John Lee

John Lee

Daily Motivation for Success I created this page to help you stay motivated so you can achieve your goals and finally start getting results.

If you are reading this then you may have experienced some challenges in your life. The good news is i will be addressing some of these challenges in the videos and content I create in this channel so make sure you SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of the content. Also feel free to share this content with people as well who you think might benefit. John Lee is the co-founder and CEO of Wealth


Today is my birthday, and I'm giving YOU a mind-blowing gift!

You won't believe what I have in store – it's going to change everything! Watch this short video to find out. Don't miss out. Click the link below.


Just started a new 2nd new instagram channel the handle is to share brand new exclusive content what it really takes to become successful and wealthy.

Be one of the first followers


Succes has price!

In my journey through the realms of entrepreneurship and success, I've come to understand that while success is often celebrated as the ultimate achievement, the path to it is fraught with personal sacrifice and relentless dedication.

This journey, a narrative as ancient as time, encompasses not just the hurdles and the efforts but an aspect less talked about: the loneliness that accompanies the climb. This loneliness, born from criticism and doubt from those I once considered allies, isn't without its purpose. It acts as a crucible, refining my determination and underscoring the significance of surrounding myself with those who uplift rather than those who deter.

The path to success is anything but straightforward. It's laden with setbacks, criticisms, and bouts of self-doubt, further intensified by the voices of naysayers—often those closest to me—who project their insecurities or skepticism onto my aspirations. I've learned a universal truth: the brighter I shine, the more I attract critics who, blinded by my light, attempt to dim it to alleviate their own discomfort. This dynamic can foster a sense of isolation, widening the gap between myself and those not on similar trajectories.

Yet, within this reality lies a silver lining—a compelling reason to reassess my social circles. It underscores the importance of companionship based not on convenience or history but on mutual growth and support. Achieving my dreams has necessitated making difficult choices, including parting ways with those who do not contribute to my growth. This doesn't mean I forsake love or respect for these individuals; rather, I acknowledge that our paths have diverged. They remain cherished in my heart for the roles they once played, even if they no longer walk beside me.

Navigating the road to success demands more than just hard work and talent; it requires the wisdom to appreciate the value of those who elevate me. It's about constructing a community of like-minded individuals who share my vision and enthusiasm, offering constructive criticism that drives me forward, rather than anchors me. This support system becomes my lighthouse, guiding me through the storms of doubt and into the harbors of achievement.

Thus, embracing success is as much about personal growth and resilience as it is about letting go. It's understanding that to ascend, I may need to leave familiar shores behind and venture into uncharted waters, armed with the belief that the journey is worth the solitude it might temporarily entail. The ultimate price of success isn't merely the hard work or the sacrifices I make but the courage to stand tall amid criticism and to select my companions wisely, ensuring they are those who see the brilliance in my aspirations and encourage me to shine even brighter.

After all, success isn't just about what I achieve but about who I become in the process.

Search John Lee Success on Youtube to check out the new video 👍


Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey, I've come to realize it's filled with unexpected twists and turns. From my own experience, starting a business is far from the glorified vision many hold. It's indeed tiring, often involving long days and numerous challenges that test your resilience and adaptability. Reflecting on this, I see entrepreneurship not just as a career choice but as a lifestyle that demands a multifaceted approach and a willingness to wear multiple hats.

In my journey, I quickly understood the significance of embracing multiple roles within my business. From the outset, it was clear that starting with an incredible idea was just the beginning. The real challenge was transforming this idea into a profitable venture. This transition from an idea to making sales, then to learning marketing, and eventually handling customer service, was a pivotal learning curve. It taught me the importance of flexibility and the need to continually acquire new skills.

One of the foundational insights I gained was the critical role of marketing and sales. Understanding marketing deeply became a cornerstone of my success. It's crucial not just to attract customers but to convert these opportunities into sales. I learned the hard way that a great product or service needs to be paired with effective marketing and sales strategies to truly succeed. This understanding allowed me to navigate my ventures with a clearer vision, ensuring I wasn't just creating value but also capturing it effectively.

