Things Unseen Podcast

Things Unseen Podcast

For people of faith, and those who just feel that there's more to life than meets the eye.

If you have a sense that there's more to life than the material world, Things Unseen is for you - whether or not you have a faith or belong to a religious community. We launched in October 2013 - "like" our page to keep us with our news and details of new podcasts! Our cover photo is A Young Beauty, courtesy of Blue Skyz Studios 8558546322_7ffceaf6d2_o via flickr.

The Documentary - Greening The Hajj - BBC Sounds 11/06/2024

Now on BBC Sounds and wherever you find your BBC podcasts: what can Muslims do to reduce the enormous carbon footprint of the Hajj? And can they succeed in the face of ambitious Saudi plans to increase the annual number of pilgrims for the Hajj and Umrah to 30 million by 2030? A CTVC production by Alex Strangwayes-Booth with research by Saba Zaman. Presented by Zubeida Malik.

The Documentary - Greening The Hajj - BBC Sounds What can Muslims do to reduce the enormous carbon footprint of the pilgrimage to Mecca?

Faithtime: Swarzy - Things Unseen 21/05/2024

Now online, our new FaithTime podcast featuring Swarzy Macaly, BBC Radio 1Xtra presenter, voice of BBC Sounds, Black rights campaigner, powerhouse and Christian. In lively conversation with Liz Adekunle, she opens up chapters of her life - including how she found Christ in the middle of a shoplifting incident at the age of 14, and her recent marriage. A CTVC production.

Faithtime: Swarzy - Things Unseen In this FaithTime episode, Liz Adekunle meets Swarzy Macaly, BBC Radio 1Xtra presenter and campaigner for causes ranging from sustainability to the fight against racism. Swarzy opens upabout how she found Jesus in the middle of a shoplifting incident, her search for belonging, and how her Christian....

Passover: When your enemy falls - Things Unseen 15/04/2024

Now online, how do Jews in Britain approach Passover this year against the backdrop of the Gaza/Israel conflict? And how can you have compassion for an enemy in so vicious a conflict? Hear Orthodox Rabbi Dov Cowan in conversation with Muslim broadcaster Amir Suleman. A CTVC production.

Passover: When your enemy falls - Things Unseen What does Passover mean to Jews this year, under the shadow of the conflict in Gaza?

Pontius Pilate: A man like us - Things Unseen 26/03/2024

Now online, our podcast for Holy Week and Easter, focusing on Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who sent Jesus to the cross, even though he knew him to be innocent. Was he evil, a moral coward, or quite simply weak? And are we all in danger of having Pontius Pilate moments when we make similarly bad choices? Discussing Pilate and his motivations are writer and priest George Pitcher; Christian author and musician Chibundu Onuzo; and former homicide detective turned evangelist Paul Gask. With Liz Adekunle.

Pontius Pilate: A man like us - Things Unseen Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who sent Jesus to be crucified, is often seen as the villain of the story. But was he downright evil, or merely weak? In this Good Friday and Easter edition of Things Unseen, the Ven Liz Adekunle hears from a priest, a Christian author and a former homicide detecti...

BBC World Service - Witness History, Silenced by the Vatican 29/01/2024

Now online, the story of Leonardo Boff, Brazilian theologian and founder father of Liberation Theology, which holds that you can only be a true follower of Christ if you make common cause with the poor. To the Vatican, this was anathema, as it seemed far too close to Communism. Hear the dramatic story of what happened next. Produced by Mike Lanchin for CTVC Ltd.

BBC World Service - Witness History, Silenced by the Vatican How Brazilian priest Leonardo Boff was punished for his writing on liberation theology

BBC World Service - Heart and Soul, Russia’s Africa crusade 29/01/2024

Now online from the CTVC Radio team: How Russia is using the soft power of the Russian Orthodox church to gain more of a foothold in Africa. An astonishing story, expertly unpacked by Lucy Ash and produced by Mike Lanchin. Definitely worth a listen.

