Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone

Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone

🍑 Woman Who Want Big Glutes Work With Me
💪 Become a Glute-Zilla
Kicking Influnencers in the 🍆

I help people get in the best shape of their lives all while eating pizza and drinking wine!

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 23/07/2024

Eat Like Hazel To Grow Your 🍑

My B***y & Bar-Belles client Hazel has seen some impressive gains in only a few weeks on the program.

She is getting stronger, adding muscle and somehow not turning into a big bulky man.

The secret?

Other than having me write her amazing training programs?

She’s packing in the calories and protein!

Currently, Hazel is eating in excess of 2600 calories a day.

Here is an example of how you can do the same.

Breakfast - Pumpkin pecan oats and an orange
Lunch - Avocado and cranberry salad
Dinner - Pineapple Chicken stir fry with Sour cream baked potato
Dessert - Peach yoghurt parfait
Snacks - Mango and Orange protein shake

With a protein intake of around 150 grams per day, that is plenty to keep Hazel satiated and help her body pack on lean muscle.

One thing that I keep mentioning over and over is the importance of eating a balanced diet; this will ensure that you’re not living on chicken, rice, and broccoli.

Leave the bland diets to the bodybuilders, but still get incredible results.

because, as her photos show, building muscle is the key to a strong feminine physique.

If you want a FULL 7-DAY version of this 2600-calorie meal plan


And I’ll send it to you.

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 01/07/2024

You can give me all the fancy holidays, exotic beaches and Instagram worthy hotspots you want.

Nothing beats a quiet week in Scotland with the most important people in my world ❤️


Eat For Glutes Vs Eating For Abs

There is no song that starts, “I like flat abs, and I can not lie”

No… we like big butts here!

Just another reason to eat more for glute growth 😝

Many of you are naturally thin or have spent a long in a deficit chasing leanness and washboard abs.

And let me tell you, as someone who’s been training for 20 years, I could NOT build muscle and lose fat at the same time.

It is a constant battle between losing fat, being lean, gaining weight, and building muscle.

It is something many people who come to me struggle with.

Until they finally decide to quit the deficit after years in limbo, increase their calories and gain weight.

I have never met anyone who can build glutes in a deficit.

As a woman, you can really only put on about 20-25lbs of muscle naturally.

And after you’ve been training for a while, this isn’t going to happen in a deficit.

So you have to increase your calories.

Not only will you feel better, your strength will increase, and you’ll be able to build some more muscle, including glute mass.

Sure, many of your clothes won’t fit anymore.

But sometimes you have to sacrifice being comfortable now to be more comfortable later.

So, if you need another reason to gain weight and eat more, remember that no one is writing songs about washboard abs.



Dive into my new glute guide for the lowdown on the pitfalls to avoid and discover a workout that will really make a difference.

DM or COMMENT the word


And it's all yours.

Let's get those glutes growing the right way!

And hey, if you found this insight helpful, hit that follow button.

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 20/06/2024

A guide on how to GAIN 1kg of fat in 24 hours….

It’s not possible!

If the scale increases overnight, trust me, it’s not fat.

it’s a mixture of
- water
- poo
- food
- a tiny bit of fat

So stop stressing when you’ve had the odd day going over your calories.


Fat loss goes beyond the glossy before-and-after snapshots,

Behind the success, there’s an untold story of mental resilience that comes with the physical changes.

The plateaus that feel like roadblocks.

There are unexpected setbacks and moments of self-doubt.

Fat loss isn’t just a numbers game — it’s a dance with all your bu****it, bad habits and weaknesses.

It’s about confronting your insecurities, rewriting the narratives we tell ourselves, and discovering self-care.

The scale doesn’t measure the strength you need to overcome mental barriers.

And it’s not always about strict diets and intense workouts; sometimes, it’s about redefining our relationship with food and exercise.

The reality is that fat loss is a rollercoaster of highs and lows.

It’s about celebrating small victories and learning from setbacks.

The journey is as much about physical endurance as the unwavering commitment to personal growth.

It’s OK to take your time.

It took Maura 12 months to lose the 12kg in these photos, with numerous setbacks, self-sabotaging and even surgery to contend with.

