Sophie Lhoste Healer with Attunements for the Soul

Sophie Lhoste Healer with Attunements for the Soul

I teach sensitive women how to look after their energy and how to heal from abuse and trauma. I offe

I am an experienced Master Healer and I offer energy healing and attunements to remove old unhealthy patterns, change your inner landscape and rewrite your story.


This makes sense to me but I need to read more about it. Anyone know any different?


Summer dinner, inspired by a recent tv show about Greek food.


I won’t name the author but many of my friends are liking this post and I think it’s some of the worst confused nonsensical pseudo spirituality, filled with incorrect facts, that I have read in a long time!

Here goes:

“My Interpretation of the Notre-Dame fire.
When the fire began I was speaking with []. There was a glorious rapport between us, a sense of something coming together, a deep knowing that the land and it's many cultures, races and traditions could find common ground. A wonderful euphoric sense of YES!

To then come off that call and be plunged heart first into the news of Notre-Dame in flames. Despite the shocking images I watched the live video, calmy. I watched the spire fall. I walked away and went silent for the whole night, mulling it over in my body.

Later when I went to bed I dropped 3 drops of Frankincense on my tongue and went to Notre-Dame and asked to receive the Truth.
I sensed elation. I sensed purification. I sensed freedom of spirit. All night I was in vigil, weaving in and out of many things.

The Templars built this Cathedral in honour of Mary Magdalene, who was/is personified as the Black Madonna. Going deeper still, Sophia. So many people have been burnt at the stake in front of Notre-Dame. The last Grand Master Jacques de Molay and countless women accused of being a witch. Still to this day we do not know the true figures of how many women were executed. Notre-Dame is also the central heart of Paris, being a massive vortex of many interlinking ley lines, known as the 'point zero'. So whatever was happening up above, was also happening down below.

As we know this is happening at the start of Holy Week. The moment when Christ entered Jerusalem knowingly stepping into his initiation. One of the many artefacts housed at the cathedral is the Crown of Thorns. Thankfully, this is still safe.

And so, as we go deeper.. Beneath the Cathedral lay the ruins of a Temple of Isis, who had an altar devoted to Jupiter. In Greek mythology, this would have been Zeus, in Ancient Egypt - Osirus. The resurrecting king. And the King of Resurrection.

Towards the end of my lucid dreaming, I received these words.

"By the time Notre-Dame is fully restored the Roman Catholic Church would have fallen into disrepair".

My overall feeling is that the Sacred Feminine that dwells in the land beneath Notre-Dame is erupting and surging through all that is false and contained. As she opens the path like a fiery phoenix, so the utter pristine purity of the True Kings shall ARise. Birthed out of the flames of the Feminine. Only those who are brave enough to be incinerated by her act of destruction will arise as freshly newborn kings.

The Ile de la Cité (Island Notre-Dame sits on), is an ancient Pagan/Celtic sacred site that is in the throes of birthing itself.

My heart goes out to all the people suffering and feeling a sense of great loss. And heartfelt gratitude to those courageous fire-fighters.

May Peace Prevail and May the Truth be known to all people.”

Firstly, the self aggrandising ego fuelled narrative is shocking.

Secondly the facts are mostly incorrect.

Notre Dame was not built by Templars. It was built by Maurice de Sully who was bishop of Paris and a professor of theology.

ND is not dedicated to Magdalena. Not openly, not occultly. It is consecrated to the Virgin Mary. Another church in Paris is called eglise de la Madeleine.

Point zero is an administrative decision to measure all distances from Paris to anywhere in France from the parvis (open space) in front of Notre Dame. It has nothing to do with Ley lines. If you look at maps if Ley lines in France they don’t even run through Paris. Point zero was created in 1769 by royal appointment and discussed for 10 years in the 20th century and approved again in 1924. It is on the same site that prisoners were brought to in the Middle Ages to publicly ask for forgiveness for their crimes.

Protestants were executed in front of the cathedral after a revolt but I find no evidence of witches being killed there after searching in French and in English.

