Gareth Edgar

Gareth Edgar

Let's make it happen.

Personalised online training designed to work around you with one-to-one sessions, 4 weekly classes, training programmes, nutritional support & online workshops.


Have you heard of beta-carotene? 🥕🍠

It’s a pigment found in many fruits and vegetables that gives them their vibrant orange, yellow, and red colors. But beta-carotene is more than just a nice color - it’s also an important nutrient for our bodies!

Beta-carotene is a type of carotenoid that our bodies convert into vitamin A, which is essential for healthy vision, immune function, and skin health.

Some of the best food sources of beta-carotene include sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, melon, mangoes, and apricots 🥘

By including these colorful foods in our diets, we can help ensure that we’re getting enough beta-carotene and other important nutrients to keep our bodies healthy and strong! 🙌


Who says fats are all bad?

Not all fats are created equal! 🥑🐟🥜

Here are some high-fat foods that are actually good for you and packed with nutrients: avocado, walnuts, flaxseeds, olives, and tuna! 🙌

These foods are a great source of healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, which can help improve heart health, brain function, and overall well-being.

So don’t be afraid to include these healthy fats in your diet and reap the benefits!


Discover the weight loss wonders of probiotics! 💪

Here are 5 ways they can help you reach your goals:

1️⃣ Gut Health Boost: Probiotics maintain a healthy gut bacteria balance, aiding digestion and nutrient absorption.

2️⃣ Metabolic Support: They can support overall metabolic health, contributing to weight loss.

3️⃣ Appetite Control: Probiotics may influence appetite and food cravings, helping you make healthier choices.

4️⃣ Fat Metabolism: Certain strains may promote fat metabolism and reduce fat storage.

5️⃣ Microbiota Balance: They restore and maintain a diverse gut microbiota, linked to better weight control. Embrace the power of probiotics in your wellness journey!


Beat the bloat with these 5 foods to avoid! 🚫💨

1️⃣ Carbonated Drinks: Fizzy beverages can lead to gas and bloating.

2️⃣ Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas can cause bloating because they contain a type of sugar, called oligosaccharide, that the body cannot break down in some individuals.

3️⃣ Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are nutritious but may cause bloating due to being high in sulfur.

4️⃣ High-Fat Food: High-fat meals can slow digestion and lead to discomfort.

5️⃣ Artificial Sweetener: Some sweeteners may disrupt gut health and contribute to bloating.

Remember, everyone’s body is different, so pay attention to how your body responds to certain foods.


Is your body craving more protein? 🍗💪 Look out for these signs:

1️⃣ Muscle Weakness: Inadequate protein can lead to decreased muscle strength and function.

2️⃣ Slow Recovery & Healing: Protein is essential for repairing tissues and recovering from workouts or injuries.

3️⃣ Hair, Skin, and Nail Issues: Lack of protein can affect the health and appearance of your hair, skin, and nails.

Make sure you’re meeting your protein needs to support overall health and fitness!

Share your favourite protein-rich foods using 💪✨


Boost your workout performance with these 5 pre-workout meal tips! 🍽️💪

1️⃣ Timing is Key: Eat your pre-workout meal 1-3 hours before training to fuel your body effectively.

2️⃣ Carbs + Protein: Combine carbohydrates and protein for sustained energy and muscle support.

3️⃣ Easy to Digest: Opt for easily digestible foods to avoid discomfort during your session.

4️⃣ Hydration Matters: Don’t forget to hydrate before hitting the gym for optimal performance.

5️⃣ Personalise Your Meal: Experiment with different food combos and portion sizes to find what works best for YOU.

Remember, your pre-workout meal sets the tone for a great session, so make it count!

Share your favorite pre-workout meals using 💪✨


Unlock the power of fasting! 🕒💪 Here’s a breakdown of different fasting methods:

1️⃣ Intermittent Fasting: Cycle between periods of eating and fasting. Common schedules include 16/8, 18/6, or 20/4, where you fast for 16, 18, or 20 hours, respectively, and eat during the remaining hours.

2️⃣ Time-Restricted Feeding: Similar to intermittent fasting but with a more specific eating window. For example, you might eat all your meals within a 10-hour period and fast for the remaining 14 hours.

3️⃣ Extended Fasting: Longer fasting periods lasting 24 hours or more. This method requires careful consideration and is typically done occasionally or under professional guidance.

The best fasting method for you depends on your lifestyle, health goals, and individual preferences. Experiment and find what works best for your body!

Remember, always listen to your body and consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or fasting routine.

Share your fasting experience below ⬇️

Photos from Gareth Edgar's post 19/04/2024

Did you know that your gut health can impact your brain in more ways than one?

