Rebalance Sound Retreats & Events
Sound helps create a pathway to stillness, Healing with sound can unlock stuck energies and leave you feeling rebalanced and relaxed.
If this is waters reaction to sunlight… I’m wondering we are also at least 70%water…. Is this what happens inside of us when we are in adorning the☀️light??
Still a few spaces left if anyone wants to join me and Leann on this lovely chill day 💕
Do you work in a caring role or for a mental health facility? If so, you may be interested to know about this day we have planned!
For all you sound lovers, new event has been created for February! Sound bath, and vision board retreat day.. Here are the event details;
Sound Retreat & Vision Board Day Sound Bath morning with future visions meditation and a vision board creating afternoon. Relax, indulge & create!
New Sound Events & Retreat Day dates are up!
Sound Events You might have noticed that my Rebalance website is no longer in action, this is because I have now combined my counselling website and my sound healing events together. I have had a break whilst my daughter got married and now that things have settled I have some wonderful retreat and evening sound...
Sound Bath Find a space for relaxation and total sound blissfulness
September Evening Sound Bath, grab your tickets here!
Sound Bath Find a space for relaxation and total sound blissfulness
Something new! Just love it when a chime knocks at my door 💓🌟💓
A lovely ritual for warming the heart 💓
Hello beautiful souls, I'd like to share a little exercise called 'Heart Wishes' with you. It only takes a few minutes, but I always find it deeply powerful.
1. For this exercise you will need a candle - a small tea-light is enough. Light the candle and let your gaze rest softly on the flickering light. Tune into the natural rhythm of your breathing and connect with your heart chakra.
2. Begin by making a wish for yourself. Your wish may be to find more peace or love in your life. It may be to find forgiveness. Let your wish come from your heart space rather than your head.
3. Next, make a wish for a loved one.
4. Finally, make a wish for someone you may be in conflict with.
5. To finish, blow out the candle and send the light to your wishes.
- Natalie Southgate
Art thanks to Josephine Wall
22.22.22 special day for us, be aware, awake, and open to rising and expanding 🙌🌟🙌
222222 Superchared Energy Portal
Since 2.2.22 we have been evolving at a rapid rate, and on 22.2.22 this supercharged energy portal closes, signifying the ending of an old chapter and marking a magnificent new beginning in our lives.
During this gateway we have been reviewing and reassessing whatever has been limiting us and holding us back, and we are now ready to release old structures and programmes, press the reset button and enter a new timeline and reality.
Today is the last time we will experience the numerological vibration of the 2 sequence in our lifetime as there will not be another date with only 2’s in it for another 178 years. (0 does not carry a vibration in numerology).
This is an extremely rare day, as it is also the last time in our lifetime the same number will repeat 6 times on a date.
We are also in the midst of a series of palindrome dates, where the date is mirrored (reads the same forward and backward), and this occurs until 2-28-22. On 22:2:22 the date not only reads the same forward and backward but also when it is turned upside down.
Due to the dates being mirrored we can expect to receive instant manifestation of our intentions, thoughts, feelings and emotions, as the vibrations we are sending out will be mirrored back to us.
This means we may experience numerous synchronicities and serendipities, with many deja vu and magical moments, as whatever resonates with our vibration is finding its way to us.
We might also be having unusually vivid dreams that are so realistic we wake up feeling highly emotional and remembering every detail. This is the dreamworld sending subtle divine messages, so pay close attention to anything that particularly stands out.
Over the next few days we will be receiving continuous signs that show us how we are either consciously or subconsciously communicating and co-creating with the Universe at all times, and how the vibrations we send out are returned in the most mystical ways.
The number 2 relates to balance, harmony, friendship and relationships, and it brings positivity, so expect genuine connections to be renewed or strengthened during this time.
2 is a karmic number, so throughout this day it is possible to go experience many energy shifts as the old and stagnant energies clear away and our vibration elevates.
This number sequence is a reminder to have faith and trust that we are powerful energetic beings with the ability to magnetically attract our desires and manifest our dreams and intentions with ease. We can do this by visualising how life will be when we reach our goals, and cspeaking our intentions clearly and having faith that they are manifesting, while fully trusting the entire process (however long it takes).
To create a new existence that feels authentic and nourishing, we may have to walk away from people or situations that are destabilising or cause harm in some way. This can be a difficult part of manifesting as it may feel comfortable to hold on to whoever or whatever feels familiar. However, the more we believe in ourselves and accept that we deserve to be living with inner and outer peace, immense love, and total fulfilment, anything or anyone that causes chaos or lowers our vibration will naturally drop out of our timeline.
Energy shifts can feel volatile, and during this period, our minds and bodies can feel like they have temporarily “shut down.” This is for our own good as when we slow down we are in a far better position to receive energetic downloads that help with our transition.
We have also been experiencing solar storms recently which can magnify the current energy. Solar storms are also known to bring a shift in energy, and during these shifts we may experience any of the following:
Pressure headaches and general aches and pains, mainly in the stomach (solar plexus) area.
