Sedgwick Racing

Sedgwick Racing

Facebook home to the racing career of Leigh-Anne Sedgwick. 5 Nations Rallycross, BTRDA Rallycross

Photos from Sedgwick Racing's post 19/11/2023


Apologies for the delay in an update the last few weeks have been a bit wild!

We did it!!! Entering the final round of the 5 Nations Rallycross Championship in 2nd position in the points chart, I genuinely did not expect to stay there!

We had agreed as a team that 3rd would be more than enough for us! After the the last two years we've had battling illnesses, being in and out of hospital countless times, 2 surgeries later. We all expected nothing from this season, being our first one back.

At the start of each season me and dad ask each other what we expect from the season ahead. Dad said 'I just want you to enjoy it again'. I said all I wanted was a trophy in any final I made it to 1st, 2nd or 3rd I just wanted one!

Well it may have taken all year with car troubles, bad luck and some more health struggles mid season but we did it!! Come the last round at Lydden Hill I had a trophy in my hand and a smile on my face.

I started the final in 5th and managed to work my way up into a solid 3rd place across the line and 3rd in the championship, we were absolutely over the moon, there were smiles and tears all round at the Sedgwick Racing camp.

It wasn't until a good few minutes after the race that I was told the driver who placed second in the final had received a 10 second penalty and I had infact been promoted to 2nd in the final and also 2nd in the championship. Obviously this isn't exactly the way we wanted to gain a position, we would rather have done it on track. But after a season of bad luck we finally had a little luck come our way in the final. Meaning we ended up 2nd in the final and 2nd in the championship!!!!

This is genuinely not something we thought would have ever been possible at the start of the year. There were even bigger smiles and even more tears when we realised i was infact 2nd. I rang mum that hysterical she thought I had crashed!

2023 has been one of the most testing seasons we've done for alm sorts of reasosns. But whatever the challenge we have faced it and fought it and it may have taken all year but I finally got that trophy!!!

A huge huge thanks for every one involved, our sponsors
River Pod Houseboats
Price Motors
The Man of Kent
KVL Wimdscreens
Hilden Enterprises

Also a big thanks to the whole field of mini drivers and their teams, at some point or another you have all helped me out with various different things.

And of course dad, for always having faith in me even when I don't.

Photo credit Kev hutch and Callum house

Photos from Sedgwick Racing's post 04/11/2023

Well it's a wet one for the final time this year at Lydden Hill.

It's the final round of the 5 Nations Rallycross Championship and its all to play for!

If you had told me at the start of the year I'd be going into the final round 2nd in the championship I would never had believed you. After having 18 months out unwell we had no expectations when we came back this season.

Top top three are all very close on points, so who knows what's going to happen come the final tomorrow.

But for now we've a very wet and windy days racing ahead of us.


We were at Lydden Hill yesterday for the BTRDA Clubmans Rallycross Championship.

What started out as a great day with two 2nds and 5th in the heats with the car running faultlessly, wasn't meant to be in the final once again. Where we were suddenly and unexplainedly down on power for some reason.

So far this year every final we've started hasn't ended the way it should for us. However we'll keep going eventually it will all come right.

Three weeks and we will be back in Wales for the 5 Nations Rallycross Championship.

Photos from Sedgwick Racing's post 13/04/2023

Well that was a soggy one!!!

We were at Lydden Hill over Easter weekend racing on the Saturday and Monday. The Saturday was a lovely day with some good racing we managed to qualify 6th for the final and finish 5th. Which we were very pleased about.

On the Monday the heavens opened which made for some incredibly difficult conditions. However we did manage to win one our heats over the line and 3rd overall which was a great confidence boost. A racing incident resulted in some bent steering we managed to fix in time for the finals. Where we manged to qualify 6th again and after a really close fought battle on the last lap whilst I was in 3rd place resulted in damaged to the car meaning I had to nurse it home. We still took 5th place in the final. Which again at this stage we are more thN happy with the fact I was even close enough to challenge for a podium is a really shock.

A few repairs are needed this week and a good wash! And we'll be ready for rounds 2 and 3 of the BTRDA Rallycross Championship at Pembrey in Wales.

Photos courtesy of Callum House.