It’s true!

Your gut and brain are actually closely connected, with constant communication between the two.

Your gut contains millions of neurons that send signals to your brain, impacting your mood, behavior, and even cognitive function.

This is because your gut produces neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, which play a crucial role in regulating your emotions.

The good bacteria in your gut, known as probiotics, play a vital role in keeping your gut healthy and balanced.

Studies have shown a link between probiotics and improved mental health, with some even suggesting that supplementing with probiotics can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

On the flip side, an unhealthy gut can lead to inflammation, which has been linked to various mental health disorders.

So, it’s essential to maintain a healthy gut through a balanced diet and proper nutrition.

Take care of your gut, and your brain will thank you.


“I hate the word DIET”

Rigid diets do not work. It becomes unsustainable… I would rather focus on sustainability.

It provides us with a LONG LASTING approach that aids our lifestyle not hinders it. ✅ Focus on your lifestyle and how you can make small… yes small changes that make a big impact…

It would be pretty fair to say Sarah, had a lot of obstacles in her way… Working on the front line during a global pandemic 😷 is one and a mighty big one!

Sarah joined our community and brought with her a lot of commitment, consistency and hard work… to helping others, now Sarah started to apply these desired traits to herself.

She quickly implemented small changes into her lifestyle; “It hasn’t even really felt like a diet this time - moving up from 1400 to 1600 calories has definitely helped! Not going to lie. I Feel full and have left over for occasional treat.“

By doing so Sarah has achieved amazing results!

It’s a pleasure to work with members like Sarah who not only want to achieve sustainable results through setting their standards but also commit to change, changing your lifestyle to achieve your desired outcomes!

So please show appreciation for this absolute legend 👏👏👏👏



When it comes to improving your health, getting stronger and becoming fitter your mindset is crucial.

We all know how important it is to take care of our bodies, but it’s not always easy to stay committed.

That’s why having the right mindset is crucial.

The first thing you need to do is to shift your focus from short-term results to long-term habits.

You need to understand that this is not a quick fix, it’s a lifestyle change.

Accept that it will take time and consistency to see progress, but trust me, it will be worth it.

Secondly, embrace the process and be patient with yourself.

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your body.

The key is to focus on progress, not perfection.

Lastly, be kind to yourself and celebrate small victories along the way.

Remember, a positive mindset is the foundation for a healthy and fit life.

So start changing your mindset today and see the difference it makes.


14lbs on and my waist is probably the biggest it’s ever been…

This challenge has been the best and toughest challenge I’ve taken part in.

I seen this challenge more of a subjective study to aid my understanding and gain a deeper awareness of what obstacles members have faced on a daily basis


the coping mechanisms used to deal with these obstacles…

I’ve seen how their previous habits have been so detrimental physically and mentally.

From my experience and that described by my members

I identified a “cycle” that is never ending but needs to be intercepted and stopped.


One finding that is quite obvious is the need for more “energy”

Constantly I found myself needing to nap throughout the day…


Due to the consumption of caffeine that gave me a well needed spike which then followed a severe drop in energy

which lead me to

members old habits; reaching for another kind of pick me up “sugar” which came in the form of chocolate, energy drinks, buns you name it I reached for it….

But as you’ve guessed that’s pretty short lived!

Every time I consumed my share of “energy” what followed was a crash

This was my daily “cycle”

I’ll be completely transparent with you…

It was draining

It was starting to affect my mental state

My productivity was awful

Which made me feel on edge

My mood started to drop

My positivity was dwindling

There were days that I wasn’t present for anyone or anything!

The last few days I felt down

Completely deflated

I knew in my head if I could train this would help me refocus


If I could train I wouldn’t have the energy

so then my next thought was get a coffee grab some chocolate

And so

The “energy cycle” started again…

What kept me going was what I was discovering about my members and also about myself….

Yeah it was 30 days (a short time, I know)

Switch the roles and try following my lifestyle for 30 days…

I never want anyone to live like me or for me to live like them…

My goal is to educate members on how to adjust their lifestyle that leads to achieving their goals and allows them to live happily and contently…

Photos from Gareth Edgar's post 21/03/2024

Strength Training has so many benefits:

1️⃣ Prevents injuries
2️⃣ Boosts metabolism
3️⃣ Improves bone health
4️⃣ Improve performance
5️⃣ Positive impact on mental health


Whats the difference between a training program and a workout?

Many use these terms interchangeably, but they actually have distinct meanings.

A training program is a structured plan designed to help you reach a specific goal. It usually includes a variety of exercises, targeted muscle groups, and specific timelines with testing in between phases.

On the other hand, a workout is a single session. It can be a part of a training program or just a standalone session. Workouts can vary in intensity, duration, and focus.

