The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic with Kate Smith Jamison

The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic with Kate Smith Jamison

The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic was founded by Kate Smith Jamison and is a Belfast based healing space of

Photos from The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic with Kate Smith Jamison's post 29/08/2024

A little secret that I put to bed at this time of year when my Vata pacifying/eclipse balancing daily rhythm toolkit gets put to extensive use.

If you’d like support and cosmic guidance in good company during the upcoming autumn eclipse season you are warmly invited to join these Cosmic Clarity group sessions.

Comment “CLARITY” below or reply to my stories and you’ll get the link to sign up.

Photos from The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic with Kate Smith Jamison's post 18/08/2024

The Full Moon peaks tomorrow in the Aquarius portion of the lunar constellation of Dhanishta, meaning “abundance”.

🔥 This is a placement of prosperity ruled by Mars bringing an energy to support decisive action & making new commitments & can also incline towards acting before listening & reflecting

🥁 The symbol of this placement is a damaru - the cosmic drum & meditation tool - acting like a heartbeat helping you to align with yourself & with reality

🌳 A connection to the earth is felt through this steady rhythm & also via Dhanishta’s presiding deities - the Vasus - who represent nature’s elements & offer protection & refuge in difficult times

🌞 The energy of this Full Moon may bring some support to understanding & discernment over these days of Mercury combustion when rational thought might feel more challenged than usual (see last post for more on that)

🌕 This is a good time to turn inward to listen to your inner wisdom and cosmic guidance & ask yourself ”what is the most aligned wisdom I can put into action?”

🔥The Mars connection with this Moon placement also really supports movement meditation & yoga to help you receive insights through your inner senses

🔱 There’s extra alignment here for yoga practices as for some this Full Moon culminates Shravana - the month dedicated to spiritual practice & Shiva, the great Yogi & meditator

⚕️In Shiva’s Dancing Nataraj embodiment we’re offered inspiration to dance life to the beat of the cosmic drum meeting our karmas with as much grace & equanimity as possible.

🪐 A strong retrograde Saturn is also with this Full Moon in its own sign of Aquarius and it’s aspecting the Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Leo.

So with this there may be an extra pill of trust to swallow that, even in the classic Saturnian delays, diversions and difficulties, the cosmic rhythm of the universe will direct you on the right path.

May this Full Moon support you in your commitment towards prosperity and bring you discernment and cosmic refuge ❤️

If you would like to catch these energies for greater clarity and alignment join me for practice in my On Demand Yoga space.

Comment “Practice” below and you will receive a link ✨

Photos from The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic with Kate Smith Jamison's post 03/08/2024

The New Moon tomorrow begins an auspicious lunar month for practices that help you clear the way for the sometimes intense shift into autumn’s Vata season which also includes the Ancestor Fortnight, Eclipse season, Navaratri & Diwali.

This month known as Shravana connects to the power of transformation - especially through challenges - associated with the yogi deity Shiva who, in the epic tale of the Samudra Manthan during Shravana, swallows the most toxic poison to save humanity

It’s a supported time to use spiritual practices to help you to let go of ways of thinking or being to which you’ve become overly attached especially if they are wayward or conditioned habits.

During this month (especially on Mondays) circulating Shiva mantra - like the universal 5 syllable (for the 5 elements) mantra Om Namah Shivaya - is considered highly auspicious 📿 especially with the intention of peacefully letting go of or dissolving anything that disturbs or is an obstacle to your natural and most aligned state 🕊️

Acknowledging what is meant for you and letting go of what isn’t also helps support a positive relationship with Saturn - Lord of Dharma and planet connected to Shiva

This is extra wise during Saturn’s current raw strength retrograde phase 🪐

🌚 The New Moon peaks on Sunday in a placement which brings some powerful & perhaps challenging energies

🐍 This New Moon’s lunar constellation is Ashlesha whose symbol is a coiled snake

⚡️ The energy of this placement can bring forth things that have been kept secret & may provoke an urgency in dealing with them