Photos from Sedgwick Racing's post 30/03/2023

Now the dust has settled and we've had time think about our first full race weekend in almost 2 years.

No trophies were won, but we didn't expect any. We made it into the A final in p6 and managed to cross the line in 5th. Which we were more than happy about.

A lot of school girl errors were made thru out the day, so much so that we made the decision to book in for Lydden Hill in the BMW minis on Easter weekend. In the hope a bit more seat time Will help iron out those silly mistakes.

It was so good to finally be back out properly. Here are a few snaps form the weekend captured by Kev Hutch.


Well we've made it! Back at it for the first full season of racing in 2 years. Its been a long journey to get back here, but we've made it.

The car has a fresh new look for the occasion.

At this stage we're not looking to gain any real results. It's all about getting back out in the seat and enjoying it.

Roll on tomorrow!


Got fed up of borrowing a car so brought my own, couple of jobs later and she's ready for a night out at Ipswich tonight.

Photos from Sedgwick Racing's post 07/11/2022

What glorious weather we had for my return to rallycross! It was that bad competition was cancelled on Sunday due to the worsening conditions.

Our day didn't exactly go to plan in the mini. We went out with the much faster super national cars. A brilliant start in race one put me half way up the pack in race one but unfortunately as we entered turn 1 the water came up visibility was reduced to almost none and a racing incident put end to my race with a damaged wheel and power steering.

Race two I actually managed to finish I believe in 6th across the line unsure of where I placed overall. Showing som good pace on the new gravel section but losing time on the tarmac sections.

Race 3 was in the dark and worsening conditions with rivers appearing on track. We started well, but unfortunately ruts had developed on the loose catching me out. Resulting in a flat tire.

We still had fun despite the rain and it was so nice to see so many people as excited as me to see me back on track. Roll on next year where we can make a full attack on a championship.


Well it's been a while since my name has been on a rallycross entry list!

We finally managed to regain my race license after a hell of a lot of faffing and messing about. But we got there in the end! It's been a long and bumpy road to get where we are today, but I'm so glad we've made it.

There's been an awful lot of people that have helped us reach this stage, whether it was helping me thru illness or recovery, helping with the car, or just being on my side when the odds were stacked against me. I'm truly grateful to have such wonderful people in my life.

We aren't expecting any results this weekend the only plan is to get back out there and enjoy ourselves.

Look forward to seeing you all there!

Photos from Sedgwick Racing's post 25/08/2022

Can you believe it! For the second time in less than a week we will be back out at Arlington Stadium in a rookie rod!!!! The little 1.2 engine might be a wee bit slower than we're used to in the mini, but we're looking forward to it all the same! Just glad to be there.

Once again a huge huge thank you to our friend David, who has either kindly or stupidly allowed me the use of his car for a while. Not sure he's seen my driving!


Well.... its been a while since our name was on a banger list. Car was only built today, finished 5 minutes ago but let's go have some fun!!!


Watch this space for some exciting news tomorrow!

Photos from Sedgwick Racing's post 14/05/2022

IF... and only IF I'm able to race later in the summer. Which would you prefer to see out?!

If the doctors agree I'm well enough to drive later this year at the end of summer maybe, which Mini would you most like to see out?

The BMW Mini or the SuperMod Turbocharged Mini?

I cant decide!


With the new season upon us and starting in a matter of days, we feel now is the time to explain why we've been so quiet on updates regarding the 2022 season. Unfortunately it's not not the new we were hoping to share with you all.

Unfortunately we missed the end of last season and just before Christmas I was in hospital for around two months and became really quite unwell. The details of which I dont wish to announce over Facebook, however if you've got a spare five minutes to sit and chat I'll bore with with those details personally and hope that you see why I've had to make this decision.

It is because of this and the long road to recovery that I'm currently taking, that it is with a heavy heart that I tell you that at this point in time, we have no plans to compete at any stage of the 2022 season in any class. As a team we all put a lot of effort in to competing and keeping the cars on the pace, it has been a huge blow to all involved. But at this stage all my focus is on getting well enough to compete again and the rest of the team are still busy tinkering with the cars, to get them all ready to race again hopefully at some point soon but right now it is impossible to say when.

I will keep you all posted with any news or progress we make, especially when it comes to new cars.

But for now here's our little Rocky trying to help... because why not.

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