The key difference between the two is that a training program is a long-term, strategic plan, whereas a workout is a short-term activity.

So next time you’re hitting the gym or planning your goals, keep in mind the difference between a training program and a workout.

Whats your goal?

Photos from Gareth Edgar's post 06/03/2024

The benefits of high protein treats.

Now, we all know that protein is an essential nutrient for our bodies, helping to build and repair tissues and maintain a healthy immune system.

But did you know that incorporating high protein treats into your diet can have some major advantages?

Firstly, high protein treats are a great source of energy, helping you power through your day without crashing.
They also keep you feeling fuller for longer, making them perfect for those looking to maintain a healthy weight.
Additionally, high protein treats can aid in muscle growth and recovery after a workout, making them a great post-exercise snack.

But the benefits don’t stop there. High protein treats can also boost your metabolism, improve brain function, and even promote healthy hair and nail growth.

If you’re stuck for snack ideas send me a DM “snack ideas” and I’ll fire you across some easy and delicious recipes


The importance of structuring your training in order to gain strength. Many people make the mistake of just going to the gym and randomly doing different exercises, without a clear plan or goal in mind. This can actually hinder your progress and lead to disappointment in your results.

The key to gaining strength is having a structured training plan that targets specific muscle groups and gradually increases in difficulty. This allows your muscles to adapt and grow stronger over time. It's also important to focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once, such as squats, pull ups,deadlifts, and bench press.

Another crucial aspect is progressive overload, which means gradually increasing the weight or reps as your muscles become stronger. This constant challenge is what helps build muscle and strength.

So remember, creating a well-structured training plan and consistently challenging yourself with progressive overload are key factors in gaining strength and achieving your fitness goals.


Hey there, looking for a quick and effective upper body workout? Look no further! Today, I'll be showing you a 10 minute tabata routine using just dumbbells. Are you ready?

We'll start with the Arnie press. Hold the dumbbells at your shoulders, palms facing in. Press them up overhead, rotating your palms forward as you extend your arms. Bring them back down and repeat for 20 seconds.

Next, we have lateral to front touches. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hold the dumbbells at your sides. Both arms straight to the side, then bring both dumbbells to meet in the centre before reversing the movement back to start again. Repeat for 20 seconds.

Moving on to halos. Start with the dumbbell at your chest, elbows bent. Move the weight around your head in a circular motion, keeping the elbows close to your head. Switch directions every 5 seconds for a total of 20 seconds.

Last but not least, renegade rows. Get into a plank position with one hand on each dumbbell. Pull one elbow up towards your chest, then switch arms. Keep a steady pace for 20 seconds.

Repeat this circuit for a total of 10 minutes (5 rounds) and feel the burn in your upper body. Remember to use challenging weights and focus on proper form.


Whether you're working out at the gym, running outside, or even just doing yoga, it's essential to push yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Physically, pushing yourself to do one more rep or run a little further than last time can lead to significant improvements in your overall strength and endurance.

Mentally, overcoming challenges and pushing through mental barriers can boost your confidence and motivation.

And emotionally, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can help you build resilience and learn to cope with difficult situations.

So next time you train, I challenge you to push yourself a little harder, whether it's by adding more weight, trying a new routine, or simply committing to not giving up.

Trust me, the results will be worth it.

Keep challenging yourself, and you'll see the progress in all areas of your life.


Protein Smoothie Bowl

Such a simple recipe but sssoooo delicious 🤤

Serves 2
2 medium peaches, chopped,
1 medium banana, sliced,
¾ cup (190g) natural yogurt
½ cup (125ml) coconut water
1 scoop (25g) vanilla protein

What you need to do
1.Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blitz until smooth.
2.Divide between 2 bowls, add your favorite toppings
and serve straight away.

Cals 252
Fats 5g
Carbs 36g
Protein 18g


“Are you looking to add some key movements into your workouts and see maximum results?

Today I’m sharing with you the benefits of incorporating three key exercises: high plank rows, short levered Copenhagen’s, and prone back extensions with rotation.

First up, high plank rows are a great way to strengthen your arms, back, and core all at once. By adding this move into your routine, you’ll improve your balance and stability.

Next, short levered Copenhagen’s may sound complicated, but they’re actually a highly effective way to target your hip adductors and glutes. This will not only help with balance and stability, but also improve your overall strength and power.

Finally, prone back extensions with rotations are a must for any full-body workout. This move targets your lower back muscles and spinal mobility, helping to improve posture and prevent injuries.

By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you’ll see a significant improvement in your overall strength, stability, and posture. So give them a try and let me know how you feel after your next workout!”


