding ways to protect your energy so that you can still function at your best 💪🤸🏻‍♀️

I had to say ‘no’ to clients when my mum needed help last Autumn, I had to say ‘no’ to social media for a month so I could concentrate on a qualification 🤓 And I had to say ‘no’ to someone wasting my time (and my sanity) early last year 💔

It’s all about finding ways to Protect your energy 💫 As much as you are superwoman (or superman!) you just can’t expect to keep adding more and more stuff onto your plate, without letting some stuff slide 🫠

Well, how about before it slides, you work out what you can carefully place to one side, what you can delegate, and what you can just bloody well do without!!! 👊👊👊

It’s your life. It’s your choices. You create your reality. Maintaining healthy boundaries is not only very liberating, it’s essential 🙏 Choose you 💪

You can 🙌
Caroline ✨


Mondays can feel like a struggle and be overwhelming at times. Calm yourself down with some deep diaphragm breathing 🌬️ Put your hand on your stomach and feel it rise and fall. (It is the slow breath out which actually calms us the most 🙏) Then commit to completing your most important task today, no matter what 💪 The hardest part is getting started. You can do it! ⌛️👊

Rooting for you,

Caroline ✨

Videos (show all)

The most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself 🙏 Get some space. Get some clarity. Literally some PEA...
