Health Creation

Health Creation

This page is a public forum for the Health Creation community to share, disseminate and discuss issu To join, contact Abi at [email protected].

Please use this page to share and discuss information on holistic health and wellbeing, or feel free to send private messages to other members of the page. For Health Creation Mentors and Consultants there is also a private discussion page which offers a forum to share your mentoring experiences.


Join us in ‘Find Your Healthy Week’ 16 – 23 March!

At this moment in time, we are experiencing a pandemic in lifestyle illnesses, which can have extremely costly effects on our quality of life. At Health Creation, we believe lifestyle illness is preventable with the right health guidance and motivational support!

We’ve joined the UK & International Health Coaching Association in the campaign because we’re committed to supporting you to take action to make a positive difference to your health and wellbeing.


This month is National Bed Month, and to honour the importance of our sleep in health and wellbeing, we’d like to offer you some ideas on the small steps that you can start taking right now to improve your sleep.

💤 Try not to overcome your body's natural 'sleep' signals. Many people start to feel naturally sleepy around 9.30pm to 10.00pm but ignore these feelings in order to try to achieve more or to play harder.

📔 Start settling down and preparing for bed from around 9pm – whether this is to bathe, read, meditate, reflect, talk with your partner or children or write down your feelings in a journal.

📱Take a 'media fast' from 8.00pm, making this your deadline for working, scrolling, watching TV, or doing anything else on your electronic devices.

🛌 Make sure your sleeping environment is a space of calm. Reflect how the colours in the room make you feel, the tidiness of the room, the lighting, the temperature and the bedding. Could you make any changes to these things?


Follow the link below to the Find Your Healthy Week Directory for more help to

What can you start doing today to ? Drop us a comment below and let us know!


Today you may be pouring out your love to others, but how well are you caring for yourself?

At Health Creation, your needs, health and self-care are our top priority. So today, we'd like to offer you our enlightening Picture of Health free of charge! 🎁

The Picture of Health is designed to help you gain insight into how well you're caring for yourself in mind, body, spirit, and environment. It's a powerful tool to assess your overall well-being and identify areas where you can focus on self-care and improvement. 🔍

Access Picture of Health by clicking on the link below and enter SelfLove at check out. Feel welcome to share this with your loved ones. There's no better gift than the gift of self-love.

Timeline photos 05/02/2024

Toxins are not only the substances that are poisonous to our bodies, they are also excess quantities of the nutrients our bodies need or even run on.

Our bodies are designed to run on very finely monitored levels of blood sugar, fat, salt and protein , free from the presence of foreign bodies and toxins.

Up to a certain point our bodies are absolutely brilliant at getting rid of or eliminating the excess we may consume or the poisons we take in purposely or inadvertently. But, after a certain point, the body begins to store the excess and gradually, the deposited toxins cause the body to clog up and become diseased ☠️

Below are some of our top tips for minimising toxins in the body:

🍔 Avoid excess consumption of fat, sugar, salt, protein and dairy foods all of which are linked to increased chances of obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and more

🍷 Avoid over consumption of alcohol, in England, among people aged 15 to 49 years, alcohol is the leading cause of ill-health, disability, and death

🚬 Smoking is linked to lung cancer, cancers of the throat, mouth, gullet and stomach, asthma, bronchitis, arterial problems leading to heart disease and much more...If you are a smoker, reducing or better still giving up entirely will have enormous benefits for your health

🍕 Aim to limit or avoid consumption of foods that contain additives and preservatives opting instead for a diet rich in wholefoods to support your health and well being

🧼 Avoid harsh chemicals in your cleaning and personal care products (for example sulfates, parabens and phthalates), instead opt for products that are made from natural ingredients to avoid the presence of persistent chemicals in the bloodstream.

Timeline photos 29/01/2024

Aches, pains and other symptoms are all the bodies way of signalling that something may not be quite right ❤️‍🩹

This is your reminder to check in with your body today, how are you feeling and what does your body need?

If you are stiff and tense 👉 plan to have a massage, try acupuncture, or do some gentle yoga or stretching

If you have a chronic back or joint problem 👉 seek help from an osteopath or chiropractor

If you want help with posture or restricted movement 👉 seek help from and Alexander or Feldenkrais teacher

If you are worried about unexplained symptoms in the body 👉 see a Doctor

If you have persistent symptoms of chronic illness 👉 seek relief through reflexology, homeopathy, herbal medicine or acupuncture

If you have persistent pain from chronic illness 👉 seek help through relaxation, acupuncture or visualisation.

Timeline photos 22/01/2024

Do you want to improve your body tone, flexibility, posture and energy balance?

Stretching and breathwork are here to help 🧘‍♀️

Practices such as yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong are intelligently designed to incorporate breathwork and stretching and involve every every single tissue, joint and organ in the body bringing blood flow and vital energy to all parts of the body 💪
In addition, they incorporate elements of relaxation, deep breathing and meditation which produce strong benefits through the mind body connection!

