Victoria Smith Nutrition

Victoria Smith Nutrition

Victoria Smith BA (Hons), BVetMed, DipION, mBANT, CNHC

Registered Nutritional Therapist and special


It’s amazing that women and men are now beginning to talk about the perimenopause
For too long it’s been swept under the carpet, ignored or worse, made fun of.
The perimenopause is like the rebellious younger sister of the menopause.
It is a stage in a women’s life where you are still having periods, but you may start noticing they are becoming irregular and other symptoms start appearing. This can start as early as 35.
The menopause is only one day and marks the one-year anniversary since your last period. The average age is 51.
So, what are some of the symptoms of the perimenopause?
• Irregular cycles and changes to menstrual flow
• Depression and anxiety
• Rage
• Joint and muscle pain
• Brain fog
• Poor memory and concentration
• Vaginal dryness and painful s*x
• Insomnia
• Night sweats or hot flushes
• Low bone density
• Panic attacks
• Headaches and migraines
The list is endless! And it is estimated that 13 million women in the UK are either perimenopausal or postmenopausal.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and are in your late 30s onwards, you could well be in the perimenopause.
The first port of call should be your GP. But the menopause is more than just about oestrogen and there is a lot you can do naturally to support yourself through this stage.
When you make simple changes to your diet and lifestyle, so that you balance your blood sugar, support your digestion and reduce stress levels in your life, amazing things start to happen.
You go from feeling exhausted, foggy and irritable to feeling calmer, more energised and more confident in yourself again.
Send me a DM if you want to know more x


If, like me, you like a glass of wine or two but are aware that drinking too much can be harmful for your health, how do you find a happy medium?
I have had times in my life where I haven’t drunk at all (before and during my two pregnancies and also during a prolonged 10-month break in 2021) and I have times in my life where I found myself drinking more than I should (during 2020).
Neither is a happy place for me.
I enjoy having a glass or two of good quality wine at the weekend and the marking of a different time of the week.
But I do not enjoy the disrupted sleep, irritability, sugar cravings, weight gain and tiredness that comes with drinking too much.
Let’s be honest, it is easy for one glass to turn into a bottle and before you know it you're drinking well over the recommended 14 units of alcohol for both women and men a week.
I would advise keeping it to below 10 units a week.
So, how can you still enjoy a drink but keep it in hand? Here are my top tips:
🍷 Get real and track how much you are drinking. The app is a useful tool for this.
🍷Plan to have some alcohol-free days. I have at least 4 a week.
🍷 Buy yourself a special small wine glass. This is absolutely key to keeping on top of how much you are drinking at home. I have one that is 140mls, so it is a good size for a small 125mls glass of wine.
🍷Learn to savour each mouthful and slow down.
I often have a couple of small glasses on a Friday and Saturday night and then possibly the odd glass on a Sunday. I don’t drink Monday to Thursday.
This is just over 8 units a week. It may not be for everyone, but for me feels like a happy medium and realistic in the longterm.
What are your strategies to keep your alcohol intake in hand? I'd love to hear x


For two years after I had my second daughter, I thought I was going mad.
I was a mum to a toddler in my mid-40s and I was supposed to be tired, right?
But this was different
I was so forgetful
It wasn’t just things like where my keys were or forgetting friends’ birthdays or what I had walked into a room for
It was more that it didn’t even cross my mind to remember things. Almost as though parts of my brain were missing
On many occasions I worried that this might be the beginning of early onset dementia.
What I realise now is that I had brain fog, which is a common symptom of the peri-menopause
At the time it didn’t cross my mind that I might be peri-menopausal. Wasn’t the menopause something that happened in your 50s and was all about hot flushes, insomnia and night sweats?
Brain fog is a common symptom caused by declining oestrogen and testosterone levels. Add in increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which also has a negative effect on memory and brain function and you get a perfect storm in your mid-40s.
So, what did I do about it? I tweaked my diet, added in more rest and took the right supplements to help support my memory and brain function.
And now, my brain fog has lifted. I feel clearer, less anxious about it and more myself again.
For many women HRT may also be a good option and the first port of call is to go and talk to your GP. But there is a lot you can do alongside this to support the peri-menopause.
I am excited to be running a new small group programme called the Perimenopause Reset starting on Thursday 9th June.
This is for you if you would like support to have more mental clarity, energy and confidence.
Send me a DM if you want to know more x


There is so much in the news at the moment on the menopause thanks to

Finally, this important area of health is getting airtime

Women’s midlife hormones are no longer the butt of jokes

And people are now understanding that the symptoms of brain fog, anxiety and loss of confidence are real and distressing for millions of women.

