

� Mindfulness, Self-love, Manifesting Your Best Life � Supporting you on your journey to living your best life.

Follow us for your daily dose of positivity, motivation, and empowerment ���


Life = Live.It.Fully.Everyday ✨

Your never going to live this moment again, all we have is every “now” moment, it’s where all our personal power and creation happens. You are always choosing, choose to live not settle, choose to love not hate, choose to believe not limit yourself, choose to listen to yourself and not need validation from others, choose to be unapologetically, 100% authentically you.

New blog post on our website, “How to start your week with the right mindset”. (Link in bio)

Enter your email into our website to stay up to date with our emails and free resources.

Happy Sunday ⚡️💗

The secret to manifesting your best life.... 13/07/2022

Happy Full Moon ✨⚡️💗

New blog post uploaded “the secret to manifesting your best life”

Website link in bio & blog post link in stories ⚡️✨

Happy manifesting 💗

The secret to manifesting your best life.... The secret to manifesting your best life. Preparing for what you have asked for is key to manifesting what you want.


Mindset is everything ⚡️✨

Feed your mind like you would your body, for a healthy body you feed it good stuff, the same goes for a healthy mindset.

- Practice gratitude daily
- Meditate daily (even if just for 5 minutes)
- Use affirmations daily
- Journal morning & night
- Change the story you keep telling yourself

Focus on the good ✨


🌕 Happy “Super-moon” 💫⚡️

For all you moon lovers and journalisers 👉 New post on our blog “The Magic of Journaling”, website link in bio, blog post link in stories ✍️💗


Happy June 🧘‍♀️💗

What personal promises, goals, intentions are you making to your future self this month?

Whatever it is remove all doubt, step into this new month with authenticity, passion and intention, stop worrying about how it’s going to happen, just start BELIEVING it will!

What if it all worked out?

What if I thought of the best case scenario?

What if I can do this?

What if it’s not just a dream?

What if I can have it too?

Don’t believe everything your mind tells you, its working on old programming. Believe in what you tell yourself!


It’s never too late to start again, to become the best version of you and live the life you want. Just start, small steps, you can have it all, at any age, at any time, in any moment. Just flip that mindset switch 👇


In the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have and the decisions we took too long to make.

There is never going to be a “perfect time”, go for it, live now, grab this new month with everything you’ve got and go for what you want.

Sending you an abundance of blessings, love & light 💗


Happy New Moon 🧘‍♀️⚡️💗

New blog post uploaded, website link in bio and in story ✨

“How to let go of the old version of you, and fully embrace the new "authentic" version of you”

Hope you are all having a fabulous Monday, wishing you all an awesome week 💫


Raising and maintaining your vibration is key to manifesting the life you want ⚡️💗

Our energy never shuts off we are always manifesting, good or bad. The switch is always ON.

The external world isn’t choosing your reality, your internal world is.

Self-mastery will equal consistent manifestation because you have mastered your output.

Energy flows where energy goes.

It’s easy to over complicate the process, the mind wants you to believe there must be more to it and that it’s difficult to manifest.

Keep it simple.

- Remove the energy blocks (you want to come from a place of creation and high vibration, not from trauma or old programming)

- Get yourself into a clear, high vibrational state. (You will counter manifest if you are coming from a low vibration)

- Set your intention (what it is you want)

- Feel the emotions of your intention as it exists now.

- Let it go, get on with your life, assume it’s done. (If you keep thinking about it, the mind will create resistance, doubt)

Very soon you will start to see signs, take action, follow the opportunities that present themselves that are in line with your intention.


🧘‍♀️You are your greatest investment ✨⚡️💗

It always did and always will, start with you first. The change needs to come from within, to see it without. That’s the universal law. As within, so without. Keep it that simple. Train your mind like you would your body, it requires the same focus, attention and dedication.

✨”You will be amazed at what you attract, once you fully believe in what you deserve.”✨

🌸 Commit to you, stay consistent, become the best version of you 💗


✨Thoughts Manifest. It’s that simple⚡️💗

Good or bad you are calling in what your thoughts are focusing on.

