Farah Hussain

Farah Hussain

Heal šŸ’« Evolve šŸ”„ Love ā™„ļø Helping single women create healthy, happy, love lives bit.ly/farahhussain


The novelist George Sand once wrote, ā€˜there is only one happiness in lifeā€¦ to love and be lovedā€™ and while arguably, there may well be more than one happiness, if your heartā€™s deepest desire is to experience a fabulously healthy, loving and fulfilling relationship, then you will probably agree with herā€¦ and youā€™d be in very good company. šŸ˜‰

But if your lived experience of relationships so far has been nothing short of chaos and dysfunction, itā€™s easy to start wondering if perhaps what you desire is not meant for you.šŸ„¹

You must understand that if you desire a thing, and that includes a loving relationship or marriage, it's not enough to have the desire and then sit back and do nothing. Or to moan and lament your ā€˜lot in lifeā€™ because your relational encounters have been less than satisfactory; toxic or even abusive. šŸ˜£

Itā€™s important to understand what is happening and to recognise that our present moment experiences are sometimes fundamentally affected by our past via the creative adjustments (ways of thinking and internalised stories or beliefs), that weā€™ve made to cope with or manage the situation.

šŸ‘‰ These adjustments are affecting your way of being and how you show up in your relationshipsā€¦covertly, overtly, subtly and not-so-subtly.

šŸ‘‰ Understanding these historical experiences and how they influence your personality and functioning in relationship, is an important aspect of the healing process.

šŸ‘‰ You cannot be held responsible for your childhood experiences or the wounding this creates but your healing is 100% your responsibility.

For example, my client who was raised by a highly narcissistic mother who was unable to show her love or meet her basic emotional needs. Over the years, this client repeatedly found herself in abusive and controlling relationships with men. I remember her facial expression and the question she asked in our initial session so vividly, ā€œWhat the f**k is wrong with me, Farah? Itā€™s like I have a neon sign over my head that says, ā€˜abuse meā€™. ā€œ

There was nothing wrong with her. Itā€™s just you canā€™t change a pattern that you canā€™t see, and you canā€™t have a new relational experience without doing the healing work to release/change the pattern.

It's so common for women to say, "well, if I'm meant to meet someone, it will happen," or "if it's in my destiny, it will happen."

I'm utterly baffled by this thinking. NO, it really won't. Not unless you do the inner work and release the old stories and lies that are holding you back. Not until you heal the wounds and clear old patterns.

So, the desire for love, commitment and marriage is praiseworthy. šŸ˜

But your desire must be accompanied by an expectation... an active form of attention towards the fulfilment of what you desire... and then followed through with inspired action to bring your heartā€™s desire of a loving relationship with a wonderful man, into your lived experience here, today.

If youā€™re ready to heal old wounds, release toxic patterns and reveal the best, most authentic and loveable version of you so that you can attract and maintain the relationship of your dreams, I have something very special for you.

DM me ā€˜healā€™ and Iā€™ll send you the details ā™„ļø


When relationships thrive, families thrive and when families thrive, communities thrive.


I said: what about my eyes?
He said: Keep them on the road.

I said: What about my passion?
He said: Keep it burning.

I said: What about my heart?
He said: Tell me what you hold inside it?

I said: Pain and sorrow.
He said: Stay with it.
The wound is the place where the Light enters you.



ā€œPerhaps it is true that we do not really exist until there is someone there to see us existing. We cannot properly speak until there is someone who can understand what we are saying. In essence, we are not wholly alive until we are loved.ā€

~ Alain de Botton - On Love


Fear is allowed a seat in the car but itā€™s not allowed to touch the radio... and above all else, itā€™s forbidden to drive.

Big Magic ~ Elizabeth Gilbert


The heart does not think or speak.
It feels and knows


The longest journey you will make in your life is from your head to your heart

~ Sioux Indian saying


Sometimes people walk away from love because it is so beautiful that it terrifies them.

Sometimes they leave because the connection shines a bright light on their dark places and they are not ready to work them through.

