Agility For Paws

Agility For Paws

Agility classes for all. Held at Babbington Kennels NG16 2SS and Paws Let Loose NG16 6HY Agility classes from beginners to advanced.

Hoopers classes from beginners to advanced
Puppy classes


Huge congratulations to Sarah and Shimmer for their first win and a third place, both clear, at a KC show this weekend. Well done, many more to come 💪


All set up for tonight's course running session for club members. It sure looks a long way round, hope they've brought their oxygen tanks with them 🤣


I get this from dog owners when I ask them to do a front cross 🤣🤣


Do you want to know how I warm my dogs up before I do a training session with them. Well here is a full unedited version of part of my warm up routine. I use only 1 jump and practice as many different commands as possible. There is so much value to doing this,

1, it helps proof my verbal cues. Using 1 jump with me relatively still, means my dog can concentrate fully on performing the action I want.

2, I can reward straight away for getting the verbal cue right.

3, there is more toy play than working for my dog. I want lots of toy play as it's more fun and stimulating for my dog and I am warming up muscles as well.

4, I can work on my body positioning and hopefully be in the right place at the right time easier than if I was running.

5, it helps build distance from the jump. The further away I can be from each obstacle on the course makes it easier for me.

Make sure you do at least equal amounts on both sides of your dog and probably more on the weaker side for your dog or you. I ended the video before doing both sides for everything as it was getting a bit long 🙈


It's been super busy here at Agility For Paws, so I'm a bit late in posting this. Solar managed 1 x 1st place in agility and 2 x 2nd places in agility and jumping at Dog Sports Derby on Tuesday, taking him up to grade 4. Unfortunately I don't have a video of his winning run, but other than a naughty weave pole, he didn't put a foot wrong in 3 classes. So proud of my barky boy. Thank you Alison for the company and videos that day.


Here's a little challenge for you to train for tunnel and weave discrimination. How well is your dog listening to you? Do they pick their favourite piece of equipment, or the piece of equipment you ask them to do?Here is a little snippet of my training session, warts and all, none of the bad bits cut out. Notice 2 things. One how short my training session is and two, how much of my training session is taken up with rewarding Solar with a game of tug. Let's make this game of agility even more fun for our dogs


A really interesting insight from 1978 about the origins of agility. Thank goodness things have changed for the better, but we can see where some of the equipment began.


Super day for the barky one at Dog Sports Derby KC show today. Two very nice clear rounds giving us 2 x 2nd places in agility 😍.


What an amazing day here at Agility For Paws. Some of the club members went to Agility Nuts Show. All of them made me so proud. For some it was their first ever show and they did brilliantly.

Molly and Paddy 3rd place 🥉
Danielle and Flint 2nd place 🥈
Brendan and Kealie 1st place 🥇
Kelly and Ghillie 2nd place 🥈
Kelly and Finn 2nd and 3rd place 🥈🥉
Alison and Charlie 2nd place 🥈
Megan and Lula 1st place 🥇
Xanthe and Indie 2nd place 🥈


What an amazing evening we had here at Agility For Paws. We held a mini course running session for club members. Handlers and dogs worked really hard and did some fantastic work. Can't wait for the next one


Here's a look at all our safety equipment now in place at the field at Apperknowle where all my private sessions take place.

New jumps from Performance Agility with safety cups.
Padded long jump and wall.
Padded breakaway tyre
Contacts from First Contact
Non slip tunnels.
Heavy duty channel weaves.

What do you think?

Sorry about the wind noise, bit blowy today 🤣


More deliveries arrived last Saturday. Any guess what's in the boxes?


Some of the beginner dogs working hard this week.

Photos from Agility For Paws's post 14/05/2024

The Agility For Paws club members had fun in the sun this weekend. Look at all these rosettes they've won 😍😍 Well done to everyone who competed, some went to their first shows, a nerve wracking experience, but my club members go above and beyond to look out for each other and help. The show season has only just begun, I can't wait to see what happens for the rest of the year


Lovely day for the woofs at Agility Nuts independent show. It was the first time puppy has been to a show and the first time he's every run a full course. He coped amazingly well, he got a little tired towards the end and lost his concentration so missed a jump, but he was a good boy. Even up to a few weeks ago, I wasn't able to take him places to do agility as he struggled with new environments and would disengage from me. We're finally getting through that awful adolescent period and he's able to concentrate much better. Being persistent and working through or even taking some time out when your dog has struggles pays off in the end.

Zing had a fab day also, with his once a year class. He's been retired for 4 years, so doesn't even train, but does like a little blast around every now and again.

Solar, well he was back to his naughty self 🤣 maybe next week he'll be better 🤣

Also well done to Buddy and Ben who were amazing at their first shows.


As a way of communicating with our dogs in agility, us humans prefer to use words. Dogs actually prefer our to listen to our body language 🤣 Because our body language can be a bit rubbish at times, it's very important that our dogs can understand our words as much as possible. I've popped down below some of my most often used verbal cues and what they mean. No matter what words you use, you have to be very clear to yourself and your dog the exact meaning of each word. As with anything in dog training and agility, any grey areas in your meaning just causes your dog to begin to guess what you actually mean. Below is a list of my verbal cues and the exact meaning of them, so when I say that word, that is what I want my dog to do and nothing more. If you struggle with using verbal, try writing them down and what you expect your dog to do when you say that word.

