Origin of Energy Health Coaching

Origin of Energy Health Coaching

Health coaching programs and group workshops centred around the 4 Pillars of Health: Nutrition, Movement, Mindset and Sleep.



I am incredibly honoured to announce I have been nominated as Co-Author of the Year 2024!
I am deeply grateful to for this amazing opportunity to collaborate on two books and share my experiences with the world. 🌍
I hope they will make a meaningful difference to someone, somewhere on our beautiful planet 🙏🏽


Pink sky at night……..


Roadtrip adventure. Camping no. 2 in the Slovenian mountains.


Let the adventure begin, 3 weeks road tripping around Europe, first stop 🇫🇷


Postcard city


Amazing 🤩


Beautiful English spring 🌿


Sun, sea, sand. Good times 🏖


I am so grateful and honoured to receive this recognition for an article I wrote for the 9th Edition of MO2VATE Magazine | The Winning Formula.

🏆I am a Finalist for the Most Impactful Health Article.

Years ago, when I was struggling with my weight, excessive drinking and my mental health I had no idea then that I could change my life. Terms like Bio-Hacking scared me. I thought it was only for scientists and top athletes.

💥I eventually discovered that anyone can be a Bio-Hacker and in my article, I share how you too can become a Bio-Hacker. You may not realise that you may have already adopted some practices that are coined as Bio-Hacking.

⚡️My experience of being 20kgs overweight, indulging in a glass or two of wine everyday and being unfit is proof that you too can achieve the healthy lifestyle you want.

🌟You too can take control of your health and your life and become fitter and healthier. It is not too late to turn your health around and become a Bio-Hacker.

Thank you MO2VATE Magazine | The Winning Formula for helping me get the word out there that anyone can change their life should they wish to.


🌱Spring is here and in the air🌱

✨It is the season of hope, renewal and new beginnings.

Time to let go of the old and make space for the new.

🌟With spring comes energy and motivation to start something afresh.

It is a time of reflection, to determine what is working and what is not working in your life.

✨A time to let go of whatever is holding you back from living an extraordinary life.

What part of life do you want to focus and nurture this season?

🌟Is it Finances, Relationships, Health, Career, Fitness, Connection, Self-Development?

All you have to do is decide on one area of life and then take small action steps to achieve your goal in your chosen part of life.

💥Just one thing that will ensure you are on your way to living an extraordinary life.

We get swept up in thoughts and beliefs that we need to change everything to achieve our goals. Well, you don’t. One goal, one action step every day and you will succeed. It is not complicated, it is not time consuming, it does not cost you the earth.

Focus on just one thing at a time.

⚡️Guess what……. You too can live in extraordinary life!


People always ask me what I do to keep healthy and fit❓

I think they expect a different response to what I normally share. We all know what to do however what may be missing is consistency.

When you add the “secret sauce” of consistency to the tips below you will improve your health and wellbeing.

🌟You will become fit.

🌟You will shift the weight.

🌟You will reduce your stress.

🌟You will feel more joy.

Make this a part of your daily routine:

⚡️Move your body.

⚡️Eat healthy foods.

⚡️Practice gratitude for all you have in your life.

⚡️Get enough quality sleep.

⚡️Laugh and smile often throughout your day.

⚡️Live in the present moment.

⚡️Take deep grounding breaths often.

⚡️Love yourself just the way you are.


Do you have hidden talents?

I have never considered myself as a writer, however over that last year I have been exploring my creative side.

We sometimes have this perception that we can’t pursue an interest because we may not be good at it. Guess what…. You won’t know if you are good at something until you give it a go.

I am grateful to for their encouragement and opportunities to explore my hidden talents.

I am thrilled and honoured to receive this accolade for an article I wrote for the International Women’s’ Day edition of MO2VATE Magazine.


What is getting in way of you living an incredible life?

There is always something holding you back from being your authentic self and embracing life with all its opportunities and challenges.

There will always be challenges in life. It is part of our journey. The difference is being able to face those challenges and moving through them rather than hiding away from them.

This is a powerful share from one of my clients which may help you step into your power and learn to move through what is holding you back from being your truest, happiest and peaceful Self.