Without support and accountability, who knows if she would ever have made the change?

But she did.

Because she had me, and so can you.

Getting a coach is a big deal.

It’s a commitment to yourself and someone else.

It’s a big step towards making positive changes to your life.

Investing in good coaching might require a significant financial commitment, but the potential benefits to your life are immense and well worth it.

Sure, you could hire the goofy, ginger weirdo coach at your local globo gym and put up with their cringy, fake personality to save a few bucks.


You could come and work with the best of the best.

It’s time to put in the effort.

Nothing in fitness comes for free or without a sh*t ton of effort.

Make sure you’re doing all you can.

And that starts with joining my coaching team.

Comment or DM the word


And let’s make sure you don’t work with the wrong coach in 2024.


Clients don’t get results from the perfect training program.

Or macro split.

They get results from listening, asking questions, learning and implementing the basics.

There is no magic secret way of training that yields greater results, only smarter, better-planned training.

There is no perfect diet, macro split or meal plan that is secretly superior to others for fat loss or building muscle.

There are no secrets.

All those people you see getting amazing results are not different from you, except in one way….

They learn and implement what we teach.

As coaches, our job is not to put you through a workout; it’s to educate you, inform you, and increase your knowledge of training and nutrition and how they relate to your goals.

And our best clients, the ones we share with you are the ones who listen, learn, enquire and implement.

People who thirst for personal and physical development.

Without the former, the latter will suffer.

It’s not easy to admit, but many (most) PTs will have a higher percentage of clients who underperform than those who reach their goals…


Most people just want the results and don’t want to do the work or think about it.

Hand-holding will only get you so far.

If you’ve chosen to invest in coaching, I suggest you invest some time and effort into implementing what you learn and taking ownership of the journey.

To get the body you want there is no better option than to invest in a coach.

If you’re looking to make 2024 your year and become a badass with a great ass then:

DM me the word


and let’s talk.


Time is Up...

I'm closing the doors to The B***y & Bar-Belles Program today.

So, this is your last chance to sign up until at least September.

Just a reminder of What you get as a member.

👉 It’s a monthly subscription group coaching program

👉 New training program every six weeks created by me with new themes and focuses throughout the year

👉 2 Upper, 2 Lower and 1 optional glute workout per week

👉 Carefully designed and progressed to build muscle and get you strong AF

👉 Version for Gym and Home

👉 Video run-through of each workout every training block

👉 Access to my Coaching App

👉 A private members-only group for support, form checks, live calls, exclusive educational content, fun, chat and support from a community of women all doing the program.

👉 Exclusive recipe books and resources

👉 Nutrition Resources and Tools to calculate your calories and macros

👉 Extensive Exercise Library

🥳 ONLY £30 a month

Spaces are limited to 30 members and the waitlist already has over 50!



Comment or DM the words






Doors Are Open to The B***y & Bar-Belles Program

There are still a few spaces up for grabs; now is your chance to join.

Here’s a quick recap of what you get as a member:

👉 It’s a monthly subscription group coaching program that will go on until I retire or die, whichever comes first.

👉 New training program every six weeks with new themes and focuses throughout the year

👉 2 Upper, 2 Lower and one optional glute workout per week

👉 Carefully designed and progressed to build muscle and get you strong AF

👉 Version for Gym and Home

👉 Video run-through of each workout for every training block

👉 Access to my Coaching App

👉 A private in-app members-only group for support, form checks, live calls, exclusive educational content, fun, chat and support from a community of women all doing the program.

👉 Exclusive recipe books and resources

👉 Nutrition Resources and Tools to calculate your calories and macros

👉 Extensive Exercise Library

🥳 ONLY £30 a month

There is no commitment; you can leave at any time you choose, but I think you’ll want to stay for a long time!

You can join from anywhere in the world.

To join comment or DM either the word


OR the word


And I’ll send you the link to either the gym or home program straight to your IG DM’s.

Doors Close on Monday June 3rd at 5pm so don’t wait.


Doors Open Thursday, May 30th….

But only to the priority email list!