⚕️ The energy around this placement is often considered to be uncomfortable, but as snakes in this tradition are also considered to be creatures with access to divine realms, the energy also connects to primordial wisdom & deep levels of insight, intuition & perception

So in sync with the spirit of Shravana & letting go of things that are not aligned for you, I invite you to harness this New Moon’s powerful energy to reveal those thoughts or actions that you’d do better to gradually bring under control & release through positive daily practices

Wishing you positive insights at this New Moon

Love Kate ❤️

Photos from The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic with Kate Smith Jamison's post 20/07/2024

The Full Moon tomorrow is Guru Purnima the Full Moon that celebrates the teachers, mentors, guides & gurus, especially on your spiritual path

This is a good day to do a spiritual practice to honour those who have shared their knowledge, wisdom, insight & love with you

This Full Moon is always near the juncture (July 16th) when the Sun moves into Cancer & begins its 6 months of southward movement

So it’s also a good time to acknowledge all you’ve learned & lived to this peak moment through the teacher that is your life force

🌕 This Full Moon is in the lunar constellation of Uttara Ashadha a Capricorn asterism which can be translated as “final victory”

✌🏼 The energy here relates to the kind of endurance required to be victorious after going deeper to retrieve all of your wisdom to successfully overcome big obstacles

🐘 An elephant’s tusk is a symbol of this placement bringing a piercing, intense and potentially forceful energy to move towards victory

⛰️ The tusk also connects with Ganesha the one-tusked elephant deity invoked to remove obstacles and to support making the right choices to see things through according to what you are supposed to be doing (aka dharma)

🌬️ And divine support is all around this placement too in the presiding deities of the Vishvadevas - the ten sons of Dharma (universal order) and Vishva (universality, everything) -named after and seen to embody important qualities considered responsible for offering support towards spiritual as well as material evolution

🌳On our recent trip I was reminded - surrounded by 500 year old oak tree gurus and by a powerful ever-rejuvenating ancient waterfall - how nature has the power to reconnect you with the wisdom of what really matters in a very direct and often piercing way

So at this Full Moon - if you can - be in nature, be in the moonlight, not only to feel its cool, Pitta-balancing, soul-revealing light but also to honour all you have learned from all the gurus on your path and to remember that knowing yourself can be the greatest victory for wisdom

Full Moon blessings, may you feel victorious in your natural empowerment to make the right choices for your journey ahead


The New Moon peaks tomorrow in the passionate lunar mansion of Rohini, meaning "the red one" represented by one of the brightest rose-coloured stars in the night sky.

In the mythology this placement was the one the Moon enjoyed visiting the most and the one where it is considered to be exalted i.e. strongly able to exert its qualities

🌚 A New Moon in Rohini is considered to be auspicious for removing obstacles at the initiation of all activities so that they will prosper especially actions connected with the earth, healing and self-improvement.

🐂 The Ta**us asterism is reflected in its symbol of an ox-cart pulled by two oxen encouraging steadiness and perseverance in overcoming the obstacles on our path, and reminding us of the abundance and grounding energy we receive from the earth.

❤️ While the Moon is the main ruler of this placement, it's accompanied by Venus which is seen to infuse it with Mother Nature/Shakti's primordial feminine energies to nurture an active and loving relationship with our life force.

💧 At this New Moon the alignment of support for activities of self-exploration and improvement is particularly directed towards those that bring universal benefits and positive ripple effects into your family, work or community.

🌍 In this prolonged period of Venus combustion that's been challenging our ability to relate to others and find harmony, there's much-needed support and encouragement from this New Moon towards both personal and collective prosperity.

🔥 The passionate side to this lunar placement is also a nod towards the start of Pitta (fire) Dosha's summer season where practices to ease intensity and calm inflammation are important to stay balanced.

🌬️ An Ayurvedic assessment of the current cosmic backdrop can also identify a stirring of ungrounded, overwhelmed and anxious excess Vata (space & air) symptoms that can tend to arise around any New Moon.