Timeline photos 15/01/2024

Based on the person-centered holistic approach, our Mentors guide people into an empowered, proactive and responsible relationship with their health. Witnessing profound shifts in physical and mental health as people learn to nourish themselves at all levels and address the root causes of illness and unhappiness in their lives.

Our Coaches and Mentors support people from whatever starting point to become involved in the creation of their 💫 optimum💫 health, motivating and guiding them to change risky, draining health behaviors for those which nourish, uplift and energise!

In this way, people can experience full-potential living, improved physical and emotional health and greatly enhanced life energy which we measure as it grows with our ‘Picture of Health’ assessment tool. With this tool and the 6-month Health Creation Programme, people can see quickly the root cause of their dis-ease and imbalance and then, with sensitive support and guidance from our Coaches and Mentors, they begin to change their beliefs, patterns, habits and health-defining behaviours step by step to achieve BIG changes in their health and happiness!

Are you ready to take charge of your health and feel your best? Click here: to start your Health Creation Journey today! ☝️

Photos from Health Creation's post 08/01/2024

The Picture of Health, created by holistic health leader Dr Rosy Daniel, shows us where we are strong and where we are vulnerable; where we are taking risks and where best to put our focus to achieve vibrant health and wellbeing.

The tool gives us both a visual impression of our results and also a metric known as the
💫 ‘Life Energy Factor’💫 which is an indicator of how all of our behaviours, beliefs and habits are affecting our vitality and wellbeing.

This means that we have a starting point for designing our bespoke wellness journey and also a way of assessing our progress month by month as we make life-enhancing changes for our body, mind, soul and environment.

To take stock of your health now, try completing your own Picture of Health for just £12.00 click here:

Timeline photos 01/01/2024

Do you want to feel better this year?

Do you want to take control of your health and happiness?

Do you want to start actually achieving the goals you set for yourself?

💫 We all know the new year can be full of good intention and enthusiasm for positive change, but what happens when this starts to wane?💫

The Health Creation Programme is here to help you not only get on track but stay on track! Supporting you to make lasting, sustainable healthy change for body, mind, spirit and environment!

The Health Creation Programme will support you to take your health back into your hands and experience your birthright for happiness, health and vitality with our one to one health coaching and mentorship to motivate and guide healthy change for body and mind.
Your warm, caring Mentor will help you find the root cause of illness, anxiety and exhaustion and support you to regain your energy, joy and purpose in life.

To find out more and start your journey to a happier, healthier life, click here

Timeline photos 27/12/2023

Do you want to get the very most out of living in 2024?

The Health Creation Programme will help you to achieve fulfillment and reach your potential in every area of your life, teaching you the key principles to create lasting, sustainable health of mind, body and spirit.

Our unique programme is designed to:
💫 Help you find your unique sense of purpose in living
💓 Revive your heart and spirit
👨‍👩‍👦 Help you to develop healthy, fulfilling relationships
🙌 Understand how to identify and change behaviors and attitudes which create stress
🌱 Manage, lift and protect your energy

And much, much more!

To find out more about our life changing Health Creation Programme click here


Wishing all of our wonderful students, clients and friends a very happy Christmas 🎄

Here's to your health and happiness in 2024! 💓

Timeline photos 18/12/2023

Good sleep, rest and relaxation are vital for our health, but most of us continually override the signals from our bodies that we are tired!

If we resist our need for sleep we begin to run continuously on adrenaline, putting our bodies and minds into physiological stress and ultimately exhaustion, illness and burnout 😖

Our top tips for improving your sleep:
😴 Plan to get your sleep in harmony with the natural cycles of your body
😴 Try to have a cut off time for all work activity
😴 Implement a 'wind-down' routine in your evenings, ditch the screens and read a book, meditate, have a long soak in a hot bath, reflect and write down your feelings
😴 Plan to keep your weekends work free to maintain a good work/rest balance
😴 Plan to build regular relaxation exercises into your life, these might include breath work, yoga and walking in nature
😴 Ensure you are getting plenty of physical exercise

Timeline photos 13/12/2023

Huge Congratulations from Health Creation on this historic achievement by Founder Polly Higgins, her successor Jojo Mehta and their dedicated team to achieve criminalisation of Ecocide. Dr Rosy Daniel attended the original meetings with Polly, this is a truly magnificent turning point for humanity. 🌱

Timeline photos 17/11/2023

📣 New approved CPD Course for Health Coaches 📣
💫 10% Discount for UKIHCA Members 💫

Do you want to build your confidence in coaching people with Cancer?

Do you want to develop advanced coaching skills to support, motivate and turn people around who are facing their mortality and loss of the future they anticipated, to an enriched future based upon more authentic self-expression and greater meaning and purpose?

