Students at Oxford Community Church

Students at Oxford Community Church

Welcome to Students at Oxford Community Church! Currently at university in Oxford, UK? You are welcome to join us.

DM us if you want to know more or visit


On Thursday, we have our fourth Student Night of term! We'll be meeting as usual at 7.45pm at the Wig & Pen (upstairs in the Function Room) - come and join us! There'll be worship, a short talk, and time in small groups :)


If you are wondering what the rest of the term holds, then here you are! Here's our term card for Spring so you can get the dates in your diary :)


Tonight, we are getting together for a worship night at the Wig & Pen (upstairs in the Function Room), 7.45pm. Come and join us!

And this Sunday, we are gathering together for lunch at the O'Connell's around noon, before we head off together for the Joint Celebration with Lifehouse Community Church in Bicester at 2.30pm. We'll have at least 3 cars so plenty of lift spaces available! (Remember there is no service at OCC on Sunday morning!)

If you've got any questions or want more details please get in touch :)


This Thursday is our first Student Night of the term! We will be meeting as usual at the Wig & Pen for teaching, worship, and small group time! We can't wait to see everyone!


Please remember that there is NO Student Night on tonight! We are looking forward to seeing many of you at our Student Weekend Away tomorrow evening instead! ☺️

Rooted 18-35's Events | Wendy Mann Equip | Speaker, Author & Equipper 23/01/2023

Who enjoyed Wendy Mann yesterday? She invited us to send some people to this event she's hosting on Saturday 11 February, for those who want to go deeper. You can get to Bedford for £2 on the bus, so why not think about it!

Rooted 18-35's Events | Wendy Mann Equip | Speaker, Author & Equipper Rooted is Wendy Mann Equip's ministry focused on anyone aged 18-35 who wants to grow in their relationship with God and step into the Kingdom influence they’re called to have. Christian Speaker | Christian Author | Christian Courses | International Ministry | Wendy Mann


Student Night is on tonight, 7.30pm, at the Wig & Pen (upstairs in their Function Room). We will be having and extended worship evening, so come ready to encounter God :)

Timeline photos 04/11/2022

Join us for a Bring & Share Picnic Lunch on Sunday after the Celebration Service! Please bring something 'picnic-y' to share with one another: bread, crisps, grapes, cake, juice...and we'll eat together at The King's Centre around 12.45pm 😄

More details here:

Timeline photos 02/11/2022

Tomorrow night we are meeting with Bunch (OCC's community of post-grads, young professionals, and young adults), 7.30pm at the Wig & Pen. It is great to connect with a community that is full of young adults just a bit further on from student life and grow our relationships with them! We'll have a time of worship together and the wonderful Lois is coming to speak to us on encounter with God - so do come, it will be a night not to miss!
More details can be found here:


Student Night is back at the Wig & Pen tonight (upstairs in their Function Room)! 7.30pm-9.30pm - We look forward to seeing you there! More details are here:


Join us and the rest of OCC for the Whole Church Lunch this Sunday after the service :) It's a bring and share lunch so bring some food to share with others! There will be some hot food on offer for new people and students as well :)

For more details, check out the event here:


This term at OCC Students :) For more info, check out the events on this page.

Timeline photos 12/10/2022

Come and join us for Student Night, tomorrow, at 7.30pm! We are not at the Wig & Pen this week, so please DM us for venues if you are new to OCC students :)

Timeline photos 08/10/2022

Join us for a FREE student lunch tomorrow at The King's Centre, immediately after the service. It is a great time to build community and get to know new people! For more info, check out the event page here:

Timeline photos 06/10/2022

We're back together tonight for our first Student Night of term! We'll be reconnecting, worshipping, and catching some vision for the new year ahead. Do join us - 7.30pm at the Wig & Pen (in the function room on the second floor - so go up the spiral staircase, through this door, up another set of stairs and turn right :-) ) Can't wait to see you there!

For more info, check out the event page here:


Our first student night is THIS WEEK! Thursday night, 7.30pm, at the Wig & Pen. We are really looking forward to getting back together and catching some vision for the year ahead!

If you're new to Oxford and/or OCC and have any questions please do get in touch! For more info, check out the event page here:


To all Brookes Freshers moving in this week, we'd love to say, welcome! In a few weeks time, we will start meeting as a Student Community on a Thursday Evening and for Sunday lunch after church.

We'll be sharing more info soon with many more details - so keep your eyes peeled! Please get in contact, if you are interested in joining us: [email protected]


Timeline photos 26/05/2022

The long student lunch famine is over! This Sunday we'll be at the O'Cs, and it's an opportunity to thank Darren and Bec, as they move on from the student team.


This week's OCC student night is one of our extended worship sessions, led by Sam and Elizabeth. Come expectant and ready to "be a priest"! If you don't know what I'm talking about then catch up on Steve's excellent talk yesterday: See you there :-)

Timeline photos 09/05/2022

Student night is on again this week :-) But, would you trust this man, our speaker of the week? So, attend with caution. 7.30pm, Thursday, Wig & Pen.

Timeline photos 26/04/2022

Student Night is back at the Wig & Pen :-) Join us.
Who said: "I thought that I could do [Christianity] on my own by retiring to my rooms and reading theology. In church, I came up against different people of quite different outlooks and gradually my conceit just began peeling off."
This week we're digging into community.

Timeline photos 22/04/2022

This term at OCC Students :-) For more info, check the weekly events on our Facebook group

Timeline photos 21/04/2022

Student lunch this week is at the O'Cs, ably catered by Pippa and Elena. Get your tickets on Sunday from one of us! (This term we're planning 4 lunches in homes, and 4 DIY/picnics)

Timeline photos 30/03/2022

I've been enjoying Pete Greig's new book, How to Hear God. Several of you have asked us about growing in hearing God, and I thoroughly commend this book.

"As we seek to grow in our ability to hear God's voice, he understands our dullness and doesn't mind that we often get it wrong ... He keeps knocking at the door, speaking our name, until we at last comprehend and respond."

Timeline photos 10/03/2022

Following the excellent lead set by last week, has a cunning ice breaker tonight involving Easter eggs. You don't want to miss it :-) OCC Student Night. 7.30pm. Wig & Pen.


If you’re a current OCC student, join our Facebook group at

Videos (show all)

05 worship trailer
Sunday Livestream
OCC Sunday Livestream
Sunday Livestream