Sometimes they run away because they are not developmentally prepared to merge with another - they have more individuation work to do first.

Sometimes they take off because love is not a priority in their lives - they have another path and purpose to walk first.

Sometimes they end it because they prefer a relationship that is more practical than conscious, one that does not threaten the ways that they organize reality.

Because so many of us carry shame, we have a tendency to personalize love's leavings, triggered by the rejection and feelings of abandonment. But this is not always true.

Sometimes it has nothing to do with us. Sometimes the one who leaves is just not ready to hold it safe.

Sometimes they know something we don't - they know their limits at that moment in time. Real love is no easy path - readiness is everything. May we grieve loss without personalizing it. May we learn to love ourselves in the absence of the lover.

~ Jeff Brown


Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilisation in a culture.

The student expected Mead to talk about fishhooks or clay pots or grinding stones.

But instead, Mead shared that the first sign of civilisation in an ancient culture was a femur (thigh bone) that had been broken and then healed. Mead explained that in the animal kingdom, if you break your leg, you die. You cannot run from danger, get to the river for a drink or hunt for food. You are meat for prowling beasts. No animal survives a broken leg long enough for the bone to heal.

A broken femur that has healed is evidence that someone has taken time to stay with the one who fell, has bound up the wound, has carried the person to safety and has tended the person through recovery.

ā€œHelping someone else through difficulty is where civilisation starts,ā€ Mead explained.

We are at our best when we can be there for others and offer them our empathy and support. Not just physical support but mental and emotional too. If thatā€™s not something you can do, then at least ensure that you donā€™t add to a personā€™s pain or difficulty.

Be civilised.


Love is an ideal thing
Marriage is a real thing
A confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe




Regret is the soul-destroying emotion of wishing one had made a different decision in the past because the consequences of that decision (or non-decision) seem unfavourable or regrettable.

When we live in regret, we spend chunks of our precious life, dwelling on the past and often punishing a past version of ourselves for not being better, knowing better, doing better.

People can hang onto regret for years and years, using it to create and dwell in an alternate version of their life in which things would have or could have been different. And better.

Regret can briefly serve a functional purpose if it helps you learn something or gain insight into your true self. As such, you can consider how you might have handled things differently and move forward having integrated any learnings.

However, when you uncontrollably dwell in the past, regrets can hijack your thinking, have an ill effect on your mood and at worse, lead to severe depression.

The solution is not to repress the thoughts of regret or to take on some kind of delusional ā€˜no regretsā€™ bravado but rather to face up to them. Weā€™re far better off taking the time to dig into our oldest woes and to become acquainted with both their nature, and the nature of our response to them.

Some types of regrets have incredible staying power, namely those about what we could have done differently as opposed to what we did doā€¦ but did wrong. Although we experience both sorts, studies have found that across cultures and demographics, itā€™s regrets about what we didnā€™t do that haunt more of us for longer periods.

So youā€™re more likely to feel the pain of regret about never attempting or trying something than you are to regret a bad move or perceived mistake with a choice you made, for example.

This makes sense since action-related regrets spur reparative work, which allows us to deal with them and let them go. If you forgot your partnerā€™s birthday, you can apologise and arrange an alternate celebration. If you took on a nightmare job even though youā€™d be warned about a companyā€™s ethics/ work culture, you can put your energy into getting a new job.

But thereā€™s usually little to be done about the opportunities or goals you didnā€™t act on to begin with. Or the moments when you didnā€™t speak up or take any action at all. For example, the one ā€˜who got awayā€™ may now be married to someone else.

This comes back to how we process these two types of regrets. A perceived ā€˜mistakeā€™ or ā€˜wrong actionā€™ elicits a hot emotional response and can become a lesson learnedā€¦ something that ultimately reveals a silver lining.

By contrast, failing to take self-aligned action or action that could have made us happier by bringing us closer to our true-self related goals leads to feelings of sadness and disappointment. These are ā€˜coolā€™ emotions that we believe we can pause, shelve or even disguise with a chocolate muffin - and deal with later.