Get back in the driving seat of your life. In any moment of your life you hold the power to change direction.

You are not your mind, it’s one physical part of you. You and your mind are not one. You have the power to control it’s direction and it’s control over you.

Most of the time our minds are thriving in ego, with no awareness of our true selfs. We are stuck on autopilot, believing everything it’s telling us. Tell it a new story, the one where you are worthy, the one where you can have and be what you want.

The past has no place in your future, the beliefs you’ve picked up from your experiences have no place in your future. If you keep bringing the past into your present, you will keep getting the same results.

Focus on the new version of you, focus on the present, focus on gratitude for what you have now, focus on becoming the best version of you, what does your future self look like? Act like? Feel like?

Reprogram your mind, it’s obedient and will believe what you tell it. Tell yourself you deserve and are worthy of the life you want, let go of the old version of yourself, that version can’t go to your new life 💗


Time to switch on your manifesting mojo 🌕🪄💃✍️💗

We have the New Moon this Saturday the 30th April, the first new moon solar eclipse of the year…..and it’s bringing along with it some super charged manifesting energy ⚡️🤍

A new moon is all about new energy! It’s your opportunity to rewrite your story.

New moon, new you ✨💫💗

Time to make yourself a priority, have a little me time and have some fun with a moon ritual.

New moon ritual

🌸 Take a long relaxing bath, listen to some music, pamper yourself (you want to be in a relaxed, peaceful state)

🌸 Find a space you feel comfortable in

🌸 Cleanse the space (the most common tools are sage and/or Palo Santo), if you don’t have these, you can simply speak your intention for the space to be clear of all old and negative energy).

🌸 Close your eyes, take a few deep breathes, listen to only your breath, this will help clear your mind and centre yourself.

🌸 Time to write, draw, get creative!! Grab something you can write on or use your moon journal we have emailed you. If you don’t have one of our journals and want one, subscribe to our website, you will receive it the day before the moon phase. Link in bio to subscribe. It’s all free.

🌸 When writing, focus on what you want to bring into your life, start the sentence with ‘thank you for………’ or ‘I am so grateful for…….’, write it as if you have it now, thanking in advance for what you want magnetises your desires.

🌸 It’s really important to put visualisation and feeling into your ritual.

Do this for as long as you want, then let it go! You’ve set your intention, now let the universe work it’s magic.

✨Believe it is done.✨

👉 Also if you have crystals, put them outside to cleanse overnight, it gets rid of old energy and gets them ready for your new energy.

Wishing you all love and light, always! Happy manifesting xx


✨ And I’m coming for everything I deserve ⚡️✨💫🤍 Who’s with me? drop a 💗

When you are fuelled by self belief, there’s no stopping you. You know you’re awesome, you know you deserve the best of everything in life and most importantly, YOU BELIEVE IT 💗

Your pain, your disappointment, your sadness, everything you have overcome, has brought you to this moment, where you have a choice to keep playing the old story or rewrite the new one. The one you deserve, the one that’s waiting for you, and all it takes is you believing you can have it.

We will be sending out free resources to our website subscribers, ‘how to believe in yourself and get the life you want’ will be sent out shortly. We also have the new moon manifesting journal being sent out tonight.
👉 If you haven’t subscribed, head over to our website and subscribe for free, link in bio.


✨ L.I.F.E
Live. It. Fully. Everyday 💗

Overthinking feeds the mind with doubt, teach your mind to see all the reasons you CAN do, be and have what you want in this life.

Get yourself on an energy diet, starve all negative people, situations and thoughts, don’t feed them. Put them on the ‘banned list’. Feed your mind the good stuff, positive self talk and watch how amazing your life gets.

Affirm - ‘I am pure love, health and abundance. And that’s what I attract. ‘

1- Practice gratitude
2 -Appreciate the small things
3 - Forgive uourself & others
4 - Give the love you want to receive
5 - Let go of negative beliefs
6 - Believe in yourself
7 - Let go of control & trust the process

Focus on you, who you want to be, trust the process. The universe is watching and listening and will give you back what YOU put out 💗

Head over to our blog for ways to help you with your energy vibration and mindful living, website in bio.



