Perfect Vascular Natural All in One

Perfect Vascular Natural All in One

All in One is a new, exciting pharmaceutical-grade supplement,with 2 of the ingredients showing in cl

Perfect Vascular Natural All in One provides a real and efficacious way to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and is ideal for those who wish to take control of their own heart health with a natural supplement.

• High cholesterol remains one of the biggest risk factors for Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD), which kills around 300,000 people each year or is responsible for 1 in 2 of all deaths. About



We all know how important it is to look after our hearts. Cardiovascular disease causes 170,000 deaths a year, or more than a quarter of all deaths in the UK, according to the British Heart Foundation

How to support your heart
1. Eat your 5-a-day

Studies show that tucking into fruit and veg can reduce risk of heart disease. Why? Because they contains lots of fibre: a 2013 University of Leeds study found that a higher fibre intake reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. They are also an important source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, many of which actively support heart health. For example, bananas and dark green leafy veg, like spinach, contain potassium, needed to maintain normal blood pressure, while berries are rich in antioxidants, which protect cell health.

2. Stay a healthy weight

Curbing weight gain is really critical. Some well-known studies, the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, published in 1995, reported that middle-aged adults who gained 5-10kg (11-22lb) after the age of 20 were up to three times more likely to develop high blood pressure and heart disease than those who only gained 2kg (5lb).

3. Take a heart-healthy supplement

Look out for ingredients that can support the heart. For example, All In One by Perfect Vascular Natural comprises red yeast rice (a natural statin), plant sterols and Co Q10 – all of which have shown in multiple studies to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and aid heart health.

4. Reduce alcohol consumption

Drinking a lot of alcohol can raise levels in your blood of a type of fat called triglycerides. This is linked to a higher risk of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, and makes you more likely to suffer from disease.

5. Manage your stress

Reducing stress is really important for your heart. IN fact, research shows that people experiencing chronic stress are more likely to have heart problems. When under stress, your blood pressure rises, putting extra strain on your heart.


Testimonial from leading Cardiologist, Scott Eisenberg


10 Tips for a Healthy Heart

A healthy life style will make your heart healthier. Here are 10 things you can do to look after your heart.
Quit Smoking

Get Active

Manage Your Weight

Eat More Fibre

Cut Down On Saturated Fat

Get Your 5 A DAY

Cut Down On Salt

Eat Fish

Drink Less Alcohol

Read The Food Label

Sourced from: NHS – Livewell


As we ease out of lockdown, it’s important to remember the 7 pillars for optimal heart health and wellbeing.

The pillars are:

Water - Intake should be 0.5 - 1oz to what your body weight is in pounds.

Sleep - quality of rest helps our bode and minds to restore

Living (raw) Foods - minimum of 2 portions a day (fruit and/or veg)

Exercise - move every single day for a minimum of 30 minutes

Detox - cleansing internally boosts energy, vitality and flushes out toxins

Stress Management - reducing stress takes pressure off our nervous systems and thus boosts immunity

Supplements - check where you may be deficient in your diet and load up on nutrients

For more info on how to be heart healthy, viist


Here is another article today in the Daily express regarding statins and diabetes.

Statins side effects: Has yours walking changed? How the drug can affect your mobility 12/03/2021

For those who worry about OR struggle with side effects from statins, see an interesting in the Daily Express today.

All In One is a great alternative option for those who are unwilling or unable to take statins due to side effects.

Statins side effects: Has yours walking changed? How the drug can affect your mobility STATINS side effects can affect many different body parts. It is well known the drug causes muscle pain but does that in turn affect a person's walking?


Do you suffer with high cholesterol levels?

See a recent testimonial for natural heart health product, All In One. Comprising red yeast rice, plant sterols and CoQ10, All In One maintains healthy cholesterol levels and is ideal fo those who are unwilling or unable to take statins.


Do you worry about your cholesterol levels?

Cholchecker is a CE certified home cholesterol testing kit that provides results in just 3 minutes. Comprising two tests in each box, Cholchecker provides a quick, convenient and accurate status of your cholesterol levels.

If your levels are elevated, it is recommended that you visit your doctor for a more in-depth analysis of your LDL (bad cholesterol), HDL (good cholesterol) and triglyceride levels in the blood. You can then decide the most appropriate course of action for you going forward.

For more info visit


As we start to see the light at the end of a very dark road, now is the time to reset negative habits as we start to ease out of lockdown and into spring.

Remember, our health is not something we can take for granted. Prevention is ALWAYS better than cure. And there is SO MUCH you can do to feel better in body and mind!

For more info on how you can take control of your health visit

Statins side effects: A lower urinary tract symptom could be a side effect from the drug 16/02/2021

This was an interesting article that we felt compelled to share about one side effect caused by taking statins.