🌟“My biggest takeaway has been curiosity to understand myself better. I have changed the way I approach situations and have embraced rituals to support my self-worth. I now talk to my fear and understand where it is coming from and that has been transformational for me. Lavinia’s support and check ins through the process has helped me know how empowering it can be to ask for help.

I would highly recommend her coaching program and feel like she has brought immense transformation for me in the past year which my future self will benefit from. Thank you so much Lavinia!”🌟


Absolutely delighted and thrilled to announce the publication of this collaborative book, Guide to a Healthier Lifestyle.

This has been a great collaboration with health practitioners all with their area of expertise. This book is filled with golden nuggets and insights for everyone.

This is one of the projects I was in involved in in the last few months with

I am super chuffed to call myself an author 🌟

This book is now available on Amazon if you’re curious to know how it could help you improve your health and wellbeing.

Link below ⬇️



Time for a Reintroduction!

It’s been five months since I’ve been on any platform. I cannot believe how quickly time goes by.

These last few months I have spent in further education, deepening and fine tuning my holistic coaching skills. I have also been involved in several projects and I have been working with clients.

Due to my extended absence on this platform I would like to take the opportunity to reintroduce myself and what I am about.

I wasn’t always a Holistic Health and Wellbeing Coach. Prior to embarking on my current career, I spent over 17 years in Corporate Banking. I still do work in corporate on a contract basis from time to time. It keeps my finger on the pulse of corporate life and helps me relate to my clients and how I can best serve them.

During my corporate career, I constantly burned the candle at both ends, long hours, late nights, and excessive drinking because that’s just what one did working in corporate.

It eventually caught up with me and my health and wellbeing was greatly impacted by my lifestyle. My career was impacted was not going according to plan and I was dissatisfied with my career trajectory.

My mental health was impacted. I began experiencing frequent panic attacks, I was unhappy and I felt stuck.

That all turned around when I asked for help and engaged with a Coach.

Through my personal journey of overcoming frequent panic attacks and improving my lifestyle it led to pursuing a career in Holistic Health coaching.

Using lifestyle changes such as mindfulness, nutrition and more my health improved. The positive changes I experienced were so profound that I decided to guide and support others with similar experiences.


💥Meal preparation is one of the vital parts of creating healthy habits.

People come to me asking for suggestions on what to have for breakfast. Breakfast can be one of the most challenging meals to prepare in advance.

They ask how to prep in advance so they are not making choices that aren’t in alignment with their health goals.

🔸This is a brilliant recipe and one that is easy to prep the night before especially now as many people are returning to the office and engaging in flexible working arrangements.

🔹Apple & Coconut overnight Oats

· 1⁄2 cup oats 

· 1 cup rice or nut milk 

· 1⁄2 cup natural yoghurt 

· 1⁄4 cup shredded coconut 

· 3⁄4 apple cored and diced 

· 1 tsp vanilla 

· 1 tsp cinnamon 

· 1 tbs honey 

¡ 2 tbs chia seeds
· 3 apples, peeled cored and sliced 

✅Mix all ingredients in a mug or bowl and soak overnight in the fridge.

✅Enjoy the next day warm or cold.


❓Have you acknowledged your potential and your gifts?

Until I started my journey to getting to know Self and having a deep appreciation for who I am I did not acknowledge that I could support other people to create fulfilling lives.

Overcoming my self-limiting beliefs and taking care of my body and mind has led me on an incredible journey of self-discovery.

This journey has led to public speaking and sharing my knowledge on how to create a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

I am grateful to The Speakers Index and Sharon Brown for the opportunity to share my message and knowledge.

I am especially grateful for this amazing recommendation ⬇️


Are you aware of the foods that give you Energy and foods that rob you of Energy?

It is important to be aware of the impact that certain foods have on your body because the more energy you have the better you feel and the more motivated you are to take care of yourself.

Most diet programs focus on what NOT to eat. This can feel like deprivation, and while that may work for a short period of time, eventually you give in because there’s no pleasure in deprivation.