Partnerships and systemization emerged as key strategies in scaling my businesses. Early on, I recognized that my individual capacity was limited, and if I wanted to grow, I needed to collaborate with others. This led me to explore joint ventures and partnerships, allowing me to expand my reach and tap into new opportunities. Similarly, systemization and automation became critical as my operations grew. Implementing systems like customer relationship management not only streamlined my workflow but also enabled me to manage my growing customer base more efficiently.

From my perspective, entrepreneurship is simple in concept but challenging in ex*****on. It boils down to generating leads, making sales, and establishing systems for automation. Yet, the simplicity of these concepts belies the complexity of their implementation. Each step requires a deep understanding, not just of the tasks at hand but also of the market and the ever-changing dynamics of business.

Reflecting on my journey, I've come to appreciate the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. Each challenge, each failure, has been a lesson in disguise, pushing me to grow and adapt. As I share my experiences, I hope to inspire others to embrace the entrepreneurial path with resilience, strategic insight, and a readiness to learn and grow. Just filmed a new video on this head search John Lee Success on Youtube


Som**hing big is coming 😱


Thanks you Affiliate world for allowing me to impact thousands of lives 💪💪💪


Was a pleasure to be on the Moving Mountains podcasts! Micheal so proud of you my man!

What other podcasts should I in Dubai? Tag them in this post if you know any good ones 💪💪💪

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Passive Income Summit 2024. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. 22/02/2024

I'm thrilled to announce an exclusive 3-day virtual event designed to revolutionize your approach to earning passive income. This is a unique opportunity, offered completely free of charge to our valued community members.

Over these three transformative days, we'll delve into proven strategies and insider tips for building sustainable, passive income streams.

This isn't just about making money; it's about creating a life of financial freedom and flexibility. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, this event is tailored to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.

Don't miss this chance to learn, grow, and take a giant leap towards your financial goals. Join us, and let's embark on this journey to financial mastery together!

get you complimentary ticket here

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Passive Income Summit 2024. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. 3 Day Virtual event of financial empowerment! - We're inviting you to the exclusive Passive Income Summit this month, where you'll discover the keys to unlocking a world of passive income. Imagine having the freedom to spend your time exactly as you wish, all while your investments work for you. Thi...


Wanted to let you all know that I'll be doing a 25 minute keynote at Affiliate world in Dubai pure high value with all the newest updates on how to promote online and create passive income It's going to be epic!

How to Become a Millionaire Using These 10 Steps 12/02/2024

I just uploaded a brand new video called the 10 habits of self made millionaires. Which one of the habits do you do the most? Watch to find out here

How to Become a Millionaire Using These 10 Steps More information here comprehensive explanation on the habits of self-made millionaires offered by John Lee highlights key ...


If you don’t eat this on Chonese New Year it could cost you! Here’s why!!!!


I feel so blessed to be part of January issue of Success Magazine! In this issue I talk about the power ofA. I and how it going to change everything!

I just want to thank the community for all your support over the years too . See you this weekend at the summit.

You can grab a copy at any Barnes and Noble or local new stand!

Do you want to create more success this year?


"Unlock wealth creation with these proven strategies:

Network and Mastermind: Forge relationships with achievers and engage in mastermind groups for mutual growth.
Add Value: Always contribute value, building trust and meaningful connections.

Wealth Creation Steps: Set clear goals, foster idea-sharing communities, and dedicate time to networking and self-improvement.

Join Elite Networks: Gain access through demonstrated credibility or strategic investments. Commitment is key.

Collaborate and Leverage: Opt for partnerships and collaboration. Remember, contacts are invaluable leverage.
Continuous Learning: Approach every interaction ready to learn and grow, leaving ego aside.

Embrace these principles for a transformative journey in wealth creation and personal development."


If someone offered you this watch for 10k. How many of you would snap my hand off?

I just filmed a brand new video on this explaining the 6 values you need to understand before you can become rich! Make sure you check it out!

How to Earn More Income in 2024 09/01/2024

Just launched my brand new youtube channel called success secrets! And my first video is about the new ways to create income in 2024! leave a comment on it and be the first subscriber

How to Earn More Income in 2024 Hi everyone, John Lee here. Today, I want to share with you seven key strategies that can help you significantly increase your income in 2024. These are m**h...