BBC World Service - Heart and Soul, Russia’s Africa crusade How Moscow is using divisions within Orthodox Christianity to extend its power in Africa

Deeper into One Life - Things Unseen 02/01/2024

One Life, the new film starring Anthony Hopkins as Nicholas Winton - the man who rescued 669 Jewish children from the Holocaust - has now started at UK cinemas. What does it take to do good in the way Winton did, rather than just remaining a well-meaning bystander? In our new podcast, two people who knew Nicholas Winton discuss: Rabbi Jonathan Romain and Lord Alf Dubs, who was himself a Kindertransport child rescued from Prague. A CTVC production. Chaired by Rosie Dawson.

Deeper into One Life - Things Unseen In the film One Life, Anthony Hopkins plays Nicholas Winton, who rescued over 600 Jewish children from Nazi-occupied Prague. For this podcast, Rosie Dawson welcomes two people who knew Nicholas Winton personally: Rabbi Jonathan Romain from Maidenhead synagogue in Berkshire, and Lord Alf Dubs, who wa...

BBC World Service - Heart and Soul, The Right Thing: Follow God, not the people 04/12/2023

Now online from the CTVC Radio team, the story of an exceptionally courageous man who puts his life on the line to stand up for what he believes in.

BBC World Service - Heart and Soul, The Right Thing: Follow God, not the people Frank Mugisha, Uganda’s best-known LGBTQ+ activist, on faith, fear and personal freedom

BBC World Service - Heart and Soul, The Right Thing: Wolves in sheep's clothing 25/11/2023

Now online from the Things Unseen team: the gripping story of Kenyan nurse Margaret Ruto, who turned detective in order to bring a US missionary to justice after he abused children in his care. Produced by Rosie Dawson. A CTVC production.

BBC World Service - Heart and Soul, The Right Thing: Wolves in sheep's clothing How nurse Margaret Ruto's determination brought justice for Kenyan child abuse victims


Now online: TV judges and vocal coaches Carrie and David Grant
in a heart to heart with Liz Adekunle, chaplain to HM the King, on family, their Christian faith and how they've come through the most difficult times in their lives.

BBC World Service - The Documentary, Bangladesh's clothing conundrum 12/07/2023

Now online: Since the Rana Plaza disaster ten years ago, which cost the lives of over 1100 workers, Bangladesh has made the production of ready-made clothes safer and more environmentally sustainable. Yet garments Made in Bangladesh remain highly affordable. Fashion media producer and charity advocate Sheemtana Shameem asks who’s paying the price.

BBC World Service - The Documentary, Bangladesh's clothing conundrum Can clothes be sustainably produced and still remain affordable?

BBC World Service - Witness History, Guatemala's outspoken bishop 28/04/2023

25 years ago, Bishop Juan Gerardi presented the conclusions of a major investigation into human rights abuses in Guatemala. Just two days later, he was bludgeoned to death. This is his story. With
Mike Lanchin from our CTVC Radio team.

BBC World Service - Witness History, Guatemala's outspoken bishop Human rights campaigner Bishop Juan Gerardi was bludgeoned to death on 26 April 1998


Easter for many means extra days off work, family time and chocolate eggs. Yet Easter addresses fundamental human issues, such as grief and hope. In our new podcast, Fr Christopher Jamison, Abbot President of the English Benedictine Congregation, and writer and Cambridge academic Bonnie Lander Johnson


The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was 40 years old when he began to receive the revelation of the Quran. So is 40 the age where we reach full spiritual maturity - and what does the Prophet's example tell modern-day Muslims? Remona Aly explores the subject in our Ramadan podcast, with guests Muneera Pilgrim, Ali Amla and Abu Shama. Enjoy!

BBC World Service - Witness History, Mexico's first female presidential hopeful 08/03/2023

Our contribution to International Women's Day, the story of the first woman to run for president in Mexico, with a platform that was at once very political and strongly and painfully personal. Produced and presented by Mike Lanchin through CTVC Ltd.