Cancer is now affecting 1 in 2 people during their lifetime in the UK! People facing a cancer diagnosis have to cope with the initial shock and fear, a greatly changed sense of their future, a tough ‘illness journey’ choosing and facing their treatments and then, with the right support, an all-important ‘wellness journey’ to get them strong, positive and well protected and often into better health and wellbeing than ever before.

Dr Rosy Daniel has been one of the leaders of the holistic cancer help movement since joining the Bristol cancer Help Centre (now Peny Brohn UK) in 1985. She has helped thousands of people to transform the crisis of cancer into an opportunity to live a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life.

She now offers a series of Masterclasses to Health Coaches and Coach Trainees wishing to develop advanced skills to empower them to walk this loving journey alongside people with cancer so that they are fully supported and get the best outcomes possible, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

To find out more and book your place, click here

Timeline photos 24/10/2023

Our friends at the Scientific and Medical Network bring you Beyond the Brain this November 🧠

Beyond the Brain is the world’s premier conference series exploring new research on whether and how consciousness and mind extend beyond the physical brain and body.

This year’s event will take place from Friday, 3 November to Sunday, 5 November and will cover the latest research around children’s past-life memories, spiritual awakening through music, terminal lucidity and post-mortem survival, DMT and consciousness, yoga nidra as a bridge between energy and consciousness, and much more.

Guest speakers include Bill Bengston, Jessica Bockler, Iain McGilchrist, Les Lancaster, David Lorimer, Dean Radin, Rupert Sheldrake, Oliver Robinson, Marjorie Woollacott, Jim Tucker, Grainne McAnallen, Pascal Michael, Paul Mills, Masayuki Ohkado, Michael Nahm, Evan Premo, Mona Sobhani, and Dorothea F**kert.

Find out more and book now:

Timeline photos 19/09/2023

Health Coaching awareness week has been designed to showcase the benefits of empowering people to make more informed and conscious choices about their health and wellbeing.

Health coaching is a supported self-management intervention (SSM). SSM is probably one of the most underutilised evidence-based, cost effective health interventions available to the NHS.

Low levels of self-management/health literacy/activation have a direct correlation with increased health care costs, faster disease progression, early mortality and increased multi morbidity. Health coaching empowers people to make informed and conscious decisions about their health and gives them the opportunity to carry them out on a day-to-day basis.

Health coaching helps people achieve better outcomes, empowers them and improves quality of life through more choice and control, it can be embedded into a range of different pathways and services and is particularly important in supporting people with long term conditions affected by lifestyle and behavioural factors.

Is Health Coaching something you would like to know more about? Health Creation is delighted to offer the approved Health Creation Coaching and Mentorship Diploma, a practical skills-based training for those wishing to pursue a career in holistic health coaching and mentorship with individuals! With just one month left to apply for this year's training don't miss this opportunity to be part of the transformation and make health, not illness the norm within society!

Want to find out more, get in touch, or join our upcoming free webinar


Join Health Creation Founder Dr Rosy Daniel and Weleda's Annette Negus for a coffee and a chat about the Health Creation Mentorship Diploma and find out more about our practical skills-based training for those wishing to pursue a career in holistic health coaching and mentorship with individuals!

Click the link to watch -

Coffee with Annette & Dr Rosy Daniel - Health Creation Mentorship Diploma Join Annette for a coffee chat with Dr Rosy Daniel, Weleda's Integrative Health Consultant, where they will be discussing the latest developments within the…

Photos from Health Creation's post 04/08/2023

Why is exercise so important for health?

Timeline photos 03/08/2023

The benefits of eating a healthy, wholefood diet are huge; including an increase in energy levels, clarity of mind, achieving an optimum weight and generally healthier tissues, improvement in immune and digestive function, healthier skin, hair and nails, joints and circulation, not to mention the positive impact on brain function and overall health outcomes, particularly if you are someone who is suffering with long term illness. A healthy diet can be used to help keep us well and prevent illness and disease!

So what is a wholefood diet?
A wholefood diet is very low in animal foods, fat, salt, sugar, processed foods, chemical additives, stimulants such as tea, coffee, drugs and ci******es and excess alcohol.

So, where can you begin if this is all new to you?

Check out our wholefood shopping list below to get you started:

💫 Brown rice or pasta
💫 Beans such as black or kidney beans (there are many varieties)
💫 Lentils
💫 Sugar free, high quality muesli and porridge oats
💫 Good quality wholemeal bread
💫 Nuts, seeds and dried fruit
💫 Hummus
💫 Herbal tea
💫 A good quality plant based milk
💫 Honey and maple syrup
💫 Olive oil
💫 Tamari or soy sauce for flavoring foods (as an alternative to salt)
💫 Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

Welcome to the Health Creation Coaching and Mentorship Academy! - Health Creation 25/07/2023

We are delighted to share the release of our shiny new prospectus for the Heath Creation Coaching and Mentorship Diploma.
Do head over to our website for a sneak peek and to deep dive into all this fantastic course has to offer:

Welcome to the Health Creation Coaching and Mentorship Academy! - Health Creation Health Creation Mentorship Diploma, now UK and International Health Coaches Association approved!