If you knew you could not fail what would you do?

This morning had breakfast meeting with my brother Rio Ferdinand got som**hing very special coming up that can really support the next generation of entrepreneurs!

Drop a yes if you are looking to start a business this year?


Okay, so today's session is about discipline. How many of you have really wanted to do things but you still don't go about doing it? Now there's three reasons why. Number one is it's not important to you enough. Number two is you don't have the time. Number three is you don't know how. So these are the three things that we want to focus on every single day to really get that result.

For example, right now I'm in my gym t shirt. Why? Because I want to go to the gym. Now for years I've been going to the gym, but when the pandemic happened, I was like, okay, I'm not going because, you know, I don't want to catch any germs there. But what happened is when I stopped going to the gym, I stopped.

Getting into shape. My energy was lower. And here's the interesting thing. I house, I have a full size gym. It's got everything. It's got squat rack, chest press, it's got everything in there. But I didn't use it every single day. Why? Because I didn't, it wasn't important to me enough. So the first thing is discipline.

You've got to have The reasons why you want to do it. Now, here's the, here's the contradictory thing about discipline. Like discipline really means doing the things that we don't want to do in order to get the results that we want. Now, the powerful thing about this is to really understand that knowing the things that you don't want.

So when I ask people a question, what is it that you want? They don't know how to answer it. They go, well, John, I don't, I don't know what I want. But then if you answer the opposite question to that is what is it that you don't want? When you understand the things that you don't want, that's when you're able to start getting more results in the things that you want to do.

Because discipline, remember, is doing the things that you don't want to do. Right? So if you do it, but you don't feel like doing it, but you're doing it to get things to get away from the things you don't want. So that's why it's contradictory. So if you have a struggle and you got this power struggle of, I want to do this, but I don't want to do that.

It's kind of what we call the past conflict. You want to do this, but you don't want to do this. You want to make more money, more money, but you don't want to do the work, right? So that's why you've got to be able to have these three things in process. So when I think about discipline, the first thing you want to do is write down all the things that you want, all the things you don't want, because then you'll know The things that you're trying to get away from every single day.

Number two is I always believe that your thoughts lead to your feelings, lead to your actions, lead to your results. So that means the more thought processes you have of actually doing som**hing, because look, here's the thing. Let's say you want to go have a workout. You don't always want to wake up every single day and then you go, Oh, well, I want to go to a workout, right?

Because you just don't feel like it. But what happens is you're in that process when you're in the workout, you're like, you get to the gym and you're like, Oh God, I don't really want to lift. And you start lifting. You're like, Oh, actually. I quite enjoyed this process. It's the same with business. You want to make money in business right now.

There's only two things you want to focus on leads and sales. That's it. And that's if you're starting out. So if you're watching me and you're like, well, John, I just really want to start out in business. There's only two things that you need. Right, generate more leads and make more sales. That's it.

That's the only two things you should be focusing on every single day. Right? You want to go to the gym and get into shape, move your body, eat the right foods, and all these little things, these little what I call 1% s. You know, they compound to thousands of percents. Like if you improve yourself in every single day, right?

So let's say you're able to improve yourself 1 percent every single day.

So after a year, that's 365 percent right? No, it's not because in the compound process, one plus one is not equal to one plus one has a 10 times multiple. Because it's building on the day before, for example, if you go to the gym and you lift some weights, right? So let's say I get some dumbbells and I get some 10 kg dumbbells and do a, you know, a press or do a chest press, right?

After a year, I'll be stronger, right? And in fact, it's interesting because I had, um, A shoulder injury, and I was, I was trying to lift this, this way and I couldn't because you know, my, there's so much pain here. So then I started doing all these, you know, these, these movements. I had the band and I was doing that and after two weeks, finally, I could take a barbell.

I could at least do one press. Six months from now, I'll probably do 10, 20, 30 presses. So the key here is to the discipline is actually momentum. Think of that. If you lack discipline, it's because you lack momentum. So people ask me, well, why do you work so much? Because it's not about the end result of becoming successful, making money.