If you’ve not joined the list then you’ll have to wait until I may or may not open spaces here on Instagram.

There are only 30 spots and over 60 people on the list!

But in case you’ve been living under a rock, here is what you get if you join The B***y & Bar-Belles Program

👉 It’s a monthly subscription group coaching program

👉 New training program every six weeks with new themes and focuses throughout the year

👉 2 Upper, 2 Lower and one optional glute workout per week

👉 Carefully designed and progressed to build muscle and get you strong AF

👉 Version for Gym and Home

👉 Video run-through of each workout for every training block

👉 Access to my Coaching App

👉 A private members-only group for support, form checks, live calls, exclusive educational content, fun, chat and support from a community of women all doing the program.

👉 Exclusive recipe books and resources

👉 Nutrition Resources and Tools to calculate your calories and macros

👉 Extensive Exercise Library

🥳 ONLY £30 a month



Comment or DM the letters



Spaces to join again won’t be opening up until at least August/September.

So get in now.


Happy 40th Birthday to my bad ass partner in crime! Here’s to 40 more 🥳


Happy 3rd Birthday to my cheeky little monkey!!

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 11/04/2024

Fitness is more than the gym, more than big muscles and more than one approach.

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 07/04/2024

Let’s dive into the benefits of embracing weight gain and muscle growth.

Beyond just a physical transformation, it’s a journey of power and confidence.

Enhanced Strength & Vitality:

Muscle growth translates into more strength and energy.

Daily tasks become effortless, and you begin to make the gym your bitch.

Bone Health:

Strength training increases bone density.

This investment safeguards you from getting old (osteoporosis) and is the foundation for a healthy body.

Improved Mental Well-being:

Exercise is incredible for enhancing mood and relieving stress.

A balanced body can lead to a balanced mind.

Kick Ass Confidence:

Physical transformation creates a profound sense of confidence and self-assurance.

It goes beyond physical appearance; it makes you stronger, more resilient and more confident.

Nutritional Awareness:

Weight gain occurs because your body is screaming for more food.

Muscle growth necessitates good nutrition; it means you have to listen to your body and give it what it needs.

These are just a few of the amazing benefits of gaining weight for you skinny girls.

If you’re tired of going to the gym and seeing no results from all the time and effort.

If you look in the mirror and hate the shape of your butt.

If you’re going on holiday this summer… now is the time to start.

DM or COMMENT the word;


Let’s chat about how I can help you.

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 05/03/2024

Growing Your Glutes Is Simple.

No other muscle group on Earth I overhyped and overcomplicated like the glutes.

There must be over a hundred exercises for this one group of muscles alone.

Every possible variation of a thrust, bands, weights, cables, bodyweight, single leg and on and on.

It's easy to see why most women don't know where to begin with glute growth.

This is why you get confused and waste money on crap coaches and even crappier glute guides.

Do you listen to the big b***y influencers?

The TikTok girls?

The glute gurus?

Do you listen to me?

Well, you're here, so listen to me.

You don't need hundreds of glute exercises to grow your butt.

👉 You need less than ten.

Building muscle isn't about variation.

It is doing the basics over and over.

If you spend one year doing nothing but those few exercises and improving them weekly, you will see great results.

Here are my top ten:

1️⃣Hip Thrusts


3️⃣Deficit Lunges

4️⃣Split Squats variations

5️⃣Romanian Deadlifts

6️⃣Conventional Deadlifts

7️⃣Step Ups

8️⃣Back Extensions

9️⃣Cable Kickbacks

🔟Cable Abductions

We've done this with Pippa in these pictures; in only 3 months, her body has massively improved.

It's not fancy; no b***y bands or "social media" exercises.

She's lifting heavy on the basics and watching what she eats.

It's that simple.

But it takes work.

That's why Pippa chose to get help from me.

It may be time for you to do the same.

Summer is a great time to work on your body; you'll be showing more of it off than ever (or at least you want to).

It would feel amazing to get your self-confidence up.

To have someone simplify everything for you.

So you can spend more time with your family and friends and less worrying about feeling small or skinny.

To finally live in a body you can look at in the mirror and love instead of hate.

