

How far is a degree is necessary to get a good job? Futuretrack is tracking those who applied for full-time UK undergraduate courses in 2005-6 to find out.


The Futuretrack Covid-19 Online 15 Minute Follow-up Enquiry is now live!
In September, members of Futuretrack cohort received an email asking three simple questions, regarding the impact on work and life more generally of the Covid-19 restrictions and its subsequent socio-economic effects.

On the basis of their responses we have now designed an online 15 minute questionnaire asking for a little more detail and a link is now being sent to all Futuretrack Stage 5 participants. We are also interviewing 20 Futuretrack respondents, selected to illustrate the key Covid-19 career impacts that have been reported.

If you are a member of the Futuretrack cohort and do NOT hear from us, please email [email protected], giving us your name and current email address and we will send you a copy of the email you should have received.

Timeline photos 02/11/2020

The October Newsletter is now available:

Revealed: how women have been left psychologically distressed by the Covid-19 pandemic 07/10/2020

Revealed: how women have been left psychologically distressed by the Covid-19 pandemic New research shows women were responsible for the bulk of the childcare and domestic labour this year, often while trying to hold down a job

Timeline photos 07/10/2020

Time to rethink the design of jobs so that they deliver good health for workers - A blog by Warhurst and Christian van Stolk

Timeline photos 07/10/2020

is part of the funded Productivity Institute. ’s involvement is led by Prof Nigel Driffield of
Other partners are

Timeline photos 07/10/2020

August saw the publication by Sage of a new book on aesthetic labour by IER’s and his co-author Dennis Nickson Contact for the project: [email protected]


Follow-up study :
The impact of the Covid-19 restrictions and socio-economic effects of the pandemic on the careers of the Futuretrack cohort
Follow this link for more info: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/ier/futuretrack/


Covid-19 Online Follow-up Enquiry is now live!
If you are a member of the Futuretrack cohort, please check your email accounts. If you have NOT heard from us, email [email protected] and we will send you a link to the survey.


The Futuretrack Stage 5 survey is now live!!!
We have emailed participants with an invitation to complete the survey.

Stop the NHS staffing crisis 12/05/2018

All the issues that 38 degrees work on are important, but I think this is a particularly important petition to sign, both for what it asks for and because they're right, it just might be something that pressure can influence at this juncture.

Stop the NHS staffing crisis Our NHS is at breaking point and red tape is stopping doctors and nurses from overseas from working in our NHS. I've just signed the petition asking Sajid Javid to stop the NHS staffing crisis. Can you add your name?


We are very excited to announce the fifth stage of the Futuretrack Study! See our website for more information.