Feeling flushed, dizzy or nauseous. Intense hunger or thirst.
Difficulty focusing, confusion, temporary loss of memories, forgetting things, misplacing items, or a “foggy mind.”
Extreme fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy, insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns, and intense dreams or nightmares.
Seemingly out-the-blue bouts of irritability, frustration, panic, sadness, nervousness, anger, worry, fear, grief, anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.
Heightened awareness, enhanced intuition, premonitions, insights that seem to appear out of nowhere.
Physiological symptoms may manifest, such as flu-like symptoms, ear ringing, or aches and pains.
Noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing.
More consciously aware of other people’s energy fields and highly sensitive to negativity, walking away from drama and conflict.
No longer needing to force anything, allowing what flows to flow freely, and letting what doesn’t flow fall away.
Wanting to spend time alone; introspection.
To ensure we resonate with this higher energy and that our vibration is raised, we can rest, take time from our busy schedules and do the following:
Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water).
Take saltwater baths.
Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
Spend time in nature.
Consume high-vibrational foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
Breathe deeply, forgive, release, and surrender.
Remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.
When possible, temporarily disconnect from technology, and anything that feels energetically toxic or draining.
Insights shared via Alex Myles
Disclaimer: If you experience any of the symptoms listed here, please also seek the advice of a medical professional. The above symptoms are commonly noted during geomagnetic storms, however, there may be other medically-related causes.
Crystal Bowls offer a pure gentle tone to any sound bath. I love combining the notes to create a unique sound. It is these tones that stay with you, that resonate with your body and leave your mind still ⭐️ A still mind is something we struggle to find on a daily basis, making these moments of stillness so special 💗
Well.. you may have noticed the slight name change? I have expanded my sound relaxation events to include retreat days, weekends and duo events when I’ll be doubling up with other wonderful practitioners to bring you unique healing experiences!
The sound energy is full of abundance, and the need to share it in other ways has been calling me for a while now. So, why wait?
What would you like to be included at a sound retreat? What would attract you to book a retreat?
Let me know in the comments below, I can use your much appreciated insight to support me to grow further and bring sound retreats your way! Please comment 💓 Sarah xx
Relaxation retreat days are not to be missed! A truly rejuvenating experience 💗
Hello! Two spaces have become free for tomorrow evening (Friday) gong bath. If you would like to snap these up book via link:
Or text me on 07900621217
Gong Sound Bath | rebalance Getaway from the busy life and step inside yourself at a rejuvenating candle-lit gong bath!
It was an amazing sound bath tonight, the energy and sound was so pure and utterly wonderful 💓 thank you to all for coming, I have an Amethyst heart crystal that someone left behind under the gong … is it yours?
Just 4 spaces left now!
Sound Bath | Cheltenham | Rebalance Healing Rebalance Healing Cheltenham, Sarah Bolton-Locke uses sound and meditation to help relieve symptoms of stress and pain, exhaustion and improve mental health.
There are a few spaces left for the New Year Gong Bath special at Down Hatherley Village Hall next week. Friday 7th January at 7.30-9pm
Please follow the link to book register!
Sound Bath | Cheltenham | Rebalance Healing Rebalance Healing Cheltenham, Sarah Bolton-Locke uses sound and meditation to help relieve symptoms of stress and pain, exhaustion and improve mental health.
Gong Sound Bath Rescheduled We would like to inform you that Sarah is poorly and has re-arranged the Christmas Special to now be a New Special! Gong Sound Bath (New Year special) has been rescheduled from Dec 22, 2021, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM to
Last calls for Fridays group Sound Healing session at Down Hatherley Hall 💗 please use the booking link below, not many spaces left now ⭐️
Hello! I have the opportunity to run a group sound healing Friday 26th November 7.30-9pm 💚 who is interested? First come first served so please let me know ASAP 🌟 reply on this post or text me on 07900621217 to book 💗 here is the event link
Hello! I have the opportunity to run a group sound healing Friday 26th November 7.30-9pm 💚 who is interested? First come first served so please let me know ASAP 🌟 reply on this post or text me on 07900621217 to book 💗 here is the event link
Little treat for you all this morning 🌟
Rebalance - Healing - Energy
As the founder of Rebalance, Sarah has pulled together many skills to fulfill her dream of supporting others with a unique blend of intuitive skills and healing modalities.
Sarah’s ability to connect with others has developed naturally during her career, working with children and adults who have physical and mental health needs, and more recently with a charity that support’s victims of crime.
Sarah specialises in intuitive mentoring, sharing de-stress and coping techniques, LGBTQ support, sexuality and gender understanding and sharing therapeutic art and sound therapy, all enable her to support and offer guidance for people overcoming many symptoms, ranging from chronic pain, long-standing unwanted habits and upset, insomnia, energy blockages, anxiety and low mood and add some much-needed rejuvenation and calm into daily life.
“No two sound healing sessions are the same with Rebalance Healing, but one thing remains constant– things shift for the better in your life” Linda - Stroud