The strategy is instead of focusing on what you don’t get to eat, you focus on what you DO get to eat.

This is how you start nurturing a healthy relationship to body and food. You train yourself to feel pulled naturally towards supportive habits versus self-destructive ones.

Today you can start with a new paradigm: focusing on what you get to eat versus what you don’t. That you get to feed yourself healthy, nourishing foods.


There are many ways to build resilience and one of them is by hiking.

When you hike, you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

You may feel like you are prepared however there are still surprises and unexpected events and expectations not being met.

My family and I and a friend and her daughter spent the last week in the beautiful Welsh countryside.

We hiked up the Cader Idris trail in Snowdonia National Park.

It was our friends’ daughter’s first experience of a hike. My children on the other hand are experienced hikers. The hike was challenging and the initial ascent unforgiving.

The reason I am sharing this is through encouragement and support this little girl pushed herself out of her comfort zone. Together, we set mile markers as goals. We kept pushing and encouraging her.

She then started to enjoy the hike as she approached the end of each mile and started to set her own goals and pushed herself out of her comfort zone.

With the encouragement, support and guidance on how to pursue the hike left her with a positive experience of wanting to go on another hike.

At times, we underestimate what we can achieve and how resilient we are until we have support, guidance and encouragement from our community.


Does this sound familiar to you❓

❌“I’m not good enough”
❌“I’m not confident enough”
❌“I’m not attractive enough”

These are phrases I am hearing more and more often lately.

It makes me wonder why are more and more people feeling disconnected?

It seems more people are not living in alignment with their values or their dreams.

Prospective clients come to me seeking guidance and support to create healthy habits and live healthy lifestyles. The more questions I ask and the deeper I dig it is those thoughts and feelings of inadequacy that are popping up more frequently.

Perhaps the experience of the living through a pandemic has something to do with it. It has pried on insecurities and it has magnified fears.

I recently shared I had two spaces to have a coaching experience with me for a period of 6 months starting in September.

👉🏽One spot has been filled and I have ONE more spot for anyone who wants to let go of those thoughts, stories and fears and wants to move forward with life whilst creating a healthy lifestyle.

⚡️For a period of 6 months we will dig deep to find out what is getting in the way of you living a fulfilled, healthy, fun and joyful life. We will look at your life holistically. As you know everything is interconnected.

✅If you are ready to let go of those thoughts and stories and ready to embark on an incredible journey Get in Touch. I would love to work with you.


❓Are you aware of the many names sugar comes under?

❌Sugar is sneaky and is in a lot of processed food. You may be unaware of how much sugar is in a product and that is because sugar has many names.

To help you make the right healthy choices for you. Below are the many names sugar can take on food labels:

Barley, Malt,
Beet Sugar,
Brown Sugar, Buttered Syrup, Cane Juice Crystals, Cane Sugar, Caramel, Carob Syrup,
Corn Syrup Solids,
 Date Sugar, Dehydrated Cane Juice, Dextran, Dextrose,
 Ethyl Maltol,
 Fruit Juice and Fruit Juice Concentrate, Glucose,
 Glucose Solids,
 Golden Sugar,
 Grape Sugar,
 High Fructose Corn syrup, Honey,
 Invert Sugar, Lactose, Malt Syrup, Maltodextrin, Maltose, Mannitol, Molasses, Raw Sugar, Refiner’s Syrup, Sorbitol, Sorghum Syrup, Sucanat, Sucrose, Sugar, Turbinado Sugar, Xylitol.

Isn't that list overwhelming?

👉🏽Next time you go shopping I invite you to read the food labels and see how many names of sugar you can spot.

✅A great tip to remember is the order of the ingredients indicates the approximate quantity in a product i.e. if sugar is the first ingredient then the product mainly consists of sugar.

How many of those names do you recognise and how many are new to you❓


I know I talk a lot about nature and the benefits of spending time outdoors.

After probably one of the busiest weeks I’ve had in the last 3 months the only way for me to unwind was to head into nature.

My family and I had a wonderful opportunity to head over to visit friends who live on a farm nearby within beautiful Oxfordshire.