This is an area I am passionate about

Supporting women to rebalance their midlife hormones

Teaching them to make simple tweaks to their nutrition

Guiding them on how to look after themselves better

Helping to bring themselves back to life

When they begin to prioritise themselves for the first time in years

The changes can be extraordinary

Take my client who went from feeling overwhelmed, anxious and that she couldn’t cope to feeling on top of things, more relaxed and more present with her family.

Or my client who went from feeling worn-out and unimportant to feeling that she was nourishing herself for the first time in years, feeling more connected to the joy in her life and enjoying time being active with her family.

Or my client who went from feeling anxious and that she was no longer herself and a passive spectator in her life to feeling calmer, happier and more energised to live her life fully.

It is easier than you think to feel better, calmer and more yourself again.

Send me a message if you would like my help too

I am here when you are ready x


How to overcome the fear of failure around change and move forwards in your life


How to overcome the fear of change and move forwards in your life


When you have a good morning routine, your day is much more productive.
You can enter your day feeling calmer, happier and ready for the day ahead.
When you start the day in this space, there is no rushing, no force, no stress.
A morning routine makes life so much simpler.
If you are ready to feel more at peace, centred and productive, download my free Morning Routine Weekly Chart to help you get started.
The link to download your FREE copy is in my bio ☝️


When you have a good morning routine, your day is much more productive.
You can enter your day feeling calmer, happier and ready for the day ahead.
When you start the day in this space, there is no rushing, no force, no stress.
A morning routine makes life so much simpler.
If you are ready to feel more at peace, centred and productive, download my free Morning Routine weekly chart to help you get started.
The link to download your FREE copy is in my bio ☝️


You can’t live the life of your dreams being terrified to fail
You can tell yourself that you are not good enough, not smart enough, not capable enough
You can tell yourself you should feel grateful for what you already have
You can keep yourself playing small
But inside you are slowly disappearing.
It doesn’t have to be that way
When you allow yourself to go after your dreams, you’ll always feel happier and more fulfilled
Change can happen quickly
And it doesn’t need to be huge and scary
All it takes is a deep breath and letting go of the fear of failing
You just need to commit to taking the first step.
Stop focusing on all the reasons why something won’t work
Instead start with one small thing and over time build the foundations of the life you want to live
Commit to yourself and don’t let go of what is important to you.
See what unfolds
Your. Dreams. Matter.
Dare to Dream is a 6 week 1:1 programme for women who are ready to explore their dreams and take small, achievable steps to move towards a life they truly desire.
This is for you if –

- You want to live a life with purpose
- You want to reignite your dreams
- You want to be able to look back without regret
- You want to feel happier and more fulfilled in your life
Investment - £444
Message me for more info


When you shift your mindset from ‘Why I can’t’ to ‘Why can’t I?’, amazing things start to happen
Let go of fear and all the reasons why something won’t work
Instead open yourself up to simple curiosity
Have courage and ask the question ‘Why can’t I?’
Give yourself permission to dream
All you need is the next small step.
For now don’t worry about the how
Just focus on the why
You only have one life
What do you want to do with it?
Thrive is my 6-week life coaching programme for women who want to start living their dreams
This is for you if –
- You feel stuck in your life and you are ready to move forward
- You want to reconnect with who you are again
- You would like feel more present, more fulfilled and more joy in your life
You and me for 6 weekly sessions, £333
Space for you to reignite the flame of who you are again and work out how to make this all fit in with your busy family life
Message me for more info/link


You don’t need to spend hours each day to reconnect to yourself
To feel better in your life.
A few minutes every morning can be all you need.
Time to focus on the internal voice that is calling you
And tune into your inner wisdom.
It is easy to find a million reasons to neglect this part of you and say you are too busy
But this often leads to resentment, frustration and feeling stuck in your life.
Instead, when you start the day with quiet space, you set the intention of how you want your day to unfold
When you start your day with gentle movement, you reconnect to your body
When you start your day with gratitude, you change how you feel about your life right now.
This is how you get momentum going in your life.
Starting the day nourishing your body and soul can be transformational.
It doesn’t need to take hours but committing to a few minutes every morning is all it takes to change your day from feeling rushed and stressed to spacious and expansive.
Open yourself up to possibility by coming home to yourself.
Reignite your dreams and what you are capable of.
Start with one week and see what unfolds for you.
I have put together a Morning Routine weekly chart to help you get started.
The link to get your FREE copy is in my bio ☝️