BBC World Service - Witness History, Mexico's first female presidential hopeful In 1982, Rosario Ibarra became the first woman to stand for president in Mexico


Now online, the spirit of kintsugi - the Japanese art of mending broken bowls with lacquer and gold which has become a symbol of how human brokenness can lead to a new sense of healing and wholeness. Listen here: Photo credit: Teabowl by unknown potter with repair by Natsuyo Watanabe. Photo by Private collection.

BBC World Service - Heart and Soul, The Right Thing: Opposing sexual violence as a weapon of war 01/02/2023

As Pope Francis calls for an end to violence in DR Congo, hear the story of one man who contantly risks his life to help the victims of that violence: Dr Denis Mukwege, surgeon, Christian and Nobel Peace Prize winner. Listen here:

BBC World Service - Heart and Soul, The Right Thing: Opposing sexual violence as a weapon of war Denis Mukwege, the doctor and Christian who saves women injured by sexual violence

BBC World Service - Heart and Soul, The Right Thing: Opposing sexual violence as a weapon of war 30/01/2023

Now online: the almost unbearably powerful story of Dr Denis Mukwege, surgeon, Nobel Peace Prize winner and Christian, who treats women brutally r***d and injured in war - despite putting himself in serious danger by doing so. From the CTVC Radio team.

BBC World Service - Heart and Soul, The Right Thing: Opposing sexual violence as a weapon of war Denis Mukwege, the doctor and Christian who saves women injured by sexual violence


On Holocaust Memorial Day, another opportunity to hear our most popular podcast ever: about Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist and Auschwitz survivor who argued that even in the most painful and dehumanizing circumstances, life has potential meaning.

BBC World Service - The Documentary, Kids who care 04/01/2023

At the age of 12, singer Oritsé Williams became a carer for his mother, who was suffering from multiple sclerosis. More than 20 years on, he meets the next generation of young carers, in the UK and elsewhere. Our documentary giving these hidden young people a voice is now available online.

BBC World Service - The Documentary, Kids who care Oritsé Williams hears from children who are unpaid carers for family members


Great to see that our forthcoming documentary about young carers, Kids Who Care, has been given special prominence in the Radio Times. Do listen in on 3rd January if you have the chance.

Things Unseen - Thought-provoking podcasts for people of faith and those who feel that there's more to life than meets the eye 20/12/2022

What draws Hindus or Buddhists, even Muslims and Jews, to sing in church choirs, including for carol services and at Christmas? Do they have any qualms about singing words that express specifically Christian ideas, or do they feel inspired by the words, ideas and tunes of Christmas carols? Hear our brand-new festive podcast to find out.

Things Unseen - Thought-provoking podcasts for people of faith and those who feel that there's more to life than meets the eye Thought-provoking podcasts for people of faith and those who feel that there's more to life than meets the eye

BBC Radio 4 - Bells That Still Can Ring 12/12/2022

Now online from the CTVC Radio team: the stories of some of Britain's most iconic bells, including Great Paul at St Paul's Cathedral, which weighs in at nearly 17 tons; and the bell used by the rock band, AC/DC, in Hells Bells. A beautiful and at times very funny listen. Enjoy!

BBC Radio 4 - Bells That Still Can Ring The stories of some of Britain’s most iconic bells – and how they were cast and tuned.

BBC World Service - Heart and Soul, Green Islam 30/08/2022

Now online: how green is Islam? Zubeida Malik explores Islam's environmental credentials and meets Muslims who are finding new ways of looking after the planet in accordance with Qur'anic injunctions. Produced by the award-winning Things Unseen Podcast team.

BBC World Service - Heart and Soul, Green Islam How Muslims are trying to heed the call in the Qur’an to be better guardians of nature


We didn't dream that we would win at the Sandford St Martin Awards this year, but here it is - with a special round of applause for Rosie Dawson and Paul Arnold, without whom it would not have happened! And of course the exceptional Rahima Mahmut, who tells her story in the winning podcast. The audio is here:

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A Long Walk Towards Wellness
I wish I'd done more...