Hey guys, did you know that taking care of your neck health is incredibly important? Your neck is responsible for supporting the weight of your head, which can weigh up to 11 pounds on average. Poor neck posture or neglecting to stretch and strengthen your neck muscles can lead to pain and discomfort.

To ensure your neck stays healthy, try incorporating some simple exercises into your daily routine. Neck stretches, such as gently tilting your head to one side using one hand to GENTLY tilt your head down and actively pulling your opposite hand to the floor, can help alleviate tension and prevent stiffness. Strengthening exercises, like gently pressing your head against your hand or using resistance bands, can also improve the strength and stability of your neck.

Additionally, be mindful of your posture throughout the day. Avoid slouching or looking down at your phone for extended periods of time. And if you have a desk job, make sure to have an ergonomic setup to prevent strain on your neck.

By taking care of your neck, you can help prevent potential injuries and improve your overall well-being. Let’s make neck health a priority!


Today, I want to share with you three of my go-to mobility exercises to release any tension in your lower back. These exercises are perfect for those of you who sit at a desk all day or have a sedentary lifestyle.

First up, we have the straight arm hanging from a pull-up bar. Find a sturdy bar and hang with your arms straight and feet off the ground. This will help to decompress your spine and stretch out your lower back.

Next, we have the standing QL stretch. QL stands for quadratus lumborum, which is a muscle in your lower back. To do this stretch, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend one arm overhead while leaning to the opposite side. Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides.

Lastly, we have the dynamic 90/90 stretch. This stretch targets your hip area and helps to alleviate lower back pain. Start by siting on the ground with one leg at a 90-degree angle in front of you and the other at a 90-degree angle behind you. Lean forward to feel a stretch in your hip area as well as surrounding muscles.

Incorporate these exercises into your daily routine for a healthier and more mobile lower back. Let me know how they work for you in the comments below.


Strength training for runners is an essential part of any running program. When done correctly, strength training can help improve efficiency, reduce injuries, and increase endurance. Working to strengthen the muscles used for running like the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves can help you run more efficiently with fewer injuries.

Strength training can also help to build up the muscles used for running so they can withstand the shock of hard surfaces. And, because of the increased range of motion and better mechanics, many runners find that their running speed and endurance improve with strength training.

Additionally, strength training can help to prevent overuse injuries. Strength training can make the muscles around a joint stronger, which helps them bear the extra load of running. And, many runners find that adding a strengthening routine helps to boost their motivation for running too.

So, if you’re a runner looking to improve your performance and reduce your chance of injury, strength training should be part of your routine. Incorporating strength training into your running program can help you run more efficiently with greater endurance and fewer injuries.


A strong imbalance between the left and right sides of your body can lead to many complications with your movements, posture, and strength. To reduce these complications and perform activities more efficiently, incorporating unilateral movements into your exercise routine is key.

Unilateral movements train each side of the body independently. It’s important to not only have muscle strength but also joint stability. Incorporating unilateral movements into your workout can increase balance and coordination, ultimately improving strength and stability.

Another benefit of unilateral movements is how they can help with movement control and prevent overload on one side of the body. These exercises also require you to use single limbs and core muscles for support. This helps develop the postural muscles which is important for preventing injuries.

Including unilateral movements into your routine doesn’t have to be time consuming either. Simple exercises like pistol squats, Bulgarian split squats and single-leg Romanian deadlifts can all be quickly implemented and repeated with good form.

Overall, unilateral exercises are important for improving balance, stability and strength - three key areas that are hard to overlook in your exercise routine. So give them a go and reap the rewards!


Have you ever wondered how your shoulder works? The shoulder is a complex joint that allows us to move our arms around. Our shoulder has three main parts: the humerus or upper arm bone, the scapula or shoulder blade, and the clavicle or collarbone.

The humerus connects to the shoulder blade and collarbone, creating a ball and socket joint. This allows for a wide range of motion. The shoulder is also supported by multiple muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These work together to keep the shoulder balanced while allowing for movement. However, it also makes the shoulder joint vulnerable to injury.

Poor posture, overuse, and age can contribute to shoulder pain and injury. It’s important to keep your shoulders strong and healthy with regular mobility and strength training.

The range of motion possible in the shoulder allows us to do activities like carrying objects, lifting weights, and throwing balls.

Every day activities such as combing our hair, brushing our teeth, and reaching for items on a shelf involve the use of our shoulder. Knowing more about how the shoulder works can help us understand the importance of keeping it healthy and strong.

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A bit about me:🫣Introvert most of the time 🧙‍♂️Love a bit of Harry Potter🕺Born slippy top tune 🎵 🤠Love a bit of country ...