Taking small steps to return to yourself is how you find lasting happiness in your life
When you give yourself space to reconnect to yourself again
When you allow the light inside of you to shine
When you give yourself permission to step into who you truly are
Things begin to flow.
You feel more fulfilled
You feel more at peace
You connect with a deep sense of joy
You have more to give to the others in your life.
The you who is at your core hasn’t disappeared
But it is easy to forget her and pretend she doesn’t exist
Get quiet and listen to her
She knows what your heart's desires are.
Build a life that feels in true alignment with who you are
A life that incorporates all the different parts of you
Including the bright light that shines deep inside.
Thrive is here.
In this programme you’ll reconnect to your guiding light
You’ll feel more energised
You’ll rediscover your dreams
You’ll start making small changes to live a life that feels in alignment with who you are
And start building a life of lasting happiness.
I have 2 spaces open to start at the end of April
Message me for more info/the link


Being a mother doesn’t mean that you have to say goodbye to yourself.
This photo was taken in 2014 on my honeymoon in the Big Sur in California.
An exciting time where life was full of possibility.
But somewhere along the way I lost connection with her.
I look at my former self now and hardly recognise her anymore.
What happened to the sense of possibility in my life?
What happened to my right to take up space in my own life?
Being a mother is wonderful and I wouldn’t change it for anything, but that doesn't mean that somewhere along the way I didn't lose part of my self.
Maybe it is losing the autonomy over my own time?
Maybe it is the often mundane routine of family life?
The sense of the everyday being completely overwhelming and completely underwhelming at the same time.
Whatever it is, I have felt that something is missing.
This is why I have started to turn inwards again
And tune into my inner voice.
There is more to me than the roles I play in my life.
I am reconnecting to my inner self again
And integrating her into my life now as a mother
And I am happier than I have been in years.
You are allowed to be spacious in your own life
You do not need to ask permission to shine brightly in your life.
And if you are in any doubt, remember that when you thrive, there is a ripple effect and everyone in your life benefits.
If you want to reconnect with your inner self again, join me for my next Full Moon Women’s Circle for a safe space to feel more spacious and shine more brightly in your life.
The link to join is in my bio or message me for the link/info.


In order to grow, you have to get out of your own way
It is easy to stay small
To complain about being stuck
To watch others moving forward and feel frustrated.
True growth happens outside your comfort zone
In that place inside of you that is calling
Don’t pretend you can’t hear
Don’t look back and regret you played it small
Get quiet and listen
Take inspired action
Take the next right step to where you need to be.
Practise being uncomfortable
This is where true growth happens
Remind yourself that in the discomfort, this is exactly where you are meant to be.
My spiritual life coaching doors are now open.
Thrive is for you if you want to have space to reconnect with who you are
You want to rediscover what is important to you
You want to redefine the direction in which your life is moving
You want to thrive and see the ripple effect in your life
6 weekly 1:1 sessions
I have 2 spots open starting the end of April
Message me for the link/info


When you focus on what you do want, rather than what you don’t, amazing things start to happen
When you open yourself to the infinite possibility that is available in your life, things start to flow
When you feel into the feeling of your dream vision
When you see yourself living the life you desire
When you call in what you want and take inspired action
When you get clear on what you desire and master the power of intention
This is when magic happens.
Today is the New Moon 🌑
An exciting time in the lunar cycle
A time to plant the seeds of the life you want to live.
Spend time today setting your intention for the month ahead
Get quiet and listen to your inner voice
You have all the answers within you.

I am starting an online monthly Full Moon Women’s Circle kicking off on Wednesday 13th April (7.30-9pm GMT)
A space to review your dreams
A space to tune into your inner wisdom
A space to explore the spiritual energy of the moon.
Rediscover what you are capable of
Redefine your purpose
Come away with clarity on your next right step
Want to join the magic?
The experience is a special introductory offer of only £5
Spaces are limited
The link to join is in my bio ☝️


The inner part of you does not disappear when you become a mother
There is a part of you that still holds your hopes and dreams
They haven’t gone away
But it is easy to ignore them.
Life can be busy
There are always a million reasons not to do the things that you used to love
There is not enough time
It is not convenient to ask others to help you with childcare
It is not fair to take time away from other things.
But one good reason to reconnect to the things that bring you joy
Remembering that you matter as well
Honouring all the different parts of yourself
The more you thrive, the greater the ripple effect
The more you nourish yourself, the more you have to give to others.
You feel more present
You have more energy
You feel happier in your life.
Get away from all or nothing thinking
Start with something small and commit to daily action
Even 5 minutes a day can help you reconnect to yourself
Put yourself back in the centre of your life
And watch what unfolds.


