The Stockman's Daughter - At Home

The Stockman's Daughter - At Home

Home Furnishing and Personal Blog Inspired by Dorset Life

Photos from The Stockman's Daughter - At Home's post 27/10/2023

- Hinton Ampner -

We travelled a little further a field today for a fantastic day out at Hinton Ampner - making the very most of our much loved National Trust membership.

This is a new one to us - but absolutely one we shall be returning to very soon.

Pumpkins, Herdwicks, Autumn leaves and Blue skies. The absolute perfect Autumn Day.

Hinton Ampner - National Trust


Xx Autumn Vibes xX

The pumpkins are carved , the fire is lit and homemade soup is on the menu.

I absolutely adore this time of the year ❤

Let's see your pumpkins 🎃


🎃 Autumn Warming Soup 🎃

A flashback post , but I am most certainly feeling the need to make this again !

The household is in need of a vitamin boost as the colds and coughs have started creeping in. It's that time of year!

A good batch cook is in order for today! A good 'warm you up to the bones' soup is in order.

Butternut squash,potato, pumpkin, courgette, carrot, garlic & onion . 2 veg stock cubes and about 1.5litres of water. That should keep us going for a while!

What is your 'go to' soup for these chilly autumn days?


🍁🎃 Local Competition 🎃 🍂🍁


🍁🍂~ Autumn~ 🍂🍁

Today is officially the first day of Autumn and I am so ready !

I have been waiting for the darker evenings- lit candles , fire roaring , crochet and blankets on the sofa for too long.

The pumpkin spice candles are out , sofa blankets have been laundered and ready to be snuggled .

I've been using this King Cole Bramble DK wool this past couple of days to make this multicoloured pumpkin. The colour is Chestnut - which ,to be honest , sold it to me immediately after the colours alone caught my eye.

These pumpkins are slowly taking over my house and I have to say..I am so happy about it !

🍂🍁 Welcome Autumn 🍁🍂

Photos from The Stockman's Daughter - At Home's post 19/09/2023

~ Hazelnuts~

Have you seen just how full the Hazelnut trees are this year ?

Unfortunately my Apple tree has been less than generous this year - I'm not sure why. Perhaps a good pruning this year will sort that.

This weekend I collected all these from the Hazel Tree in my garden. Dont worry - I left plenty for the squirrels .

Any recommendations as to what to make? My children want to make their own chocolate spread of course!

Any good recipe recommendations?


~ Change is Good ~

You will have noticed the name of this page has changed ❤

This is so I can merge my two loves into one name "The Stockman's Daughter ".

I will be returning to some more home , craft and baking blogging alongside my artwork on The Stockman's Daughter .

Thank you for following ❤

~ Kathy ~


Its so close the first day of Spring, Bruno can smell it!

Photos from The Stockman's Daughter - At Home's post 04/12/2022

~Wreath Making ~

Its that time of the year !

Christmas is creeping up rapidly and this weekend has seen our tree arriving and Christmas Decor has gone up.

One of our traditions is to make our own wreaths. Using all foraged items and hasn't cost a penny ❤. Plus it got us all out into the fresh air bright and early -hopefully it will kill off some of these germs too!

Fir, feathers & Ivy all woven into a ring made from a shrub I pruned in the garden.

What do you think?



🍁🍂 Autumn Days 🍂🍁

My absolute favourite season!

Photos from The Stockman's Daughter - At Home's post 18/08/2022

- Annie's Lemon Curd -

With this recipe winning 1st prize at our village show - its time we shared the recipe I think!

Its a super simple recipe and can be made with supervision by children too. A lovely way to introduce skills such as zesting and juicing.

Annie's Lemon Curd

100g sugar
2 lemons - zested and juiced.
50g butter
2 beaten eggs ( we used 1 bantam egg from our generous hens and 1 medium egg )

In a bain-marie , place the butter , sugar , zest and juice on a medium heat.

Once the butter has melted, add the beaten eggs and whisk until the mixture thickens (approx 10 minutes )

Pour into a sterilised jar and screw on a lid immediately. Alternatively ,add a wax seal and cover with a pot cover as we have done.

Enjoy on hot toast or as a filler for my lemon and poppyseed cake !