✅ If this is you, then I have 4 coaching spaces available.

DM me the word:

And let's talk about how I can help you achieve these goals.

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 14/02/2024

Happy 20th Valentines Day to the best person I know.

Thanks for sticking with through all the ups and downs of life, business and parenting!

And thanks for not giving a s**t about Valentine’s Day and saving me the hassle 🤘

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 11/02/2024

Fat loss goes beyond the glossy before-and-after snapshots,

Behind the success, there's an untold story of mental resilience that comes with the physical changes.

The plateaus that feel like roadblocks.

There are unexpected setbacks and moments of self-doubt.

Fat loss isn't just a numbers game — it's a dance with all your bu****it, bad habits and weaknesses.

It's about confronting your insecurities, rewriting the narratives we tell ourselves, and discovering self-care.

The scale doesn't measure the strength you need to overcome mental barriers.

And it's not always about strict diets and intense workouts; sometimes, it's about redefining our relationship with food and exercise.

The reality is that fat loss is a rollercoaster of highs and lows.

It's about celebrating small victories and learning from setbacks.

The journey is as much about physical endurance as the unwavering commitment to personal growth.

It’s OK to take your time.

It took Maura 12 months to lose the 12kg in these photos, with numerous setbacks, self-sabotaging and even surgery to contend with.

Without support and accountability, who knows if she would ever have made the change?

But she did.

Because she had me, and so can you.

Getting a coach is a big deal.

It’s a commitment to yourself and someone else.

It’s a big step towards making positive changes to your life.

Investing in good coaching might require a significant financial commitment, but the potential benefits to your life are immense and well worth it.

Sure, you could hire the goofy, ginger weirdo coach at your local globo gym and put up with their cringy, fake personality to save a few bucks.


You could come and work with the best of the best.

It’s time to put in the effort.

Nothing in fitness comes for free or without a sh*t ton of effort.

Make sure you’re doing all you can.

And that starts with joining my coaching team.

Comment or DM the word


And let’s make sure you don’t work with the wrong coach in 2024.


Ready for this years Pantomime.

And if you’re not British you might need to google what the panto is!


Merry Christmas from my family to yours.

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 03/11/2023

I was launching 5 spaces 😬

But it’s already down to 4, as one has been snapped up already 🥳

And I have another few consultation calls booked for Monday!

If you have been on the fence, this is your chance to get involved.

You see the results; you see what my clients say.

My s**t works.

Because I get it.

I get that life isn't simple.

I get that social media has left you confused and feeling like crap.

I get that you want to change your shape.

I get that you have a life outside the gym.

But I also get that that you are sick of seeing no results.

Sick of feeling like you’ll never deserve to have that dream body.

Well, now is the time to get your s**t together.

DM me the word


For more info and your chance to grab one of these spots before they go.

Don't wish you took action in a few month’s time when you are seeing the people who did get results.

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 22/06/2023

Build Rock Solid Glutes You Could Bounce A Bullet Off!

It’s great to have big glutes, but you don’t want them to just be big and wobbly soft muscle…

You want them to be big and rock solid like they were carved in marble by Michelangelo himself.

Check out this carousel on exactly how to train to increase your glute muscle density.

If you're tired of going to the gym and seeing no results from all the time and effort.

If you're dreading summer and having to wear a bikini or tight dress.

If you look in the mirror and hate the shape of your butt.

Then DM or COMMENT the word;


Let's chat about how I can help you.

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 27/03/2022

I would bet good money that you don’t train hard enough in your workouts.

Perhaps the single biggest reason people don’t get the results they want is they simply don’t train with enough intensity.

You can have the perfect training plan, training split, diet, macros etc…..

But without intensity your results will suffer greatly.

So check out this list of advanced training techniques you can pepper into your workouts to take things up to 11.

Some are simple, some are more advanced, all will lead to new gains.

Have you tried any of these before?

***yandbarbells ***ygains


Shiny new logo and branding courtesy of


There is no magic secret way of training that yields greater results, only smarter, better planned training.

There is no perfect diet, macro split or meal plan that is secretly superior to others for fat loss or building muscle.

There are no secrets.