Especially one coinciding with totally combust Venus testing our relationships & following yesterday’s Jupiter and Mercury planetary war that may have blurred our wisdom & discernment.

You can join me in my Yoga On Demand space (link below) for a movement meditation practice to harness the supportive energies of this New Moon so you can get grounded & clear any inner or outer obstacles on your path ahead.

May this New Moon remove obstacles on the path to feeling aligned & at peace with yourself & others.

Love, Kate

Photos from The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic with Kate Smith Jamison's post 22/05/2024

The Full moon peaks in the lunar placement of Anuradha (meaning success) & its energies feel welcome in an otherwise inauspicious cosmic climate.

Mars remains close to the shadow planet/north node Rahu, stoking an atmosphere in which buttons can be pushed, & Venus and Jupiter remain combust

Today Venus & Jupiter also begin a 3 day planetary war further weakening their respective energies that support harmony in relationship & the ability to access wisdom.

🌕 Thankfully the energy of this Full Moon is all about friendship, success & courage.

🌞 There's a natural focus to Mars ruled Scorpio asterism & this one's is directed towards friendship & partnership as its deity is Mitra (meaning friend)

🪷 It invites us to renew & nurture relationships in ways that can increase mutual prosperity & wellbeing.

⭕️ And with so much division right now it would behove us all (especially those "in power") to refresh the focus on the mutually beneficial outcomes that come from acknowledging how much we have in common especially in our mutual desires to feel connected, loved & nurtured.

🔥 Underneath a lot of this energy that supports friendship lies the challenge to be able to find that harmony even in the middle of the kind of tension that is in abundance right now.

🕊️ And perhaps the most important encouragement at this Full Moon - on a collective and individual level - is to reflect on how to live with the tension between the basic human desires shared by all & the ability to listen to the views of others that may differ from your own, with the heart goal of not allowing that tension to become a source of dissonance or conflict.

It's far easier to do this when we have befriended ourselves through the kind of clarity and deep understanding of who we are that brings an acceptance of our challenges and a celebration of our strengths in equal measure. Only then can we truly love and nurture ourselves and create the kind of positive ripple effects into our homes and communities that the world needs right now.

Om Mitraya Namaha
"I bow to the friend of all" the first Sun Salutation Surya namaskar mantra 🌞

Wishing you love and friendship at this Full Moon

Photos from The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic with Kate Smith Jamison's post 13/05/2024

If you’re thinking about signing up for this 1-1 reading plus 4 group sessions there are only 9 spaces left for 1-1s in June and the early bird ends in 10 days

Click link below below for full details & sign up.

With Cosmic Clarity you’ll get:-

✨ a 60 minute1-1 Vedic Astrology birth chart reading 🪷 only taking place in May & June 🪷

✨ 4 weekly live (with recording) 90 minute group sessions in September to go deeper on the planets and ask any questions on the group session content and on your own chart

✨plus pre-recorded practices each week in September to help balance your dominant cosmic energies and natural constitution

Love, Kate

Photos from The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic with Kate Smith Jamison's post 28/04/2024

If you’d like to get a deeper understanding of yourself, your karmas and your life through the lenses of Jyotish aka Vedic or Indian astrology & Ayurveda click on link below for all the details & sign up for Cosmic Clarity where you’ll get:-

✨ a 60 minute1-1 Vedic Astrology birth chart reading 🪷 please note these are only taking place in May & June 🪷

✨ 4 weekly live & recorded 90 minute group sessions in September to go deeper on the planets and ask any questions, plus pre-recorded practices each week for you to balance the planets’ energies.