✨ New blog post
👉 Freedom from negative thoughts (website link in bio)
Don’t forget to subscribe for free to our blog so you don’t miss out on our free resources sent via email 💗

Our minds love to convince us of what IT thinks is real, you are not your mind, you and your mind are not one.

Free yourself and change the frequency. Take away the value of the negative thoughts and they loose control over you, immerse and indulge yourself in the positive thoughts, let them gain control 🤍

Whatever you are thinking, you will believe to be right, because the mind believes only what you feed it. So tell yourself you can live the life of your dreams, tell yourself you are enough, tell yourself you have control over what you think.

Tell yourself the new story of your life, just the way you want it!


✨ I AM divinely directed and protected 💫💗

Just completely in love with this quote!

Many walk through life feeling alone, not realising the power we hold within and the spiritual team that is constantly supporting us on our journey through life.

If what you have asked for hasn’t happened or manifested into your physical reality, you must know that…..he hears conversations that you don’t know about, he sees beyond your desire and the final outcome and most importantly he knows if it’s for your best.

Affirm, repeat - I AM divinely directed and protected at all times ✨

Go with the flow, become the best version of you, what is divinely yours will always be yours. Flow, trust and keep your faith 🤍


✨It only takes one light to illuminate the darkness, don’t underestimate yourself or your power. 👉 Be you, do you, for you ⚡️🤍

Comparison really is the thief of joy! You are your only competition, you vs you yesterday.

As long as you’re growing as a person, learning, healing, making better choices and choosing you! You’re on the right path. Growth is a process, you don’t just wake up and become the butterfly 🦋

👉 Freedom comes when you don’t care what others think of you
👉 happiness is an inside job, the moment you stop caring about the external you’ve reached a new level peace and freedom.

You can control one life, yours. And I don’t mean externally, because there’s always going to be external factors you can’t control. However, you can control your internal life, which is all you need to do.

It’s really important to know that you are not defined by anyone else’s version of you. However, you are defined by the version you tell yourself you are, so make sure its a good one! It’s nots vanity, it’s sanity to love yourself, believe in yourself and back yourself.

Home | Lovebae 13/04/2022

✨Pink Full Moon Friday 16th April, Own Your Magic ⚡️💫🤍

👉 Check out our latest blog post on the upcoming pink full moon on Friday (website link in bio).

👉 If you want some help on how to manifest and what rituals help on this full moon phase, subscribe to our website and receive a free full moon journal. All free and a great guide for beginners.

Home | Lovebae 7 days ago 2 min Own Your Magic, Pink Moon April 16th, 2022 in Libra bringing your manifestations to life! Own your magic, April's Pink Full Moon on April 16th brings in super-powerful energy of seeds blooming in your life, time to blossom!

Home | Lovebae 12/04/2022

🌸✍️ Pink Full Moon Friday 16th
👉 FREE Full Moon Manifestation Journal
👉 Like Our Page
👉 Subscribe To Our Website (Free - Link In Bio)

Our Full Moon Journal

✨ A guide to help you manifest your desires
✨ To help you let go of what no longer is serving you
✨ Gratitude for what you have now
✨ Affirmation’s to improve your self talk
✨ Visualising your desires, backed by feeling to accelerate your manifestations

We are sending this journal out to subscribers before Fridays, pink full moon. So don’t forget to subscribe to our website (link in bio) and check out our blog 🤍

Home | Lovebae 6 days ago 2 min Own Your Magic, Pink Moon April 16th, 2022 in Libra bringing your manifestations to life! Own your magic, April's Pink Full Moon on April 16th brings in super-powerful energy of seeds blooming in your life, time to blossom!


💕 You Make Life More Beautiful 💕

Happy Sunday everyone, we thought a little appreciation and gratitude for someone who brightens up your life was a great way to start the day and make someone else’s day too!

