

Zoence ('Science of Life') is a science of harmony and creativity, based on ancient wisdom with mode

Developed from the Wisdom traditions of the West, such as the Alchemical, Hermetic, Magian, Hebraic, Kabbalistic, Orphic, Platonic, Neoplatonic, Classical, Celtic, Druidic, Christian, Freemasonic and Rosicrucian traditions, Zoence also has its parallels in Eastern philosophy and the indigenous wisdom of the Americas.

3 Letters that will save the planet | Manjula Lee | Oxford Talks 10/04/2024

3 Letters that will save the planet | Manjula Lee | Oxford Talks During the summer of 2022, the Economist published an article, "ESG, Three letters that won't save the planet", as a 9-page feature. The article sets out the...

Opening the Third Eye: The Mystical Marriage & Revelation of Light - Zoence 23/07/2023

'Opening the Third Eye: The Mystical Marriage & Revelation of Light' (15-17 September 2023) - Evening talk and weekend workshop led by Peter Dawkins.
Friday evening talk: 'Ancient Egyptian Wisdom – Opening the Eye & Mouth of Horus'
Weekend Workshop: 'Marriage of the Two Breaths, Spiritual and Natural'

Opening the Third Eye: The Mystical Marriage & Revelation of Light - Zoence Evening talk and weekend workshop led by Peter Dawkins. Friday evening talk: Ancient Egyptian Wisdom – Opening the Eye & Mouth of Horus Weekend Workshop: Marriage of the Two Breaths, ... Read more

The Bent Pyramid, Numbers 6 & 5, and Precession 23/03/2023

Alan Green's discovery that precession measured at the midpoint of a Dark Age, such as now, is different to that measured at the midpoint of a Golden Age. In the dark Age we are focused on the mortal individual (5). In the Golden Age we are focused on the immortal Universal (6). The raising of the mortal to immortality and the resulting marriage of the two is the ultimate aim of life. It is what is described in the Gemini myth.

The Bent Pyramid, Numbers 6 & 5, and Precession Bard Code Website: https://ToBeOrNotToBe.orgThe Shakespeare Game:https://www.resonancescience.org/the-shakespeare-gameFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/bardc...

Photos from Uisneach's post 18/10/2022

The importance of St Brigid


"The Tuatha de Danaan were a sacred bloodline who migrated to Ireland from Scythia, where they were known as Tuadhe d’Anu, and before that the Anu-naki, People of Anu from the Armenian Highlands.
Now, consider three of the most important ritual sites in ancient Ireland were Knocknarea, Tara, and a ritual complex at the foot of the Paps of Anu.

In historical times the Tuatha became the foundation of the Scots-Gael kings and queens, who moved the seat of power to Dunadd in Scotland, where they congregated in a round court. Since the Tuatha were fair skinned they were known as the ‘fair folk’, and the circular courts became known as ‘fairy rings’.

The three original Irish sites form a near-perfect isosceles triangle. Bisect the triangle and you reach the fairy ring on the summit of Dunadd.

Now the big question: how did they achieve this extraordinary geodetic feat without satellites, GPS or large-scale map-making technology?"

Just one of the many stories in my latest book, Scotland’s Hidden Sacred Past, https://invisibletemple.com/scotland-hidden-sacred-past-book-freddy-silva.html


Utroba Cave, in the Rhodope mountains, Bulgaria. Carved by hand more than 3000 years ago.

Visit for more > historyen.com

Timeline photos 06/08/2022

Behold, the north point and crown chakra of the north-south spine of Ireland! Beautiful photo!

The stone fort of Grianán of Aileach has sat on the Inishowen Peninsula since 1700 BC, and in its lifetime it has gained quite a few interesting stories. The fort is linked with the mythical Tuatha Dé Danann and their god Dagda, and later with the baptism by St Patrick of local chieftain Eoghan, from whom Inishowen gets its name! And the tales of this spot may not be over – legend goes that the giants of Inishowen are lying sleeping under Grianán of Aileach, but once a hidden sacred sword is removed they will spring back to life to reclaim their ancient land. So stay on your toes!

Thanks for the great photo


Top 10 Places to Visit in Ireland https://lovetovisitireland.com/top-10-places-to-visit-in-ireland-2/



Faithful and True - the challenge to all of us: can we be faithful and true?
See https://www.zoence.co.uk/

Mobile uploads 11/07/2022

Avebury Megaliths.


Hill of Tara, site of royal proclamations in Ireland since at least 4000 BC, has been connected with the Tuatha de Danaan as well as the divine bloodlines Egypt and Scythia. The hill’s name derives from the Egyptian Ta aa-Ra, literally ‘belonging to the House of Ra’. But there’s a twist. The Scythian royal bloodline originates in ancient Armenia, and through the lens of etymology Te Ara also means ‘belonging to Ara’, an androgynous sky god connected with Orion and the identity of Armenia.