It's actually about getting to the point where you're creating results and little things every single day that lead to that end result. And so that's why for me, I got to love that process. And here's the thing as an entrepreneur. If you don't love the process, don't be an entrepreneur. If you're just thinking about the money.

That's it. Like, like, don't be an entrepreneur. You have to learn the process. You have to enjoy the process. You have to become a bigger version of you. And so, for example, when I first started off as an entrepreneur, my number one goal, and here's the thing, you want to focus on a goal every single day, number one.

So for me, it was, okay, how do I make 3000 pounds a month so I can quit my job? And by the way, I love my job. I was an animator, I get to work on some cool games, you know, cool TV shows, the company I worked for worked on all these big, you know, films. But did I, did I love that as a life? Um, you know, I had to commute to, into London every single day and it was like probably two, three hour, you know, commute by, you know, from door to door.

And it took a lot out of you. So really you would just Living instead of existing. Now, of course, if you love your job and you love that whole process, then stay in it. But you're going to create som**hing on the side as well. It's what we call a side hustle or a secondary income or multiple streams of income.

So that's all I focused on. Then I thought, okay, well if I can buy 10 houses and each house can make me 300 a month. Then I replace my income now. It's not as simple as that, but that was kind of like the ethereal or the goal. So that was my number one goal. So then the question I asked then is, is what question leads to the next question?

Next question is, okay, well, how do I buy one property and where can I buy it and how much can I rent it for? And if I rent it for 300, which areas can I command that kind of rent where I can, um, you know, the mortgage and the rent will give me that, that, you know, that, that, that sort of margin. So when you're thinking about creating som**hing, you look at that goal.

And so then I had to learn about, okay, lead generation, I had to learn about, uh, finding deals, I had to learn about negotiating, I had to learn about, Sales, I had to learn about operation, I had to learn how to, you know, do the, you know, some handy jobs, but that's about it. And I just mastered the process and I kept doing it over and over again.

So my goal every single day was to find the people that want to sell the property and then find the investors who could give me the money to buy it. That's it. That's all I did. And I just did that every single day. And, and when I'm talking about the little things that make the big difference, you don't even have to be That intelligent about it.

Like one of the reasons why I got into real estate is because you don't really have to be that intelligent to buy property. Just buy low, sell high, get good at the skill set. And that's what I focus on every, every single day. I focused on the skill set, the more skill sets that you incorporate. And really, there's only three or four that you want to really master.

Number one, the power to communicate. Number two, the power to be able to negotiate and, and, and sell your ideas, sell your business plans, sell your, you know, um, concepts. Three is the ability to be able to disrupt and see, you know, the holes. And the last one that I, this I focus on today is your connections.

It's not who you know, but it's who knows you. So that means every single day I was like, I was looking at who do I want to connect with? Who do I want to partner with? Who do I want to get into business with? And so when I asked you about some of the things that you want to do, you need to start thinking about the things that you don't want, the things that you do.

For example, if you are over it right now, you already know the things you want to do, but you're still not doing it. For example, if you're overweight right now, it's because you're not going to the gym. It's because you're not running, you're not doing cardio, you don't have a personal trainer. You're not working out, you're not eating right, your diet is not good, right?

If you're broke right now, it's because you're not spending time to learn about financial literacy. You don't have a mentor, you don't have a coach. You're not implementing, you're not generating leads, you're not making sales. It's that simple, right? Or right now, if you're broke right now, it's because you're not, you're not multiplying your money.

Like as soon as you make the money, you spend it. Right. It's not about how much money you make. It's about how much you can keep and when you can keep that money, guess what happens? You're now able to multiply. So lots of different ways to multiply, right? A lot of people do like stocks, real estate, shares, businesses, investing, right?

These are some of the things that you want to do to know to multiply. You, you can't grow money until you multiply. Right? And to multiply it, you need to be able to invest. And so, again, I know a lot of you are JL. club members that, that, that are, you know, learning a lot of the marketing and branding and strategies and social media.

Life of social media. Like, some of you asked me, John, well, how do I get more followers? Simple. Post content every single day. Right? Well, John, what, what should I post about? Look, I'll give you some really quick tips here. Right? So, when I have conversations with people, I turn that into a piece of content.