When you feel stressed, off balance or not good enough in your life
Instead of looking for external solutions
Root down to rise up.
Go inside to ground yourself
Go inside to nourish yourself
Go inside to listen to the answers that are already there.
Life can be exhausting and noisy
It can pull you in every direction.
In these moments it’s essential to connect back with who you are.
The most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself
And yet, it’s the one that is so easily ignored, neglected and not valued
The inner part of you longs to be seen, heard and loved by you
Get to know and cherish that part of you.
The more you thrive, the greater the ripple effect
The more you nourish yourself, the more you have to give to others.
Look inside and shine brightly in your life.
Root to rise
You are enough.


Today is the full moon in Virgo
The full moon is a time for reflection and a time to look at the areas of your life that are working well and not so well
Everything is illuminated.
The Virgo full moon is a time for healing and for self-forgiveness and the forgiveness of others in your life.
This full moon is also a time to let go of perfectionism and invite self-care and self-compassion into your life.
Take a moment tonight to look up at the sky and reconnect with yourself.
Just like the full moon, this is a time to shine brightly in your life.


Your work is slowing down and listening
Your work is trusting that you have all the answers
Your work is taking inspired action on what your inner voice is saying
Your work is to remind yourself that your dreams matter.
Reignite your sense of purpose
Rediscover who you are
Redefine what is important to you.
When you come back home to yourself
When you reconnect to your core
When your energy starts flowing again
Amazing things happen.
You feel more positive
You feel more present
You feel more free
You have more to give to others.
Let go of struggle
Start seeing your life through a different lens
Open yourself to possibility and opportunity.
Start with you
And the rest will follow.
Awaken is coming.
This is for you if you want space to rediscover who you are and reconnect with the joy in your life.
You will remember that you matter
You will find clarity about what you want from your life
You will have the tools to start looking inside
6 weekly 1:1 sessions
Weekly home practice to support your journey
Message me for more info.


Last week I had some exciting news.

I am now a qualified spiritual life coach.

This training has changed how I view my work. It has changed how I want to show up and serve. And it has fundamentally opened something in me about how I want to live my life.

I am not religious, but I have discovered a faith which calls me to connect with something bigger in the universe

I feel more authentic, more grounded and more in alignment with who I am.
Change has happened

I feel freer than I have in a long time

I have understood what is important to me and am working towards living a life that is in alignment with my values

I am showing up every day to reconnect with myself

I trust that I am being guided.

Why am I telling you all this?
I will soon be opening my spiritual life coaching doors

✨Awaken✨ is coming

6 weeks of space to reconnect with yourself

Weekly 1:1 sessions with me

Weekly home activities to strengthen your spiritual practice

A programme to guide you to deeper understanding of what you want from life

Reconnection to who you are

Reignition of your purpose in life

Renewal of self-confidence and self-compassion

Remembering what lights you up from the inside
Reminding yourself that your nutrition is part of your daily self-care

If you want more confidence in yourself, a greater sense of purpose, to feel more grounded in your life and to feel more alive, this is for you.

I see you and hear you. You matter.
Special introductory offer of £295

Message me for more details.


When you look at your health through a lens of wellness, rather than illness, amazing things start to happen
When you focus on how you want to feel, rather than how you are feeling now, this is how change starts
When you hold a vision in your mind of how you want things to be, it is easier to take small steps towards this
When you feel excited about all the possibilities and opportunities open to you, it helps you stay motivated to keep taking action
Focusing on what you do want, rather than what you don’t want is the way to create change in your health and your life
Get clear about your vision
Get clear on your why
Get still and listen
Decide on the next right step, no matter how small
Take inspired action

Send me a message if you would like my help with creating change in your life


For all the women out there doubting themselves
You are seen, heard and loved
Look inside yourself to find the answers
You have strength, courage and boundless potential
Get still and listen to the voice of deep knowing within
Open yourself to the opportunities presenting themselves
Take inspired action
Move forward in your life.
I feel honoured to support other women to live a life of possibility
To remind them that they and their health matters
To give them space to expand.
Today is International Women’s Day
Thank you to all the amazing women in my life
You inspire me every day
You help me grow
And bring so much joy to my life
I am eternally grateful.