More previously unknown connections in my latest book https://invisibletemple.com/scotland-hidden-sacred-past-book-freddy-silva.html

The Real Da Vinci Code 17/09/2021

The Real Da Vinci Code The Real Da Vinci CodeProduced by Robert Edward Grant & Alan GreenFor more on Robert Edward Grant's work:https://www.robertedwardgrant.comBard Code Website: ...


A monthly photograph of the sunrise from a fixed location, and for a whole year. Shows the effect of the earth's movement around the sun.


Post 378 – When I was working 7000ft underground in the gold mines, we used to experience around 2-3 mine induced earthquakes every month. If a ‘bump’ occurred in a nearby mine, we could hear it coming. It was like an express train racing towards you. As it passed, everything shook. All you could do was to look up so you could dodge any rocks that might be falling down.

Afterwards, you can hear it receding away. These quakes also have subaudible vibrations. What we hear are audible vibrations & yes sound travels through rock. In the image is the 200 ton Tsar bell that sits in the grounds of the Kremlin in Russia. It is the largest bell ever made in the World at 22ft wide at the base & 20ft height. Unfortunately it broke before it could be played (as you can see) but it’s estimated it would have made a sound at 80Hz.

At specific lower frequencies the human body does not fare well. 37Hz is known to cause cardiac, pulmonary and stomach disorders. Sounds around 19Hz match the resonant frequency of the human eyeball & this can distort our eyesight. A 32ft long organ pipe plays at 16 vibrations per second -16Hz. Most human hearing stops below 20Hz when it then becomes Infrasound.

Frequencies of 7Hz begin to match the alpha frequencies of the brain & the body’s internal organs & prolonged exposure to this is dangerous. The frequencies of large Earthquakes can range from 1 to 10Hz.

This infrasound is not dangerous to us if we are a long way from the source. Think of standing next a huge speaker at a rock concert - it will do more damage than standing at the back of the Arena. Infrasound can be helpful to us and to some creatures though. A phenomenon called “Sea voice” is caused by wind blowing above the crests of waves. At times of storms, sea animals can sense these vibrations building around 10-15 hours in advance of a storm. Jelly fish dive deeper & Whales make for the open sea.

In my last post I wrote about the increasing neutrinos the Earth was receiving as our magnetic field declines. These high energy particles give energy to our inner core. This is a natural transducer & a mechanical filter & it converts this energy into ultra-low frequency vibrations that emanate back up to the surface. It does this by expanding and contracting within the liquid outer core in a similar way to a bell as it expands and contracts in different directions in the air when it is struck.

As a Geobiologist, I look at how this infrasound affects life. Its range of micro hertz frequencies have higher harmonics that are found just below, and within, our range of hearing & they also have an effect on us. We cannot hear these harmonics as they have little power, but our body’s organs can & do resonate them with both harmful and beneficial effects.

Living in some areas, especially for too long, is not good for one’s health & illnesses like cancer are more common there. With the increasing neutrinos, we have now been finding that the inner core’s base frequencies are changing. Instead of it producing a range of frequencies, its mechanical filtering effect is being overloaded by just one increasing energy source & this is causing it all to change.

Projecting this into the future, by December 2024, there will be just one fundamental base frequency all year long. Its higher harmonics will be fixed & the human mind & body will become greatly affected in different ways by this. This change now seems linked to our solar system moving into the galactic current sheet rough every 12000 years (see earlier posts) & a cyclic change in human consciousness from individual to group consciousness.

Those currently trying to steal total control over us, know this, & are trying to take all possible actions to stay in control when this happens. If we sit back and do nothing, they will succeed. If enough of us awaken to our coming opportunity to expand our consciousness, they will not.

This is actually easy to do and for more information please read my free monthly newsletters on www.roryduff.com & please support my work by buying a book or two. Thank you for reading this.

Timeline photos 29/08/2021

A Jain Discovery

I have just made a very simple though important discovery or revelation regarding the Flower Of Life (FOL).
As we know, the one symbol in Sacred Geometry that is loved and understood by all people is the Flower of Life, it’s in the mass consciousness, being rose-like and elegant, and something that many people mindlessly draw as a “phone doodle”.
I have known last decade that this pattern has 90 petals, lip-like, or leaf-like shapes, made from the intersecting circles. The Number 90 is also a very important number, being a quartering of the 360 degree circle and symbolic of the right-angled triangle that birthed trigonometry and therefore advanced calculations for the benefit of humanity.
But what has eluded everyone, something that has never been written about or discussed or revealed, is the negative space, the apparent triangles that are in between the 90 petals. So, I decided to count them, whilst preparing some notes for an upcoming online eCourse. There happens to be 54 such curved Triangles, 54 being half the holy Indian Number Sri 108.
But what is important here, is the combined sum of both 90 Petals and 54 Triangles = 90 + 54 = 144. Jackpot!
In Harmonic Maths, the Number 144 is critically important.
According to Bruce Cathie, the maximum value of “c” aka the Speed Of Light aka SOL, 
is 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second. Ignore the zeroes and 144 is intimately related to 144,000. This is the secret mathematics for the calculation of the Leylines, the Earth-Grid and the ancient science of Sacred Sites on our planet.