🔥 There are 15 spots left - comment “CC” below to be sent a link to all info & to sign up🔥

Early bird price £350 ends 23rd May (then £404)

Love Kate


The Full Moon peaks v early Wednesday UK time in the elegant placement of Swati

🌱 A symbol connected with Swati is a sprout supporting new beginnings & invoking the courage and strength to allow positive seeds to push through the earth to find light to sprout and grow

🗡️ Another symbol is a sword encouraging discernment & the cutting away of the fake and delusional in order to receive the wisdom to live in alignment with the highest version of ourselves

⛰️ This is also the Full Moon of Hanuman Jayanti celebrating the birth of Hanuman & honouring the strength & unwavering commitment to service of this monkey deity who literally moved mountains for Rama & Sita in the epic tale of the Ramayana

🌬️Swati’s deity is also Vayu - the ruler of Cosmic Winds - adding synchronicity with Hanuman Jayanti as Hanuman is the son of Vayu

✨Vayu connects with prana - our life force - as well as Vata Dosha’s space & air qualities that are essential to our ability to move our bodies or shift our mindset when needed….

… there’s also motivation at this full moon to move your body and be flexible in thought, especially in service to others

🦢 Swati’s etymological connection to Saraswati - the goddess of the arts, wisdom and learning - also underscores the theme of discernment and putting your creativity and wisdom to good use

When the moon is full there’s more light to see clearly, and this Full Moon’s placement further activates our ability to get more clarity on how we want to proceed with the precious time we have here on earth

And if you feel like you don’t have clarity, that’s ok.

This Full Moon can activate your intuition - a translation of the Sanskrit ishta bala - which literally means “divine strength”

So at this Full Moon, wherever you feel you lack clarity, ask your divine strength/intuition

Maybe you ask “how do I live more in alignment with my divine purpose?”

Whatever you hear I invite you to follow the guidance you receive in full confidence that you can trust any process that is guided by your own intuition

Sending love and may this Full Moon bring you clarity of purpose and the courage to follow your wisdom


The full moon eclipse early Monday UK time begins an "eclipse season" that runs until the 8th April's total solar eclipse

This two week period is classically a time to relatively rest & not make any big decisions until after the 8th April🌚🌞

This is because shadow planet (Rahu & Ketu) energies at the crossing of the Moon's orbit & Sun's ecliptic where eclipses occur can bring intense, unexpected & sometimes life-changing events to our doors.

Eclipses can reveal things to us from the shadows that we have either been ignoring or not been able/allowed to see⚡️

So there can be strong surges of wisdom and insight around eclipses ✨which can be very positive ✨ but can also feel uncomfortable or overwhelming at first

🌝 A full moon provides more juice & illumination to withstand these eclipse energies, but it's still wise to take it easy tomorrow & Monday

👊🏼 This full moon eclipse is in the lunar constellation of Hasta meaning hand & its symbol is of the palm of a hand or a grasping fist

🌞 Its deity is Savitri - the rising Sun - who is seen to be responsible for this placement's illuminating intelligence

🌕 And that intelligence relates to an ability to grasp things, both in the material sense, as well as on levels of spiritual, mental & emotional understanding

😹 Hasta also connects to hasya the rasa (essence/emotion) of joy in the sense of merriment, laughter & humour

👤 The shadowy side to Hasta is thinking we can keep getting away with dissonant or egoic behaviours without acknowledging the need to examine our shadow & do the necessary work to better understand it.

And because it's an eclipse maybe this aspect of Hasta has more predominance in revealing the contrasts between who is & who is not prepared to do the work to find more resonance within ourselves & with other people.

I wrote more about this eclipse season and tips to navigate it in this week's Life Letter & will write more about the 8th April total solar eclipse very soon. You can get these free emails via the link in my bio.

Wishing you clarity and inspiration at this full moon eclipse as well as some healthy doses of joy & laughter - a great heart medicine in these times.

Photos from The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic with Kate Smith Jamison's post 08/03/2024

The new moon on Sunday peaks in the lunar constellation of Purva Bhadrapada a fiery placement of transformation & deep spiritual downloads

🔥 The symbol for this placement is the front end of a funeral cot used for cremation, highlighting the connection with fire as a means to transform or refine our lives as we understand ourselves better & evolve from who we once were (or thought we were)

🌪️ Storm god Rudra - an incarnation of Shiva - who rules fire & heat is the deity of this moon's placement reminding us of the sometimes fierce edge to self-discovery that isn't always - or maybe ever - comfortable.

