This page is about encouraging and supporting women who are feeling hormonal, experiencing Perimenop We want to provide helpful tips for other women. Thank you.
This page was created to provide a forum for women to share their ideas and provide a supportive community for women who are hormonal, perimenopausal and going through their menopause as well as post menopausal. We need to be supportive of others and share what has worked for you. We appreciate that people are different and one size does not fit all. Many women are going through perimenopause and
they are not even aware of what's going on within their bodies. Menopause Mastery works in Partnership with Total Health Now Clinic. Total Health Now offers Holistic Solutions that guarantee the elimination of menopausal symptoms. Ladies as we enjoy our lives we need to be assured that as we age or get older our bodies are prepared for the changes that we experience and that we live balanced and healthy lives. This subject touches my heart, as we go through life we are hardly reminded that we need to balance our hormones and our life from age thirty to fifty. I want you to be a warrior for your health and your bodies and share with other women so we can get our health back on track. You could be experiencing unexplained weight gain, mood swings, irritability, fatigue, loss of libido, fibroids, tenderness in the breast, hot flashes, night sweats, PMS, infertility, migranes, memory loss, very heavy or light periods, cold hands and feet, vaginal drynes, insomnia, sagging breast, fatter hips, or a combination of these symptoms. If you're in your 30s to mid 40s you may have been told that they're nothing or it's just stress, and offered surgery and anti depressants or prescription hormones. As you approach the 50s rest assured that menopause will be creeping in on you. The startling truth is that Menopause is a transition of life and it appears that there's a mystery about it. Most people do not speak about it openly, yet all women will go through this transition at some point in life. Let's have some open discussions about how we can live as women of wisdom who will thrive as hormonally balanced women. Don't shy away from the subject ladies. Let's be open and frank about this great change in life that paves the way for greater wisdom which Mother Nature has bestowed upon us. I am happy for you to share your comments but please be respectful and be mindful of the language used in this forum. Please do not post or advertise events on this page without my permission. People who can share on this page with permission are Konstantinos Kapelas and Joan Cassie Fanus
I need to approve any and all adverts anyone decides to post here. Thanks again for your kind understanding. Disclaimer: This is simply a support page for women to freely discuss their symptoms and experiences while going through this transition of life menopause or perimenopause. Nothing on this page should be deemed as medical advice and does not replace the advice of a medical professional. Whatever choices you make are entirely yours and not the responsibility of this page or anyone associated with it. Page Type