Up went the tent and building of a fire. The children were able to kick off their shoes, be free, run around and have fun with lots of squeals of delight.

For me nature has an incredible calming and healing power. I was feeling depleted on Friday however I bounced back once I was immersed in nature.

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of being in nature. Being in nature:
💥Helps reduce the feelings stress, anxiety and anger
💥Improves your mood
💥Help you feel more relaxed
💥Improves your resilience
💥Improves your physical health
💥Encourages you to be more active
💥Helps you feel grounded and connected

Have you experienced any of these benefits when you are in nature❓


Do you know why it is important to eat a varied diet❓

For us to be healthy we need to take care of our gut bacteria. There are many different species that live in the gut.

✅The more species the better and research shows the association of the number of species in our gut and different diseases. One important insight out of the research is our gut bacteria is threatened by extinction and that is because of our diet.

👉🏽In the Western world, we generally have between 800 and 1000 different types of gut bacteria and people living in the traditional way have more varied gut bacteria with up to 1,600 species. Many of the bacteria found in indigenous populations are completely absent in the Western world.

Our gut bacteria are not as varied because we eat a repetitive diet.

❌Out of roughly 300,000 edible plant species on the planet we only use 200.

❌Three quarters of food consumed comes from 12 plant and 5 animal species.

Our gut bacteria is fussy and won’t just consume anything. If it doesn’t like what you’ve eaten it will skip their meal.

Hence why it’s important to eat a varied diet.

So, which diet is best❓

💥Our gut bacteria love a fiber rich diet.

✅Fiber is found in plant food i.e. vegetables, beans, grains and seeds.

Eat the rainbow🌈

I love growing different vegetables like this striped beetroot.

⚡️I invite you to put a couple different vegetable in your shopping basket this weekend.


I recently shared with you the wonderful feedback I received recently from a client.

My client shared her experience of coaching with a friend who is going through a similar experience.

An experience I think many of us can relate to, “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not confident enough” and "I feel like an imposter".

Life was done in the “right order” getting a good education, a great job, a promotion, increased salary however all those things have not brought the one thing you had hoped for…… happiness.

There are feelings of emptiness and disillusion and lack of clarity of what to do next to experience happiness.

My new client is experiencing many things we all experience however sometimes we don’t know where to turn to get support to help us move forward.

💥I am offering you a chance to have a coaching experience with me. For a period of 6 months we will dig deep to find out what is getting in the way of you living a fulfilled, healthy, fun and joyful life. A holistic approach to your life. As you know everything is interconnected.

👉🏽In September, I will have two one to one coaching spaces opening for anyone who wants to move forward with their life. A chance to live the life you want without regrets for the time past.

❓Are you ready to make September Your fresh start?

💥Please get in touch I would love to help.


Introducing a quick and easy to implement a morning routine that you can use to feel energetic, motivated and focused.

Start your day with a gratitude practice, setting an intention, hydrating and having a healthy breakfast.

1. Before you get out of bed while you’re still between the sleep state and wakefulness, think of 3 things you are grateful for in your life.

It could be:
⚡️I am grateful to have slept in a warm bed last night.
⚡️I am grateful I have a job that gives me a guaranteed source of income
⚡️I am grateful I can make my own choices and live my life how I see fit

2. After you have gone through the gratitude practice set yourself an intention for the day. What is the one thing you could do to get you closer to your goal? i.e. I will eat one healthy meal today.

3. Drink a glass of room temperature water. You could add fresh lemon juice or a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar.

4. Prepare a healthy breakfast.

As each day passes you will begin to notice a change in your energy, motivation and focus.

👉🏽I invite you to try this for the next 7 days.


“How To” Relax Tips

With the busyness of life do you find it difficult to relax and wind down?

You may think the only way to relax is with a glass of wine watching Netflix. Don’t get me wrong that is alright now and again, however there is a healthier alternative to relax and wind down.

👉🏽Here are my 6 tips on how to relax:

✅No TV in the bedroom

✅Light an essential oil burner and lower the lighting in your room

✅Read a book

✅Avoid caffeine or reduce it after noon

✅Take time to stretch and pay attention to your body.