All those people you see getting amazing results are not different from you, except in one way….

They learn and implement what we teach.

As coaches our job is not to put you through a workout, it’s to educate you, inform you and increase your knowledge on training and nutrition and how it relates to your goals.

And our best clients, the ones we share with you, are the ones who listen, learn, enquire and implement.

People with a thirst for personal development as well as physical development. Without the former the later will suffer.

It’s not easy to admit but many (most) PT’s will have a higher percentage of clients who under perform than those that reach their goals…


Because most people just want the results and don’t want to put in the work or have to think about things.

Hand holding will only get you so far.

If you’ve chosen to invest in coaching then I suggest you invest some time and effort into implementing what you are learning and taking ownership of the journey.

We are coaches, not wizards, we can only do so much.

You need to do the rest.

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 07/02/2022

Want a bigger bum but don’t want you legs to grow?

Then I’ve got the answers for you here.

For better detail and full explanations of this post check out my latest website article.

Link in description

***yandbarbellscoach ***ybuilding


I've never worked with a female client who hasn't felt better, stronger, more confident and more womanly after they've started lifting weights properly.

Not one.


It’s the best thing you will ever do for your body.

***ybuilder ***yandbarbells

Photos from Mind Muscle - Aaron Schiavone's post 17/01/2022

Glute Gains Incoming 🍑

Meet my online client Maeci.

She came to me with one simple request - She wanted glute results like my old client .

No small task as Emily was a powerhouse client, But I think you’ll all agree she got what she wanted.

Maeci had been doing some work on her own, but was struggling to fit training, eating and being consistent into a busy university schedule (not to mention the turmoil of lockdowns).

Like many young women she was desperate for bigger, rounder glutes and the lack of results on her own was frustrating her.

Enter working with me.

We saw initial results pretty quickly after implementing an effective training plan focusing on:
Big compound lifts,
Progressive Overload and
Eating lots of good food.

Yep, that’s right! Nothing fancy or crazy, just doing the basics and doing them well.

And you can see the difference, nearly 10cm added to her hips/glutes in 6 months and no excessive weight gain or large increase in waist measurments.

She did the work and got results.

Are you looking to grow and improve your glutes?
Then send me a DM with the 🍑 emoji and I’ll be in touch to see how I can help you.

***ygainz ***ybuilder ***ygoals ***yandbarbells


Is it time to change your perspective?

There is one simple rule you need to follow in order to grow your glutes and in fact any muscle….

You have to eat! 🍕🥦🍑🥨

Too often we view food as ‘bad’ and that we must atone for our dietary sins by making a sacrifice to the cardio gods.

❌ Well, cardio doesn’t build muscle.

❌ Cardio won’t give you that dream ass you want so bad.

✅ Weights will though.

✅ And calories will too.

👉 It’s time to stop living in fear of food,
👉 Time to stop fearing weight gain,
👉 Time to stop fearing muscle growth.

The human body like everything else will thrive in a surplus, we can grow, develop, we have energy, drive, motivation and results happen.

But much like everything else the human body will suffer in a deficit, we have no resources to grow, development slows, energy is low, drive is reduces, motivation evaporates and results never come.

👎 So next time you’ve enjoyed some food, don’t panic about having to burn it off so it doesn’t go to your hips….

👍 Go hit some heavy weights and use those calories and energy to build some muscle on your ass! 🍑

Flip your thinking.

***y ***ybuilding 🍑 ***yandbarbells


New Years resolutioners, Welcome to the gym!! 👍

It can be a scary, intimidating and overwhelming place and with all the misinformation online about what to do/not to do, I though I would give you the most important things to consider for making progress.

1️⃣ Have a plan.
Don’t waste your time winging it and doing poor workouts. Have a solid, achievable plan and stick to it long term.

2️⃣ Don’t copy other peoples workouts
Find what style, intensity and schedule works for you. Why would you train like a male bodybuilder if you have no plans to be a bodybuilder?

3️⃣ Protein and Carbs matter!
Protein grows and repairs muscle, Carbs grow and repair muscles as well as being your primary energy source. Fu***ng eat them! Carbs are not the enemy.