When you surrender your goals to the universe, you give yourself space to breathe
It is easy to hang onto things for dear life and suffocate all the joy out of them
What you think you should be doing often gets in the way of what truly lights you up
To do lists, rigid plans and the sense of failure when things don’t work out as you planned can blur your sense of who you are underneath
When you let go of the tightness, rigidity and desperation, and trust that the universe has a plan in mind for you, life becomes easier to navigate
You feel happier, calmer and more spacious
But best of all, you open yourself up to possibility, discover new things about yourself and are free to make the most of the opportunities that come your way.
This is how you grow
Not through rigidity but through expansion
You just need to get out of your own way.
Take deep breaths and hand over the reins
Allow your intuition to guide you
Listen to the voice inside
Take inspired action and see where it leads
And shine brightly.


When you stop eating processed, beige foods and start eating colour that matches your internal chakra rainbow, you give your body the nourishment it needs for energy to flow around your body.
When you start seeing food as more than just fuel for your body and start seeing it as nourishment for your soul as well, your whole relationship with food changes.
Eating the rainbow supports your body to feel energised, vibrant and alive.
But more than that it nourishes you on a soul level as the colourful food you eat becomes a match for the seven chakras which make up the rainbow inside your body.
Eat and live the rainbow
And get your energy flowing.
❤️ Red – Root Chakra – strawberries, raspberries, red peppers, red apples, tomatoes, watermelon, cherries, red grapes, radishes
🧡 Orange – Sacral Chakra - carrots, orange peppers, butternut squash, tangerines, oranges, cantaloupe melon, apricots
💛 Yellow – Solar Plexus - yellow peppers, mangoes, grapefruit, lemons, pineapples, squash, bananas
💚 Green – Heart Chakra – leafy greens, spinach, broccoli, cucumber, celery, cabbage, kale, chard, calvolo nero, pears, green apples, kiwis, green beans, peas, courgettes
💙 Blue – Throat Chakra – blueberries, grapes, figs
💜 Indigo – Brow Chakra – blueberries, blackberries, red cabbage, plums
💜 Purple – Crown Chakra – red cabbage, beetroot, purple cauliflower, purple broccoli, figs, aubergine


It’s ok to want to feel good and let go of struggle
Stop pushing and start listening.
When things aren’t easy, and you are always trying to make things work
Surrender you goals to the universe and open yourself to possibility
Your body wants to feel well
It knows what it needs to be doing
Let go of the need to control everything in your life
Get out of your own way and allow yourself to be.
When you start living in a quieter and more connected way
This is when amazing things start to happen.
You feel a growing sense of calm
You feel more aligned with who you are
You have greater clarity about what is important to you.
Inside of you are all the answers
You are already enough
Start by listening.

I am excited to be nearly at the end of my training to become a Spiritual Life Coach to add to my practice.
I am putting together a new programme to offer support to women looking to reconnect with themselves and find deeper meaning and purpose in their lives.

This offering is coming soon…
Message me if you want any more details x


Something to make you smile in these dark days
Showing up, being grounded and having time to be quiet is even more important when it feels like everything around you is going crazy
It’s a frightening world we live in
Reconnect with love and have faith
Sending much love xx


You can make changes in your life
When you decide to
When you commit to yourself
When you value yourself
Feeling stuck is not real
You can choose to stay where you are
Or choose to take a small step forward
Get clear on your vision of what you want
Dare to dream big
Don’t worry about the how, but focus on the why
On how you want to feel
On the people who are important to you
On the life you want to live
Despite feeling stuck now
Have courage and commit to taking imperfect action
Become someone who is consistent.
Small steps overtime lead to big change
You are not stuck
Change can happen in an instant
It’s your choice.

Message me if you would like my help in making changes in your health or your life

Big jouneys start with small steps...

Are you struggling with your fertility? Are you finding it hard to conceive or having difficulty maintaining a pregnancy? Did baby no. 1 come along easily and now you want to complete your family, but confusingly are finding that baby no. 2 is taking a long time to arrive? Are you about to embark on IVF and want to give yourself the best chance possible of pregnancy success? Or are you just beginning your journey to having a baby and want to boost your fertility naturally and prepare your body for pregnancy?

I’m Victoria Smith, a Registered Nutritional Therapist & Health Coach with a special interest in fertility. I work with women (and couples) to empower and educate them to take control of their hormonal health and fertility journey by making the right nutrition and lifestyle choices. If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, don’t struggle on your own any longer - get in touch or visit and let’s talk about what you need in order to take the next step on your fertility journey towards your dream of having a baby.

I offer one-to-one Nutritional Therapy consultations Bromley (SE London/Kent) and also offer remote online or telephone consultations for those further afield.

Videos (show all)

How to overcome the fear of failure around change and move forwards in your life
How to overcome the fear of change and move forwards in your life