I know it’s Easter week, I understand about purification and rebirth. I know it’s rousing and popular to mention the emergence of the divine feminine at every turn. Add to this heady mix a Phoenix, true kings, Zeus and Osiris, and you have some interesting sounding heavy nonsense.

The only true fact is that there was a temple to Jupiter on that site in Roman times, with artefacts excavated in the 1700s I believe? And there may have been a Druidic site there as well before the roman temple? I Can’t find anything conclusive on that but we know many churches were built on existing pagan worship sites so it’s very possible.

That’s the danger of this kind of writing: enough true facts and a few French words peppered in to make the rest sound plausible. But please use your common sense when you read this kind of confused self aggrandising inaccurate writing! Most of it is deluded drivel.


Good to be moving again after a week of celebrations!


Use the 11:11 portal energy to learn to love your shadow and nurture your self value!
Class details in comments


Love Your Shadow
11:11 Portal
Energy Healing Class
with Sophie Lhoste Healer


There is still time to register for my 2 October classes that start tomorrow Sunday at 12pm EST.

We are going to clear past lives for all the women in the class. It is so powerful to free yourself from past lives and all the blocks, outmoded beliefs and restrictions that may have come from them!

The class is only US$100, it will be recorded so you can listen to it several times and if you absolutely hate it, you can ask for a refund for 24 hours after the first class and we'll be quits. What you gotta lose?

PM me and I will send you the registration link.


New energy healing class to support you during the August portal shifts. Details in comments.


Pixie Dust



Positive Energy+


Fractal Enlightenment


The Gottman Institute

Boundaries help us feel safe.

(Image via Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life Coach)


A Course In Miracles

Join Eckhart for his free upcoming "Power Of Presence" video series here:

Much thanks to Eckhart and our affiliate partner Sounds True for making this opportunity possible!


Evolver Social Movement

poet: r.h. Sin


I have been doing this for 20 years and I love the tingling feeling of it.

The Afterlife of Billy Fingers a book by annie kagan
Buy at Amazon


Quantum Enlightenment


Energy healing that has helped me get over past "Xmas trauma" from my family of origin and create new, healthy, respectful traditions with my kids!
Christmas is a time of giving but also a time of RECEIVING.
If you are an existing client or student, I am still giving a free session in January when you book your December session. If you are new to my energy healing and you want to try it, I have something for you as well: first session is half price from now till January 8th. Everyone needs a little something extra to help them through the holidays.
Links for offers in the comments.


The 'holidaze' can be tough, with the stress of shopping, traveling or hosting and spending time with family who disaprove of your food choices or the way you raise your kids. All those triggers are also a GREAT opportunity because when old issues are in your face, it's easy to find the root cause and HEAL them right here and now. Gone for good, bye bye, hasta la vista, now you can enjoy your holidays!
Interested? If you'd like some help (energy healing + putting a strategy in place) with this, comment below or send me a PM. From holidaze to holidays I say.


Present moment is the door to the infinite and the eternal. And gratitude is the key that unlocks the door.

Quote via Eckhart Tolle of The Power of Now, Shift Network Summit Speaker


Wild Woman Sisterhood


And that war can turn to dis-ease. That's why speaking up, when it is safe to do so, is an important part of being healthy.



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© ฌอน บูรณะหิรัญ - Sean Buranahiran

- မွတ္စုၾကမ္း


How Being An Empath Can Lead To Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia & Exhaustion

Always exhausted? It could be because you are an empath. One of the characteristics of being an empath is that they’re feeling a lot more than common people do, no matter how sensitive and emotional we think we are. Often, being alone is more relaxing


Tiny Buddha


Love Wide Open

For sure! (However frustrating at the time!)

Closed doors...


Instagram post by Sara Bareilles • Aug 20, 2017 at 2:07pm UTC 597 Likes, 14 Comments - Sara Bareilles () on Instagram: “❤️🙌🏾”


Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00
Sunday 14:00 - 20:00