We simply donā€™t feel the same pressure to reflect and process regrets for the path not taken, largely because the absence of action doesnā€™t immediately elicit a ā€˜hotā€™ emotional response, like for example. anger or guiltā€¦ the way making a mistake does. We tell ourselves that weā€™ll deal with it later.

Except later never shows up and those festering ā€˜coolā€™ emotions eventually transmute into raging regret. So, that action or inaction which is very small in the beginning, actually grows and becomes bigger and biggerā€¦ and really painfulā€¦ if itā€™s not felt, acknowledged and processed.

So, how do you avoid living in regret?

Take the time to reflect and ask yourself the right questions.

ā€˜What are your most important values right now? Do you have aspirations that for some reason you are not pursuing? Are you ā€˜choosing yourselfā€™ or are you the kind of person who thinks that the most important thing is your responsibility towards other people or your duties as a family member?ā€™

There is no right or wrong answer here. The questions are exploratory and your answers wonā€™t immediately banish all regrets but they will certainly create an openingā€¦ a portal towards a solution that works for you.

Passively pining for those ā€˜what ifsā€™, is destructive for your mental health. Instead, do what you can to remove their sting. If you canā€™t take action to ameliorate the regret, you can certainly do the psychological work, either through therapy or with yourself to process it.

In a variety of ways, you can begin to let go of regret and its grasp. But suppressing your emotions and/or dwelling in the past is not one of those ways šŸ–¤


What makes a relationship healthy, happy and fulfilling? šŸ˜

Does a dysfunctional or challenging relationship history mean that youā€™re destined to be locked in a pattern of painful and disappointing relationships? šŸ„¹

Do you know and trust that a magnificent love that supports and nourishes you is available and possible for you? šŸ™Œ

If you donā€™t know or arenā€™t sure, then itā€™s time to shift out of resignation and apathyā€¦

ā˜„ļø to understand your power

šŸ’« to evolve beyond the relational traumas and dramas of your past

āš”ļøto be the person you need to be to create the love life you long for

šŸ”„ to be a great lover so you can have great love

The world of relationships has changed. A simple role based relationship that worked in the past doesnā€™t cut the mustard anymore. And thatā€™s perfectly perfectā€¦ youā€™re not asking for or expecting too much.

Itā€™s great to set a bold and inspired intention for loveā€¦ to desire a loyal and supportive friend, a thoughtful and generous lover, someone who supports your dreams and aspirationsā€¦ enlivens your heart and mind with theirs. Someone who understands your moods and insecuritiesā€¦ who sees all your quirks and flaws but loves you deeply anyway. Just as you are šŸ˜
Itā€™s great that you refuse to settle and that you remain true to your desire for

šŸ„° emotional and sexual fulfilment

šŸ„° deep connection and stimulating conversation

šŸ„° deep intimacy and a lasting bond

šŸ„° someone who loves, cherishes and protects you

To call in the love you truly desire and deserve, you must be willing to move past your fears, doubts, stories, conditioning and blocksā€¦ and grow yourself into the person for whom great love is possible.

ā™„ļø My uniquely designed coaching program for single women looking to let true love into their lives is radically transformative

ā™„ļø Developed over thousands and thousands of client sessions, working with many hundreds of womenā€¦ and my own lived experienceā€¦ it will help you gain mental clarity, make peace with your past, heal old wounds, become a great loverā€¦ and open your heart to love and be loved

ā™„ļø I combine my background in counselling, psychotherapy and relationship coaching with a deep knowledge of psychological, spiritual and energetic principles, to support you in forming an entirely new relationship reality.

DM me for more information on my 1:1 coaching package ā™„ļø


This resonates so deeply.

And yet if and when this happens, remember to ask yourselfā€¦

šŸ’˜ What patterns of thinking or ways of being, had me end up in this situation?
šŸ’˜ How was I showing up or not showing up for myself?
šŸ’˜ Did I ignore red flags?
šŸ’˜ Did I fail to ask enough questions or the right questions?
šŸ’˜ Was I blindly trusting?