Photos from UK & International Health Coaching Association's post 12/07/2023

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the Health Creation Mentorship Diploma and how it has impacted your life both from a personal and professional standpoint.

Having formally worked in the corporate world, training with Health Creation has leveraged Sara to train further in Holistic Health, pursuing a qualification in Functional Medicine. Sara now runs her own business coaching men and women of all ages, as well as referrals from Health Creation, GP’s, a Women’s Health Clinic and soon to support a new initiative with cancer coaching! What a woman 💫

If you want to find out more about training with us why not join one of our upcoming free webinars:

13th July - 7.30pm GMT - click here to register -
19th July - 1.00pm GMT - click here to register -
27th July - 7.30pm GMT - click here to register -

Or reach out to us at [email protected] 📧

Timeline photos 10/07/2023

Would you like to motivate others to enhance the health and well being of their mind, body and soul?

Would you like more freedom and flexibility in your career?

Join Dr Rosy Daniel for the next in our free webinar series to experience her inspiring Health Creation Mentorship approach and learn how you can train in this deeply rewarding profession, supporting people to make powerful lifestyle changes to improve health and wellbeing, whilst also applying this approach to your own life. Earn up to £80 per hour working from home, as you enjoy the immense privilege of working at the heart of people's lives and challenges to transform their physical and mental health.

When ⌚:
13th July - 7.30pm GMT - click here to register -
19th July - 1.00pm GMT - click here to register -
27th July - 7.30pm GMT - click here to register -


Would you like to find out more about our Health Creation Mentorship Diploma?

We are delighted to announce that we have added further dates to our popular free webinar series, where you can meet Course Leader, Dr Rosy Daniel and Lead Course Tutor, Sue Caden and have all your questions answered!

Here's what's coming up in June and July, to register simply choose from the dates below and click the associated link to secure your spot:

28th June – 7.30-8.30pm -
6th July – 7.30–8.30pm -
13th July – 7.30–8.30pm -
19th July – 7.30–8.30pm -
27th July – 7.30–8.30pm -

Timeline photos 12/06/2023

We love hearing what our wonderful students have to say about the Health Creation Mentorship Diploma!

Are you thinking about training as a Health Coach? To find out more about the Health Creation Mentorship Diploma head over to our website Or sign up to attend our next FREE webinar on Friday 16th June at 13.00! Sign up here -

Timeline photos 07/06/2023

Would you like to be part of the solution to the rising global illness and healthcare crisis?

Would you like more freedom and flexibility in your career?

Join Dr Rosy Daniel for the next in our free webinar series to experience her inspiring Health Creation Mentorship approach and learn how you can train in this deeply rewarding profession, supporting people to make powerful lifestyle changes to improve health and wellbeing, whilst also applying this approach to your own life. Earn up to £80 per hour working from home, as you enjoy the immense privilege of working at the heart of people's lives and challenges to transform their physical and mental health.

When: Friday 16th June 13.00 GMT & Wednesday 28th June 19.30 GMT
Where: Zoom

Sign up here

Timeline photos 29/05/2023

We love hearing what our wonderful students have to say about the Health Creation Mentorship Diploma!

Are you thinking about training as a Health Coach? To find out more about the Health Creation Mentorship Diploma head over to our website Or sign up to attend our next FREE webinar this coming Wednesday 31st May at 7.30pm! Sign up here -

Our Story

Health Creation is a positive approach to health and wellbeing that moves us out of passive dependence on healthcare into a proactive responsibility for the creation of our health, enabling us to live and work at our full potential in harmony with ourselves, each other and the planet.

Our individual clients come to us from all walks of life and at all ages. They may have suffered a serious illness and want to prevent it happening again. Others may be “healthy” but at risk of lifestyle illness and wishing to have more energy and vitality. Most of us in the Western world are only living at around fifty per cent of our potential energy. As our energy level drops, so does our confidence, self-esteem and ability to achieve what we want in life.

Please use this page to share and discuss information on holistic health and wellbeing, or feel free to send private messages to other members of the page. For Health Creation Mentors and Consultants there is also a private discussion page which offers a forum to share your mentoring experiences. To join, contact [email protected]

Health Creation Team

Videos (show all)

Edited Christmas Message from Dr Rosy Daniel.mp4
Thank you @saraspinks_holistichealth for sharing your thoughts on the Health Creation Mentorship Diploma and how it has ...
Health Creation Training.mp4