Or maybe you just want to show appreciation for your self and your journey so far, if so drop a heart ❤️

Have a wonderful day 🥰


✨ Rise & Shine 💫 ⚡️💗
Just be you, rock it & own it ✨

Like attracts like, energy is the currency of the universe….know what you deserve, align your energy with it.

👉 DO, BE, FEEL, EMBODY…your self worth! You will be amazed how your standards rise and your desires flow in 💫⚡️💗

Remember, the universe is always listening, make sure your words are aligned with your desires 💗


✨ Be You, Do You, For You 💫⚡️💗
👉Know your worth and own your authenticity, you’re beautiful just the way your are!

Tips on how to increase your self-worth:

- Remove your self from toxic people and situations, energy vampires do just that….suck the life out of you. Detach and claim your energy back.
- Daily gratitude for what you have now
- Daily affirmations, only speak positively about yourself.
* I am amazing
* Today is going to be a great day
* I can do anything
* I know my worth and I am alighted with my desires
* I attract only positive people and situations
* I am succeeding in life, everything I want is on its way to me
- Quiet your mind to stop the chaos of your thoughts, breathe and try medicate for a few minutes every day.
- Try and stay in the present moment
- Do things that make you happy



✨⚡️Happy New Moon⚡️✨

👉 Looking for help manifesting your desires?
👉 Want to become the best version of yourself?
👉 Need support on your journey?

🌸🕊⚡️👉 Follow Us - We have some excellent FREE manifesting tools coming for you soon, so for those of you that are interested in manifesting your desires into your physical life, follow us and be the first to know ⚡️🤍


✨ Go for it, if not now….when! ⚡️🕊🌸

👉 There are no coincidences, if this post found you, it’s your confirmation that whatever you’re contemplating and think you can’t do….YOU CAN!

👉 The new moon on Friday in Aries, is calling you to be strong and fearless about what you want ⚡️✍️🤍

The New Moon symbolises a new cycle; an energy of new beginnings where you plant seeds and ask for what you want. It’s an opportunity to really think about what you want to bring into your life. A fantastic, energetic time to set intentions and create abundant possibilities.

Aries is determined and confident and that’s what the energy of Fridays new moon is all about. Do you know what you want to bring into your life? Drop any resistance such as thoughts like ‘I can’t’ and just go for it!

Grab yourself a pen and paper and write/draw what you want to bring into your life. Maybe it’s a new job? build a business? move house? a partner? Whatever it is, get clear, write it down as if you have it now! (Thank you for bringing …… into my life). What would it feel like if you had it? Really feel it. How would you act if you had it? Close your eyes and visualise what it would look like, feel like, smell like, you really need to feel like you have it now, in order for it to manifest in your physical world ⚡️💗

With the new moon being in Aries, you are backed by all that confidence and determination…..just believe you deserve it and go for it!


⚡️👉 When you’re aligned with who you truly are, you become a magnet for your desires ✨⚡️🤍

We can spend our days dreaming of change, forgetting that we hold the key to the change we want. You just have to decide you want to change and take action.

Levelling up mentally, physically and spiritually, not only clears your old energy, making way for new energy to enter, you will also feel free and fabulous!

A few simple of tips:

- Work on clearing whats holding you back, self evaluate, what’s happened in the past that needs healing.
- Release yourself from peoples opinions of you.
- Practice gratitude daily, when you wake and before you go to bed, takes minutes but will transform your life. 5-10 things you are grateful for each time is enough.
- Practice using affirmations daily, only speak positively about yourself. ‘I am beautiful inside and out’, ‘Today is going to be a great day’, ‘I am enough’, ‘I am loved’ etc.

- Get active, walk, run, swim, yoga, do something that gets your heart beating. Get those endorphins flowing, an instant boost to ‘feel good’.
- Drink more water, flush out some toxins.
- Eat clean, cut back on junk the food.and sugar.
- Take care of yourself, put some time aside for a skin care routine and pamper sessions.