Remember to mine the gold from these reflections after youā€™ve left šŸ’›šŸ’›šŸ’›




Absolutely šŸ–¤


Dear Menā€¦
We miss you.
When women gather together in circlesā€¦
we tell stories of how much we long for you. Crave you.
Pray for you to rise and meet us here.
We mourn your missing presence.
In our childhoods.
In the homes weā€™ve built without you.
In our beds.
We hold hands and beg God to set you free from whatever keeps you from standing at our sides.
Right here.
Here In intimacy.
In integrity.
In wholeness.
In freedom.
The places where you are caught in dishonestyā€¦
we grieve and rage over.
We see your pain and we see your power.
We miss you.
We love you.
We canā€™t wait for you to come home
For the men who haveā€¦
thank you so much.
Please call your brothersā€¦
start menā€™s circlesā€¦
show them the manuals.
Tell them of what you gave up.
Of your brokenness and acceptance.
Of what it truly means to take up the mantle of protector.
There arenā€™t enough fathersā€¦
resources and leaders for men to sit at the feet of.
The women have tried.
We canā€™t do it.
The restoration must come from within the Masculine.
The Feminine cannot mother grown men into wholeness.
We cannot strap men to our backs and walk.
We tried.
We bow out.
Not gracefully.
But in mournful acceptance nonetheless.
And we will wait for you to burst free from the shackles patriarchy has placed on you.
We pray.
We pray.
We pray.
For the Great Remembrance.

- Shade Ashani from Sacred Dreams

Art by Dorina Costras






Why do we do the things we do?

The following story is in many ways, a classic therapy parable:

A young boy watches his mother chop off the end of a lamb joint that sheā€™s about to roast and asks her why sheā€™s doing that.

ā€œI have no idea,ā€ she replies, ā€œMy mother always prepared lamb like this, so I do it too.ā€

So the boy goes to his grandmother and asks her the same question. He gets a similar response, ā€œItā€™s something my mother always did, so I do it too.ā€

Eventually, he asks his great grandmother, who hasnā€™t cooked in years, the same question, ā€œWhy did you always chop off the end of a lamb joint before you cooked it?ā€

His great grandmother replies, ā€œWell, ovens were so much smaller back then!ā€

Isnā€™t it amazing how often we follow customs, traditions, rituals, patterns without stopping to question, why am I doing this? What was the context in which this custom was followed? Does it make sense for me to continue doing it and do I even want to? Or would I prefer to do things differently?

Just because things have always been done a certain way or because youā€™ve always been a certain way, it doesnā€™t mean that you canā€™t change or things canā€™t change.

You can changeā€¦ and you can change things.

No oneā€™s permission is required.

But then you already know this. The better question is perhaps, how do you change an unhelpful or potentially destructive pattern of thinking or behaviour that you canā€™t even see?

You do it by making the unconscious conscious.

This is the gift of therapy. šŸŽ


If youā€™re ready to upgrade your love life and would like to find out more about working with me, DM me for more info ā™„ļø


ā€œA successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.ā€
Mignon McLaughlin

Expert Coaching for Single Women

If youā€™re looking for lasting love... Iā€™m dedicated to helping you find it. Iā€™m a Love & Relationship Coach and a UK Registered Psychotherapist. I work with single women to help them find fulfilling and lasting love and to discover the joys of a loving and committed relationship - one in which they're heard, cared for and supported in all the ways that are most important to them.

My own relationship story has been anything but smooth. I was first married at a young age but in spite of giving the marriage my best shot, I divorced twelve years later with four children aged between four and ten to support alone. Added to that was the fact that I was part of a community which not only frowned on divorce but didnā€™t particularly encourage remarriage either. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place!

We can spend years ā€˜working on ourselvesā€™ or trying to figure things out and then someone says one little thing or asks a simple question... and our whole world shifts...

Thatā€™s the power of coaching.

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Let Love In