🔱 Shiva - the universal life force & great yogi deity who meditated for millennia - is also celebrated today on Mahashivratri amping up the pre new moon energy as millions will be in ritual all night tonight

❤️ Shiva is seen as the dissolver of illusion, who not only accepts all but through dedicated practice also invites us to get closer to our mystic heart - free of conditioning & resistance - to see who we really are through eyes of compassion

🔱 Shiva is also the universal life force that is in all of us & encased as the 5 great elements in the mantra Om Namah Shivaya (na=earth, ma=water, shi=fire, va=air, ya=space)

🔥 This mantra can exfoliate and energise us towards the reality of who we are & what we're supposed to be doing

As with anything involving refinement, the heat brings reality - with all its light and shadow - into sharp focus, which can sometimes feel worse before it gets better.


🔥 The same fire & heat synonymous with tapas - the yogic practice of one-pointed focus & discipline - can support our determination to do whatever work we need to do to get more peacefully aligned with the life/lives we are supposed to be living, collectively & individually.

And don't forget that the fire element also connects with joy.

So at this New Moon and on this Mahashivratri whether your heart reveals an uncomfortable reality or your soul's calling, if you listen & take action, both paths can lead you to your joy.

Om Namah Shivaya ❤️🔥

p.s. You can join me for a Mahashivratri & New Moon movement & mantra meditation practice ​in my Yoga On Demand


The Full Moon peaks tomorrow in the lunar constellation of Magha - meaning “the mighty one” & “the beneficent”, whose energies support your achievements - especially in gaining self-knowledge - as well as honouring the gift of life from our ancestors.

👑 This lunar placement’s symbol of a throne room conjures an association with royalty, splendour & inspiration.

⚱️The presiding deities here are the Pitris - the ancestors of your family - & relate to the gift of life & the roots of your self-identity.

🌱 This energy invites you to honour your roots, to understand who you really are & to feel the benevolence with which your life force was given to you.

🔥 Ketu - the South node & shadow planet - rules this lunar constellation. Ketu’s often merciless energy connects with deep perception, insight & independence of spirit but radiates a more noble hue in this Leo asterism.

🌕 Much can be achieved under this Full Moon so I invite you to enjoy a practice or ritual that helps you to take the royal seat of your Self, to better know your Self and to benevolently motivate and inspire yourself and those around you in ways that can make you a good ancestor.

In my Life Letter this morning I talked about this Full Moon and in more detail about the ongoing combustible cosmic climate (link in bio to get these emails).

Suffice to say with Mars still exalted, a Mars/Venus planetary war (until tomorrow), a Saturn/Mercury war next week and Saturn and Mercury combust until early March, this backdrop looks set to remain pretty “hot” for the foreseeable and into the eclipse season end March/early April.

❤️ So it feels extra important to lean into LOVE - for yourself and others - from which to direct this fiery energy towards clarity, truth and positive action.

This has been an emphasis in my Yoga On Demand lately where you can enjoy practices to help you open your heart so you can live and love from your natural essence, and also embody the elements of love that can keep you cool, connected to yourself and others and at peace in the midst of it all.

Wishing you insight and benevolence under the gaze of this Full Moon


The new moon tomorrow is in the lunar constellation of Dhanistha (meaning "abundance"), a placement that is very supportive of the rebirthing energy connected with February.

🥁 Dhanishta's symbol is a drum - seen to be the cosmic drum - keeping us in rhythm like a heartbeat helping you align with yourself & with reality.

The challenge with this placement is that it's ruled by Mars & so while great for getting things done & making new commitments, it can prompt you to act before listening & reflecting.