In summary: FOL = SOL
Jain 108


Post 367– If you recognise this gentleman you are certainly one of the awakened few. The Austrian mystic and philosopher Rudolf Steiner called him a great spiritual initiate. Pope John XXIII called him the greatest philosopher living on the earth at that time.

The philosopher & writer Jiddu Krishnamurti called him a World Master. Even Albert Einstein said about him “All the world renders homage to me but I render homage to the Master”. Amongst his many deeds and skills, he was also known as a man who saw our future &, of this, he said the following:-

‘This planet & solar system will soon move into an area of space where the vibrations are much higher’, ‘An immense wave will come from cosmic space and inundate the entire earth which will be swept by extraordinary rapid waves of cosmic electricity’.

‘People should prepare to harmonise themselves with the currents of the Ascension’. ‘It is through suffering and difficulties that the consciousness of mankind will be awakened’.

He went on to say that we will soon enter a new Golden Age of humanity. All of this came to him in one vision right at the end of his life in 1944 at the age of 70.

The image of him here is one of the rarer ones from earlier in his life. A few more of you might now know who he is. He provides us with just one piece of the jigsaw puzzle about the universal prophecy that I wrote about in my book Grail Bound.

All around the World over many time periods & cultures great people were given glimpses of this one future event & the build up to it. Each person’s prophecy tells us something new & what we must do & what to expect.

There is more we need to find & this is one of the reasons I’ve begun running discussion groups to explore just what we need to do. His vision of the future very closely mirrors what is now beginning to happen to our solar system as it approaches the galactic current sheet. (For further information on this read my last few newsletters. www.roryduff.com).

My last social media post was about the demonic influence at work in the invisible masonic fraternity & it is about them that we also hear about in his vision. The words used were ‘The parasites will disappear’.

This statement by the Bulgarian spiritual teacher, writer, philosopher called Peter Deunov is wonderfully reassuring when we consider just what damage the Deceivers (E’Epa/Wetiko) have been, and still are, doing in this World.

That he was so aware of them back then in the early part of the 20th century speaks volumes. ‘Douno’ (as he was affectionately known) recognised the need to prepare for this coming event and in my post 112, you can read about one of the movements he began up in the mountains near the city of Rila. These ceremonies were held on one of the World’s six Emperor Dragon Earth energy lines.

As to exactly when this event will happen, there are two ways we can use to find out. One is to develop our own foresight & the other is to monitor the energy lines. The continual source energy that drives their constant presence on the surface of the Earth is directly connected to these incoming cosmic energies via the energy their neutrinos being delivered to the inner core.

We are already seeing changing signs like the lines widening and the harmony times lengthening. We need to come together in groups at sacred sites all around the World & prepare through fasting, praying & meditating for December 2024.

That is the date when the all year round harmony begins & when our learning really starts. In Peter Deunov’s vision he saw that those who prepared well would feel rejuvenated & purified & their hearts would be liberated from anguish, troubles and uncertainty.

Perhaps rather strangely he also said that they would also become more luminous. What do you think? Will enlightenments take on some form physical glowing as it becomes easier in these increasing energetic times?

Or perhaps those who have prepared well will perceive this light in others. If you have read Goethe’s Fairy tale, think now of the Green snake when she eats the gold coins & becomes luminous.

If you have not heard the story there is a free recording you can listen to in the books section on my website www.roryduff.com The time has come to step up to the plate & to stand up & be counted.

What do you think & what will you do? Tell us in the comments.

Photos from Bard Code's post 22/05/2021

Our Story

A major feature of Zoence is its research into and knowledge of the land, in terms of landscape temples and zodiacs,and how the land is the stage on which we act our parts. It helps to know our mythology and the parts we are called upon to act.

The aim of Zoence is to help people learn, by means of teaching, training and experience, to do the right thing in the right place at the right time and with the right orientation or purpose. The ultimate aim is to help establish heaven on earth.

We discover and work with the natural energies of the landscape, and the great myths and mysteries associated with the land and people.

Zoence has been and continues to be a pioneer is the discovery of chakras in the landscape, referred to as landscape temples and zodiacs, and how best to work with them for the good of all.