- Meditate, this is a great way to connect to your higher self, all your answers reside here.
- Learn to be present, in the moment rather than thinking of the past or the future.
- Listen to your intuition, it won’t fail you. You just need to listen to yourself in the silence of the present moment.
- Be aware of what you want and if your energy is aligned with it.
- Try using technology less and connecting to yourself more.
- Spend time in nature, while in nature practice gratitude for yourself and your life.

👉 Focus on you ⚡️🤍🕊🌸


🌸 Once you finally give 👉’Yourself’ the validation you’ve been craving, you will no longer seek it from the outside world ✨🤍🕊🌸

It’s time you gave yourself the love and self worth you expect from others, there’s a reason ‘Self-love’, ‘Self-worth’, ‘Self-respect’ all start with ‘SELF’ because it all comes from within, you hold the key to your happiness.

Turn your focus ‘within’ look at how amazing you actually are! Everything you have gone through, good and bad has been for a reason, it’s made you who you are today and you got through it all, stronger and more ready for life! Congratulate yourself on how far you have come, everything you have let go of, all that healing you have done, everything you have achieved and everything you are becoming ⚡️🤍


🌸 👉⚡️Energy Is The Currency Of The Universe. What are you ‘Paying’ attention to?⚡️🤍

Sounds easy right? In theory it’s is, however with our hectic lifestyles our minds are thinking around 2500-3300 thoughts an hour….around 60,000-80,000 a day.

So sometimes the energy we think we are attracting we are not, because our minds like to digress on past rumination or future thinking, which isn’t always positive. You must be present in order to evaluate your ‘now’ energy.

In terms of ‘paying’ through your energy, that goes both ways, you are either thinking positively which is manifesting positive situations or you are thinking negatively which will magnify more things to be negative about. Paying attention to your energy determines your tomorrow, so what are you paying attention to?

Take a moment to pause, be mindful of the thoughts running around in your head and ask yourself ‘how do I feel’, ‘what am I actually focusing on’. When we do this we pause the auto pilot of our minds and give ourselves a chance to refocus our energy on what we want and not what we don’t 🕊🤍


🌸✨ Your Value Is Not Determined By Others ✨🌸

Wanting outside validation from others as your source of nourishment, will have you feeling constantly unworthy.

Your worth is based only on how you feel about yourself, if you’re feeling like you are not worthy and others are effecting your energy in a negative way, it’s time to retreat and regroup.

- Affirm that you do not need validation from anyone else but yourself
- Meditate and listen to your own guidance
- Love yourself, literally speak to yourself with positive affirmations. (I am receiving all the answers I need, I am worthy of living my best life, I am connected to source and constantly guided in the right direction, I free myself from others opinions of me, I am all I need)
- Ask yourself why you need their validation, where is it coming from, self evaluate. Is it coming from your heart or your ego.
- At any point know that you can see yourself exactly how you want to be
- Take some time out from the situations and energy that you feel have you searching for validation
- Be your own biggest fan

👉 All the answers you need are within yourself, find some time to be still. When you hit pause you allow your higher self to come through. That’s where all your answers are.


✨🕊BE YOU 🌸

Working on YOU, should be your number one priority. You receive what you are. You want love, be love, radiate love, only speak positively about love and above all else LOVE YOURSELF. When you genuinely love yourself, you are attracting that same love to you, you become magnetic.


Time to Spring Clean your life 🌸✍️🕊

The full moon on Friday 18th March is asking you to let go of the old and make way for the new…..🤍

So what needs spring cleaning in your life? Old energies? Old beliefs? Old pain? Time to let it go!

👉”build it and they will come“, meaning out with the old energies and elevate to a new energy, where you’re aligned with what you desire 🤍


🌸🕊As your self worth increases, so do your standards ⚡️🤍


Tips to increase self worth:

- Practice gratitude daily
- Be aware of your self talk, keep it positive
- Use positive affirmations
- Affirm your worth (I deserve ………)
- Get some physical exercise
- Eat cleaner
- Do something good for someone else
- Achieve something on your to do list
- Be ok with saying no
- Take time for you
- Distance from people that don’t match your energy or bring you down


Happy International Womens Day 💪✨💗🌸🕊