🔥 And now that Mars is exalted (since Monday and until mid-March) there's exaggerated support for decisive action, clarity and momentum, & the challenge will be to harness this fiery energy for discipline towards a higher purpose

This strong Mars energy might unfortunately fan the flames of belligerence on the world stage, but it can also support discernment & the rising sense of "enough is enough" that much of humanity is clearly feeling right now towards seemingly never-ending conflict, injustice & division.

🌚 This placement is very auspicious for committing to new intentions & rhythms but I would recommend taking your time to turn inward and tune in to listen for cosmic guidance and your inner wisdom.

Movement meditation and yoga that can help you "hear" with your inner senses is supported by this new moon's connection to Mars and is also inspired by Nataraj - dancing Shiva, the great yogi - who invites us to dance to the beat of his cosmic damaru drum to conquer regressive energy.

💧Keeping your head cool enough to pause and listen in intensity will be even more important if you're a naturally Pitta/fiery type & or Mars is afflicted in your chart. And if you're ruled by Mars (i.e. Aries or Scorpio ascendant) and or Mars is dominant for you, you might feel extra momentum in your work and physical activities.

🍇 Well-timed and well-considered actions towards your earthly desires & intentions are supported at this new moon, so long as you don't push too hard and you trust that the cosmic rhythm of the universe will decide when those desires bear their fruit.

May this new moon bring you discernment and abundance!


The first full moon of 2024 peaks tomorrow in the lunar constellation of Pushya - a sweet placement that invites you to nourish yourself & let your natural wisdom & true self blossom

🌺 Pushya means “nourishing” or “a flower”. Its ancient name meant “auspicious” & “prosperous”.

🐄 Its symbolism of a cow’s udder full of milk highlights this connection to abundance & nourishment.

🥛 Selflessness & devotion are also in this energy to help you ease judgment & negative self-talk & to cast a more generous gaze towards yourself & others.

🍯 Generosity, expansion & benevolence are further emphasised as the presiding deity here is Brihaspati synonymous with Jupiter.

🪐 Saturn is the ruling planet supporting stability and an attitude of perseverance towards achieving abundance in your life.

🔥 Saturn also helps bring a realism that it takes discipline & constancy of practice to make progress in the areas of life you want to see evolve and flower.

🥁 This full moon is also perfect for illuminating your creative projects & dreams & creating more of a rhythm around them.

🌕 Overall the best full moon medicine is to lean into practices that ground, nourish and calm your nervous system and that bring you wisdom, clarity, safety and rest.

🔥 This feels especially important at this juncture as we’re getting close (Feb 5th) to a period of exalted Mars i.e. a boost to action and stoking Pitta/fiery attitude activities.

🌝 Plus this strong Mars (until 15th March) runs into an eclipse season starting with the lunar eclipse on March 25th and ending with the total solar eclipse on April 8th 🌚

🪷🪷This brings extra emphasis on taking action now to dunk yourself in nourishing and grounded ways of being so you can catch this Mars energy for positive action.

🔥🔥 And cultivating good discipline now with practices that keep you on YOUR path is also key to navigating the unpredictable energies associated with eclipses.

May this full moon illuminate your life towards positive evolution and prosperity

p.s. I’ll write more about the energies of these eclipses in coming weeks & you’ll get more detail on all these topics in my emailed Life Letters (sign up in bio)

Photos from The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic with Kate Smith Jamison's post 17/01/2024

That trip to Fiji in 2009 that I mention above ended with our island being hit by Category 2 Tropical Cyclone Mick, and looking back maybe it was a sign of the big winds of change that were to come my way after I’d realised what I had to do 🌪️

I see the benefits every day of integrating these ancient Vedic wisdom systems that were never meant to be separate ⭕️

You may know yoga, Ayurveda and maybe even something about Vedic Astrology, but I’m going to take it to the next level of depth for you and help you integrate this support into your personal practice and daily lifestyle 🪷

Join me starting February 5th for 8 weeks together.

Full details and sign up are in my bio and early bird pricing ends 29th Jan.

Love, Kate ❤️

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