When I see a post online, like, for example, discipline. Right. I saw som**hing about discipline and discipline is not about, you know, there's a book called outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. He talks about creating, um, you know, 10, 000 hours, which makes you. A master at som**hing, right? But I don't really think that's the case.

And I saw another article on this. Well, it's not about the 10, 000 hours that you're putting in, right? It's about the iterations of what you're doing in those 10, 000 hours. For example, when you, for example, when I'm speaking on the phone and negotiating a deal, if I negotiate the exact same with the same script, it's not going to get the result.

But let's say on that call, someone says to me, you know, John, I don't want to sell my property because of this, but I'll sell it because of this. I've now got a hook and I've got these, what we call units of conviction that allows me to create and get that deal. So every single, and I made thousands and thousands of phone calls.

That's why I can pick up a phone call and know if that person wants to sell the property within five minutes below its market value. So it's the skill set that you're developing. And it's the things that you should be doing on a consistent basis that produces the results. So again, if you want to earn more income, if you want to, you know, start a business, if you want to, you know, do more with your money, like the reason why you're not making more money is because you're spending more than you earn.

Right? And you're investing less than you spend. So these are some of the things that you want to start thinking about. So remember discipline, doing the things you don't want to do. The thoughts lead to the feelings, lead to the actions, lead to the results. It's the iterations of the things that you do, and remember to always enjoy the process.

You know, for me, it's really understanding that, that you have to really trust the process. When you trust the process, the process will trust you. And that's why you must always believe. That anything is possible. I'll see you in the next session. Bye for now.


What’s your goal for 2024?


Boxing day training! So good to be back at the gym! For those of you starting your health journey don’t wait to the new year. Start NOW!


Drop a yes if you agree! If you don’t even try you will never know! Believe anything is possible!

What’s one thing absolutely take action on in 2024?


Are you buying Gold? How much do you think this piece is worth?


It’s a wrap! Thank you for all of you who came to Dubai and Bali it was magical!


What do you think?


If you truly love what you do then you will never feel like your working again!

Make it a priority to always create and add value to people’s lives because the more you add to others the more you add to yourself! Agree yes or no?

Special thanks to Germaine, Benny, Ivan and Shaun for having me impact your community ❤️🙏


You got to love vegas!


What an incredible event such an honour to impact thousands of lives 🙏


I am so excited to be speaking at LIMITLESS MOMENTUM with my very good friend Jim Kwik and the incredible line up of speakers 🔥

Jim’s worked with the likes of Oprah, Branson, Elon, to name a few. And one of the best in the world at maximising your mind to get amazing results!

If you would like a ticket drop a yes and make sure you join my board cast channel on IG


You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.


Stop shouting about what you do and instead let your success make all the noise. Yes or No :)


What dream are you building?

Videos (show all)

Affiliate Marketing: How to Monetize with Cost Per Million Strategies..💸 #business #marketingstrategy
Future of Passive Income using A.I. and Tech..💰#business #BusinessGrowth
The Million-Dollar Retirement Plan: How Much You Really Need to Save..💰 #business #businessgrowth
Disney GENIUS Strategy to Increase Sales | Case Study..💰 #business #businessgrowth #BusinessSuccess
Wealth Wisdom: Stop SAVING Money in your Bank..💰 #business #businesssuccess
How DISNEY used Marvel to create a Multibillion-Dollar Empire?..💰#business #BusinessGrowth
How Investing made me a Property Millionaire by 27..💰 #business #businesssuccess
Maximize Savings: The Best Times to Buy Property and Cars..💸 #business #BusinessSuccess #propertyinvestment
The Power of Mentorship: Finding Deals and Making Smart Choices..💰 #businessgrowth #BusinessSuccess
Improve Your Relationships by Mastering Communication Skills..🚀#businesssuccess #businessgrowth
Taylor Swift’s Genius Strategy: Building Her Own Empire..💸  #marketingstrategy #businesssuccess
How to Pay Off Credit Cards Faster and Save Money..💰 #businessgrowth #businesssuccess

