Yorkshire Barrel Crafts

Yorkshire Barrel Crafts

We make handcrafted items that are lovingly created from old Whisky and Wine barrels.


Happy Yorkshire Day, hope its a r**t gud un!


We would like to say thank you for everyone's support over the last year and we wish you all a prosperous, healthy and happy 2022.


We wish you all Seasons gr**tings and a happy and healthy New Year, stay safe everyone.

See you all in 2022.🙂


On a recent trip to Whitby we came across this sculpture, it is called 'The Herring Girls' and is part of the Whitby Sculpture Trail. Since it features a barrel, we just had to take a photo of it. 🙂


Happy Yorkshire Day everyone, hope you all have a gud 'un😀


Barrel lids or heads are usually made from oak and made up of 5-10 smaller pieces which are held together by dowels or tongue and groove, the edges are bevelled and fit into the groove on the staves that make up the side of the barrel, this groove is sealed with reeds or rushes and once filled with whisky or wine this creates a watertight seal. To remove a barrel head you need to take the barrel apart completely.


Good Luck to all the independents out there that are opening today. We wish you all a great first day, all the best.👍