✅Play relaxing music to help you wind down

What helps you relax at the end of the day❓

Perhaps try these tips at the end of your busy Monday❗️


❓Fed up and not sure what to do next❓

Your health isn’t where you want it to be and you have tried many different diets and exercise routines and none have given you long term results. You are still slipping into the same old habits and can’t seem to make that shift.

I can relate to your struggles and so can many of my clients. They had tried everything and nothing worked long term or it became difficult to maintain.

👉🏽You need to find a healthy lifestyle that works for you.

Lifestyle changes that are simple to implement and maintain.

Being healthy doesn’t have to be hard. My holistic approach to wellbeing is the game changer.

✅Come work with me for six months and you will become clear on how you want to live your life, find out what’s getting in the way and find simple steps that are tailored to your life to ensure that you experience change and create long lasting healthy habits.

Over the six months we will:

⚡️Determine which foods are best for you
⚡️Explore movement that will improve your fitness
⚡️Learn to manage stress, anxiety and overwhelm
⚡️Learn about sleep hygiene
⚡️Learn more about your own body and mind

You’re fed up of going it alone and are ready to change.

👉🏽Get in touch I would love to help. I’ve been where you are now.


I am honoured and privileged to be a guest speaker for the Health and Wellbeing Online Assembly on 28 July 2021.

The purpose of the assembly is to empower you on your health and wellbeing journey. I will be joined with 9 other amazing speakers for this fantastic event.

Please follow the link below to book your tickets.


I am excited to meet you and see you at the event.


Does breathing benefit your digestion and metabolism?

Take a deep breath…….

A lot of people don’t know that oxygen is actually a key nutrient to speeding up your metabolism. Yet oxygen is almost ignored in nutrition.

Most experts will focus on carbs, proteins and fats but ignore the one key nutrient – OXYGEN- that helps to burn all of these nutrients in the body better.

The bottom line on oxygen is when you breathe, you burn more energy.

Think of the analogy of building a fire.

When you build a fire, you need two things: wood for fuel and good air circulation.

The same is true for your gut. You need food for fuel and oxygen to stoke your metabolic fire.

This is one of the reasons physical exercise is so powerful – it increases the body’s oxygen intake and teaches the body to use that oxygen to burn fat even more efficiently.

How can you start breathing while eating?

Try this simple trick – put your cutlery down 3 times in your meal. Each time you put your cutlery down, take a breath.


Wouldn’t it be amazing to life a healthy and fulfilled life free of disease?

Collectively we are not there yet, however we are certainly working towards that goal of being in optimal health.

The first step is learning what a healthy balanced diet is for you.

A diet free of restriction and dense in energy boosting nutrients.

My "Future You" Program teach the benefits of a healthy balanced diet for your mental health and physical wellbeing.

You will experience:
⚡️More Energy
⚡️Less Exhaustion
⚡️More Clarity
⚡️Less Brain Fog
⚡️Increased Motivation
⚡️Feel Amazing

Ready to for change❓Let’s Talk I would love to support you!

Origin of Energy Health Coaching

I’m Lavinia, a dedicated Health Coach with a passion for helping my clients lead a more fulfilling, healthier and energetic life.

With programs designed to help you kick negative habits and focus on building a better, healthier mindset and lifestyle, I just have one question for you. A question I ask all my clients. The most important question.

Why are you here?

To be able to make positive changes, you need to know why you’re making them. It’s a classic case of needing to understand the problem before you can truly find a solution that works.

Videos (show all)

Do you have tools to boost your mental wellbeing?
Are you aware of what your stress triggers are?Your triggers act as messages telling you that perhaps you need to stop, ...
Are you aware of your warning signals when anxiety starts to take hold?
Is your sleep influenced by the country you live in?
All it takes is 20 minutes!
Why did I explore Health Coaching?
What should I do?
Do you want to learn how to jump out of bed on cold, dark mornings?
Is it worth investing your time in self-compassion?


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 14:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 15:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 14:00
Thursday 09:00 - 15:30
Friday 09:00 - 14:00