4️⃣ Progressive overload
Every session should be a little bit harder than the last, keep trying to add more weight, do more reps and more sets. If you’re not getting stronger then you’re doing it wrong.

5️⃣ Have Sensible goals.
Make simple, sensible goals you can stick to and achieve. Focus on 1-2 goals at most. Don’t try to change your whole life in a few weeks, you’ll almost certainly fail at all of them.

6️⃣ Motivation is bu****it
No one is 100% motivated all the time. It’s not motivation that will get you to the gym….. it’s self discipline.

7️⃣ It’s probably going to hurt.
Muscle pain after training is normal, you havn’t hurt yourself and after 1-2 weeks you won’t feel it that much. So push through.

8️⃣ F**k endless cardio
Cardio is a tool for fat loss not the rule! Don’t focus on cardio, instead embrace resistance training (unless you have a cardio specific goals like running a 10K)

9️⃣ Have fun!
If it sucks then you’ll give up and fail. If it’s fun you’ll keep coming back and see results!.

PS. Things to avoid
Fad diets
Slimming groups
MLM Schemes (Herbalife)
Juice cleanses
Crash Diets
Excessive cardio
Cutting Carbs


They are coming….

The bu****it paddlers will be descending upon us in force faster than you can say “Have your tried Herablife?”


January is often a time where many people start a fitness journey, and typically people want quick wins and don’t really want to put in any effort.

To capitalise on our need for quick easy results - in step the bu****it paddlers:

👎 Slimming groups
👎 Herbas**te
👎 Juice cleanses
👎 Keto warriors
👎 Fat Burners
👎 (Mis)Fitness Influencers
👎 Z-list celebrities
👎 Fat loss injections
👎 Skinny teas (aka diarrhoea juice)
👎 ‘Transformation” coaches
👎 Fad diets
👎 Fake Natties

The list goes on.

This year, do yourself a favour and don’t buy into the BS.

Results take time, effort, smart choices and more than anything else - CONSISTENCY.

Instead of trying to change your whole life in January, instead focus on 1-2 small changes:

Pick 1 or two of the below and focus on them for the next 6-8 weeks:
More exercise,
More protein,
More fruit and Veg
More sleep,
More water,
More rest,
Going for a daily walk,
Less alcohol,
Fewer takeaways,

I promise you’ll have better success when you focus on a small number of changes.

If you decide to hit the gym 12x a week, start eating rabbit food 9x a day, go T-Total, ditch all carbs, drink 3 litres of water an hour and eat laxatives like Malteasers you’re gonna fault pretty fast.

Yes, that’s a stupid exaggeration but it’s not far off what some people try to do in January.

Remember - Baby steps lead to big changes.


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WHAT DOES ELEVATING YOUR HEELS DO FOR SQUATS?First…. let’s address the elephant in the room.Wearing heels to lift weight...
3 of the most over-rated glute exercises that you should stop doing now.What goes around, comes around.And for some reas...
Why Your Starbucks Breakfast Is Keeping You Fat.The problem with tasty foods and treats is that they pack a lot of calor...
This HAS to STOP ❌I’m so tired of this influencer BS.The magical exercise reel that changed everything and solved all yo...
Women turning into men from lifting weights is a huge problem.Oh wait, no, it’s not 😂Each person’s body is unique, and w...
This HAS to STOP ❌I’m so tired of this influencer BS.The magical exercise reel that changed everything and solved all yo...
Stupid things I used to do with clients!The sideways “sumo” single-leg press!Is it a total waste of time? NoWill it work...
Struggling To Grow Your Upper Glutes?If you want some mass to your glute shelf then you need to focus on exercises that ...
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Is it just me?  #gymhumor #parenthood
Let’s see if the FB trolls are worse than the YT trolls 🤣.  Here’s an EXAMPLE of an easy vegan day of eating (minus the ...
Fix these common hip thrust mistakes #hipthrusts #hipthrust

Opening Hours

Monday 06:30 - 22:00
Tuesday 06:30 - 22:00
Wednesday 06:30 - 22:00
Thursday 06:30 - 22:00
Friday 06:30 - 22:00