Whilst we are not into statin-bashing, the fact is that some pharmaceutical drugs can come with unwanted side effects.

All In One is a superior grade food supplement that helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels without any reported side effects. Many heart specialists use and endorse AIO to those who are unwilling or unable to take statins.

If you can find a natural alternative that yields similar results, it's got to be worth a try.

Statins side effects: A lower urinary tract symptom could be a side effect from the drug STATINS side effects: As with most drugs, side effects and an impact to one's health is common practice. Studies reveal a urinary tract symptom is a side effect particularly for older men.



Research shows a link between type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol.

Why? Because diabetes can affect cholesterol levels. Even if blood sugar control is good, people with diabetes tend to have increased triglycerides, decreased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and sometimes increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

What can I do to reduce my health risk?

Eat a mix of coloruful fruits and vegetables (think the rainbow!).

Make other foods that are low in saturated and trans fat and cholesterol, and high in whole-grain fibre, a big part of your diet

Add supplements to your diet such as omega-3 fatty acids and our All In One heart health supplement (comprising plant sterols and CoQ10)

Lose weight if you need to

Get regular exercise

Cholesterol targets for people with diabetes

Your GP will use a calculator to work out your risk of heart disease using a number of factors such as age, BMI, gender, blood pressure levels, cholesterol levels and which type of diabetes you have.

If you want a general guide of how healthy your cholesterol levels are, find out your total cholesterol-to-HDL ratio

To find this, take your total cholesterol figure and divide it by your HDL figure. A result of less than four is healthy.

For more information about ways to reduce your health risk, visit


Being locked down in the middle of winter at the peak of a pandemic is really really tough, no matter who we are or how resilient we are.

The good news is there is a lot we can do to help ourselves remain optimal through these challenging times, from eating well to getting adequate sleep and rest.

Our wide range of high grade nutritional supplements will help nourish you in both body and mind, from boosting immunity to reducing inflammation and aiding the digestive system to restoring hormonal balance.

For more information visit www.lookandhealth


A woman’s heart may look just like a man’s, but there are significant differences.

For example, a woman’s heart is usually smaller, as are some of its interior chambers. The walls that divide some of these chambers are thinner. And while a woman’s heart pumps faster than a man’s, it ejects about 10% less blood with each squeeze.

When a woman is stressed, her pulse rate rises, and her heart pumps more blood. When a man is stressed, the arteries of his heart constrict, raising his blood pressure.

Why do these differences matter? Because gender plays a role in the symptoms, treatments and outcomes of coronary artery disease (CAD).

1. Women have risk factors men don’t have.

2. Women are generally older when they have their first heart attack.
Estrogen offers women some protection from heart disease until after menopause, when estrogen levels drop. This is why the average age of for a heart attack is 70 in women, but 66 in men.

3. The symptoms of heart attack can be different in women.

How can you protect yourself?

Whether you are a man or a woman, it’s never too late to lower your chance of suffering a heart attack. Here is what you can do:

Quit smoking or don’t start.

Get regular exercise: at minimum, walk 30 minutes a day.

Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish and low in animal products, simple carbohydrates and processed foods.

Maintain a normal weight, blood pressure, blood lipid and blood sugar levels.

Take high quality food supplements such as All In One to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.


How does having a mental health condition affect my heart health?

Since the arrival of Covid, reports suggest that up to 1 in 4 people are now suffering with poor mental health.

And research shows that this is having a direct impact on heart health.


People experiencing the likes of depression, anxiety and insomnia over a long period of time may experience certain physiologic effects on the body, such as increased cardiac reactivity (e.g., increased heart rate and blood pressure), reduced blood flow to the heart, and heightened levels of cortisol.

Over time, these physiological effects can lead to calcium build-up in the arteries, metabolic disease, and heart disease.

Research also shows that some medicines used to treat mental health disorders are linked to obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, heart attacks, atrial fibrillation, stroke, and more.

Poor mental health may also increase the chance of adopting negative lifestyle behaviours such as smoking, inactive lifestyle, or failure to take prescribed medications.

This is because people experiencing a mental health disorder may have fewer healthy coping strategies for stressful situations, making it difficult for them to make healthy lifestyle choices to reduce their risk for heart disease.

So how can I mitigate this risk?

The good news is there are many healthy changes you can make to help lower your risk and improve your general health and wellbeing. You can:

quit smoking
keep to a healthy weight
be physically active
eat a healthy balanced diet
manage your high blood pressure
manage your diabetes
manage your high cholesterol
cut down on alcohol
For more information on how to protect your heart health, visit


If you’ve been diagnosed with a mental health condition, you can find support from your GP who can signpost you to further support