My verbal cues are

Go - take the jump in front of you
Check - tight wing wrap towards me
Right - loose right cue on jumps
Left - loose left cue on jumps
Round - backside of jump
IN - threadle slice
Twist - threadle wrap
Flick - tight wing wrap away from me
See See - see saw
Walk - dog walk
Frame - A-Frame
Weave - weaves
Through- tunnel
Top - non obvious tunnel entry
Dogs Name - come to me

Remember to use any word that makes sense to you.


Who else has more out takes of photos on their phone of goofy dog faces than pretty photos 😂


Sometime you wish they would just get on with it 🤣🤣


We had the best day here at Agility For Paws as we had the amazing Emma Pullan come and teach for us. Such a fun and positive day, where skills were tested and we laughed all day. Thank you Emma for spending your day with us and providing us with so much learning. Can't wait for the next one.


It's spring at last, the bluebells are out. Show me your photos of your pupsters in the bluebells.

Photos from Agility For Paws's post 30/04/2024

When I set up Agility For Paws, I wanted it to be a fun and friendly club and welcoming to all. I love how much my club members support and help each other when they go to shows. This weekend, these guys went to different shows, they don't all attend the same group class, but still look out for each other. It's so important when you go to a show, especially for the first time, that someone is there to show you what to do. My club members rock ❤️


Very unexpected strike 2 towards grade 4 today for the barky one 💪 he won the LAE novice cup round meaning he's qualified for the finals in August. We only attended the show to build his confidence up in the ring as he attended Scunthorpe show at the same venue a few weeks ago. Despite his barking he's quite a nervous dog, which causes him to not push on in a ring like he does in training. He was much better than he has been and his confidence is definitely getting better. Love my sensitive little soul ❤️


Agility training isn't just about teaching obstacles and running courses, there's such a lot of training that goes on before a dog even enters a ring.

Puppy has had to learn a lot of impulse control and focus on me around the rings. Dogs running really fast and barking in excitement is very stimulating for him and he would love to run and chase them as well. Here he is demonstrating some impulse control. I allow him to look around and I reward him for making good choices and being calm. I don't ask for that behavior but reward him for looking at me when dogs are running.

Here's how I set him up for success.

⭐Short training sessions, no more than a few minutes, less if he's struggling.⭐

⭐picking times when the rings are quieter such as lunch time⭐

⭐Ensuring he's far enough away that he can disengage successfully ⭐

⭐I use food as a reward rather than toy as it promotes a calmer response from him, toys increase his arousal levels⭐

⭐ Encouraging sniffing behavior if he goes over threshold to allow him to calm down⭐

⭐ encourage him to make his own choice rather than using bribery or luring to distract ⭐

⭐keeping calm myself and using a soft voice for rewards⭐


Had a minor panic attack when I saw this 'snake' on the path whilst walking the dogs this afternoon 🤣 what's the weirdest or scariest thing you've seen while out dog walking?
After closer inspection I realized it wasn't a snake, but a horses hoof 🙈


So lucky to have a view like this from my office 😍😍


Fab day at Scunthorpe Champ Show for the barky one today. A very nice 3rd place and some lovely stuff in his other classes. Our first outdoor show since June or July last year I think and I expected him to be wild. But he listened, he waited, maintained all his criteria and loved every second. Looking forward to our next show at Lincoln in a few weeks. It was also great catching up with people who I haven't seen in a looooong time.


Happy belated birthday to Flint and thank you Danielle for the wonderful pupcakes. We're truly spoilt


🐾Dog owners who have more than one dog, let' s find out more about your dogs and their personalities!🐾

- Most laid back? At home .. Holly
- Who is the bossiest? Puppy
- Pickiest eater? Solar (pickiest dog ever 🤣)
- Who sleeps the most? Holly
- Who is the sneakiest? Puppy
- Who is the most sensitive? Zing
- Who is the daredevil? Puppy
- Who is the cleanest? Puppy
- Who is the loudest? Solar (when doing agility)
- Most dramatic? Puppy
- Who talks the most? Holly (especially when she meets her favourite people)
- Most protective? Zing (with me) Puppy with any possessions
- Oldest? Holly
- Youngest? Puppy
- Who loves everyone? Solar
- Who is likely to cause you to lose your mind? Puppy (adolescent males 🙈🤣)
- Makes you laugh the most? Zing
- Who would help you hide a body? Puppy (he loves digging 🤣)

Copy, paste, and play! 🐾

Videos (show all)

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Also a huge congratulations to Lula for her 1st and second place last weekend. So proud of this pair and many more wins ...
Have you tried Goats milk powder yet? An easy way to encourage your dogs to drink after exercise, especially in summer. ...
Do you want to know how I warm my dogs up before I do a training session with them. Well here is a full unedited version...
It's been super busy here at Agility For Paws, so I'm a bit late in posting this. Solar managed 1 x 1st place in agility...
Here's a little challenge for you to train for tunnel and weave discrimination. How well is your dog listening to you? D...
Fab morning training near Rugby with Martin Reid today. Some super stuff from the barky one, especially on the tricky co...
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Amazing distance handling work here from these guys. Aren't they fantastic to watch? Even if you can't run fast, hopeful...
What an amazing day here at Agility For Paws. Some of the club members went to Agility Nuts Show. All of them made me so...
What an amazing evening we had here at Agility For Paws. We held a mini course running session for club members. Handler...